A Firesign Chat


||||||||| Catherwood re-enters the Waiting Room and explains "This is the main discussion room which is logged each night."
||||||||| Catherwood announces, "The time is 4:33 AM - I now declare Thursday's chat log for July 20, 2017 officially open!"... and then, he retires back to the vestibule...
||||||||| 7:17 PM: DJTweeny jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past year and a half!"
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 8 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| New notice: '** There will be a Firesign Theatre/US Plus Stimulcast starting at 9pmET this evening. Warm-up music begins around 8:40pmET **
You can join the streams now (NO AUDIO YET - just a chance for everybody to get connected)
128k at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or at 16k for dial-up users at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
(streaming server graciously provided by Radio Free Dishnuts - www.dishnuts.net)
||||||||| Rufus_T_Firetween steals in around 8:34 PM, trying to avoid Catherwood because of last night's "unpleasant incident."
||||||||| New notice: '** WE’RE GLAD YOU MADE IT!! **
Currently playing: warm up music (Return To Forever)
Listen to the stream at 128k at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u
or at 16k for dial-up users at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
(streaming server graciously provided by Radio Free Dishnuts - www.dishnuts.net)
||||||||| A time machine materializes at 8:40 PM and NancyKat sashays out, carrying a grape from ancient Greece.
Rufus_T_Firetween: Hi NancyKat
DJTweeny: look at that kitty sashay...
NancyKat: Hi, Rufus!
NancyKat: And a verry merry Birthday to DJ Tweeny! *Hands him an eyeball party hat and a cake*
NancyKat: Sashay, shantay!
DJTweeny: Thank you :-)
NancyKat: I take it tonight is tweeny's choise as to playlist?
DJTweeny: Eyeball Party Hat, I love it
||||||||| Catherwood tosses another cheese log on the fire and intones, "If you want to keep the cornstarch off your mukluks this season, buy a hoodie or a sweatshirt at the Firesign corner Cafepress store."
DJTweeny: Yep, EYKIW is my favorite
||||||||| 8:44 PM: Captain Equinox jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past half hour!"
Captain Equinox: Hiya, Kiddos!
||||||||| The TV flickers on, and Ralph Spoilsport appears: "How can you drive in two places at once when you don't have a genuine Ralph Spoilsport license plate frame? Get one for your car and one for the plate in your head!"
DJTweeny: Ahoy Captain
Captain Equinox: Hoppy Birthday!
||||||||| Catherwood stops by and announces "While you bozos sit here in the Waiting Room, why not shop at the Firesale store?"
NancyKat: Hi Cap. EQ!
Captain Equinox: Hey, NKQ
Captain Equinox: NK!
DJTweeny: Thank you Capt, it will be later ;)
NancyKat: I hope to receive EYKIW the dvd collection for My Bday. Must start dropping hints now to the BF...
DJTweeny: Indeed you must...
Captain Equinox: 1Worth every nagging penny
NancyKat: It won't be here much longer-they're cleaning it?
NancyKat: Elp I presume?
DJTweeny: This? Chick Corea and Return To Forever
Captain Equinox: I'll be lurking here in rural realities tonight - got to fire up the grill and cook stuff
DJTweeny: from their Romantic Warrior album
NancyKat: MMM...riiiibszzzzz.
DJTweeny: yum yum
Captain Equinox: Love RTF
||||||||| Ralph Spoilsport drives in through the door and says "Buy a new or used T-shirt from the Firesign Theatre Cafepress store! Hurry before this sentence ends!"
Captain Equinox: Nope - chicken
NancyKat: Just as good.
NancyKat: DJtweeny-I haven't heard this one-I have BSS i believe...much of my collection was from my mom's, stuff my uncle left and garage sale/ old record shops...the bulk came from mom tho'.
NancyKat: Funny-she had stuff she never even listened to-hence the Led Zep and ELP.
NancyKat: My Uncle left some 8tracks as well...
DJTweeny: this is from 1976
DJTweeny: Romantic Warrior - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romantic_Warrior
||||||||| With a theatrical clearing of his throat, Catherwood announces: "8:55 PM and late as usual, it's Beet, just back from Elmertown."
Beet: Howdy all!
DJTweeny: Hi Beet
Beet: Evenin' Dr Tween
Beet: This brings back some memories
NancyKat: Hi Beet!
||||||||| Catherwood tosses another cheese log on the fire and intones, "If you want to keep the cornstarch off your mukluks this season, buy a hoodie or a sweatshirt at the Firesign corner Cafepress store."
Beet: Hi Miss Nan
DJTweeny: my favorite RTF album
||||||||| New notice: '** WE’RE GLAD YOU MADE IT!! **
Listen to the stream at 128k at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u
or at 16k for dial-up users at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
(streaming server graciously provided by Radio Free Dishnuts - www.dishnuts.net)
||||||||| With a theatrical clearing of his throat, Catherwood announces: "8:59 PM and late as usual, it's rebozoette, just back from Hellmouth."
Beet: Name please.
NancyKat: Hi rebozo
||||||||| Catherwood accompanies cease inside, makes a note of the time (8:59 PM), then fades off into the distance going on about the waiting room or the sitting room or something.
Beet: hi rebo, cease
NancyKat: Hi, cease!
||||||||| Catherwood strides in with a trumpet, plays a fanfare, and proclaims "Nine PM on Thursday, July 20, 2017 - I now declare alt.comedy.firesgn-thtre's chat officially open!"
DJTweeny: Hi rebozoette, cease
Captain Equinox: *honk honk*
rebozoette: Beet Captain Equinox DJTweeny NancyKat happy birthday tweeny hi all
cease: i'm back
Beet: Oh boy! Conspiracies.
rebozoette: no lurkin in lurkville
cease: i was thinking of their various riffs on eykiw when i composed my collage
||||||||| Catherwood tiptoes into the room, and pipes up "Announcing 'EWeston', also known as 'Nancy' -- the time is 9:02 PM" -- then he slowly retires back into the Aviary...
cease: this is a good one
Beet: Any Flat Earthers out there?
DJTweeny: Hi EW
Beet: Hey, EW
rebozoette: dics are in
EWeston: Ello Tweeny Cat NancyCat rebozoette captin, an the Beet
cease: EW
cease: happy birthday tween
||||||||| Nick Danger sneaks in and whispers "Get the scuttlebutt on Box of Danger here, whatever that means..."
EWeston: No fires near you I hope Cat
rebozoette: our dj is the best
DJTweeny: Thanks folks :-)
EWeston: happy happy birfday appy appy birfday
||||||||| New notice: '** WE’RE GLAD YOU MADE IT!! **
Currently playing: Firesign’s “EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG”
128k stream at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or 16k at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
check out EYKIW at https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=eykiw-rv
cease: not in north van no. lucky us
cease: the big forrest fires are hundreds of miles away but stilll affect our breathing. i was coughing a lot on monday
cease: today we had first rain in a month
||||||||| Bebop Lobo reminds all you hep cats to listen to Firesign’s NEW 24/7 RADIO STATION Click to listen anytime!"
Beet: I always knew that.
EWeston: My sister in Ore had one about seven miles from her home.
Beet: Congrats on the rain, Cat.
cease: that's close
rebozoette: giant marshmellows
NancyKat: Hi, EW
||||||||| Babe Boomer says “We’re Live On PBS!” in the video WEIRDLY COOL Catch Firesign’s Live TV Studio Performance On DVD!
EWeston: It was contained at that point, whew
cease: what worries us here is that this is just the beginning of the wildfire season.
Beet: Are there still Sterno Bums?
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about “EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG” at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=eykiw-ln
rebozoette: good to the last drop
EWeston: Where there's mythel alcohol, there's a way. Some fine,if short lived diy out there
EWeston: There's more just coming in over the wire!
Beet: It's nice to know some traditions continue.
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Dr. Happy Harry Cox says “I was right about the comet! Check out my new DVD set EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG: THE DECLASSIFIED FIRESIGN THEATRE 1968-1975 before it’s too late!!” >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/firesale/firesale.php
||||||||| 9:11 PM: PrincipalPoop jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past hour!"
EWeston: Pooper, darling!
NancyKat: Ben Franklin and the 50 fathoms under st. louis aquarium choir...
PrincipalPoop: they invited the wire recorder, I knew that...
NancyKat: Poop!
cease: Poop man
Beet: Poop!
PrincipalPoop: smooch yum
EWeston: Assompanied by the 156th Heavy Underwater Artillary
PrincipalPoop: paddling along
NancyKat: EW-So happy to be here, they're all aglow!
Beet: From slave to Fieldmarshall.
DJTweeny: I have GOT to slow down those speedy voices sometime so I can hear what they're saying
EWeston: Hold up some film and take your picture
PrincipalPoop: I already did that. They say Paul is dead.
EWeston: Yup pretty wild buncha miners
NancyKat: EW_A Flim Flam artist, eh?
Beet: Somebody named Paul must be dead.
EWeston: Used to be flambe artist, but we had to cut back
PrincipalPoop: I would think so
PrincipalPoop: the snake is also a river, follow the snake
EWeston: I thought I turned him off
PrincipalPoop: still, you turn me on
EWeston: It's not time for a cold shower yet
EWeston: Cue organ solo
DJTweeny: Hey PrincP
||||||||| Catherwood trudges in at 9:18 PM, dragging Not Ed by one foot and asks "Can anyone vouch for this yahoo?"
PrincipalPoop: Giving me the cold shoulder?
PrincipalPoop: hi not ed and tween
DJTweeny: Hi Not Ed
Beet: Hi Not
cease: Hi Not
EWeston: I think he's really dark energy Ed
Not Ed: Hey folks
EWeston: Its never worked before...choke.
NancyKat: Hi Not Ed
cease: Why Not Ed?
||||||||| Catherwood enters with Elayne close behind, grumbles something about disrupting his 9:20 PM tree-stunting plans, and rushes off to the anteroom.
EWeston: Not Joe took off for the tree line
Elayne: Evenin all, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY KURT!!!
PrincipalPoop: Hi E
cease: Hi El
EWeston: Ms Elayne
DJTweeny: Hey E, and thanks :-)
Beet: Hey, Elayne.
||||||||| Mark Time invites you to watch and listen to Firesign’s XM Radio Performances Watch The Firesign Theatre In Action!
Elayne: Are you duplicating yourself because of your birthday? :)
||||||||| Catherwood escorts Johan Amadeus Myjets into the room, accepts an I.O.U. as a gratuity, mutters something about 9:21 PM, then departs.
Not Ed: Tweeny, cease, Beet, NancyK, EW, PPoop--and E!
EWeston: Johan...dude
Beet: Hey, JAM
Not Ed: Hi JAM
DJTweeny: Finally Elayne, I can be in two places at once...
DJTweeny: Hi Johan
EWeston: raspberry jam?
Johan Amadeus Myjets: As set. Bradshaw said, "I may be a great defective, but I'm no Nick Danger"
Elayne: When you're not anyw-- ah, I see what you did there.
Elayne: So, first off: Dex says hi, and he's not getting a new computer any time soon so y'all will have to carry on without him.
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about “EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG” at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=eykiw-ln
cease: How's your summer, El?
Beet: Those Chinese philosophers. What kidders.
rebozoette: time strime
Elayne: Lili's surgery went well but DocTech says it'll probably be a protracted recovery time, so not sure when we'lll get up to CT to see them.
Not Ed: Hey reboz
Elayne: Summer's hot, Cat. What else is new? :)
DJTweeny: wow E hard to imagine how he gets by the 'modern world' w/o a computer of some sort
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Hi E, beet Ed (not), DJT, Elayne, & all!
EWeston: Best to them
cease: Oh my.
rebozoette: all in
Elayne: And I have a poll to conduct: We've been offered free tickets to a Phish concert at Madison Square Garden this coming Sunday night. Should we go? It's in a corporate box-type lounge area.
cease: We had our first rain today in a month.
Johan Amadeus Myjets: 108 heat index here today
||||||||| Captain Equinox flies in through the transom, landing on the bearskin rug. "Attention, solstice squad! After working a 12-hour day, I like to kick back and swill some juice out of a genuine Firesign coffee mug or Bear Whiz Beer stein!"
Elayne: I know next to nothing about Phish except their audiences seem to like electing new popes.
DJTweeny: 103 actual here today
Not Ed: pretty normal here and cool
Beet: Why not go? Good musivians.
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Phish puts on a consistently great show, so I'm told. I'd say go!
cease: never heard them, as far as i know
NancyKat: Increased...PARANORMAL activity?
DJTweeny: Phish is a pretty good band, and is you can see them from a box seat, so much the better
Elayne: Thanks for the input, Beet! Anyone else?
Beet: musicians too
Elayne: Thanks Myjets!
PrincipalPoop: certainly, something to tell the attendants at the nursing home in years to come...
Not Ed: intense NK
Elayne: And Tween, thanks!
EWeston: I haven't heard anything negative about Phish. Is the venue any fun?
DJTweeny: Phish is very Grateful Dead-ish
NancyKat: Hi, JAM!
Not Ed: Stop this deception!
Elayne: Ok, even though I know nothing about the band it's OK to go? Never saw a Dead concert so I feel like I should be part of the zeitgeist.
EWeston: Make us!
Johan Amadeus Myjets: NK! How are ya?
PrincipalPoop: gesundheit
Elayne: EWeston, Madison Square Garden is certainly convenient to us...
DJTweeny: saw the Dead with the Allmans back in '73
||||||||| Captain Equinox flies in through the transom, landing on the bearskin rug. "Attention, solstice squad! After working a 12-hour day, I like to kick back and swill some juice out of a genuine Firesign coffee mug or Bear Whiz Beer stein!"
Not Ed: Clever fakes!
cease: good decision, el
PrincipalPoop: cunning stunts!
EWeston: I'd say go,m and have a good time
Beet: Not similar styles but are known for extended jams.
NancyKat: JAM-coloring etc. with the munchkin.
Elayne: Cat, I haven't made my decision yet :)
Elayne: But I will take everyone's feedback into account, thanks all!
PrincipalPoop: phish phish phish go go go
||||||||| SlugBugDoug sashays in at 9:27 PM carrying an obsidian door knocker.
||||||||| Seej steps in at 9:28 PM carrying an obsidian door knocker.
Johan Amadeus Myjets: also Phish is known for fabulous versions of the few cover tunes they do.
EWeston: vera popular with the populars. splinters rule
PrincipalPoop: slug and seej arrived arm in arm, ohhhh
DJTweeny: Hi Doug, Seej
Seej: evening all
Beet: slug,seej.
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Hiyas, Slug, Seej
cease: ive had very good experiences with new music, or old stuff i never heard when it was popuilar
cease: doug
cease: seej
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about “EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG” at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=eykiw-ln
NancyKat: Hi Slug, Hi Seej.
rebozoette: yummy funny
Elayne: Hello to seej and Slug as well!
NancyKat: Hi, E.
cease: recently
EWeston: seej seej boseejj bonandana foseej prseej
Seej: lol
Seej: hello seekers!!!
PrincipalPoop: Anybody else been to the movies in Hooker?
||||||||| The TV flickers on, and Ralph Spoilsport appears: "How can you drive in two places at once when you don't have a genuine Ralph Spoilsport license plate frame? Get one for your car and one for the plate in your head!"
EWeston: Speak up!
Seej: no, it was too hot
||||||||| Grebnesor enters at 9:30 PM as Catherwood takes their hat and goat and hurries off to the Haberdashery Barn.
Not Ed: Greb
DJTweeny: Hi Grebnesor
PrincipalPoop: same here as there
Beet: hi greb
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Greets, Greb!
PrincipalPoop: globners and then Greb
EWeston: Who was that penguin I saw Gerbnesor with
EWeston: Funny name club of America member?
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Dr. Happy Harry Cox says “I was right about the comet! Check out my new DVD set EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG: THE DECLASSIFIED FIRESIGN THEATRE 1968-1975 before it’s too late!!” >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/firesale/firesale.php
cease: Goatheart's head Soup
Beet: Did he say Curtis Lemay?
NancyKat: They are in My eggs and my L'EEGS!
Not Ed: ha cease
Elayne: Okay, another poll: I feel like this is wrong. Is this wrong? http://pushtrumpoffacliffagain.com/
PrincipalPoop: pie plates
DJTweeny: sounds uncomfortable
Not Ed: quoted Beet?
Seej: goatheart
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Funniest movie name: Teenagers Who Quit Living and Became Crazy, Mixed Up Zombies
NancyKat: Steve Buschemi and Richard Baseheart.
EWeston: Curtiss Goatheart
Not Ed: Seej hi
Not Ed: There's Slug
NancyKat: E-No-I just wish I could push Newt and jerry falwell off as well...
NancyKat: JAM_Vampire Lesbians From Sodom?
DJTweeny: Trmp is not a very popular fellow, but I think Kathy what's-her-name found out that making jokes about killing the President isn't funny :/
EWeston: He could walk into his limo instaed
Seej: can we turn Newt into a newt?
NancyKat: Teenage Vixen Vampires from outer space?
NancyKat: Seej-I fear jhe'll get beta...
Not Ed: what was that sketch a metaphor for?.
Seej: lol nancy
DJTweeny: The Austin Lounge Lizards have a funny song called Gingrich The Newt
cease: Desiring violence towards others, not a good idea
EWeston: An their ebil desires pant snort.
Beet: Cliffs deserve better than that.
DJTweeny: haha Beet
Not Ed: please let that be a real movie NancyK
Johan Amadeus Myjets: LOL beet!
PrincipalPoop: wrong? If loving you is wrong I don't wanta be right.
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about “EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG” at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=eykiw-ln
cease: firesign did a play about lbj killing rfk. i think he was killed while they were performing it.
cease: they stopped killing politicians in the bits
DJTweeny: yikes
NancyKat: Not Ed-Actually chicago stage plays from the 90's...
Not Ed: you run out of politicians I guess
Seej: whered you hear that, cease?
Not Ed: but yeah
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Cease, that'd be a bizarre dose of reality
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Check out David Ossman’s new book “MARSHMALLOWS AND DESPAIR” at www.davidossman.com
Not Ed: interesting
cease: portraits in bbq sauce. name of the book
EWeston: Trump looks likely to do his own wierd ass in without any outside help
cease: tween can send you the link.
Seej: hopefully. im surprised hes lasted THIS long
Seej: the bbq sauce book is on the firesale page
Not Ed: riding in the car with no driver
||||||||| Catherwood stops by and announces "While you bozos sit here in the Waiting Room, why not shop at the Firesale store?"
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Right E, unless the russians get pissed off at him first...
PrincipalPoop: John Jay said all the light from the burning effigies of him made night into day...
EWeston: There is that Jam
DJTweeny: ** FIRESIGN THEATRE: Profiles In Barbeque Sauce at this site - https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/firesale/firesale.php
Johan Amadeus Myjets: John Jay, 1st head of the supremes court
Elayne: Catherwood, bring Tween a birthday drink.
||||||||| Catherwood brings tween a birthday drink.
PrincipalPoop: signed the peace treaty with britain
rebozoette: stop flattening that
DJTweeny: Thanks Elayne :-)
EWeston: We are finding further Russian friends doing their bidding in congress
PrincipalPoop: how old is tween anyway, does anybody know?
Elayne: You should probably blow out the candles sooner rather than later.
Seej: speaking of the russians....
Not Ed wishes Tweeny a Barthy Hippday!
DJTweeny: a '54 model, P
DJTweeny: Thanks Not Ed :)
rebozoette: catherwood a birthday cake for tweeny please
||||||||| Catherwood walks up to rebozoette and asks "Something I can help with?"
Elayne: Catherwood, slice a piece of birthday cake for Tween.
||||||||| Catherwood snubs Elayne
Not Ed lights the fuse.
PrincipalPoop: car 54? where are you?
rebozoette: lol
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Happy burr day, dat!
EWeston: Russians, wonderful is depressed folks with a long history of pathological leadership
Beet: Gravity and its Opposite, Comedy.
NancyKat: Au Resevoir...
Not Ed: great composers though...the russian four or five, you know
cease: what firesign piece ends with bergman saying, hiroshima, this is a test?
cease: lol ew
PrincipalPoop: tzar czar, need to start with straightening out their alphabet...
Johan Amadeus Myjets: You know, if a country had interfered with us in the past as the russians have recently, there'd have been a war
EWeston: Brightlights in many creative endevors
DJTweeny: don't recall that one, cease
Not Ed: Beet must love the Russians and vice versa
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Electrician, isn't it, cease?
Beet: Da
Not Ed: lol
||||||||| land squid sneaks in around 9:43 PM, trying to avoid Catherwood because of last week's "unpleasant incident."
||||||||| Gusts of wind blow in from outside and the thumpa-thumpa-thumpa of helicopter blades is heard as Happy Panditt's chopper lands on the lawn and Uncle Glen plummets into the garden at 9:43 PM.
land squid: evening everybody
DJTweeny: Hi squid, Glen
PrincipalPoop: dada la la dada daaaa
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Hi Landy!
||||||||| 9:43 PM: Hard stool jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past hour!"
Uncle Glen: HOLA!
cease: squid, glen
EWeston: Per the Trump administration the problem is, us.
Not Ed: Hi land
DJTweeny: Hi stool
PrincipalPoop: gd squid
cease: they're tumbling in
NancyKat: Hi Land Squid.
EWeston: Unca Glen?
Not Ed: Hi Unka
Uncle Glen: Si. It's me.
Beet: land sq1oid and glen, stool
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Hi UG!
land squid: whats on tonight?
PrincipalPoop: hard stool and uncle glen, the plot thickens
Not Ed: Glen the Man
EWeston: Are his suckers koshur?
Seej: the thick plottens
Uncle Glen: 'Twas ever thus.
PrincipalPoop: by sharia
Not Ed loves it when you talk dirty.
EWeston: Everything You Know is Wrong Mista Squid
NancyKat: Seej-The Plot is Thicc?
Beet: I need a hole with a nice warm fire.
Not Ed: Don't we all...
Johan Amadeus Myjets: oh beet,ol!
PrincipalPoop: donot we all
Not Ed: lol Seej ya
Not Ed: humanlings and earthloids
EWeston: Oppressors of Donuts, watch out!
Elayne: Well, I'm off to read the book that Dex loaned me (the next to last in the Dresden Files books released thus far) so I can return it to him. Night all!
PrincipalPoop: if there are no eyes, avoid all contact
Uncle Glen: For another millenium
||||||||| The TV flickers on, and Ralph Spoilsport appears: "How can you drive in two places at once when you don't have a genuine Ralph Spoilsport license plate frame? Get one for your car and one for the plate in your head!"
Seej: do the humanoid boogie!
EWeston: By by E
||||||||| Catherwood stops by and announces "While you bozos sit here in the Waiting Room, why not shop at the Firesale store?"
||||||||| "9:46 PM? I'm late!" exclaims Elayne, who then hurries out through the french doors and down through the garden.
PrincipalPoop: best to doc and dex and lil and all E
Beet: See ya', Miss Elayne.
Not Ed: great choice Tweeny
cease: you're missing my first autobiographical collage, el. but you can listen to it as archived.
Not Ed: Whoops there she goes
EWeston: Nope, its the end
Seej: one of my favourite TFT albums
Beet: That is a great album.
rebozoette: and the birthday boy
PrincipalPoop: I expect to hear about phish next time
||||||||| Chick Lambert fades in and says: "I have no idea who this Friedstein Theatre is, but they 're honing in on my territory over at Duke of Madness Motors. Give 'em the what for, Storm!" "RUFF! RUFF!"
Johan Amadeus Myjets: That never fails to make my face hurt from smiling & laughing...
Uncle Glen: I have the DVD.
land squid: didnt know that was your fave, tween. mine is 2 Places
Not Ed: oh gotta get the dvd set - keep getting distracted - I will!
cease: El is responsible for this chat. Also for me any many others meeting the lads and doing many wonderful things with, including this chat
EWeston: No sign of delayed borgorigmus?
Uncle Glen: It's kinda SWELL.
cease: yes, y'al must get this
PrincipalPoop: I wonder where ruth is
land squid: nor shortness of pants
Not Ed: sold
Beet: This oughta be good
Not Ed: collage time, thanks Cat
EWeston: We'll...We'll carry on, or off, or sideways
Uncle Glen: Caterrific!
||||||||| New notice: '** WE’RE GLAD YOU MADE IT!! **
Currently playing: Cat Simril Ishikawa’s - “ADVENTURES IN HELL”
128k stream at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or at 16k: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
check out CAT’S COLLAGE ARCHIVE at >> http://kurtericson.com/cat/BANNER: ** WE’RE GLAD YOU MADE IT!! **
Currently playing: Cat Simril Ishikawa’s - “ADVENTURES IN HELL”
128k stream at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or at 16k: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
check out CAT’S COLLAGE ARCHIVE at >> http://kurtericson.com/cat/
Seej: over under sideways down
DJTweeny: whoa lol
DJTweeny: let's try that again...
PrincipalPoop: a master debater
Not Ed: it's like a Disneyland ride without Disney
||||||||| New notice: '** WE’RE GLAD YOU MADE IT!! **
Currently playing: Cat Simril Ishikawa’s - “ADVENTURES IN HELL”
128k stream at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or at 16k: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
check out CAT’S COLLAGE ARCHIVE at >> http://kurtericson.com/cat/
DJTweeny: better...
Not Ed: What?
EWeston: Orthodox is my middle name, this week.
land squid: you know my baby will
Seej: theres an echo in here, echo in here, echo in here
Not Ed: echo
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Dr. Happy Harry Cox says “I was right about the comet! Check out my new DVD set EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG: THE DECLASSIFIED FIRESIGN THEATRE 1968-1975 before it’s too late!!” >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/firesale/firesale.php
EWeston: Go Bobby
PrincipalPoop: ech? ohhh
Not Ed worships Yig the Impenetrable.
rebozoette: cool cat
EWeston: Gotta an ohce in my ears
PrincipalPoop: so you think you can tell?
Not Ed: pitchers of heck!
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** The CBC comedy show The Debaters >> http://www.cbc.ca/radio/thedebaters
DJTweeny: Switchblade Pitchforks!!
Not Ed: Hell Ride
EWeston: I may not know much but I know my ohces
Johan Amadeus Myjets: So, they would scare you with a little stary, eh?
Uncle Glen: Hell. The Ride.
Johan Amadeus Myjets: story
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Cat sez >> Not many of these online. I got some from Packer on reels long ago. After hearing my collage tonight, I'm sure some chatters would want to know about these. - https://archive.org/details/Hollywood_Nite_Shift_16bit_44_1ksamp_sec
Not Ed: lol I'm goin down!
EWeston: Hell, the audit.
PrincipalPoop: My Aunt Fanny
Seej: when were these made?
Not Ed: coo' JAM
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Check out Cat’s Collage Archive at >> http://kurtericson.com/cat/
EWeston: South of Cincinati
Not Ed: what about your aunt's....never mind
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Check out Cat’s Plays at >> http://www.seemreal.com
cease: one of austin's great radio shows, late 70, right, Glen?
DJTweeny: this is funny, cease
cease: 78-81?
Not Ed: it is
Seej: sounds like late 70s
Not Ed: (Tween)
cease: there are 5 of these online, and i have a few more. they are wonderful
Not Ed: truly, C
Uncle Glen: Oh, yes!!!
Seej: i wonder if phil kept any of these
Seej: speaking of which, did proctor ever get the storage locker robber?
PrincipalPoop: say that 3 times fast
EWeston: Today we have to settle for rolling dumpster fires
Seej: lol
Beet: Can you get nice accommodations in Hell if you know somebody?
||||||||| bobbafet waltzes in at 9:57 PM carrying an obsidian door knocker.
PrincipalPoop: a dustbin in shaftsbury
DJTweeny: Hi bobbafet
Seej: did proctor get the locker robber? did proctor get the locker robber? did proctor get the locker robber?
Seej: lol poop
PrincipalPoop: hey bobbafets brain
Uncle Glen: The cops did
Seej: the HOOLIGANS are loose
Beet: yo boba
DJTweeny: I don't think so, Seej
EWeston: bobafet, himsrlf?
DJTweeny: They did, Glen?
cease: seej, you can find it online before i could tell you. some were caught and some recovered but most, not.
Uncle Glen: This seems to be taking an ugly turn
Seej: at least some was recovered
PrincipalPoop: we have a live one here, type your bank number and pin and we will send you money
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Hey bobbafet. Han shot first, right?
EWeston: Oh help, its the police
cease: bobba
rebozoette: no peaches
EWeston: no donuts!
cease: funniest show on cbc radio, in my opinion. its on twice a week.
Uncle Glen: Heaven Is Hell
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 10 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Dan Hicks has a song called Hell, I'd Go, but it's about accepting a ride on a UFO...
cease: the hot shorts thing, glen?
EWeston: Hell is absurd
Uncle Glen: yup!
Seej: where the hell are we? in Hell???
Not Ed: It makes for some great movies
Johan Amadeus Myjets: you know, originally, hell was a small room to reform one's character if needed in the Egyptian Book of the Dead
EWeston: You can tell if you light a match and nothing explodes
Seej: must be a real crowded room by now
Not Ed: do atheists not have fun watching Rosemary's Baby?
PrincipalPoop: ok ok fine. Then where should I tell somebody to go???
cease: lol ew
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Well, after the christians got ahold of it, they expanded it.
Seej: not the athiests who are beatles fans
rebozoette: one cool uncle down
Not Ed is so confused a lot.
Seej: tell them to go to phoenix, its hot as hell there
EWeston: Go to random fluctuations in the space time continum!
NancyKat: Poop-Purgatory or Limbo
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Going to Hell in a Bucket, but at least I'm enjoyyin' the ride
Not Ed: lol!
EWeston: I don't care about your private life
Seej: the horizon is moving up!!!
Not Ed: I'm going to discount hell
Not Ed: $25 hell
Uncle Glen: discount hell!
PrincipalPoop: limbo up limbo down
EWeston: Joe can get it retail
Uncle Glen: MORMON heaven sucks
Seej: discount hell isd actually the duty free shop
Johan Amadeus Myjets: lol, see!
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** The CBC comedy show The Debaters >> http://www.cbc.ca/radio/thedebaters
EWeston: Don't you get your own planet with slaves
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Cat sez >> Not many of these online. I got some from Packer on reels long ago. After hearing my collage tonight, I'm sure some chatters would want to know about these. - https://archive.org/details/Hollywood_Nite_Shift_16bit_44_1ksamp_sec
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Hmm... making me hungry...
cease: Paul Krassner was on it at least once.
Beet: All the interesting, cool people are in that other place.
Seej: he squeezed the wheeze
DJTweeny: would love to hear that (Krassner)
cease: Very good comics, but they tend to use some too often.
Not Ed: I'll bet moron I mean mormon heaven is pretty perverse
PrincipalPoop: pantless
Not Ed: and pantsless
Seej: mormons cant even drink coffee. im out
EWeston: Nerveless
Seej: let alone anything fun to drink
Uncle Glen: It's terrible. The whole thing is a pyramid scheme based on FUCKING
||||||||| Catherwood enters with Zero Dachus close behind, mumbles something about disrupting his 10:08 PM tree-stunting plans, and runs off to the anteroom.
DJTweeny: Hi Dachus
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Hi Zero!
Not Ed: Hi Zero
cease: zedro
Beet: No Mexican food? Not interested.
PrincipalPoop: the cessation of desire, If I get what I want I never want again.
EWeston: No palaces, sad
Not Ed: fascinating....
rebozoette: whose scalonie
PrincipalPoop: wait, pyramid, fucking what?
||||||||| Bill Sprawl pokes his head in through the window and shouts "MARCHING TO SHIBBOLETH! Click to order!"
EWeston: May's?
Not Ed is not nude yet.
||||||||| It's 10:10 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| bobbafet - dead from jaundice
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
DJTweeny: I can see Krassner doing this sort of stuff :)
Not Ed: hey reboz
rebozoette is naked
EWeston: And mad at Adam too!
rebozoette: too hot for clothes
PrincipalPoop: heh heh hehhhhh
Johan Amadeus Myjets: naked radio - what a concept
Not Ed: we could tell
Not Ed: indeed JAM the mind boggles
rebozoette: who needs under theres
PrincipalPoop: ottawa audience
Not Ed: yeah
Seej: gonna need plenty of lysol wipes
Not Ed: ottawear
NancyKat: I'm sure Ghandi and Mother theresa are in hell...
PrincipalPoop: meigh sciloni?
Seej: enjoying each other's company, im sure....
Not Ed: and dancing ouch ooch eech
Uncle Glen: I SOLD OUT
Beet: I've been to Winnipeg.
Not Ed: lol
Johan Amadeus Myjets: when I'm in hell, I can get ba swig from Gunga Din....
PrincipalPoop: no more of the lava drop out hippie lamps?
Not Ed: I have too Beet
Johan Amadeus Myjets: It's said, if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans....
Uncle Glen: I'm having no fun at all
Not Ed: saw a burlesque live sex show there in '75 - high school band trip
Beet: Ramakrishna is my favorite Avatar.
cease: this is from 66, right, glen?
Uncle Glen: If you pray hard enough you can make water flow uphill
PrincipalPoop: burlesque live sex? what did they do with rubber chicken?
Not Ed: really?!
cease: it was on tom gedwillos' peter bergman tribute
Uncle Glen: 66 is pretty early
Johan Amadeus Myjets: More high school band trips!
Seej: youd have to ask the chicken
PrincipalPoop: route 66, something something
cease: not the kpfk show? you think this is krla in 67?
PrincipalPoop: bock? bockbock? bock?
Not Ed: i'd rather not go into details but the acts were creative enough
Uncle Glen: I really don't know.
EWeston: You knew the job was dangerous when you took it
Not Ed: ahem
||||||||| Ralph Spoilsport drives in through the door and says "Buy a new or used T-shirt from the Firesign Theatre Cafepress store! Hurry before this sentence ends!"
Not Ed: where did the flashlight go?
EWeston: Bug fuddery
PrincipalPoop: what is found at the bottom of a skirt?
cease: i try to remember when i first heard bergman on the radio. that is kind of a base upon which i'm built
Not Ed: I don't know
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Moses said,"the good news is, I got him down to just ten"
cease: just as there is no modern comedy before, shall we say, chaplin, there is no whatever fst was before 66-67
PrincipalPoop: cotton picking mather, name that puritan
EWeston: If it's not a leg I don't want to know
Not Ed: badaboom JAM
cease: i'l ask tom and phil
Uncle Glen: Leg O' The Crow
cease: my 2nd radio play.
PrincipalPoop: rimjob
PrincipalPoop: or rimshot
Beet: Sominex
rebozoette: dream a little dream
EWeston: Moisturizers are for sisses
NancyKat: Poop-Good N Plenty Prior?
rebozoette: right ew
Uncle Glen: I only have BAD dreams
Not Ed: I want to see Drumpf eat major crow.
||||||||| The TV flickers on, and Ralph Spoilsport appears: "How can you drive in two places at once when you don't have a genuine Ralph Spoilsport license plate frame? Get one for your car and one for the plate in your head!"
DJTweeny: I love the bit in History of The World, where Mel Brooks (playing Moses) comes down from the mountain with 3 tables and says, "I give you these 15 (drops one of them and it shatters), oy... I give these 10, these 10 Cmmandments!"
rebozoette: lizard skins unite
EWeston: I only play bad chords
Not Ed: back in a bit
NancyKat: Tweeny-Yup!
PrincipalPoop: dyslexics untie
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Mrs. Crow might object, NotEd
rebozoette: more sugar not
||||||||| Bill Sprawl pokes his head in through the window and shouts "MARCHING TO SHIBBOLETH! Click to order!"
EWeston: Join us! Why? Are you falling apart?
PrincipalPoop: Are we there yet? I need to go to the bathroom...
rebozoette: its not my feet that are big its my shoes
cease: i was inspired to create this after reading about a big foot conference at my alma mater, ubc in 96
rebozoette: lol cat
||||||||| Mark Time invites you to watch and listen to Firesign’s XM Radio Performances Watch The Firesign Theatre In Action!
Uncle Glen: Mister Blandishment Builds His Dream Home
EWeston: I told you to go in Purgatory!
Johan Amadeus Myjets: this is one FABULOUS collage, cease!!!
||||||||| Chick Lambert fades in and says: "I have no idea who this Friedstein Theatre is, but they 're honing in on my territory over at Duke of Madness Motors. Give 'em the what for, Storm!" "RUFF! RUFF!"
PrincipalPoop: Dudley moore had a big foot, or so I hear.
cease: thanks, jam
Uncle Glen: and thank you too
Seej: he had a big something
PrincipalPoop: No relation to dudley dooright
EWeston: Or his horse
Uncle Glen: the Saturday nite diddley
Beet: Bigfoot is interdimensional.
PrincipalPoop: who's horse? My voice is fine.
cease: an ambassador from our future lonliness
PrincipalPoop: hey diddle diddle
EWeston: Just needs a shot of polish
Uncle Glen: the Bitter Angel
PrincipalPoop: or a quart of burgundy
Beet: Advice for Bigfoot: No Shoes!
EWeston: Stop weaving! Where are you going waffle eyes!
Seej: no shoes for his industry
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Yetis are descendants of crashed UFO aliens...
PrincipalPoop: would I? would I?
rebozoette: fed ya greens
EWeston: Is that a trick question?
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Says yes, to mean yes, Poop?
PrincipalPoop: Huh? Something wrong with my short term something.
EWeston: A negative or dark yes, mehbeso
Uncle Glen: I've had some pretty cheap dreams
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Dr. Happy Harry Cox says “I was right about the comet! Check out my new DVD set EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG: THE DECLASSIFIED FIRESIGN THEATRE 1968-1975 before it’s too late!!” >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/firesale/firesale.php
Beet: Doctor, uh
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Check out David Ossman’s new book “MARSHMALLOWS AND DESPAIR” at www.davidossman.com
PrincipalPoop: is the doctor in?
EWeston: The doctor is very in
Uncle Glen: I can't remember
Beet: You men Dr., uh
Uncle Glen: works at the institute...
PrincipalPoop: stop that right now. just stoppit
Seej: doctor who? ;)
NancyKat: mimory?
PrincipalPoop: Huh? what?
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Doctor Why, the existentialist...
Uncle Glen: He was Hitler's Dog Doctor
EWeston: Sorry bass, er boss
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Can HE remember the future?
Beet: That was great
PrincipalPoop: who's it? Cease is it.
rebozoette: thanks cat
EWeston: Great fun cat
||||||||| New notice: '** WE’RE GLAD YOU MADE IT!! **
Now playing: from the DOMM Extras collection, “MICHAEL CANTERBURY INTERVIEW”
128k stream at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or 16k at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
check out DUKE OF MADNESS MOTORS at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/firesale/firesale.php?audio#DUKEOFPFTFTJ
Uncle Glen: what does this mean
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Kudos, cat, kudos!
Beet: Soupy Shuffle. Performed it many times.
cease: i'll be doing more of these colages based on things that happened to me early in my life, combined with all these wonderful tools we now have.
PrincipalPoop: so which is it, heaven or hell? only get one chance....
cease: next week's event takes place a few weeks after thart event, on teh train to winnipeg.
||||||||| Bebop Lobo reminds all you hep cats to listen to Firesign’s NEW 24/7 RADIO STATION Click to listen anytime!"
EWeston: Uh...puce
PrincipalPoop: who are you calling a tool canook? oh ok, nevermind
cease: our lives in our first world is a heaven unimagined by those elsewhere and elsewhen
PrincipalPoop: it happened on the train to winnipeg.... lordy lordy
Uncle Glen: Vas Deferenzzzz
EWeston: Not halfvast one hopes
cease: instead of actually recording stuff on reel to reel tape recorders then, now it's all a few clicks on our computers.
PrincipalPoop: Marvulvalous
Seej: its too simple these days, sadly
EWeston: Don't say that with your teeth out
cease: that event was the first time i realized that not only were those i was dependent on lying, but they were doing so to my immediate detriment.
Beet: Dr. Freud, you've been dreaming.
PrincipalPoop: who are you calling simple, ahh oops nevermind
PrincipalPoop: this is that except it is here instead of over there
EWeston: The means of least resistence
cease: noone escaped from korea
Uncle Glen: tell that to the Koreans
PrincipalPoop: who are you calling means? oh nevermind
EWeston: Some did escape. Into China. Where they remain
Beet: I used school to make jokes from the back of the room.
PrincipalPoop: I tried not to let school interfere with my education.
NancyKat: I used school to launch my unsucessful art career...
EWeston: Oh I'd always mind till one day in Singapore I met a Turkish sailor
cease: towel, bath, border
PrincipalPoop: I thought Art got a career as a lawyer?
EWeston: Oh you were there too!
NancyKat: I am Phil as we are Phil and we are all together...
PrincipalPoop: Was that you?
cease: you sure are, nancy
EWeston: No I was me.
NancyKat: Art sidelined as a bayleaf.
PrincipalPoop: Don't pick at it rebozoette
Uncle Glen: it will never heal
cease: kay ballard played lucy, when i first encountered her. the peanuts album.
Uncle Glen: AH!
PrincipalPoop: and she was in that other show, with the 2 couples
||||||||| The TV flickers on, and Ralph Spoilsport appears: "How can you drive in two places at once when you don't have a genuine Ralph Spoilsport license plate frame? Get one for your car and one for the plate in your head!"
EWeston: No him!
Uncle Glen: Phyllis Awfical
cease: ray a great influence on the guys
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Loved Bradbury's books as a kid
EWeston: Was really Agnes Moorehead
cease: very literarey guys all their lives
Uncle Glen: KOVACS
||||||||| Ralph Spoilsport drives in through the door and says "Buy a new or used T-shirt from the Firesign Theatre Cafepress store! Hurry before this sentence ends!"
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Edgar, or William S.?
cease: you know those x minmus one shows, jam?
PrincipalPoop: sandy or ernie?
cease: but kovacs was so visual, glen.
||||||||| Catherwood stops by and announces "While you bozos sit here in the Waiting Room, why not shop at the Firesale store?"
EWeston: Melvin
PrincipalPoop: one of the chipmunks?
||||||||| Nick Danger sneaks in and whispers "Get the scuttlebutt on Box of Danger here, whatever that means..."
cease: firesign never really made it to me as visual as they mastered and pioneeered audio
Johan Amadeus Myjets: No, cease, I don't know them. Sounds like I should...
Uncle Glen: Kovacs is permanently moderne
||||||||| Babe Boomer says “We’re Live On PBS!” in the video WEIRDLY COOL Catch Firesign’s Live TV Studio Performance On DVD!
DJTweeny: X Minus-1 is great old sci-fi radio
Beet: Mad Magazine was King
rebozoette: to true
EWeston: That's him black and brown with stripes
Uncle Glen: I liked SPY
Johan Amadeus Myjets: I will check them out!
rebozoette: archie ha
cease: please imerse yourself in those x minus one shows.
PrincipalPoop: spy versus spy became spy versus spy versus spy, too complex for me
cease: spy was great
PrincipalPoop: tirebiter, a spy and girl delighter
Uncle Glen: and the Fred Allen shows
DJTweeny: X-Minus One - https://archive.org/details/OTRR_X_Minus_One_Singles
||||||||| Mayor P'nisnose strides up to the podium and speaks: "My fellow Armenians, if you have questions about exorcism, buy the new book "EXORCISM IN YOUR DAILY LIFE", now on sale. Incidentally, so is my vote."
DJTweeny: lots of great old OTR at Archive.org
PrincipalPoop: tap tap
Uncle Glen: Peter's artificial heart
Uncle Glen: from the University of Utah
EWeston: Cat got another question in.
cease: where is this from, tween?
cease: wow. i have this
Seej: loving this
cease: legalized weed in canada. yes, as of next year. probably after most of the us.
PrincipalPoop: I agree that ahh, it ahhh huh?
DJTweeny: check the topic, cease ;)
EWeston: Uncertainty in our daily lives
Uncle Glen: MEMORY!
cease: we're So progressive
||||||||| Mayor P'nisnose strides up to the podium and speaks: "My fellow Armenians, if you have questions about exorcism, buy the new book "EXORCISM IN YOUR DAILY LIFE", now on sale. Incidentally, so is my vote."
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about DUKE OF MADNESS MOTORS - Every Firesign Theatre radio broadcast from the "Dear Friends" era (1970-1972) >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/firesale/firesale.php?audio#DUKEOFPFTFTJ
Johan Amadeus Myjets: Heisenberg strikes again!
PrincipalPoop: Why do you keep saying Memory in caps?
EWeston: Who wakes up in my bed tomorrow?
Uncle Glen: i don't know
||||||||| New notice: '** THANKS FOR LISTENING, ALL! **
Thanks to Radio Free Dishnuts, www.dishnuts.net, for providing the streaming server for the simulcast :)
Be sure to join me (Kurt in Austin) for my live RADIO FREE ROADKILL show from 6-8pm EST every Sunday at www.dishnuts.net
Listen to my show archives and ARCHIVES FOR FIRESIGN CHAT SHOWS at: www.kurtericson.com/txroadkill/roadkillshow
EWeston: I remain inconsolable
PrincipalPoop: you probably forgot. I think I do that too. huh?
PrincipalPoop: is consolable anywhere near sane?
EWeston: Careful. I've got a sleeping cat behind me in the chair!
Uncle Glen: this is an odd, round-robin interview
NancyKat: EW-Awww kitty...
||||||||| Babe Boomer says “We’re Live On PBS!” in the video WEIRDLY COOL Catch Firesign’s Live TV Studio Performance On DVD!
Beet: Don't lean back too fast.
PrincipalPoop: next time, shine your shoes before you go to an interview
EWeston: That's when he remembers that he has teeth
PrincipalPoop: only if you wear shoes of course
EWeston: I bought some sandles this year
cease: hope you all enjoyed the new direction i'm taking with my collages
PrincipalPoop: Hello Kitty Heaveno Kitty
Uncle Glen: Happy Birthday
Uncle Glen: BYE!
Johan Amadeus Myjets: love, love, love to all! Thanks to all for laughs!
EWeston: Very good cat
Beet: This was fun and it was great to have the collages back, Dr Cease. Thanks everybody. Thanks, Dr Tween and Happy Birthday again. G'Nite.
PrincipalPoop: yes happy Bday old senile fossil Tween
Uncle Glen: Thank you, Cat!
NancyKat: Nigh nigh all *HUGGS*
DJTweeny: hahaha P
cease: keep having happy birthdays, tween
DJTweeny: thanks cease :-)
Seej: happy internetting back on the superinformation highway, which is already in progress
DJTweeny: Thanks for listening, all… See you next week, same Firetime, same Firestation...
||||||||| At 10:54 PM, the lights go out! Rocky Rococo's voice pierces the inky darkness: "I've got you now, Seej!" Shattering glass is heard, and then the lights come back on...
PrincipalPoop: night all, and thanks all, I forget but I think I had a good time...
||||||||| PrincipalPoop departs at 10:54 PM, singing "Toad away, toad away; toad away, toad away! Where do you go when you're toad away?"
cease: all the best
DJTweeny: Until last time, again...
||||||||| Catherwood says "10:56 PM, time for SOMEONE to leave!", grabs cease by the collar and gives 'em the old bum's rush out the door
rebozoette: Beet DJTweeny EWeston Grebnesor Hard stool Johan Amadeus Myjets NancyKat Rufus_T_Firetween SlugBugDoug Uncle Glen Zero Dachuhapp happy tweeny and thanks cat
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 11 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| Catherwood enters with Merlyn close behind, mumbles something about disrupting his 11:31 PM tree-stunting plans, and runs off to the vestibule.
Merlyn: Hello, I Must Be Going
||||||||| At 11:31 PM, Merlyn rushes out the door saying "Hey, mister ice-cream man, I've got a nickel, wait for meeeee..."
Not Ed trots off...
||||||||| It's 11:55 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| DJTweeny - dead from the fiddlers
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood walks in wearing his pyjamas, yawns, and mumbles "It's midnight here in New York city"...then he falls over and starts snoring loudly..
||||||||| It's 12:10 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Zero Dachus - dead from dengue fever
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 12:25 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Rufus_T_Firetween - dead from intense demonic possession
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 12:40 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Hard stool - dead from pneumonia
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 12:55 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| NancyKat - dead from measles
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 1 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| It's 1:10 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Uncle Glen - dead from intense demonic possession
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 1:25 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Captain Equinox - dead from pneumonia
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 1:40 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| land squid - dead from the fiddlers
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 1:55 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Beet - dead from intense demonic possession
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 2 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| It's 2:10 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Grebnesor - dead from intense demonic possession
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 2:25 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| rebozoette - dead from Globner's disease
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 2:40 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| SlugBugDoug - dead from pneumonia
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| "2:43 AM? 2:43 AM!!" says Catherwood, "Captain Equinox should be here by now...oh, THERE you are!" as Captain Equinox enters and sits at the bar.
Captain Equinox: I always get here too dang early.
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 3 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 4 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| Catherwood enters, and announces to all and sundry "It's 4:32 AM, time to change the log file and clean out unused rooms; please exit the chat room for a minute or two. Thank you for your patience."

The Evening's Participants:
Captain Equinox
Johan Amadeus Myjets
land squid
Not Ed
Uncle Glen
URL References:

Rogue's Gallery:

cat_pp.jpg (5168 bytes)
PP and Cat(cease)

newbunny.jpg (4426 bytes)

capeken.jpg (7639 bytes)
kend^/Dr. Headphones

ossman+me.gif (6000 bytes)
Merlyn and Tirebiter

capedoc.jpg (6006 bytes)

newlili.jpg (6085 bytes)

freq.jpg (4441 bytes)

roto.jpg (6046 bytes)

babs_so.jpg (5555 bytes)
LeatherG & SO

nino1.jpg (5352 bytes)

tonk1.jpg (6123 bytes)

ahclem+Bambi.jpg (9500 bytes)
Ah, Clem and Bambi

old-man.gif (55478 bytes)
Compañero Señor Yämamoto

ashhar.jpg (9068 bytes)
Dexter Fong

newelayne.jpg (15.1 kbytes)

Bubba's Brain.jpg (6600 bytes)
Bubba's Brain

Bightrethighrehighre.jpg (6600 bytes)

boney.jpg (20600 bytes)

llan.jpg (13200 bytes)

tweeny.jpg (12588 bytes)

3rdmate.jpg (23157 bytes)

peggy.jpg (5240 bytes)
Peggy Blisswhips

audrey.jpg (4873 bytes)
Audrey Farber

tdt.jpg (6077 bytes)
Tiny Dr. Tim
Rest In Peace, Dear Friend

capeklok.jpg (5469 bytes)
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And, "The Home Team"