The End Of An Era... And The Beginning Of Another!

After over 20 years of service, the original co-webmasters of are handing the site reins over to Phil Proctor's daughter Kristin Campbell, and official Firesign archivist & shipping monkey Taylor Jessen.

It has been a pressure and a plivilege serving Firesign fans over these many moons.

That said, we think you'll find that Kristin and Taylor will be doing a much better job than we have in keeping up with day-to-day site maintenance and updates.

You'll also find that they've done a bang-up job on the site redesign, and unlike pages on the old site, the new site will look great on any platform - desktop/laptop browsers, tablets and smartphones.

If you point your browser to, your browser will take you to the new site. If you point your browser to, your browser will also take you to the new site.

Please note however, that the original site will still be available here at

The original Firesale Store has been decommissioned, and replaced with a new version of the store called Firesale Shop. You can buy Firesign merch at this new location: (As of 5/17/2022, there is still work to be done before it can start taking orders, so be patient as the new team finishes hooking things up under the covers.)

The new site does not accommodate the weekly Firesign Chat session (Thursdays at 9pm Eastern Time), but we've kept the chat client in place on the new site at

Thanks for the insurrection, and please don't touch that dial.