A Firesign Chat


||||||||| Catherwood re-enters the Waiting Room and explains "This is the main discussion room which is logged each night."
||||||||| Catherwood announces, "The time is 4:33 AM - I now declare Thursday's chat log for January 07, 2016 officially open!"... and then, he retires back to the vestibule...
||||||||| Catherwood escorts lowlandr into the room, accepts a grimy quarter as a gratuity, mutters something about 7:13 PM, then departs.
||||||||| It's :40 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| - dead from
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| DJTweeny tiptoes in around 8:02 PM, trying to avoid Catherwood because of last night's "unpleasant incident."
||||||||| New notice: '** There will be a Firesign Theatre/US Plus Stimulcast starting at 9pmET this evening. **
Warm-up music begins around 8:40pmET
visit Firesign’s web site at www.firesigntheatrelegacy.com
||||||||| New notice: '** There will be a Firesign Theatre/US Plus Stimulcast starting at 9pmET this evening. Warm-up music begins around 8:40pmET **
You can join the streams now (NO AUDIO YET - just a chance for everybody to get connected)
128k at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or at 16k for dial-up users at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
(streaming server graciously provided by Radio Free Dishnuts - www.dishnuts.net)
||||||||| Outside, the 8:28 PM uptown bus from Hellmouth pulls away, leaving Rufus_T_Firetween coughing in a cloud of diesel fumes.
||||||||| New notice: '** HAPPY NEW FIREYEAR!! **
Currently playing: warm up music (Little Feat)
Listen to the stream at 128k at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u
or at 16k for dial-up users at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
(streaming server graciously provided by Radio Free Dishnuts - www.dishnuts.net)
||||||||| A time machine materializes at 8:49 PM and Captain Equinox waltzes out, carrying a grape from ancient Greece.
Captain Equinox: Hiya, Kiddos!
DJTweeny: Hi Captain
Captain Equinox: Small group so far, eh?
||||||||| Ralph Spoilsport drives in through the door and says "Buy a new or used T-shirt from the Firesign Theatre Cafepress store! Hurry before this sentence ends!"
||||||||| Catherwood stumbles in and pipes up "Presenting 'EWeston', just granted probation at 8:56 PM", then leaves hurriedly.
||||||||| Gusts of wind blow in from outside and the thumpa-thumpa-thumpa of helicopter blades is heard as Happy Panditt's chopper lands on the lawn and rebozoette falls out at 8:56 PM.
rebozoette: yeah
||||||||| Catherwood sneaks into the room, and intones "Announcing 'Ralph', also known as 'Nancy' -- the time is 8:56 PM" -- then he slowly retires back into the sitting room...
rebozoette: waht
EWeston: Hi Tweeny Captain and Rufus. Hope everyone survivied the holidaze
Ralph: Hello, friends..............
EWeston: Ralph and Ette
DJTweeny: Hi EW, Ralph, rebozoette
rebozoette: Captain Equinox DJTweeny EWeston Ralph have new laugh and tween thanks for sun
DJTweeny: "Dim out the sun, Manny..."
EWeston: L'il Feets
||||||||| 8:58 PM: Cat jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past hour!"
DJTweeny: Some nice caribbean-style music :)
Captain Equinox: <3
EWeston: Hi Cat
DJTweeny: Hey Cat
Cat : Hi fooks, feats
EWeston: Post Lowell George
Cat : folks
DJTweeny: Actually not
DJTweeny: This is from Time Loves A Hero
EWeston: He usually dominates the work
||||||||| Merlyn waltzes in at 9:00 PM carrying an obsidian door knocker.
rebozoette: hi cat
DJTweeny: Hey Merlyn
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
Merlyn: I thought I shimmied
||||||||| Ralph Spoilsport drives in through the door and says "Buy a new or used T-shirt from the Firesign Theatre Cafepress store! Hurry before this sentence ends!"
EWeston: Put the door nocker down
Merlyn: It's O'CLOCK!
Merlyn: The butler is breaking down
||||||||| Outside, the 9:01 PM bus from Billville pulls away, leaving shoes for the dead coughing in a cloud of diesel fumes.
shoes for the dead: Howdy
EWeston: Shoulda kept him away from the jello shots. Hi Shoes
DJTweeny: Catherwood O'Clock from Ireland, sure as you know...
||||||||| Catherwood rushes alongside DJTweeny and says "Stop typing gibberish, DJTweeny!"
DJTweeny: Hi shoes
Cat : Happy Newt Year
rebozoette: shoes ew wow
||||||||| Nick Danger sneaks in and whispers "Get the scuttlebutt on Box of Danger here, whatever that means..."
Captain Equinox: *honk homk*
EWeston: Nappy Ute Year
Merlyn: How The Gingrich Stole Christmas
rebozoette: back attcha cat
rebozoette: hi cap
rebozoette: it came without boxes
EWeston: Kalvin Klien failed to get underwear, again.
Cat : is this the npr show?
||||||||| New notice: '** HAPPY NEW FIREYEAR!! Now playing: Firesign's “GIVE ME IMMORTALITY, OR GIVE ME DEATH” **
128k stream at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or 16k at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
IMMORTALITY >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=gros-ln
shoes for the dead: we need more now
EWeston: Talk to the chronons
rebozoette: sweet 16
shoes for the dead: gnu year
EWeston: Don't be a stick inthemud
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about “GIVE ME IMMORTALITY, OR GIVE ME DEATH” at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=gmiogmd-ln
shoes for the dead: an asp in the grass is a snake
Merlyn: Don't be a peorgie in the mudhead
rebozoette: can't wipe the smile off
DJTweeny: A small but appreciative crowd tonight
shoes for the dead: a grasp in the ass is a goose
EWeston: That goose has a vicious right
Merlyn: Speaking of vanilla, I've seen the terrorists in Oregon who took over the gift shop described as "vanilla ISIS"
rebozoette: a flask in the hand is a duck
DJTweeny: lol Merlyn
EWeston: Been a few insulting hashtags at them. They're having a core meltdown right now, and one of them toke the donations to get drunk in a motel room
rebozoette: mor mor mor
Merlyn: Whoa, toking the donations!
EWeston: Tookie Tookie!
Merlyn: From the Colorado contingent I'm guessing
rebozoette: george?
shoes for the dead: they need to be dosed
||||||||| Catherwood strides up and snorts derisively "Presenting 'Beet', just granted probation at 9:12 PM", then leaves hurriedly.
Beet: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Howdy everyone.
shoes for the dead: Beet!
EWeston: Beester!
Merlyn: Hi Joe Beets
||||||||| Catherwood leads pinholeF200 into the room, accepts three dimes as a gratuity, mumbles something about 9:13 PM, then departs.
||||||||| A time machine materializes at 9:13 PM and lowlandr sashays out, carrying a grape from ancient Greece.
shoes for the dead: hey Pin
Merlyn: I Am A Pinhole Camera
Beet: Hi shoes, EW, Merl
||||||||| Gusts of wind blow in from outside and the thumpa-thumpa-thumpa of helicopter blades is heard as Happy Panditt's chopper lands on the lawn and Johan Amadeus Myjetski disembarks at 9:13 PM.
EWeston: They've been concentrating the chemtrails over them. Soon they will believe they are fish
shoes for the dead: and lowl
Cat : Beeet, Pin, low, et al
Beet: Hi pin
Beet: Hi Cat
||||||||| Bill Sprawl pokes his head in through the window and shouts "MARCHING TO SHIBBOLETH! Click to order!"
EWeston: Pin an Low
shoes for the dead: hey JAM
Merlyn: Salmon Chanted Evening
lowlandr: Howdy Seekers
pinholeF200: Hi shoes, Merl Cat EW and all of Firedom
DJTweeny: Hi pin, Johan, lowlandr
Beet: Yo Johan
DJTweeny: Hi Beet
EWeston: They are emptying the jails as we speak
Cat : yo jo
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about “GIVE ME IMMORTALITY, OR GIVE ME DEATH” at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=gmiogmd-ln
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: HiYas, shoes E, Beet, pin Merl!
Beet: Yo Tween
Cat : yoko's uglier sister
Merlyn: What is Trump doing to prevent Ebola getting across our designer borders?
EWeston: It'll be huge, and tasteful
pinholeF200: Hey JAM
DJTweeny: Handing out ribbons?
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Wearing a flower in his hair like the girls in Andilusia?
pinholeF200: Can't wait to see the White House with "Trump" in twelve-foot letters
Captain Equinox: i know I'm not a camrl.
Beet: I'm thinking Monsanto goons planted ebola in Chipotle stores.
lowlandr: He's building a victory trench for his non captured pals
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: He can't wait either. He plans to fire the whole country
EWeston: I' pretty sure I'm not a fern
shoes for the dead: that's fart, EW
rebozoette: a pot of petunias
EWeston: But now my feet are getting to clawed to change my mind
pinholeF200: how about a pot of pot
||||||||| Nick Danger sneaks in and whispers "Get the scuttlebutt on Box of Danger here, whatever that means..."
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: a real challenge to living it or living with it...
||||||||| "Happy" Harry Cox pops in and say "I was right! Everything I knew WAS wrong! You CAN get "Profiles in Barbecue Sauce", chock full of meaty Firesign scripts!"
rebozoette: floats and boats
Cat : I bought this book, and use it daily.
rebozoette: when you are
EWeston: Private industrial stock
Cat : Profiles in BBQ
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: BeeBop -a-que
lowlandr: I stepped away for 10ish years but this is just like the old same place
Beet: I hope you NSA guys don't have a very good year and Trump fires all of you.
EWeston: 50 50 gease on the grill and on the hair
shoes for the dead: welcome back lowl
Beet: Hi low
lowlandr: thanks shoes you;re a good sole
||||||||| A time machine materializes at 9:21 PM and Nabby waltzes out, carrying a grape from ancient Greece.
EWeston: Swings a nasty set of brass knucs too
DJTweeny: Hi Nabby
shoes for the dead: this IS the mobius strip
EWeston: Into the Nabbysphere
shoes for the dead: hey Nab
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: So you've returned from the past, Lowlandr?
Beet: Howdy Nab.
Nabby: Hey Tweeny
lowlandr: Ya I followed that rubber yellow line
rebozoette: hi nab
Cat : nab
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about “GIVE ME IMMORTALITY, OR GIVE ME DEATH” at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=gmiogmd-ln
pinholeF200: yo nab
Nabby: Beet, shoes, EW!
||||||||| Catherwood enters and asks "Is there anythynge you want? By that I mean Anythynge You Want To, Shakespeare's Lost paperback Comedie in pre-electronic book form!"
Nabby: Cat!
lowlandr: Yea I just followed that rubber yellow line from no parking zone g
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Hi nabbster!
Nabby: Yo pin & reboz!
||||||||| Catherwood enters and asks "Is there anythynge you want? By that I mean Anythynge You Want To, Shakespeare's Lost paperback Comedie in pre-electronic book form!"
Nabby: Joh!
EWeston: Compensated Euphonium!
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: lol, lowl!
rebozoette: catherwood deflate everyones shoe
||||||||| Catherwood pretends not to hear rebozoette
Beet: Celeberazzi taking pictures of themselves.
Captain Equinox: I love YOU Danny
Cat : you know they dont give a fuck about anybody else
Nabby: lost wages
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: i a-member them who-buzz kids...
Beet: a hundert yeers
rebozoette: catherwood please deflate everyone's shoes
||||||||| Catherwood steps alongside rebozoette and asks "Typing my name just to rile me, eh?"
EWeston: Expired prozac perscription
Nabby: yeee hah!
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: that's sho-buzz
Nabby: catherwood be good
||||||||| Catherwood says "I'll be good from now on!"
||||||||| Catherwood leads Elayne in through the front door at 9:26 PM, picks up his cues (only slightly scorched), and heads for the billiard room.
pinholeF200: To enhance enjoyment and increase efficiency, consumption is being standardized. We are sorry.
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: from now on what, catherwood?
||||||||| Catherwood froms on what.
Cat : Hi El
Nabby: Hi Elayne
Beet: Yeow Elayne!
rebozoette: hi e
shoes for the dead: hey El
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Greets, e!
pinholeF200: greetin's Elayne
EWeston: Mz Elayne
Merlyn: hey E
lowlandr: Good evening Elayne
Nabby: Hi Merl
EWeston: Post Babble Flakes They're hard to swallow.
DJTweeny: Hey E
shoes for the dead: double talk news
EWeston: Expensive chit chat
pinholeF200: chip chat no chit
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: sponsored content
Nabby: will fade soon - impending meeting - will hover
EWeston: Its dark and scary
shoes for the dead: bees and spiders
EWeston: Heneral Ytookie
Cat : keep hovering, nab
EWeston: Don't mind the smoke
Nabby: ty and will do Cat
shoes for the dead: smoke the mind
EWeston: Clouds as thick as sheep poop
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: and blue the moss...
lowlandr: I'll need those pickle aggregates by eod
EWeston: Hatten down the batches
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about “GIVE ME IMMORTALITY, OR GIVE ME DEATH” at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=gmiogmd-ln
rebozoette: I've looked at clouds that way
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: I only need a brown paper bag and 3 new words in turkish...
EWeston: I've been in clouds that way
Beet: may I see your passport
lowlandr: gobble gobble gobble
Nabby: I remember pickles and moss - great comedy duo - siamese twinz
EWeston: Each clouds illiusion I recall
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: oh, me?
rebozoette: these tickets are for last year
shoes for the dead: good accent, lowl
||||||||| New notice: '** HAPPY NEW FIREYEAR!! Now playing: Firesign's “GIVE ME IMMORTALITY, OR GIVE ME DEATH” **
128k stream at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or 16k at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
IMMORTALITY >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=gmiogmd-rv
DJTweeny: (gave the wrong link)
||||||||| Bebop Lobo reminds all you hep cats to listen to Firesign’s NEW 24/7 RADIO STATION Click to listen anytime!"
EWeston: Lets go faster!
lowlandr: It saves time rebo
Nabby: catherwood pull everyone's string
||||||||| Catherwood walks right past Nabby
Beet: never tried hat sex
Nabby: harumph!
rebozoette: right lansr what the past anyway
pinholeF200: if you have to pay it's a hat trick
rebozoette: catherwood
||||||||| Catherwood walks alongside rebozoette and queries "May I help you?"
||||||||| Catherwood sneaks into the room, and announces "Announcing 'Lil', also known as 'Nancy' -- the time is 9:37 PM" -- then he slowly retires back into the anteroom...
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: lol, pin!
Lil: Hi kiddos
rebozoette: hi lil
EWeston: The Lil within
shoes for the dead: hey Lil
DJTweeny: Hi Lil
pinholeF200: hey there lil
Elayne: Oh dear, I seem to have forgotten to post good evening. Evenin' all!
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Evenin'. Lil!
Nabby: Hi Lil
Cat : Lil
Lil: Love this album
Beet: Hey, Catherwood, could you Catherwood Catherwood?
||||||||| Catherwood steps alongside Beet and mumbles "Did you want something?"
Elayne: DocTech and Lili say hi, we sushi'ed with them last Saturday.
rebozoette: catherwood please
||||||||| Catherwood strides over to rebozoette and asks "How may I be of service?"
EWeston: He's achived verb status?
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Everybody stay on camera
Lil: I see we're busting Catherwood's chops lol
||||||||| Catherwood strides alongside Lil and queries "Someone mention my name?"
Cat : same to them, el
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about “GIVE ME IMMORTALITY, OR GIVE ME DEATH” at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=gmiogmd-ln
Cat : have you spoken with Dex?
Elayne: Doc was chic in his Firesign t-shirt...
Cat : I talked to him over new years
Cat : is there a photo, el?
||||||||| Captain Equinox flies in through the transom, landing on the bearskin rug. "Attention, solstice squad! After working a 12-hour day, I like to kick back and swill some juice out of a genuine Firesign coffee mug or Bear Whiz Beer stein!"
Elayne: No Cat, I'm waiting to finish reading the books I borrowed from him, which should happen by spring, then I'll call him for a lunch date so I can return them.
rebozoette: cathwood refused to deflate our shoes lil hurumph
Lil: Catherwood please bust your own chops
||||||||| Catherwood ignores Lil
Elayne: Sorry Cat, I didn't take any photos. I really should have, the presentation of the food was lovely.
||||||||| The TV flickers on, and Ralph Spoilsport appears: "How can you drive in two places at once when you don't have a genuine Ralph Spoilsport license plate frame? Get one for your car and one for the plate in your head!"
Cat : he said he'd rejoin chat in a month or so. we'll see.
Nabby: catherwood bring me the head of alfredo
||||||||| Catherwood gets Nabby the head of alfredo.
Nabby: Thank you.
Lil: Rats Catherwood seems to be getting a bit less dumb
||||||||| Catherwood ignores Lil
EWeston: He can be smooth when he wants too
Beet: I don't think Catherwood can get confused.
||||||||| Catherwood gets confused.
Lil: meh lol
||||||||| Mayor P'nisnose strides up to the podium and speaks: "My fellow Armenians, if you have questions about exorcism, buy the new book "EXORCISM IN YOUR DAILY LIFE", now on sale. Incidentally, so is my vote."
Elayne: Oh yes, on that front I do have news. Doc will be telecommuting in 2016, he'll have LOTS more free time than he previously had!
Beet: lol Catherwood.
||||||||| Catherwood walks alongside Beet and inquires "Someone mention my name?"
rebozoette: lol poor catherwood
||||||||| Catherwood walks over to rebozoette and asks "Did you need me?"
EWeston: Oh Beet, I think you broke him!
Cat : Great newts
Elayne: I'm so used to seeing him frazzled, it's like a whole new Doc now!
Nabby: Yay
Cat : A non-frazzled Doc is a good doc.
Elayne: Plus I think his dad's illness was wearing him down, and now that the fellow has met his maker I think Doc is achieving equilibrium once more.
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: Hey, man, Beet broke the Catherwood!
||||||||| Catherwood rushes over to Johan Amadeus Myjetski and inquires "Did you need me?"
rebozoette: yay e now u?
||||||||| Nick Danger sneaks in and whispers "Get the scuttlebutt on Box of Danger here, whatever that means..."
Merlyn: Doc can be a tele communist!
Cat : great to hear, el
pinholeF200: Do you think Cather wood?
lowlandr: I recommend the cryogenic tele commie method
Beet: I am very proud.
Elayne: Tell a commie what?
Nabby: Catherwood get Catherwood
||||||||| Catherwood rushes up to Nabby and says "Something I can help with?"
lowlandr: Babe Ruth
Elayne: Loose lips, don'tcha know.
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: You can't tell a commie anything. Just look at Che Guavara
EWeston: How to conquor Russia
rebozoette: right right finger to knows
Elayne: I looked at Che way too much in college, so no, thanks.
Beet: Not answering is a cellphone hold button.
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: I've looked at Che that way...
Elayne: If the college kids didn't have the Che poster (or t-shirt) they had the Farrah one. But I've just dated myself. Which come to think of it I did a lot in college.
Cat : lol
||||||||| Babe Boomer says “We’re Live On PBS!” in the video WEIRDLY COOL Catch Firesign’s Live TV Studio Performance On DVD!
Beet: lolE
EWeston: Pull that camel over for too many knees
Lil: From both sides now...la la la
Nabby: lol
lowlandr: Like a fresh of breath air
EWeston: Pork?
lowlandr: pork+
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: the nude millenium
Merlyn: That reminds me of a riddle: How do you find Will Smith after a snowstorm?
Nabby: pork++
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: I'll bite, Merln How?
EWeston: +--Pork= aniliation
Merlyn: Just look for fresh prints...
shoes for the dead: ouch
Beet: Very punny
Cat : funny
Nabby: fresh pork?
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: anybody got anything for an acid stomach?
Cat : i thought the question was rhetorical
EWeston: Just don't ask about the dark pork
Cat : Prince S. Godess
rebozoette: sugar the other white meat
DJTweeny: no quite
Nabby: I read that 2/3 of the galaxy is made up of dark pork
Cat : Waiting for Godess or someone like her
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: not my cup of meat, ya know
||||||||| Catherwood tosses another cheese log on the fire and intones, "If you want to keep the cornstarch off your mukluks this season, buy a hoodie or a sweatshirt at the Firesign corner Cafepress store."
DJTweeny: *not
lowlandr: It tastes like chicken
Beet: So we know what the matter is, Nab?
EWeston: The other 2/3rds is bacon
Nabby: say goodbye to.....
Nabby: no, what's the matter?
rebozoette: a chop in yer pocket
EWeston: Stupor Strings
Beet: Pork
lowlandr: No matter what
Nabby: how are your chops?
rebozoette: hambone symphony
shoes for the dead: a chop on your shoulder
rebozoette: ouch
Nabby: mutton chips
rebozoette: pull that poek
rebozoette: lol
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: hot stake better than a cold chop
EWeston: At the selecting drapes stage relationshipwise
rebozoette: typo tragedy
Nabby: i purchased digital bell bottoms on Steam whatever that means
shoes for the dead: porkpie hat
Nabby twerks at the NSA
Beet: You can eat your hat.
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: goodbye porkpie hat
rebozoette: go nabby go
EWeston: Got him right in the cringe!
lowlandr: Jeff beck rips that tune
Nabby: great & thanks Tween
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: charles mingus did too
||||||||| Catherwood tosses another cheese log on the fire and intones, "If you want to keep the cornstarch off your mukluks this season, buy a hoodie or a sweatshirt at the Firesign corner Cafepress store."
Nabby: HaPPy NeW YeaR aLL
||||||||| New notice: '** HAPPY NEW FIREYEAR!! Now playing: from the DOMM Let's Eat Broadcast Series “NEW YEARS IN MIXVILLE” **
128k stream at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or 16k at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
DUKE OF MADNESS MOTORS >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/firesale/firesale.php?audio#DUKEOFPFTFTJ
Nabby: AFK
DJTweeny: yw Nabby :)
Cat : same to you, nab
Lil: You too Nab
rebozoette: bye nab thanks for the dance
EWeston: Take two, they're small
pinholeF200: nite nab
Beet: Nite Nab
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: health, wealth & happiness to us all in this new beer, year
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about DUKE OF MADNESS MOTORS - Every Firesign Theatre radio broadcast from the "Dear Friends" era (1970-1972) >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=domm-rv**
rebozoette: he said oral
DJTweeny: Chinchillas!
EWeston: Smaller, and Cleaner!
Lil: U2 JAM
shoes for the dead: more Now
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: on no, chinchilla farming for everyone
Beet: Are concussions going to kill the NFL?
EWeston: Seeing twenty of them harnessed to the plow is an awesome sight
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: I remember the concussion section in our marching band
lowlandr: I'm afraid so Beet
shoes for the dead: get serious, Beet, this is America
Beet: Probably right, shoes.
rebozoette: moo
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: I actually used to LIKE Chick-o-stix!
EWeston: For the game I was waiting for. The opposition got busted for bar fighting, and my guy went out with a concussion in the second quarter
EWeston: The respective quarterbacks
lowlandr: Ah to be young again
shoes for the dead: this is the year of the boor
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
Lil: hooray for fruit!
EWeston: Watch out for those tusks man
Lil: not the NFL, just the players
EWeston: The NFL is a tax free Org
pinholeF200: It's a church...dropkick me Jesus
EWeston: That's some hard air
shoes for the dead: thru the goalpost of life
Beet: 50,000 capacity temples
EWeston: Niether left nor right
lowlandr: hut hut heal
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: bread and circuses
EWeston: Now that your healed heel
rebozoette: don't hit the cross bar bar
EWeston: But straight though the uprights
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about DUKE OF MADNESS MOTORS - Every Firesign Theatre radio broadcast from the "Dear Friends" era (1970-1972) >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=domm-rv**
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: just not your cross to bar...
EWeston: I bar no crosses
rebozoette: penalty confession booth
||||||||| Mayor P'nisnose strides up to the podium and speaks: "My fellow Armenians, if you have questions about exorcism, buy the new book "EXORCISM IN YOUR DAILY LIFE", now on sale. Incidentally, so is my vote."
shoes for the dead: cross bear
DJTweeny: lily heard this Sunday ;)
rebozoette: mean cross hare
DJTweeny: Don' forget Radio Free Roadkill, every Sunday 6-8 ET at www.dishnuts.net
lowlandr: hare++
EWeston: Hot cross bunnies
DJTweeny: I've been playing Firesign every week, and am always taking requests
rebozoette: that FST listen a million times and always hear somethin new thanks Tewwie
DJTweeny: absolutely, lily
rebozoette: tweenie lol
DJTweeny: nipping at the rat cheese, rebozoete? ;)
rebozoette: sunday with Mr is wonderful fun
||||||||| Mayor P'nisnose strides up to the podium and speaks: "My fellow Armenians, if you have questions about exorcism, buy the new book "EXORCISM IN YOUR DAILY LIFE", now on sale. Incidentally, so is my vote."
EWeston: Bludgened by Bunnies
DJTweeny: (MrRoadkill is my nick there)
rebozoette: always fingers are not in charge
DJTweeny: the keyboard is obviously defective ;)
shoes for the dead: i like this bit
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: your brain may not be the boss, rebozoette
EWeston: Just touch this tesla coil, then fingers plenty charged
rebozoette: head to hand head to hand over
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: sounds like some of that self-love stuff, rebozoet
rebozoette: lol
pinholeF200: I enjoy a good tug now and then
rebozoette: man overboard
EWeston: Look at the prow on that steamer
rebozoette: lol
||||||||| 10:12 PM -- rebozoette left for parts unknown.   (Entry from Nick Danger's "Idiots I Have Been Paid To Follow").
||||||||| Catherwood stumbles in at 10:12 PM, dragging rebozoette by the hair and asks "Can anyone vouch for this idiot?"
DJTweeny: She's no fun, she fell right over...
rebozoette: lol
rebozoette: tears just tears
Beet: I can'y eat my carrion eater?
shoes for the dead: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_maritime_signal_flags
rebozoette: finally got catherwood to respect
||||||||| Catherwood ignores rebozoette
Cat : a stiff idiot is the worst kind
EWeston: Take a fork to him
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: little golf tango oscar
DJTweeny: catherwood, give rebozoette some respect
||||||||| Catherwood gives rebozoette some respect.
rebozoette: ty
||||||||| Catherwood ushers llanwydd in through the front door at 10:15 PM, picks up his cues (only slightly scorched), and heads for the billiard room.
llanwydd: evening folks
||||||||| Babe Boomer says “We’re Live On PBS!” in the video WEIRDLY COOL Catch Firesign’s Live TV Studio Performance On DVD!
DJTweeny: Hey Llan
EWeston: Lian
Beet: hi llan
Cat : happy new year, llan
shoes for the dead: hey Llan
Merlyn: hi llan
||||||||| Catherwood tosses another cheese log on the fire and intones, "If you want to keep the cornstarch off your mukluks this season, buy a hoodie or a sweatshirt at the Firesign corner Cafepress store."
EWeston: Leapin lampreys
pinholeF200: howdy llan
rebozoette: hi llan
llanwydd: yes, yes. happy 2016 to everybody
||||||||| Captain Equinox flies in through the transom, landing on the bearskin rug. "Attention, solstice squad! After working a 12-hour day, I like to kick back and swill some juice out of a genuine Firesign coffee mug or Bear Whiz Beer stein!"
Beet: He didn't say "shrimp" thank God
rebozoette: scooch over
llanwydd: shrimp
llanwydd: sorry
rebozoette: this is grand
EWeston: Chimp shrimp chips
llanwydd: never heard this before
llanwydd: cool
llanwydd: wow
Beet: What's the dip?
llanwydd: sounded like austin's voice faded into bergman's
llanwydd: REALLY coo.
llanwydd: cool
DJTweeny: indeed
llanwydd: pardon me I've had a couple of cockatiels
llanwydd: cocktails
Johan Amadeus Myjetski: night all! Gotta go!
DJTweeny: lol
DJTweeny: Be well, Johan
EWeston: Byee JAM
llanwydd: Nite Jam
pinholeF200: night JAM
rebozoette: nite jo
Cat : by jo
shoes for the dead: see ya JAM
pinholeF200: when you drink cockatiels it tickles when you swallow
llanwydd: what accent is bergman doing?
rebozoette: now they implant them with trackers
llanwydd: lol
llanwydd: I used to date one! LOL
llanwydd: one organism...
rebozoette: lol
lowlandr: I gotta go as well. Nice to see you all are still doing this. I'll drop by again.
EWeston: One IRA
Cat : keep dropping, low
DJTweeny: please do, lowlandr
rebozoette: bye landr come back
EWeston: See yah lowlandr
DJTweeny: remember, Ossman will be here soon
shoes for the dead: see ya Lowl and R
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** If you're on Facebook, you can Like the official Firesign Fan Page here >> https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Firesign-Theatre/282668140208 - and if you’re on Twitter and would like to get official Firesign tweets, follow @FiresignNews - there are also a couple of other unofficial Facebook fan pages at >> Chromium Switch - https://www.facebook.com/groups/50372982074/?ref=br_tf - and Firesign Theatre - https://www.facebook.com/groups/21145641274/
Beet: See ya later low
Beet: Nite R
pinholeF200: nite lowl
llanwydd: thanx tween
||||||||| New notice: '** HAPPY NEW FIREYEAR!! Now playing: Proctor and Bergman's “GIVE US A BREAK” **
128k stream at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or 16k at: http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u
GIVE US A BREAK >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=guab-ln
llanwydd: thanx catherwood
||||||||| Catherwood rushes over to llanwydd and asks "Do you have something for me to do?"
llanwydd: I love this album!
Cat : those voices must have been starland
llanwydd: I bought this in 1979
Beet: The sound of computer kays
Beet: keys
pinholeF200: reality online
Cat : ok
EWeston: Not line tapping then
llanwydd: cross your fingers for tween
shoes for the dead: mouse click symphony
llanwydd: COOL
rebozoette: cool its so real
EWeston: K Kars ferevah
llanwydd: I've got an interesting story about this album
Rufus_T_Firetween: Read about “GIVE US A BREAK” at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=guab-ln
llanwydd: I played parts of it on my high school radio station
DJTweeny: do tell, Llan...
Lil: do tell llan
llanwydd: I was in my senior year
llanwydd: I started with "Lemon Car". best track on the album
Lil: LOL Tween
llanwydd: the whole school loved it
DJTweeny: Lemon Car is great
llanwydd: hilarious
llanwydd: then when I was in college a few years later I heard guys quoting this album in my dorm
EWeston: I've recited parts of it on occasion, and confusion
DJTweeny: "Her herring has been impaired"
pinholeF200: sounds fishy to me
Lil: LOL
EWeston: You can't get one on scale anymore
DJTweeny: They did this bit live on What This Counry Needs
llanwydd: I remember I played a little of a monty python album as well
DJTweeny: That's cool, Llan :)
Lil: wwow don't recall hearing this before ever
llanwydd: haha
llanwydd: love this
llanwydd: sd;lifhsdlvjkh
EWeston: Not something to be broadcast over the HS sound sysytem
Lil: it's great
EWeston: I love DR.X
llanwydd: great to hear this album again
Rufus_T_Firetween: Read about “GIVE US A BREAK” at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=guab-ln
llanwydd: substance surrounder
Cat : that was sort of like boomers on a bench
Cat : similar jokes
llanwydd: hmhmhmhm
llanwydd: not hard to smell
rebozoette: za schroom
llanwydd: broncos?
EWeston: The Saturday Nite Gun Mart is good too
pinholeF200: is that why Lincoln's had was so tall?
pinholeF200: hat
llanwydd: split rails
Beet: He could fit a bottle in it
llanwydd: really strange how strange some of this album sounds to me.
llanwydd: I haven't heard the whole thing since the early 80s
shoes for the dead: pickle? brown paper bag?
Cat : sounds fresh
llanwydd: sneazers!
rebozoette: tourable
pinholeF200: I guess only ham radio guys get destinated
llanwydd: best track on the album!
llanwydd: trini eat your heart out
DJTweeny: excellent parody :)
Cat : the lads love to sing
shoes for the dead: destinated?
DJTweeny: and really good at it
rebozoette: hey
rebozoette: hay'
DJTweeny: Proctor was in the Yale Men's Choir, of course
||||||||| Captain Equinox flies in through the transom, landing on the bearskin rug. "Attention, solstice squad! After working a 12-hour day, I like to kick back and swill some juice out of a genuine Firesign coffee mug or Bear Whiz Beer stein!"
pinholeF200: in the mid-90s when you got where you were going you were destinated--usually meant you needed to shut off the radio, shoes
DJTweeny: That's how he got to visit the USSR
EWeston: Nice screams
DJTweeny: yeah lol
shoes for the dead: ah! I'm a ham, new term to me
pinholeF200: may have been a regional thing, though I saw it in a ham magazine once
DJTweeny: did they give you a honey glaze?
pinholeF200: root beer
shoes for the dead: smoked
||||||||| "Happy" Harry Cox pops in and say "I was right! Everything I knew WAS wrong! You CAN get "Profiles in Barbecue Sauce", chock full of meaty Firesign scripts!"
rebozoette: pineapple with cherries
rebozoette: brown sugar more sugar
Cat : i ddint know pineapples had sex
EWeston: Just make sure you don't hold your pineapple the wrong way
rebozoette: new clear
llanwydd: real new c?
llanwydd: what did that mean? the next 2000 years?
EWeston: Its what I told cousin Ted, but would he listen, no.
EWeston: Neucleare
pinholeF200: I think it was 200,000, half life of some of the daughter isotopes
llanwydd: hmm. interesting
Beet: No more water to turn the turbines in the dams. More Nukes!
pinholeF200: in St. Louis County there is a landfill with Manhattan Project waste, illegally dumped and next to an underground fire. We hear this stuff all the time
rebozoette: wet sugar packets can be use as bricks till it rains again
llanwydd: lol rebo!
DJTweeny: yikes pin :(
pinholeF200: google West Lake Landfill, dirty secret of Bill Gates, Republic Services' largest shareholder
Lil: yep just heard about that on the news Pin
DJTweeny: This is a great bit
pinholeF200: EPA is supposed to do something, sometime, maybe
EWeston: They really had little idea of the toxicity of some nuc produces back then
rebozoette: one lumpy hump
Beet: EPA, FDA, have become jokes. And not very funny.
pinholeF200: number one song every hour, like WLS
rebozoette: shoes for the dead Beet Cat DJTweeny EWeston Lil llanwydd pinholeF200 thanks I missed this and Tweenie you are the best
shoes for the dead: Thanks Tween
llanwydd: BRAVO
Cat : see y'all next week. will have new collage
Merlyn: cya tween and tanks
||||||||| New notice: '** THANKS FOR LISTENING, ALL! **
Thanks to Radio Free Dishnuts, that’s www.dishnuts.net, for providing the streaming server for the simulcast :)
Be sure to join me (Kurt in Austin) for my live RADIO FREE ROADKILL show from 6-8pm EST every Sunday at www.dishnuts.net
Listen to my show archives and ARCHIVES FOR FIRESIGN CHAT SHOWS at: www.kurtericson.com/txroadkill/roadkillshow
pinholeF200: Nytol, thanks Tween and to all for sharing your heads
shoes for the dead: Park it and Lock it!
llanwydd: nite cat
EWeston: Love an stuff all, see yez
||||||||| At 10:58 PM, Merlyn hurries out the door saying "Hey, mister ice-cream man, I've got a nickel, wait for meeeee..."
Beet: Hey, Happy New Year everyone. Thanks Tween. G'Nite all.
rebozoette: yeah cat
||||||||| Cat leaves to catch the 10:58 PM train to Billville.
||||||||| pinholeF200 departs at 10:58 PM, singing "Toad away, toad away; toad away, toad away! Where do you go when you're toad away?"
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
DJTweeny: That were fun :-)
llanwydd: nite folks
||||||||| llanwydd rushes out the back door as Mayor P'nisnose blasts through the front door holding a shotgun and shouting "Where's llanwydd?! It's 11:00 PM and my ballot boxes haven't been stuffed yet!"
||||||||| At 11:03 PM, Rufus_T_Firetween runs out the door saying "Hey, mister ice-cream man, I've got a nickel, wait for meeeee..."
DJTweeny: Until last time, again...
||||||||| 11:03 PM -- DJTweeny left for parts unknown.   (Entry from Nick Danger's "Idiots I Have Been Paid To Follow").
||||||||| Woody 1 enters at 11:16 PM as Catherwood takes their hat and goat and dashes off to the Hat Pack Annex.
Woody 1: Any road kill left for me?
Woody 1: Not that I can eat being made of wood, but I have friends
Woody 1: There's an echo in here. So much so that I think it would be safe to exit. I'll give you two minutes.
||||||||| "Happy" Harry Cox pops in and say "I was right! Everything I knew WAS wrong! You CAN get "Profiles in Barbecue Sauce", chock full of meaty Firesign scripts!"
Woody 1: Would love to have Everything You Know is Wrong on disc. Anything in the works?
Woody 1: video that s.
||||||||| It's :40 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| - dead from
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood enters, and announces to all and sundry "It's 4:32 AM, time to change the log file and clean out unused rooms; please exit the chat room for a minute or two. Thank you for your patience."

The Evening's Participants:
Captain Equinox
Johan Amadeus Myjetski
shoes for the dead
Woody 1
URL References:

Rogue's Gallery:

cat_pp.jpg (5168 bytes)
PP and Cat(cease)

newbunny.jpg (4426 bytes)

capeken.jpg (7639 bytes)
kend^/Dr. Headphones

ossman+me.gif (6000 bytes)
Merlyn and Tirebiter

capedoc.jpg (6006 bytes)

newlili.jpg (6085 bytes)

freq.jpg (4441 bytes)

roto.jpg (6046 bytes)

babs_so.jpg (5555 bytes)
LeatherG & SO

nino1.jpg (5352 bytes)

tonk1.jpg (6123 bytes)

ahclem+Bambi.jpg (9500 bytes)
Ah, Clem and Bambi

old-man.gif (55478 bytes)
Compañero Señor Yämamoto

ashhar.jpg (9068 bytes)
Dexter Fong

newelayne.jpg (15.1 kbytes)

Bubba's Brain.jpg (6600 bytes)
Bubba's Brain

Bightrethighrehighre.jpg (6600 bytes)

boney.jpg (20600 bytes)

llan.jpg (13200 bytes)

tweeny.jpg (12588 bytes)

3rdmate.jpg (23157 bytes)

peggy.jpg (5240 bytes)
Peggy Blisswhips

audrey.jpg (4873 bytes)
Audrey Farber

tdt.jpg (6077 bytes)
Tiny Dr. Tim
Rest In Peace, Dear Friend

capeklok.jpg (5469 bytes)
404 - Not Found, Not Forgotten

And, "The Home Team"