True Confessions of the Real World True Confessions of the Real World

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Category: Audio
Starting in 2001, Peter Bergman wrote a thrice-weekly radio commentary for KPCC and other public radio stations. 15 of his sardonic observations on the news, and interviews with prominent (albeit imaginary) newsmakers, have been collected on the True Confessions of the Real World CD. "I have access to a lot of important people," Bergman notes, "like GOP marketing consultant Bleach Lincoln, super agent to the stars Buddy DeMorte, and Dr. Presley Coil, with the federal Department of Approximate Rocket Science. On the show they share their expertise on everything from Star Wars to Enron to the war on terror."

  1. The Enron POV (3:04)
  2. Saving the Money Tree (3:16)
  3. The Russians are Coming (3:01)
  4. The Windmills! The Windmills! (2:46)
  5. Hollywood Goes to War (2:44)
  6. Only Gigabit Parts (2:35)
  7. She's Ironing (2:36)
  8. Bio-Wear (2:50)
  9. Uncle Ben Feeds You (3:11)
10. Scan my Sneakers (2:52)
11. Fools with the Tools (2:26)
12. Start my Heart (2:38)
13. Who Was That Masked Movie? (2:51)
14. Two-fers (3:00)
15. A Tale of Two Santas (2:56)
16. Put That In Your Pipe (2:47)
17. Johnny Skookull 1 (2:49)
18. Johnny Skookull 2 (2:35)
19. Johnny Skookull 3 (3:15)

(blue indicates Flash animation of track)

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