A Firesign Chat


||||||||| Catherwood re-enters the Waiting Room and explains "This is the main discussion room which is logged each night."
||||||||| Catherwood announces, "The time is 4:33 AM - I now declare Thursday's chat log for February 25, 2016 officially open!"... and then, he retires back to the vestibule...
||||||||| Gusts of wind blow in from outside and the thumpa-thumpa-thumpa of helicopter blades is heard as Happy Panditt's chopper lands on the lawn and Mythses disembarks at 12:19 PM.
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 1 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| It's 1:25 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Mythses - dead from pneumonia
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood escorts DJTweeny into the room, accepts an I.O.U. as a gratuity, mumbles something about 7:46 PM, then departs.
||||||||| New notice: '** There will be a Firesign Theatre/US Plus Stimulcast starting at 9pmET this evening. **
Warm-up music begins around 8:40pmET
visit Firesign's web site at www.firesigntheatrelegacy.com
||||||||| Catherwood leads Rufus_T_Firetween inside, makes a note of the time (7:47 PM), then fades off into the distance going on about the waiting room or the sitting room or something.
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 8 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| New notice: '** There will be a Firesign Theatre/US Plus Stimulcast starting at 9pmET this evening. Warm-up music begins around 8:40pmET **
You can join the streams now (NO AUDIO YET - just a chance for everybody to get connected)
128k at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or at 16k for dial-up users at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
(streaming server graciously provided by Radio Free Dishnuts - www.dishnuts.net)
||||||||| New notice: '** WE'RE GLAD YOU MADE IT!! **
Currently playing: warm up music (Yes)
Listen to the stream at 128k at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u
or at 16k for dial-up users at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
(streaming server graciously provided by Radio Free Dishnuts - www.dishnuts.net)
||||||||| Mudhead enters at 8:48 PM as Catherwood takes their hat and goat and runs off to the Hat Pack Annex.
Rufus_T_Firetween: Hey Mudhead
Mudhead: Hi Kurt
Mudhead: Got both of my charges with me at my ankles tonight
Rufus_T_Firetween: Do you charge them for the use of your ankules?
Mudhead: Only from the knee up
Mudhead: Theyre chasin the cursor
Rufus_T_Firetween: a laser pointer?
Mudhead: I take and put it below the desktop and they look in back
Mudhead: "Its gotta be in back!"
Rufus_T_Firetween: I'll bet they're a riot
||||||||| Catherwood enters with rebozoette close behind, mutters something about disrupting his 8:53 PM tree-stunting plans, and runs off to the Aviary.
Rufus_T_Firetween: Hi rebozoette
Mudhead: Hi there
rebozoette: DJTweeny Mudhead rebozoette Rufus_T_Firetween evenin all and me and tween thanks in advance for all you do and taking my request
Mudhead: We're glad you made it!
rebozoette: do we have fun to look foward to with the server?
rebozoette: lol
rebozoette: love it
Rufus_T_Firetween: The 2nd part of Cat's collage and EOBE
rebozoette: right read cats blog
||||||||| Catherwood ushers Beet inside, makes a note of the time (8:56 PM), then fades off into the distance going on about the waiting room or the sitting room or something.
Beet: Yes doing Simon & Garfunkel?
||||||||| Cease steps in at 8:57 PM carrying an obsidian door knocker.
rebozoette: mocktails
Beet: Howdy guys
DJTweeny: Hi Beet, Cease
Cease: Hi all
Beet: This is pretty cool
DJTweeny: Yes indeed, Beet
DJTweeny: Was released as a single around the time of Fragile
||||||||| Catherwood stumbles in at 8:59 PM, dragging Johan Amadeus Myjetski by one leg and asks "Can anyone vouch for this idiot?"
||||||||| Catherwood enters with Mr president close behind, grumbles something about disrupting his 8:59 PM tree-stunting plans, and hurries off to the vestibule.
DJTweeny: Hi Johan
Beet: Bernie recently used the song for a really nice campaign video
Cease: mr, jam
DJTweeny: Hi Pres
Beet: Hey JAM
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Evening, all! Love this YES!
Beet: Hi POTUS
||||||||| Catherwood strides in with a trumpet, plays a fanfare, and proclaims "Nine PM on Thursday, February 25, 2016 - I now declare alt.comedy.firesgn-thtre's chat officially open!"
||||||||| Dr. Dog enters at 9:00 PM as Catherwood takes their hat and goat and rushes off to the Hat Pack Annex.
DJTweeny: Hi Dog
Cease: dr
Beet: Yo Dog
||||||||| With a theatrical clearing of his throat, Catherwood snorts derisively: "9:00 PM and late as usual, it's shoes for the dead, just back from Michigan."
Dr. Dog: Hi there
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Well, Mr. President, it's the bees and spiders again
DJTweeny: Hi shoes
Beet: Hi shoes
shoes for the dead: Howdy
Cease: shoes
shoes for the dead: here for my weekly re-souling
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Dog! shoes!
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: DJT!
rebozoette: put a dime in it
||||||||| Gusts of wind blow in from outside and the thumpa-thumpa-thumpa of helicopter blades is heard as Happy Panditt's chopper lands on the lawn and llanwydd falls out at 9:02 PM.
rebozoette: JAM!
llanwydd: howdy
DJTweeny: Hi Llan
Cease: llan
||||||||| Catherwood leads Lil inside, makes a note of the time (9:02 PM), then fades off into the distance going on about the waiting room or the sitting room or something.
Beet: Hi Llan
DJTweeny: Hi Lil
shoes for the dead: hey Llan
Cease: lil
Mudhead: hi all
||||||||| Babe Boomer says “We’re Live On PBS!” in the video WEIRDLY COOL Catch Firesign’s Live TV Studio Performance On DVD!
Beet: Lil's here!
Lil: Hallooooo everyone
shoes for the dead: Lil!
Lil: At least I think I'm here :-P
Cease: we agree
Beet: Can someone vouch for Lil?
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Probably
||||||||| Catherwood walks up and snorts derisively "Presenting 'Fergus', just granted probation at 9:03 PM", then leaves hurriedly.
Beet: Hello up there
Cease: ferg
Lil: lol
shoes for the dead: hey Fergus
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Hi Mud!
Beet: Welcome Fergus
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Hi Fergus!
shoes for the dead: soloman Tween
DJTweeny: Hi Fergus
||||||||| New notice: ' WE'RE GLAD YOU MADE IT!! **
Currently playing: Cat Simril Ishikawa’s - “THE 6TH ALBUM (Part 2)”
128k stream at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or at 16k: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
CHECK OUT CAT’S PLAYS AT >> http://seemreal.com/
Lil: Happy to hear this Cat
DJTweeny: lol shoes
Cease: thus far, lil
Fergus: Hi Shoes Hi Tweeny Hi everyone
||||||||| With a theatrical clearing of his throat, Catherwood pipes up: "9:05 PM and late as usual, it's pinholeF200, just back from Billville."
shoes for the dead: hi Pin
||||||||| Catherwood tosses another cheese log on the fire and intones, "If you want to keep the cornstarch off your mukluks this season, buy a hoodie or a sweatshirt at the Firesign corner Cafepress store."
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: pin!
Cease: pin
Beet: Yowdy pin
||||||||| 9:06 PM: Merlyn jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past year and a half!"
shoes for the dead: Nasi!!!!!!
DJTweeny: Hi pinhole
shoes for the dead: Goreng!!!!
Mudhead: Catherwood get drinks for everyone
||||||||| Catherwood gets drinks for everyone.
DJTweeny: Hey Merlyn
rebozoette: did I miss the drinks
||||||||| Catherwood leads Ralph into the room, accepts an I.O.U. as a gratuity, mumbles something about 9:06 PM, then departs.
Beet: Hi Merl
DJTweeny: Hi Ralph
Cease: thanks, catherwood. hi ralph
||||||||| Catherwood rushes up to Cease and says "Something I can help with?"
Beet: Greetings Ralph
shoes for the dead: hey Merlyn and Ralph
pinholeF200: Hey JAM, Cease, Beet, Tween and sundry Fireheads!
Cease: still spoiling those sports?
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Check out Cat’s Plays at www.seamreal.com
Merlyn: hey
||||||||| Nick Danger sneaks in and whispers "Get the scuttlebutt on Box of Danger here, whatever that means..."
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Merlyn!
Cease: thats from an increasingly long time ago
shoes for the dead: what about the various ones?
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Check out David Ossman’s new book “MARSHMALLOWS AND DESPAIR” at www.davidossman.com
||||||||| Ralph rushes off, saying "9:08 PM? Mark Time is almost on! Where's a radio?"
Cease: i threw that bit in from one of their dear friends or hour hour shows so i could connect the albums as if a series of songs on the radio
||||||||| Catherwood strides up and snorts derisively "Presenting 'Ralph', just granted probation at 9:08 PM", then leaves hurriedly.
DJTweeny: kewl
Cease: here's the bit number one on the top 30
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Check out the new video series from Phil Proctor and Jamie Alcroft - BOOMERS ON A BENCH >> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGz_4vJNLwgFrLR3N0RN1Tw
Cease: that's what austin was doing at his army radio station gig
Cease: BIG Number Won
Mudhead: Cat this is great
DJTweeny: Ah, didn't know that's what he was doing in the Army
||||||||| Mayor P'nisnose strides up to the podium and speaks: "My fellow Armenians, if you have questions about exorcism, buy the new book "EXORCISM IN YOUR DAILY LIFE", now on sale. Incidentally, so is my vote."
||||||||| It's 9:10 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Mr president - dead from The Plague
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
Cease: yep
Beet: president had a short term
||||||||| Catherwood enters and asks "Is there anythynge you want? By that I mean Anythynge You Want To, Shakespeare's Lost paperback Comedie in pre-electronic book form!"
Cease: this album has so many channel shifts, its easy to combine with the others, as ossman said
rebozoette: sinkwd up
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Someone broke the president, Beet?
llanwydd: they have to have their stupid...
llanwydd: STUPID?
Beet: Must've been taht pesky worker
DJTweeny: doing any acting recently, Llan?
llanwydd: not very recently, tween
Dr. Dog: NOT INSANE will yet be a real campaign slogan
Lil: When is Phil coming for another visit with us?
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Hi Llan!
llanwydd: Hi JAM
Cease: maybe when he has something to announce
||||||||| The TV flickers on, and Ralph Spoilsport appears: "How can you drive in two places at once when you don't have a genuine Ralph Spoilsport license plate frame? Get one for your car and one for the plate in your head!"
Lil: Not this year though Dr. Dog
DJTweeny: Could be, Dog
DJTweeny: If ever we needed Papoon/Tirebiter
Cease: this is from the TV or Not TV flick
||||||||| Bebop Lobo reminds all you hep cats to listen to Firesign’s NEW 24/7 RADIO STATION Click to listen anytime!"
Dr. Dog: Listened to Austin and Ossman's coverage of the Surrealist Convention again the other night, still very funny
shoes for the dead: kaff kaff
DJTweeny: Always will be :)
Cease: where is that from, dr?
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** If you're on Facebook, you can Like the official Firesign Fan Page here >> https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Firesign-Theatre/282668140208 - and if you’re on Twitter and would like to get official Firesign tweets, follow @FiresignNews - there are also a couple of other unofficial Facebook fan pages at >> Chromium Switch - https://www.facebook.com/groups/50372982074/?ref=br_tf - and Firesign Theatre - https://www.facebook.com/groups/21145641274/
||||||||| Catherwood enters with Elayne close behind, grumbles something about disrupting his 9:17 PM tree-stunting plans, and dashes off to the Aviary.
pinholeF200: Howdy El
Beet: Howdy Elayne
Mudhead: Hi E!
Elayne: Evenin' all
shoes for the dead: hey Elayne
DJTweeny: Hey E
rebozoette: hi e
Cease: Hi El
Merlyn: Hey E
Dr. Dog: It's on something called "1976 More Big Broadcasts", don't know any more about it than that
Dr. Dog: Hi E
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Evenin' E!
Cease: thanks, doc
DJTweeny: I asumed you were referring to Martian Space Party, Dog
Dr. Dog: No this was four years later
DJTweeny: k
Dr. Dog: It's a recording of the convention that they and a couple of other guys imrovi'd on top of
DJTweeny: I think that's now been included on the new Papoon CD
Dr. Dog: If you've never heard it it's very funny, Austin especially is a scream
Cease: i haven't heard it. look forward to doing so
DJTweeny: Papoon - https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=pfp-ln
Dr. Dog: You have a nice little pleasure awaiting you
Dr. Dog: Includes an appearance by The Electrician and Papoon himself
Dr. Dog: And a really good Latino bass player next door
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Check out Cat’s Plays at www.seamreal.com
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Check out David Ossman’s new book “MARSHMALLOWS AND DESPAIR” at www.davidossman.com
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Check out the new video series from Phil Proctor and Jamie Alcroft - BOOMERS ON A BENCH >> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGz_4vJNLwgFrLR3N0RN1Tw
pinholeF200: I think the correct link is http://www.seemreal.com
Cease: Shadow Valley Condoms, if you lived here, you'd be home by now
DJTweeny: oops, right you are
Dr. Dog: Come in
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Check out Cat’s Plays at www.seemreal.com
rebozoette: lol
Cease: here's some jamaican nasa thought it had hidden
DJTweeny: had it right in the topic, but not my Rufus posting
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: gimme that guitar!
||||||||| Bill Sprawl pokes his head in through the window and shouts "MARCHING TO SHIBBOLETH! Click to order!"
Beet: Hello NSA guy
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: MacCarvsky's Park
rebozoette: rainy cake
shoes for the dead: wet blini
rebozoette: mules
Cease: that was my only serious intervention. almost everything else is just firesign albums stuck together
Mudhead: blini with cottage cheese
Cease: proctor's autobiographical song just invited itself to be, uh, interfered with
Cease: circuc, circuits, cirques
DJTweeny: yes it did
Cease: sinky sanky surky
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** If you're on Facebook, you can Like the official Firesign Fan Page here >> https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Firesign-Theatre/282668140208 - and if you’re on Twitter and would like to get official Firesign tweets, follow @FiresignNews - there are also a couple of other unofficial Facebook fan pages at >> Chromium Switch - https://www.facebook.com/groups/50372982074/?ref=br_tf - and Firesign Theatre - https://www.facebook.com/groups/21145641274/
Beet: Noses in a bush?
||||||||| It's 9:40 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Elayne - dead from Globner's disease
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
Cease: speaking of cirques, my recent adventures in a cirque saturated city are up here, www.seemrealland.blogspot.ca
pinholeF200: Audubon killed all the birds he painted
Beet: Nite Elayne
Dr. Dog: They'd be dead by now anyway
Cease: so is audubon
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: He slaughtered dozens upon dozens for each image, to be sure it represented the average for that species.
DJTweeny: "The military had restricted flight over northern Nevada because of the game. Maybe all the UFOs at area 51 were betting on it." << lol
rebozoette: finite is finite
Dr. Dog: There are not eenillusions
Cease: they never told us during the detour, only when we arrived in vegas late.
shoes for the dead: here's your picture back
Dr. Dog: Debt's forgiven
DJTweeny: Johan Amadeus Myjetski: He slaughtered dozens upon dozens for each image, to be sure it represented the average for that species. << a necro-naturialist?
Beet: Sounds like deja vu
DJTweeny: all over again
Dr. Dog: Hey he didn't have Photoshop
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: You just about got it, DJT, necro-naturalist
Dr. Dog: That's him in that jar over here with the holes punched in the top
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Well, as long as it's got holes...
shoes for the dead: and a wet sponge
Dr. Dog: I know where my sponge is
Cease: its in your square pants
Dr. Dog: Right bext to my towel
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: That's not a sponge…. it's just another blue moss...
shoes for the dead: to stall for time
||||||||| It's 9:55 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Ralph - dead from pneumonia
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
Cease: juice
Cease: ive been watching this oj thing
Cease: they called him juice. i had forgotten that
DJTweeny: ah, right
Dr. Dog: Nicole had him for breakfast every morning
shoes for the dead: till he juicad her
Dr. Dog: Too soon?
Beet: Are we going to drop into a black hole?
Cease: my frined was one of his landlords at oj's office.
Cease: after the trial they kicked him out of the bldg. didn't want a murdered in their building.
Cease: murderer
Dr. Dog: Maybe, Beet, I hear gas music
Mudhead: thats discrimination
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 10 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
Dr. Dog: Then we're too late
Cease: you know proc's oj poem?
Mudhead: no
||||||||| Catherwood stops by and announces "While you bozos sit here in the Waiting Room, why not shop at the Firesale store?"
Cease: he performed it on the satellite show, among other places
Cease: on the meanings of the letters o and j
Beet: It is about time
pinholeF200: deja vu all over again
llanwydd: great album
shoes for the dead: "man overboard" "I am on fire and have dangerous cargo on board. keep well clear of me"
shoes for the dead: o. j.
Beet: Sounds like the electrician
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Oh blinding light, oh, light that blinds. I cannot see, look out for me
Dr. Dog: That's the fish chart
rebozoette: this is grand
DJTweeny: very nice arrangement of the segments
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Tell a vision
shoes for the dead: and one is nothing
Mudhead: I was sayin that earlier today, I really like this
Beet: Pass the ketchup, Heinz
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: This is really funny!
pinholeF200: There was a British pop singer who performed as Heinz. The audience at one performance threw beans on him.
shoes for the dead: jjjesus!
||||||||| With a theatrical clearing of his throat, Catherwood snorts derisively: "10:11 PM and late as usual, it's Goodyear Tirebiter, just back from Elmertown."
DJTweeny: Hi GT
shoes for the dead: tirebiter!
Beet: Yo Goodyear
Goodyear Tirebiter: Hello my bozos, beaners and boogies.
Cease: tire
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Hey Mr. Tirebiter!
Goodyear Tirebiter: I am tired tonight though....
Cease: austin wrote this during the fall of nixon
DJTweeny: didn't know that, cool
shoes for the dead: der schnifter
Cease: 73-74, tween. ossman talked about that to you
DJTweeny: must have missed it
rebozoette: clumping action
shoes for the dead: can little jesus suffer so!
DJTweeny: love how he turned zeich heil into 'see me smile'
Cease: pipe dreams and a dame. sums up austin pretty well
Beet: Sounds familiar
shoes for the dead: good job, Cat!
Cease: thanks, shoes
Beet: That was a good one, Mr. Cat
Cease: when ossman commands, i obey
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Really fine, Cat! Really funny! Quite enjoyable!
Merlyn: http://www.whidbeylifemagazine.org/tag/marshmallows-and-despair/
Cease: let's hope ossman thinks go. proctor too
Cease: thinks so
Cease: and oona
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Firesign Cheese Log - https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/chat/logs/fstchat_20160218.html
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Check out David Ossman’s new book “MARSHMALLOWS AND DESPAIR” at www.davidossman.com
||||||||| New notice: '** WE'RE GLAD YOU MADE IT!! **
Now playing: Firesign's “EAT OR BE EATEN”
128k stream at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or 16k at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
EAT OR BE EATEN may be purchased at >> https://laugh.com/product/firesign-theatre-eat-or-be-eaten-cd/
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Check out the new video series from Phil Proctor and Jamie Alcroft - BOOMERS ON A BENCH >> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGz_4vJNLwgFrLR3N0RN1Tw
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about “EAT OR BE EATEN” at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=eobe-ln
Cease: this is from the early days of computers
Merlyn: This bit is on youtube with the CD extracted graphics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxFT97wQqHU
Cease: er, computer games.
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Firesign Theatre "Eat or Be Eaten" in subcode graphics: Wimpy's Software & Kamikaze Recall - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxFT97wQqHU
Cease: i got a vhs tape of that from someone
Rufus_T_Firetween: "Although the liner notes credit "The Firesign Theatre", this album does not feature founding member David Ossman. The track listing on the back of the CD lists all the individual tracks. However, the inner booklet lists only two tracks: "Getting In" (16:00) and "Getting Out" (16:00), which probably corresponds to the original vinyl pressing. This disc is a CD+G disc containing subcode graphics, and will display them on appropriate hardware such as karaoke disc players and CDTV players."
Cease: nice copy of this, tween
DJTweeny: I bought the new CD release
Cease: did it come out when i was out of town?
Cease: no, thats the vast dvd project taylor is putting together
Cease: hope they sell lots
||||||||| Nick Danger sneaks in and whispers "Get the scuttlebutt on Box of Danger here, whatever that means..."
DJTweeny: it's been a couple of years, I think
Beet: I always thought this one would be more popular than it was. I think it's classic myself.
DJTweeny: https://laugh.com/product/firesign-theatre-eat-or-be-eaten-cd/
DJTweeny: iTunes stalled for a second
Cease: htis is sort of blade runner disneyland
shoes for the dead: 235 fibonacci
DJTweeny: OH, you meant the DVD release Cat
Cease: yes
DJTweeny: Haven't heard from Taylor yet, but hope to soon
DJTweeny: I should email him
Cease: he's a busy lad
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Gotta go early tonight, folks! Thanks for the tears of laughter, DJT, et al!
Cease: remember when ossman said how impressed he was, maybe all firesign, by early zappa album, america drinks and goes home
Merlyn: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death%27s-head_hawkmoth
shoes for the dead: see ya JAM
Cease: that kind of collage inspired him/them to do electrician not that much later
Cease: i have to do a collage with that
Beet: Nite, JAM
DJTweeny: Have a great week, Johan
Cease: by jam
||||||||| Catherwood stops by and announces "While you bozos sit here in the Waiting Room, why not shop at the Firesale store?"
DJTweeny: I've emailed Sidd
DJTweeny: Yeah, the early Zappa was groundbreaking
Cease: the mixture of spoken and musical was really changing in those days
shoes for the dead: I'm tired, Park it and Lock it!
Cease: by shoes
Beet: See ya, shoes
DJTweeny: Adios, shoes
rebozoette snooze laughing
DJTweeny: Is that anything like sleepwalking?
rebozoette: I don't know never did sleep walk but sleep talk
Beet: Lost in a bug
rebozoette: snug in the rug
DJTweeny: Great Hill Street Blues parody
Goodyear Tirebiter: Good night all - see you on the flip side.....
DJTweeny: Take care, GT
Cease: she has a great voice
Cease: by gt
DJTweeny: Unless someone has a better idea, I'm going to play part 2 of Radio Now Live! next week
Cease: sounds good to me
||||||||| Babe Boomer says “We’re Live On PBS!” in the video WEIRDLY COOL Catch Firesign’s Live TV Studio Performance On DVD!
Beet: Nite, Goodyear
Beet: You have my vote, Tween
rebozoette: great'
DJTweeny: okie dokie
rebozoette: sweater pies
Mudhead: g'nite all, see ya next week
DJTweeny: nighty nite Mud
Cease: by mud
Beet: G'Nite, Mud
||||||||| New notice: '** THANKS FOR LISTENING, ALL! **
Thanks to Radio Free Dishnuts, www.dishnuts.net, for providing the streaming server for the simulcast :)
Be sure to join me (Kurt in Austin) for my live RADIO FREE ROADKILL show from 6-8pm EST every Sunday at www.dishnuts.net
Listen to my show archives and ARCHIVES FOR FIRESIGN CHAT SHOWS at: www.kurtericson.com/txroadkill/roadkillshow
rebozoette: Beet Cease DJTweeny Goodyear Tirebiter Johan Amadeus Myjetski Merlyn Mudhead shoes for the dead night all Cat great stuff and tweenie as always fun fun fun
||||||||| Bill Sprawl pokes his head in through the window and shouts "MARCHING TO SHIBBOLETH! Click to order!"
Cease: by rebo
||||||||| It's 10:55 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Goodyear Tirebiter - dead from intense demonic possession
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
Merlyn: night all, thanks again tween
Beet: Thanks all. Look forward to next week. Thanks, Tween. G'Nite.
Cease: off we flit
||||||||| Catherwood says "10:55 PM, time for SOMEONE to leave!", grabs Merlyn by the collar and gives 'em the old bum's rush out the door
pinholeF200: Thanks Tween, great fun see ya next wk
Cease: thanks to doc tech for the clean versions of the solo albums
||||||||| At 10:56 PM, pinholeF200 runs out the door saying "Hey, mister ice-cream man, I've got a nickel, wait for meeeee..."
||||||||| At 10:56 PM, Cease vanishes mysteriously -- just as Nino the Mind Boggler predicted!
Lil: Thanks Tweeny and Cat and all the rest of you
Lil: Night all
DJTweeny: Thanks for listening everybody, and have a great week :-) See you next time, same FireTime, same FireStation...
||||||||| Lil says "Catherwood, call me a cab." After the obvious joke, Lil exits at 10:57 PM.
DJTweeny: Until last time, again...
||||||||| Catherwood says "10:58 PM, time for SOMEONE to leave!", grabs Rufus_T_Firetween by the collar and gives 'em the old bum's rush out the door
||||||||| "10:58 PM? I'm late!" exclaims DJTweeny, who then rushes out through the french doors and down through the bushes.
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 11 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| It's 11:10 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Fergus - dead from the yaws
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 11:25 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Mudhead - dead from the fiddlers
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 11:40 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| llanwydd - dead from The Plague
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 11:55 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| rebozoette - dead from jaundice
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood walks in wearing his pyjamas, yawns, and mumbles "It's midnight here in New York city"...then he falls over and starts snoring loudly..
||||||||| It's 12:10 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| shoes for the dead - dead from measles
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 12:25 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Beet - dead from Globner's disease
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 12:40 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Dr. Dog - dead from pneumonia
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 12:55 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Johan Amadeus Myjetski - dead from The Plague
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| RedPillTweeny sashays in at 1:09 AM carrying an obsidian door knocker.
||||||||| It's 1:25 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| RedPillTweeny - dead from The Plague
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood enters, and announces to all and sundry "It's 4:32 AM, time to change the log file and clean out unused rooms; please exit the chat room for a minute or two. Thank you for your patience."

The Evening's Participants:
Dr. Dog
Goodyear Tirebiter
Johan Amadeus Myjetski
shoes for the dead
URL References:

Rogue's Gallery:

cat_pp.jpg (5168 bytes)
PP and Cat(cease)

newbunny.jpg (4426 bytes)

capeken.jpg (7639 bytes)
kend^/Dr. Headphones

ossman+me.gif (6000 bytes)
Merlyn and Tirebiter

capedoc.jpg (6006 bytes)

newlili.jpg (6085 bytes)

freq.jpg (4441 bytes)

roto.jpg (6046 bytes)

babs_so.jpg (5555 bytes)
LeatherG & SO

nino1.jpg (5352 bytes)

tonk1.jpg (6123 bytes)

ahclem+Bambi.jpg (9500 bytes)
Ah, Clem and Bambi

old-man.gif (55478 bytes)
Compañero Señor Yämamoto

ashhar.jpg (9068 bytes)
Dexter Fong

newelayne.jpg (15.1 kbytes)

Bubba's Brain.jpg (6600 bytes)
Bubba's Brain

Bightrethighrehighre.jpg (6600 bytes)

boney.jpg (20600 bytes)

llan.jpg (13200 bytes)

tweeny.jpg (12588 bytes)

3rdmate.jpg (23157 bytes)

peggy.jpg (5240 bytes)
Peggy Blisswhips

audrey.jpg (4873 bytes)
Audrey Farber

tdt.jpg (6077 bytes)
Tiny Dr. Tim
Rest In Peace, Dear Friend

capeklok.jpg (5469 bytes)
404 - Not Found, Not Forgotten

And, "The Home Team"