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From Firehead Phil Fountain:

   Hi Friends, Tom Gedwillo and I just launched an online "magazine"
   version of "It's Just This Little Chromium Switch Here", a
   "webzine" devoted to the legendary comedy troupe, The Firesign
   Theatre. The first issue is available for free download as a
   special "tease" in hopes of getting all you Seekers out there
   (we hear you never give one an even break) to purchase a yearly
   subscription (just $20 for 4 or 5 issues).

   The premiere issue features an exclusive interview with the one
   and only Philip Proctor! We also cornered renowned artist William
   (In The Next World You're On Your Own) Stout and coerced him into
   telling us all about his time working with The Firesign Theatre.
   Plus, there's news and notes, a profile on Peter Bergman and his
   solo shows, an original David Ossman collage poem, Letters to the
   Editor, a Philbert's Phiresign Phunnies and a lot more! It's
   24-pages of Firesign-centric fun! Check it out! And buy a
   subscription (order info on page 24)

Also, don't forget the upcoming shows at Whidbey Island near
Seattle coming up January 8 & 9:

Corn! Now we can make torillas!
  -- Firesign Theatre