A Firesign Chat


||||||||| Catherwood re-enters the Waiting Room and explains "This is the main discussion room which is logged each night."
||||||||| Catherwood announces, "The time is 4:33 AM - I now declare Thursday's chat log for September 25, 2014 officially open!"... and then, he retires back to the vestibule...
||||||||| With a theatrical clearing of his throat, Catherwood intones: "3:36 PM and late as usual, it's penny, just back from California."
||||||||| It's 3:55 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| penny - dead from pneumonia
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood sneaks into the room, and pipes up "Announcing 'Rufus_T_Firetween', also known as 'Nancy' -- the time is 4:59 PM" -- then he slowly retires back into the sitting room...
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 5 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 6 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 7 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| Catherwood escorts DJTweeny in through the front door at 7:49 PM, picks up his cues (only slightly scorched), and heads for the billiard room.
||||||||| Catherwood enters with toadaway close behind, mumbles something about disrupting his 7:57 PM tree-stunting plans, and scurries off to the Aviary.
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 8 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
DJTweeny: Hi toadaway
||||||||| New notice: '** There will be a Firesign Theatre/US Plus Stimulcast starting at 9pmET this evening. Warm-up music begins around 8:40pmET **'
||||||||| It's 8:10 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| toadaway - dead from the fiddlers
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| A time machine materializes at 8:14 PM and Timeghost sashays out, carrying a grape from ancient Greece.
Timeghost: WOW! What a trip!
DJTweeny: Hi Timeghost
DJTweeny: You've been to ancient Greece?
DJTweeny: music around 8:40pm Eastern
DJTweeny: the streams will go up around 8:30
||||||||| New notice: '** There will be a Firesign Theatre/US Plus Stimulcast starting at 9pmET this evening. Warm-up music begins around 8:40pmET - you can join the streams now (NO AUDIO YET - just a chance for everybody to get connected) at 128k at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or at 16k for dial-up users at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u (streaming server graciously provided by Radio Free Dishnuts - www.dishnuts.net) **'
Timeghost: Sorry about the delay in replying; I had to re calibrate from ancient Greek.
DJTweeny: hehe
DJTweeny: Nino says you're from Albany
DJTweeny: is that considered 'upstate' NY?
||||||||| Catherwood leads lily into the room, accepts a wooden nickel as a gratuity, mutters something about 8:47 PM, then departs.
DJTweeny: Hi lily
||||||||| Cat sneaks in around 8:48 PM, trying to avoid Catherwood because of last month's "unpleasant incident."
||||||||| New notice: '** currently playing - (various artists) - listen to the stream at 128k at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or at 16k for dial-up users at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u (streaming server graciously provided by Radio Free Dishnuts - www.dishnuts.net) **'
DJTweeny: oops forgot to change the banner
DJTweeny: Hey Cat
lily: hello djt cat time and thanks for a great one again tween
DJTweeny: always fun, lily :)
lily: right you r
||||||||| Catherwood stomps in at 8:51 PM, dragging EWeston by the hair and asks "Can anyone vouch for this Firehead?"
DJTweeny: Hi EW
EWeston: Owtch, Esy on the hair
EWeston: Tweent Lily cat and a new name yow!
DJTweeny: be gentle, Catherwood
||||||||| Catherwood says "I'll try to be gentle"
EWeston: Lucky I had a skateboard
DJTweeny: always handy :)
lily: the wheels on the board go,,,
DJTweeny: lol
EWeston: Mr C is a mean hand with rollerblades
DJTweeny: Catherwood, please give everyone some rollerblades
||||||||| Catherwood hands everyone some rollerblades.
||||||||| With a theatrical clearing of his throat, Catherwood pipes up: "8:56 PM and late as usual, it's NancyKat, just back from Chicago."
||||||||| Catherwood walks up and pipes up "Presenting 'macCat', just granted probation at 8:56 PM", then leaves hurriedly.
DJTweeny: Hi Nancy
lily: whoohoo
EWeston: Cat patrol is here
Cat: its raining cats and kats
EWeston: And I'm falling
NancyKat: Heylas, Tweeny! Cats and Kats and chats and nekos...
DJTweeny: Catherwood, please give the cats and kats some tuna
||||||||| Catherwood gets the cats and kats some tuna.
||||||||| Chick Lambert fades in and says: "I have no idea who this Friedstein Theatre is, but they 're honing in on my territory over at Duke of Madness Motors. Give 'em the what for, Storm!" "RUFF! RUFF!"
Cat: steve stills
||||||||| Nick Dang sneaks in around 8:57 PM, trying to avoid Catherwood because of last month's "unpleasant incident."
Cat: neal young speaks reverentially of him in his autobi
DJTweeny: Hi Nick
Nick Dang: Howdy
DJTweeny: Stills, Cat?
lily: third eye
Cat: yeah
Nick Dang: Ole One Eye
||||||||| Catherwood walks up and snorts derisively "Presenting 'pinholeF200', just granted probation at 8:58 PM", then leaves hurriedly.
EWeston: Second spleen
DJTweeny: Hi pinhole
Cat: of course he also spoke reverently of his wife, and he just left her for darryl hannah
NancyKat: Ole dick one eye...
pinholeF200: Evenin' Tween
DJTweeny: Stills is one incredible songwriter
Nick Dang: Here's looking at you, kid.
lily: arrr ya winkin at me laddy
NancyKat: damn Thugees...throwin' red paint on eyeryone...
||||||||| Catherwood strides in with a trumpet, plays a fanfare, and proclaims "Nine PM on Thursday, September 25, 2014 - I now declare alt.comedy.firesgn-thtre's chat officially open!"
DJTweeny: loved his band Manassas
Cat: a great musician for many years
||||||||| shoes for the dead enters at 9:00 PM as Catherwood takes their hat and goat and dashes off to the Chapeau Manger.
EWeston: That's just expressionistic interior design
shoes for the dead: howdy
DJTweeny: This track if from Firesign's "All Things Firesign" (NPR radio bits)
DJTweeny: Hi shoes
EWeston: Shoes, any good tapping lately?
pinholeF200: Love the recently-released Manassas tune "I Am My Brother"
||||||||| Catherwood steals into the room, and pipes up "Announcing 'squeeze_the_wheeze', also known as 'Nancy' -- the time is 9:01 PM" -- then he slowly retires back into the vestibule...
Cat: what are the dead gonna do for shoes?
shoes for the dead: ya, but it's my truck's valves........
DJTweeny: Hi squeeze
squeeze_the_wheeze: hey ho ya'll
NancyKat: Cat-The same thing they do for klondikes...decompose...
EWeston: Ticky ticky no boo
shoes for the dead: dead cows make shoes
Cat: not by choice
pinholeF200: can't hide it
EWeston: I didn't know Naga's were cows
Cat: on the local news, i'm watching a large bear lumber around a suburb. and they're NOT shooting it. that's news!
||||||||| New notice: '** currently playing - “GIVE US A BREAK” - listen to the stream at 128k at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or at 16k for dial-up users at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u - YOU CAN PURCHASE THIS ALBUM AT >> http://laughstore.stores.yahoo.net/prbecoofprbe.html **'
NancyKat: CAT-Whoa...that's different...
shoes for the dead: neat Cat
||||||||| Catherwood enters with Pyramid Pachouli close behind, mutters something about disrupting his 9:04 PM tree-stunting plans, and rushes off to the vestibule.
EWeston: A sensitive scent is noticed
||||||||| The TV flickers on, and Ralph Spoilsport appears: "How can you drive in two places at once when you don't have a genuine Ralph Spoilsport license plate frame? Get one for your car and one for the plate in your head!"
Pyramid Pachouli: I'm down, trailing clouds of glory...
Cat: In Banff, bears are allowed to wander around and people are taught to not bother them. it should be like that in Vancouver, at least in its outer suburbs where I live
lily: a pile of broccoli
||||||||| Catherwood stomps in at 9:05 PM, dragging Mr. Bark Bark by the hair and asks "Can anyone vouch for this bozo?"
Cat: we're virtually in the forest, and its Their forest.
||||||||| 9:05 PM: ZookyFogg jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past year and a half!"
EWeston: Recycle your clouds of glory
NancyKat: Cat-Agree...
shoes for the dead: yuppers Cat
NancyKat: beware the Mooooose...
Cat: good idea, Tween.
Cat: this is a good place to introduce folks to Firesign
DJTweeny: oops
EWeston: And wear the marosets
NancyKat: My first was Bozos.
NancyKat: EW-marmosets? sets of marmos?
pinholeF200: Hot Rock, featuring the #1 record EVERY HOUR!
DJTweeny: didn't enable the next item in the playlist :/
Pyramid Pachouli: My intro was Nick Danger, 3rd Eye
shoes for the dead: a set of marmos?
EWeston: Marmosets, they make fine fine shoes, but not cows
NancyKat: Pyramid...A very good intro.
shoes for the dead: it's spelled armor
NancyKat: marmo...set
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about “GIVE US A BREAK” at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=guab-ln
Cat: i'm from their early radio days, april 67, before the albums
EWeston: Petrified maple surrup
Cat: that was a funny bit
Cat: mr., mcdonald had a farm
NancyKat: Cat-awesome. My Mom introduced me.
DJTweeny: ** Don’t forget to check out the Firesign Theatre Funway for a cool page full of Flash goodies. Just move your cursor over various areas of the page - https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/funway.html
shoes for the dead: schlitz your foot off
||||||||| "Happy" Harry Cox pops in and say "I was right! Everything I knew WAS wrong! You CAN get "Profiles in Barbecue Sauce", chock full of meaty Firesign scripts!"
Cat: you have a great mom, nancy. at least about that
DJTweeny me is herring-impaired
NancyKat: "You're really a game fish...what's you're name?"
Pyramid Pachouli: I agree!
ZookyFogg: Taking a break from my break. You're all more fun.
Cat: break a leg, fogg
NancyKat: Cat-fangs. Yes...I do.
lily: fishy
shoes for the dead: more fun than a broken break
EWeston: Squiddly is as squidly does
Pyramid Pachouli: Probably a Pisces
NancyKat: OMG-I said you're instead of your...i'm loosing my grip...
ZookyFogg: I have permanent hardware in my left.
Cat: i was backstage just before one of their seattle shows in i think 05 when proctor explained the meaning of "break a leg"
EWeston: Use your prothesis
Cat: if they applaud, you bend your knees to acknowledge that, thus "break a leg"
NancyKat: Cat-Hmmm. eeenteresting.
EWeston: A vaudville thing?
DJTweeny: I Did Not Know That Cat
ZookyFogg: I'm growing another out back.
Pyramid Pachouli: Cat's right, & Proctor too
Cat: maybe before that, ew. wiki would know.
shoes for the dead: older than that, I bet
Pyramid Pachouli: From 16th cent. actually
DJTweeny: Some really wonderful faux-commercials on this recording
||||||||| Captain Equinox flies in through the transom, landing on the bearskin rug. "Attention, solstice squad! After working a 12-hour day, I like to kick back and swill some juice out of a genuine Firesign coffee mug or Bear Whiz Beer stein!"
Cat: proc has been acting since childhood. i think he's taken a lot of bows, but not broken yet
NancyKat: Tweeny-Yes...
Cat: on all of their albums, tween
pinholeF200: Prescriptions filled without a prescription after 10
EWeston: Bergman let out all the stops on some on the Dear Freinds album
NancyKat: eeeeedeots...i'm surrrounded by eeedeots...
Pyramid Pachouli: Loved the TV Guide improvs on Friends.
EWeston: We're fluffy as all get out
ZookyFogg: I'm growing that out back, too. Colorado here I come.
DJTweeny: Catherwood, please give Nancy a de-idiot-ifier
||||||||| Catherwood hands nancy a de-idiot-ifier.
EWeston: Can you get a app for that?
Mr. Bark Bark: I had to get a nap after that!
DJTweeny: would certainly be popular, EW
NancyKat: Tweeny...LOL....I miss R&S...and the 80's.....and Vibrance shampoo...
lily: its on floppy
shoes for the dead: it sure would eat the batteries
NancyKat: Fang you Catherwood-*hands him some grapes*
||||||||| Catherwood rushes alongside NancyKat and asks "Do you have something for me to do?"
Mr. Bark Bark: Stop calling me floppy.
EWeston: Programed in Unix
||||||||| Catherwood enters and asks "Is there anythynge you want? By that I mean Anythynge You Want To, Shakespeare's Lost paperback Comedie in pre-electronic book form!"
ZookyFogg: You smell pretty. Thanks for that. Could be worse.
||||||||| 9:17 PM: Nabby jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past five minutes!"
DJTweeny: Shoes, was it you that requested "Yes, Mistress"?
DJTweeny: Hi Nabby
NancyKat: nabby hey!
shoes for the dead: Nabby!
Nabby: Ello ello
EWeston: Eek its Nabby!
Cat: nabster
shoes for the dead: yuppers, Tween
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about “GIVE US A BREAK” at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=guab-ln
Nabby: Evening
NancyKat: MMM Faygo gingerale...
Pyramid Pachouli: good to smell me again
||||||||| 9:19 PM: Merlyn jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past year and a half!"
DJTweeny: Kewl shoes, finally found a short enough Firesign album so I could play it and stay within the time constraints
lily: wearing a half sweater
EWeston: Sidereal of Paraguraian
DJTweeny: Hey Merlyn
Merlyn: hey DJ
ZookyFogg: I'm trying to remember the first time I heard someones butt ring.
Cat: hey merl
shoes for the dead: pretty big ring...........
EWeston: A brown letter day?
Nabby: Hi Merlyn
Merlyn: hi cat
Mr. Bark Bark: Those are hard to keep clean.
ZookyFogg: I'm just trying to remember stuff.
shoes for the dead: hey Merl
NancyKat: Ahh balone....
Pyramid Pachouli: We've come to a bitter end
Cat: you were there when proc told us the origin of "break a leg," right?
EWeston: Its easier to make it all up, Belated ni Merly
Nabby: what?
||||||||| L_Kelraith sneaks in around 9:21 PM, trying to avoid Catherwood because of last month's "unpleasant incident."
Merlyn: I dunno cat
ZookyFogg: Google Drone Delivery Pods for regular folks.
||||||||| Lil enters at 9:22 PM as Catherwood takes their hat and goat and hurries off to the Hat Pack Annex.
DJTweeny: Hi LK
NancyKat: Google buttpaste...
DJTweeny: Hi Lil
Cat: backstage before the show in 05. old seattle theatre
NancyKat: Hi, Lil...
shoes for the dead: to polish the ring?
lily: weeeee
EWeston: Lil's in cool
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about “GIVE US A BREAK” at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=guab-ln
Nabby: Hey Lil
Merlyn: don't recall it, cat, what was the origin?
Lil: Hi Just Folks
Nabby: this is a very silly record
DJTweeny: ** Don’t forget to check out the Firesign Theatre Funway for a cool page full of Flash goodies. Just move your cursor over various areas of the page - https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/funway.html
Mr. Bark Bark: Googol buttpaste is more than I need.
||||||||| "Happy" Harry Cox pops in and say "I was right! Everything I knew WAS wrong! You CAN get "Profiles in Barbecue Sauce", chock full of meaty Firesign scripts!"
ZookyFogg: Tang-fer, over, out, pete, noel, mercy
Cat: doc and lily and i were wandering around behind the theatre looking for an entrance. i think bunny boy was there too
NancyKat: Lemon Curry?
Lil: Never heard this one before, it's great lol
DJTweeny: "Lemon Car"
Pyramid Pachouli: Lemming hurry?
Nabby: oil pressure gonna drop on meeeee
Mr. Bark Bark: I took the Lemming Pledge, but it required a leap of faith.
pinholeF200: Threw a rod, is that serious?
Merlyn: was that the theater that had what used to be the old "colored people" separate entrance to the highest balcony?
DJTweeny: This album was out of print for a really long time Lil. Now available on CD at the above link
Nabby: lol
NancyKat: Oh, those pooor lemmings....
Lil: haha
ZookyFogg: I know where you can get a sticker.
shoes for the dead: how far did it go Pin?
||||||||| Catherwood enters and asks "Is there anythynge you want? By that I mean Anythynge You Want To, Shakespeare's Lost paperback Comedie in pre-electronic book form!"
EWeston: I always keep a handy cliff in a pants pocket.
Lil: What's the title again?
NancyKat: I shot de sherrif then i shot a mango tree...
DJTweeny: Lil >> see the banner
Pyramid Pachouli: Poor Faith, with all those people trying to leap over her...
EWeston: Give us a break, I think
NancyKat: Pyramid-GOOD ONE!
DJTweeny: That skit was called "Lemon Car"
pinholeF200: 206 miles to Chicago
shoes for the dead: echo in hehe
NancyKat: You're mother was a hamster....
Lil: my brain is malfunctioning at the moment sorry
Lil: Thanks Merl
DJTweeny: lol Nancy
ZookyFogg: Oh, that guy.
Pyramid Pachouli: Thanks Nancy!
NancyKat: I did it again...WTF!?
EWeston: An yer fadda smelt of elderberries
NancyKat: *lobs a cow over the parapet*
ZookyFogg: Talking and listening is a cloven mind trick.
Mr. Bark Bark: Is there anyone else up there we could speak to?
Pyramid Pachouli: & wat deed he think of den when he smelt den?
shoes for the dead: smelt of smelt
EWeston: Those cows never forget
Nabby avoids the cow.
pinholeF200: to forget is bovine
EWeston: watch it she's on skates
ZookyFogg: Cows laying down means rain, tired, or birthing.
shoes for the dead: hell on wheels
lily: I am getting dizzy
||||||||| Ralph Spoilsport drives in through the door and says "Buy a new or used T-shirt from the Firesign Theatre Cafepress store! Hurry before this sentence ends!"
Nabby: great synth
NancyKat: nabby-it's ok, it's made of quarter pounders *ok, ok, oblique Pulp fiction ref.8
Nabby: your head is spinnin
EWeston: Not many people cansay their really into dizzy
Cat: the coloured entrance? could be, merl. it was an old theatre. maybe they made jimi hendrix sit in the balcony
Nabby: oblique oblada
shoes for the dead: he probly snuck in, Cat
Nabby: lol NK
ZookyFogg: How to undizzy is to turn the other way.
EWeston: Obaldah, dah.
lily: weee
Merlyn: ok, but what did Procmer say about the origin of break a leg?
NancyKat: Nabby, Ew...nice
EWeston: Ask Lily
ZookyFogg: Still gotta let some residual wear.
Cat: if your show got a lot of applause, you'd sort of bow on one knee, as if you were proposing. thus, "break a leg"
Merlyn: ah
Mr. Bark Bark: Interesting
Cat: one of your chatters says its from the 16th century. shakespeare was probably breaking legs
Nabby: aha fun facts to know and tell
shoes for the dead: what do residuals wear?
NancyKat: Effluvia?
ZookyFogg: Single bended knee is how she proposed to me standing on one leg.
EWeston: Cold hard cash
DJTweeny: Cat, it might have a different meaning if you were performing for the Teamsters
ZookyFogg: Cordoroy
Nabby: I thought it was some sort of weird reverse psychology gag curse but I'm that way
EWeston: Occupational hazard for the chipping gun dancers
||||||||| Nick Danger sneaks in and whispers "Get the scuttlebutt on Box of Danger here, whatever that means..."
Nabby: More sugar!
NancyKat: Moar!
DJTweeny: The morning noose lol
ZookyFogg: I got busted for lolly gagging.
EWeston: Less hexersize
Pyramid Pachouli: Ol' Alister again
EWeston: Lolly abuse you misheard it here
Nabby: Pump & Spray
EWeston: The pump!
DJTweeny: "Sat Nite Gun Mart"
ZookyFogg: I'm the meander, the meanderer, the meanderer
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about “GIVE US A BREAK” at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=guab-ln
Cat: sex with your brolly? sounds like mary poppins
lily: 3 times outta here
EWeston: And have no regard for the safety of my lips
shoes for the dead: stale welfare rolls
Pyramid Pachouli: Is the brolly up or down? Just wondering'...
ZookyFogg: What would one eat if it weren't for chickens?
DJTweeny: groat clusters
NancyKat: Zooky- Shellfish?
Nabby: that's the one
Merlyn: stale welfare rolls in free congressional gravy!
ZookyFogg: Define meek.
EWeston: I think its from Chezoslaovaia ei ei oh
ZookyFogg: Yes. More fish.
pinholeF200: is the gravy wavy?
Pyramid Pachouli: Define earth
DJTweeny: doesn't sound very tasty, Merlyn
NancyKat: meek= cockroaches
lily: rat toenails
NancyKat: Rats on sticks...
Cat: this sounds like Life of Brian, only its much earlier
ZookyFogg: That's what I thought.
EWeston: I use thumb tacks
Nabby: frog snot
Pyramid Pachouli: My thoughts, Cat!
DJTweeny: "Our Natural Anthem"
Pyramid Pachouli: Thumb tax?
Nabby: wow what a bizarre, silly record!
EWeston: Don't fire till you see the whites of their frog snot
NancyKat: Nabby-you expected less? LOL...
Cat: i just looked it up. life of brian was 79, this wasn't much before that
Lil: I must have choked lol
Nabby: Good point. Ahem.
ZookyFogg: Natural space music is my anthem.
EWeston: Its my aftershave
Nabby: Hypersonic space stereo.
||||||||| Bill Sprawl pokes his head in through the window and shouts "MARCHING TO SHIBBOLETH! Click to order!"
||||||||| Catherwood enters with Catherwood close behind, grumbles something about disrupting his 9:39 PM tree-stunting plans, and rushes off to the vestibule.
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** New Firesign book “MARCHING TO SHIBBOLETH” now available at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/firesale/firesale.php?books
EWeston: He's going skitso
DJTweeny: ** Catherwood is a reserved name for a chat bot, please pick something else
||||||||| Catherwood ignores DJTweeny
shoes for the dead: Yves St. Stool
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Peter Bergman’s “TRUE CONFESSIONS OF THE REAL WORLD” Here >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=tcotrw-rv
Nabby: Yves of Ypres
ZookyFogg: I love a good concussion wave from an appropriate distance and black licorice.
Cat: ossman and bergman were still doing this character in their final podcast in 2012
EWeston: U Bolla Retsin
Mr. Bark Bark: "Why, who are you, old man??
||||||||| "Happy" Harry Cox pops in and say "I was right! Everything I knew WAS wrong! You CAN get "Profiles in Barbecue Sauce", chock full of meaty Firesign scripts!"
DJTweeny: Catherwood, please give Catherwood another name :)
||||||||| Catherwood brings another name ).
EWeston: Low man on the totum lollipop
Mr. Bark Bark: Why, what do you think we ought to call him?
Mr. Bark Bark: He doesn't have a name...
Pyramid Pachouli: Farewell dear friends, I'm wafting off into sensitive sense...
NancyKat: Late for Diner!?
EWeston: Fred wuld be a treat
||||||||| Catherwood stumbles in and snorts derisively "Presenting 'Glen', just granted probation at 9:43 PM", then leaves hurriedly.
Nabby: well you be good PP
NancyKat: PP, fair thee wells...
shoes for the dead: by, P P
Nabby: Glen!
DJTweeny: Hi Glen
||||||||| Catherwood stomps in at 9:43 PM, dragging Betty Jo Bialowski by one foot and asks "Can anyone vouch for this yahoo?"
Cat: It's Saving Mr. Banks time. speaking of Mary Poppins
Mr. Bark Bark: We haven't seen the last of him.
lily: this is not funny
Glen: YO
Cat: by pp
||||||||| New notice: '** currently playing - from the DOMM Dear Friends Broadcasts “YES, MISTRESS”- listen to the stream at 128k at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or at 16k for dial-up users at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u - YOU CAN PURCHASE DUKE OF MADNESS MOTORS AT >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/firesale/firesale.php?audio#DUKEOFPFTFTJ **'
Glen: I mean LO!
DJTweeny: Hi Betty Jo
shoes for the dead: and Glen arrives just in time
EWeston: The scent remains, left a dry cleaning deposit?
Cat: hi betty
NancyKat: Hello Glen...hello Betty Jo aka doppleganger...lol...
Nabby: And lo...
EWeston: Mind the traffic cones, please
NancyKat: HiGH
shoes for the dead: amd wide
NancyKat: and lo
Glen: My Ys and my Ls are looking a lot alike these days - Dr. Me
Nabby: I'm still confused
pinholeF200: Lo rider carma
Cat: playing Johnny Pissoff got them fired from their previous radio show
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about for DUKE OF MADNESS MOTORS - Every Firesign Theatre radio broadcast from the "Dear Friends" era (1970-1972) >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=domm-ln
Betty Jo Bialowski: Hi DJTweeny. Hi Cat. Hi Nancy Kat. I'll be in the aviary, studying trees.
EWeston: They study you too
ZookyFogg: Cab of Doom, or Doomer, was a friend who'd love you.
Glen: Karma doesn't exist.
NancyKat: Betty Jo-Yes becasue we can't alk here...
DJTweeny: Yes, tonight and another time
Cat: dont get stunted, betty
DJTweeny: We have a Catherwood in chat
||||||||| Catherwood pretends not to hear DJTweeny
Nabby: karma dharma ding dong
Cat: hes not a real wood. he's not even a real Ed.
ZookyFogg: Do grumpy and get grumpy back mostly is Karma,
Nabby: Which real Ed?
Lil: Love these recordings of the live shows
EWeston: He just flew in, all twelve arms are tired
NancyKat: Cat-LOL...He's not joe well he's not ed...
Mr. Bark Bark: Ask the real Louise
Lil: they are in so-called real time
Cat: he had to reassure us he wasn't stoned.
EWeston: You mean Nancy!
Lil: if there is any real time
ZookyFogg: Squid Morgan here.
Cat: apparently a rare occasion
DJTweeny: sure
Lil: from Kacheina Industries
Cat: time is real enough for me. maybe not me in another universe though
EWeston: Check his beard for lice
||||||||| Catherwood tosses another cheese log on the fire and intones, "If you want to keep the cornstarch off your mukluks this season, buy a hoodie or a sweatshirt at the Firesign corner Cafepress store."
Glen: goat matches
NancyKat: Lil..ie China?
Nabby: I was a swamp meet kachina for your love, babe
Lil: I heard they were bought by Bag of Beverly Hills
Lil: yep
ZookyFogg: Time is and isn't. Wrap a bud around that.
Nabby: lice?
Cat: oh lucy, i've brought Fidel Castro home for dinner.
Lil: LOL Cat
EWeston: Time is what keeps everything from happenning at once in front of your eyes
Glen: I only have two spoons!!
EWeston: Go to Good Will , They gots plenty
shoes for the dead: of lice?
Nabby: lice bowl
ZookyFogg: Time Yogi, can you spare a second?
Mr. Bark Bark: I took the lice bucket challenge, I was itchin' to do some good.
||||||||| Chick Lambert fades in and says: "I have no idea who this Friedstein Theatre is, but they 're honing in on my territory over at Duke of Madness Motors. Give 'em the what for, Storm!" "RUFF! RUFF!"
EWeston: Its considered good manners amongust the Morgan Squids
Nabby: and Boo Boo
Cat: that's a line from my play Red Shift, Lil. http://www.seemreal.com/redshift/index.htm
shoes for the dead: yes but it will cost oyu an hour
ZookyFogg: Har, Bark.
EWeston: Good exercise too
pinholeF200: a guaranteed hourly hour...
Lil: That's Freudstein Theatre
EWeston: On scale
Glen: signal hill
shoes for the dead: and annual year
ZookyFogg: Them Morgan Squids have their own hats.
Cat: a guaranteed annual year
EWeston: Made from marmoset felt
Glen: Alan S. Marmoset
NancyKat: EW-I wonder how the Marmoset felt about that!?
Mr. Bark Bark: In Marmoset Falls.
||||||||| Outside, the 9:54 PM downtown bus from Billville pulls away, leaving Bunnyboy coughing in a cloud of diesel fumes.
pinholeF200: falls right over....no fun
ZookyFogg: Gotta love the banquets.
EWeston: You knock them out before you shave them
Glen: In God Wet Rust
Bunnyboy: Hey! RED SHIFT's back up!
shoes for the dead: hey Bun
Cat: hey bunny
NancyKat: Bunnyboy!
Lil: Chicago
Nabby: His Lie My Lai
Nabby: Hi Bunny
||||||||| It's 9:55 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Catherwood - dead from jaundice
||||||||| Pyramid Pachouli - dead from pneumonia
||||||||| lily - dead from Globner's disease
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
ZookyFogg: Clean as you go.
EWeston: A bunny is a horrible thing to waste
ZookyFogg: Color me.
Bunnyboy: Catherwood is dead?
||||||||| Catherwood pretends not to hear Bunnyboy
Rufus_T_Firetween: Hi Bunny
Bunnyboy: Ah. No such luck.
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about for DUKE OF MADNESS MOTORS - Every Firesign Theatre radio broadcast from the "Dear Friends" era (1970-1972) >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=domm-ln
Mr. Bark Bark: Only if you play him backwards.
Lil: Bang!
Nabby: Catherwood only smells funny.
||||||||| Catherwood walks alongside Nabby and mumbles "Someone mention my name?"
NancyKat: taupe...
EWeston: Back to the fount of perpetual reserection
Bunnyboy: Playin' possum, eh, poltroon?
ZookyFogg: Say that in Aramaic.
EWeston: That was my guess Nancy
||||||||| Chick Lambert fades in and says: "I have no idea who this Friedstein Theatre is, but they 're honing in on my territory over at Duke of Madness Motors. Give 'em the what for, Storm!" "RUFF! RUFF!"
Betty Jo Bialowski: The Little Vietnamese now The Little Iraqis
Glen: marx
pinholeF200: doric, ionic or corinthian?
NancyKat: communist fifth columnist
shoes for the dead: fifth columnist
shoes for the dead: echo in here
||||||||| New notice: '** currently playing - from the DOMM Hour Hour Broadcasts “YES, MISTRESS”- listen to the stream at 128k at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or at 16k for dial-up users at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u - YOU CAN PURCHASE DUKE OF MADNESS MOTORS AT >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/firesale/firesale.php?audio#DUKEOFPFTFTJ **'
Glen: pinhole knows from columns
EWeston: Sixth waver
Nabby: six colonists
NancyKat: echoechoecho...
Mr. Bark Bark: If I drove this in my country, I'd be abducted!
Nabby: echo in here
NancyKat: Sith coloumnists...
Cat: the poor corinthian leather is around the back
Nabby: chochocho...
pinholeF200: jr high made me a Greek geek
Glen: Snowdrop Washington!
ZookyFogg: If Jesus could cure alcoholism I could drink all day.
EWeston: Yellow looking folks?
Mr. Bark Bark: That's jaundice
Glen: I
||||||||| Bebop Lobo reminds all you hep cats to listen to Firesign’s NEW 24/7 RADIO STATION Click to listen anytime!"
Glen: ve ever taken a drink before in my life but he's dead now and by God I'm gonna drink FOREVER
shoes for the dead: i raise you VI
NancyKat: Yes, Me, No Master
EWeston: The all jaundice dancing Sith team
Cat: I think Jesus would open his own winery now. The sacred Grape
Nabby: I'm drunk on life
Nabby: hic
NancyKat: EW-From Morescience High?
Nabby: Want a pull?
DJTweeny: ** As I mentioned, this was a request from shoes for Yes, Mistress. If there's something you'd like to hear, let me know and I'll try to fit it in sometime :)
EWeston: What proof is that life
ZookyFogg: Feel free to feel free.
Cat: I just celebrated my 43rd anniversary of non-sobriety last month.
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 10 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
DJTweeny: lol Cat
Glen: Don't mock me
||||||||| Catherwood tosses another cheese log on the fire and intones, "If you want to keep the cornstarch off your mukluks this season, buy a hoodie or a sweatshirt at the Firesign corner Cafepress store."
EWeston: Commy Marters I think
Glen: oh ah hates to be mocked
Cat: are you a turtle?
ZookyFogg: We talking about Jesus Shern, right?
Glen: slightly yes
Mr. Bark Bark: You can mock time, but you can't mock Glen.
EWeston: We got some nice smocks, in red green and meat
Timeghost: I'd love to stay, but I have another appointment. Forward, into the past!
Glen: Beautiful Sooooop
Nabby: mock turtle neck very fashionable
NancyKat: A mock time?
shoes for the dead: obesity powders
Mr. Bark Bark: Bye for now, Mr. Ghost...
Glen: God I love these lists of silly words from Proctor
Bunnyboy: Duck hats. Where is dey?
Mr. Bark Bark: He married a little girl, in Mock Time.
EWeston: Put your teay into the upright postition
Glen: Guam
Nabby: I needs a new nullifier
NancyKat: BB, next to the Eyeball hats...
ZookyFogg: I got drunk once. It lasted twenty years.
pinholeF200: prevents hangovers
Glen: the first night I ever got smashedly drunk, blacked out and heard Dwarf for the very first time.
Glen: not in that order
shoes for the dead: bacon and eggs and beer
ZookyFogg: Few memories are fond.
EWeston: Catherwood give everyone a neurilizer
||||||||| Catherwood gives everyone a neurilizer.
shoes for the dead: all mammaries are the
Mr. Bark Bark: The older you get, the harder they are to fond.
NancyKat: EW AGHK!
shoes for the dead: tho
Nabby: it's that &@$! harmonica
EWeston: Erks ine or eee
NancyKat: Bark Bark..fond-le those golden mammaries
Glen: it was a banana, not a harmonica
Nabby: lol I see
Cat: i'm as fond of my wife's mammaries as ever. in our 40th year.
Mr. Bark Bark: I call them the Golden Apples of the Sun.
EWeston: Tell that to the coackroaches
Nabby: that's different
ZookyFogg: I play piano by ear.
Mr. Bark Bark: Well, sure, Mr. President. Where can I get a job?
NancyKat: Cat-Awesome.
Cat: that must hurt, fogg
shoes for the dead: that must hurt
Nabby: Frick & Frack
shoes for the dead: damn echo
ZookyFogg: Yes, but worth it.
EWeston: Prehensile lobs strike, again
Nabby: damn echo
pinholeF200: deja vu all over again
EWeston: Concrete echos last
ZookyFogg: I'll take the pain for the pleasure it gives.
shoes for the dead: the wicked little finger
Nabby: lol
Bunnyboy: Started the DOMM files from scratch, eh?
NancyKat: This confuses me...
Glen: eh?
Glen: I'm not confused
shoes for the dead: what?
Glen: sounds like a parlor game that proctor found in a book somewhere
EWeston: I was corn fused, but surgury cured that
Cat: doesn't everything, glen?
NancyKat: CBT laundromat...
Mr. Bark Bark: Butt surgery?
Nabby: the bananamonica
Glen: Well, yes- I must confess.
Glen: THAT'S why Austin said 'amazing what sounds you can get out of a banana'
ZookyFogg: Stephen King gave me the finger. I'm figure I'm pretty well screwed I figure. Hail Mary.
NancyKat: Kiss my bustle...
||||||||| Chick Lambert fades in and says: "I have no idea who this Friedstein Theatre is, but they 're honing in on my territory over at Duke of Madness Motors. Give 'em the what for, Storm!" "RUFF! RUFF!"
Cat: thanks, glen
Nabby: omg *smacks forehead* of course!
NancyKat: Zooky...egads...
Glen: YES!
Cat: good thing king didn't cut your finger off, fogg
Glen: he had a little plastic toy harmonica shaped like a banana!!!!
||||||||| It's 10:10 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Timeghost - dead from The Plague
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
Mr. Bark Bark: He usually buried them in Bustle Sematary.
Nabby: don't we all?
ZookyFogg: I'm riding my last wave.
Mr. Bark Bark: Well, don't Rosh off...
EWeston: Just upriver from the Hustle Seminary
Nabby: well hang on to your potatoes ZF
Glen: our hour for love
ZookyFogg: There may be light.
NancyKat: ZF-Adieu
Bunnyboy: Yes, the first HOUR HOUR.
Mr. Bark Bark: Hustle Seminary was the big conversion center for Bozos who wanted nose jobs, right?
EWeston: Hour of Power rather
ZookyFogg: Yes. Fingers are good.
NancyKat: Hour of Glower...Hour of Panther
ZookyFogg: He was going by in a limo.
Mr. Bark Bark: I thought you said "Hour of Prattle."
EWeston: No it taught mega churchery, for fun and profit
DJTweeny: ** FYI - The book that comes with DOMM contains rundowns of all the shows, explaining what each segment is about. Pretty cool
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about for DUKE OF MADNESS MOTORS - Every Firesign Theatre radio broadcast from the "Dear Friends" era (1970-1972) >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=domm-ln
Mr. Bark Bark: But they could never turn a prophet.
EWeston: And the echos of marmosets
Nabby: prophet schemes
pinholeF200: full frontal projection
DJTweeny used to have Prophet 5, but it turned on him
||||||||| Ralph Spoilsport drives in through the door and says "Buy a new or used T-shirt from the Firesign Theatre Cafepress store! Hurry before this sentence ends!"
ZookyFogg: Just for the news headline to fill in later.
||||||||| The TV flickers on, and Ralph Spoilsport appears: "How can you drive in two places at once when you don't have a genuine Ralph Spoilsport license plate frame? Get one for your car and one for the plate in your head!"
NancyKat: bark Bark-for that you'd need a conversion chart
||||||||| Chick Lambert fades in and says: "I have no idea who this Friedstein Theatre is, but they 're honing in on my territory over at Duke of Madness Motors. Give 'em the what for, Storm!" "RUFF! RUFF!"
Mr. Bark Bark: Did it make him happy?
EWeston: Its trendy good looking, with a good head of hair
Mr. Bark Bark: I had one, periodically.
Nabby: whale hork
EWeston: Hair tides are so sad
shoes for the dead: negro whale
Mr. Bark Bark: Amber Griss was my stage name.
EWeston: Smelly beasts
ZookyFogg: Let's go Negro whale watching.
squeeze_the_wheeze: have a good night all..early to bed for me tonight...see ya on the funway
pinholeF200: Dutchess of Whales
NancyKat: Squeeze
Bunnyboy: The Prophet-5 is just a bunch of operators.
Mr. Bark Bark: Happy Noon Year!
DJTweeny: nite squeeze
EWeston: Nity nitees aqueeze
Cat: gotta jump down, turn around, pick a bale of whales
DJTweeny wonders what happened to Dex and P
shoes for the dead: by squeeze
Cat: by squeeze
Cat: balean whales of course
EWeston: Jump down turn around pick some manattees too
ZookyFogg: How about the little seen Albino pliesasaur.
Nabby: ride the whale
Nabby: yeehaa
Mr. Bark Bark: Don't make them mad, Nabby.
EWeston: They found one with Jimmy Duratee's nose
pinholeF200: ride the snake, the snake is a river
Mr. Bark Bark: That was the gnarl-whale, right?
NancyKat: EW-karl malden too?
Nabby: never no no no
ZookyFogg: I'll stick with mechanical bulls.
NancyKat: bernoose
Nabby: A whale could...strain you to deaf
Mr. Bark Bark: Don't get saucy with me, Bernoose.
EWeston: Fox figures it was Obama's time machine was how it happened
||||||||| Catherwood tosses another cheese log on the fire and intones, "If you want to keep the cornstarch off your mukluks this season, buy a hoodie or a sweatshirt at the Firesign corner Cafepress store."
NancyKat: Who is shaving all these whales?
Glen: More goofy words from Phil
||||||||| Catherwood stops by and announces "While you bozos sit here in the Waiting Room, why not shop at the Firesale store?"
EWeston: Karl's mumified nose is still secure
Glen: quoits!
ZookyFogg: I shave my chest occasionally.
Mr. Bark Bark: Anti-Chrysler motors. Heh heh heh
Glen: hirsute horse suit
NancyKat: Glen-they're all goits...and smegheads...
shoes for the dead: anti-christler motors
Mr. Bark Bark: Ahh
pinholeF200: Clarence Despair's House of Bad Brakes
Bunnyboy: (sings) Who is making those new brown clouds?
Glen: Q
EWeston: Grits gits motors
Nabby: these need to be in a game bang bango bang
NancyKat: 10101100111010101001011010101010110101010101010110
ZookyFogg: I got a piece of Durantes petrified nose from Ebay.
Glen: El Mescalit
Nabby: how now brown cloud?
DJTweeny: Realistic sound? Is that like from Radio Shack?
EWeston: Freeze cloud!
Mr. Bark Bark: Is the Apple Store just Radio Shack with an aesthetic?
Nabby: oh yeah? well 1101010010101110!
ZookyFogg: Best $500 I ever spent.
Glen: quick google that
DJTweeny: could be, Bark
Nabby: Realistic brand sausage kits.
EWeston: He hexidecimaled seductively
shoes for the dead: tastes like pork
Mr. Bark Bark: They're friendlier in Radio Shack...
EWeston: Looks like lettus
NancyKat: Perkele!
Cat: the radio shack out on the alien highway?
shoes for the dead: lettuce spray
Nabby: resistors and diodes, transistors, oh my
Mr. Bark Bark: That's why the aliens go out that way.
Mr. Bark Bark: Spare parts.
Glen: are we doing hitler
Nabby: that's why they so mean
pinholeF200: Solid State University, Class of 1984
EWeston: The lettus has run amuck
Glen: the front is an alligator and the back end is a crocodile
ZookyFogg: Schlugen Tomatos are sweeter than scnitzel.
Nabby: Sig Freud!
Glen: how do they shit? That's why deys so MEAN
shoes for the dead: amok a mile
Mr. Bark Bark: They sure are.
Bunnyboy: Didja all hear about Sirius XM's latest court pitfall?
Bunnyboy: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/siriusxm-suffers-crushing-loss-high-734981
Nabby: aren't dey doe
Mr. Bark Bark: That whole business is going to the dogs.
EWeston: Dey all headless!
Nabby: yes Bunny!
Bunnyboy: Yay, Turtles!
Cat: great news for the turtles and us all, bun
ZookyFogg: A good meal today is a good crap tomorrow.
Nabby: very groovy
||||||||| It's 10:25 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Betty Jo Bialowski - dead from jaundice
||||||||| squeeze_the_wheeze - dead from measles
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
Glen: it's those little toy cow sound fx
||||||||| Ralph Spoilsport drives in through the door and says "Buy a new or used T-shirt from the Firesign Theatre Cafepress store! Hurry before this sentence ends!"
Mr. Bark Bark: It's a load off their backs.
Bunnyboy: Well, Hi, Colonic!
Nabby: love those cow cans yeah
Glen: turn em over and they say moo
EWeston: With the hot sause they keep in a safe, its an exciting movement.
Nabby: do they still have the little ones?
Bunnyboy: And the publicity photo of Christopher Walken as Captain Hook just kills.
Glen: i found a large graduated set of em from tiny to basso
EWeston: No their hedge fund managers now
Bunnyboy: I'll let y'all find that one.
Mr. Bark Bark: Oops, got to step away for a sec
Cat: not whales i hope, bun
ZookyFogg: Do you grow up dreaming I want to be a colonoscopist?
Nabby: Haha awesome
Nabby: Beats being a colonaut -ever see "Fantastic Colon?"
EWeston: I wanna be a retrocranial investigator
Bunnyboy: I gotta watch THE MAGIC CHRISTIAN.
Cat: was that ringo's first flick, glen?
Glen: yes- based on the book
||||||||| "Happy" Harry Cox pops in and say "I was right! Everything I knew WAS wrong! You CAN get "Profiles in Barbecue Sauce", chock full of meaty Firesign scripts!"
Glen: Terry Southern
||||||||| Ralph Spoilsport drives in through the door and says "Buy a new or used T-shirt from the Firesign Theatre Cafepress store! Hurry before this sentence ends!"
Bunnyboy looks over his shoulder, at the stack THE MAGIC CHRISTIAN is buried under.
Nabby: Funny, weird movie
Cat: i have to read his books.
ZookyFogg: No, I haven't caught that one.
Nabby: Me too
Glen: a bit literal, perhaps
||||||||| Catherwood stops by and announces "While you bozos sit here in the Waiting Room, why not shop at the Firesale store?"
Glen: great movie
shoes for the dead: Yes Mistress!
Cat: i overheard a conversation between george harrison and some, maybe bankers and a jean harlow clone in an la restaurant in 73.
Bunnyboy: Cat: I gotta play Bad Canada / Good Canada...
Nabby: Ringo and Sellers
Cat: george told them he wanted to go into movies, like ringo. i guess thatr's he was referring to
Bunnyboy: Bad: The Blue Jays beating up the Mariners, this week.
Glen: hmmm
Cat: but not today, alas, bun.
Glen: George ended up in movies- Shanghai Surprise
Glen: handmade
Bunnyboy: Good: Pulled out a 20 year old VHS dub, from the CBC...of HELLZAPOPPIN!
Cat: my lousy jays still not over .500 for the season and now they have to beat Orioles!
ZookyFogg: Must step out for air and smoke break.
Nabby: forgot about that one, you guys are formidable
Cat: glen, he founded Handmade Films to make Life of Brian by mortaging his la house, as i recall
Nabby: (Shanghai Surprise)
shoes for the dead: money was probly better in movies than music
||||||||| The TV flickers on, and Ralph Spoilsport appears: "How can you drive in two places at once when you don't have a genuine Ralph Spoilsport license plate frame? Get one for your car and one for the plate in your head!"
Glen: Opening scene of hellzapoppin is incredible
Cat: the conversation began with him saying, "i don't want to be down to my last $5000, like Mickey Rooney"
Cat: i was surprised he said dollars, not pounds.
Mr. Bark Bark: That explains "Breakfast At Tiffanies."
Bunnyboy: Warner Archive just released Olson and Johnson's movie debut, OH, SAILOR BEHAVE! (1930).
Nabby: Well Rooney was smaller so.....
Cat: i know hellzapoppin from the long riff proc and the guys do on that on one of the hour hours
EWeston: But what of The Bedsitting Room?
Glen: I just got Skidoo
shoes for the dead: and weighed less
ZookyFogg: Tell Isabelle and Ferd I fell of the edge.
Bunnyboy: Glen: Have fun with that!
Nabby: Skidoo! Great credits
Cat: yeah but not much smaller, nab. i was very surprised how short george was.
Cat: yes but terrrible flick, nab
Nabby: he was? huh
Glen: which one is terrible
Bunnyboy: The Olive Films reissue?
EWeston: No time for a telegrapg message?
Cat: groucho must realy have been desperate for the bread.
Glen: how dare you all
Glen: it's just a long commercial for acid
Cat: only good thing from that flick is paul krassner's description of it in his autobi.
Cat: doing acid with groucho to get ready for the part.
Glen: i would pay money to see groucho on acid
Nabby: Skidoo credits (Nilsson) http://youtu.be/q4IMX26xF9Q
Glen: harry is my hero
Nabby: lol Glen
Mr. Bark Bark: In Gilbert Gottfried's podcast, they joke that Groucho always did stuff because "Chico needed the money" for his gambling debts.
Glen: atsa fine
Cat: read Confessions of a Raving, Unconfined Nut by Krassner
Bunnyboy: T'weren't all a joke. Chico burnt money.
Cat: true, bark
EWeston: Son of Scimilson is a fun piece of vynil
Nabby: there was always a point to his piano playing
Cat: i read bio of groucho which said the same thing. thats what kept them working
Bunnyboy: I better Skidoo, my own self. Night, yez!
Glen: The point was ANOTHER ad for acid
NancyKat: BB, BB!
Nabby: hey Bunny be groovy
shoes for the dead: Edmond!
EWeston: G'nite our bunny
Cat: by bun
Glen: me too gotta run
Mr. Bark Bark: In the middle of the 900-page "George S Kaufman and His Friends," there's a "laugh till you cry" chapter on the Marx Brothers' gambling and money problems.
Glen: in my socks
Merlyn: nite every 1
Glen: bye kids
Nabby: Say hi to Buzz
||||||||| "Hey Merlyn!" ... Merlyn turns, and sees Bradshaw approching with the handcuffs, and is dragged away, screaming "it's only 10:36 PM, I don't have to go yet!"...
EWeston: Bring Glenda next time
Glen: aw doooo
Glen: adieu
Nabby: achoo
Nabby: have at you
NancyKat: Geshundheidt!
||||||||| At 10:37 PM, Bunnyboy runs out the door saying "Hey, mister ice-cream man, I've got a nickel, wait for meeeee..."
EWeston: Knatchu!
shoes for the dead: geshundheit!
NancyKat: Dakesheun!
Nabby: lol
shoes for the dead: snort
Cat: the ship's prussian captain
NancyKat: cat-Not quite the solution I hexpected!
EWeston: Captin Stinking took it over later
EWeston: Still plying in the illicit trades of rubber goods anspiders
Nabby: But it's a good kind of confused
NancyKat: I had a spinal tap 2 10...viral menningitus was going around..
Cat: sounds painful, nancy
EWeston: And dangerous
NancyKat: Cat-they numbed me first...i had to lay on my side...just felt the pressure...
Nabby: yikes
shoes for the dead: Hi NSA guy
Cat: unless you're harry shearer. then it must have been lucrative
Mr. Bark Bark: The whole world was spinning!
Nabby virtually moons the NSA guy.
NancyKat: ry Lou retton had a excersize album out at the time, last track on the second side-spine tinglers...
||||||||| Bill Sprawl pokes his head in through the window and shouts "MARCHING TO SHIBBOLETH! Click to order!"
NancyKat: cat-ya...
EWeston: Good, the other option is learning chinese
ZookyFogg: I'm good. It wasn't Stephen King.
NancyKat: Would rather learn Turkish...
Nabby: glad you're o-k NK
Cat: i had some minor dental surgery on monday. damned hard to guzzle sangria when you have no feeling in your jaw!
NancyKat: Nabby-fangs...t'was years ago...about 26, to be p[resact...
EWeston: We can allow puckish
Mr. Bark Bark: It's hard enough to SAY sangria with no feeling in your jaw.
NancyKat: Cat-egads.Ow..i had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled when I was about 14.
DJTweeny: Did the surgery go well, Cat?
Lil: those guys used a lot of the soundtruck from Spartacus lol
Nabby: Cool NancyK
DJTweeny: true Bark lol
||||||||| Catherwood strides up and announces "Presenting 'mahatma57', just granted probation at 10:45 PM", then leaves hurriedly.
DJTweeny: Hi mahatma
NancyKat: After a while, you just take the cotton out and swallow the trickle of blood to take the horsepills...
Cat: this was just a filling filing. i barely remember being 14
DJTweeny: you're a tad late ;)
Mr. Bark Bark: We're all Spartacus now.
DJTweeny: < 10 minutes left :/
ZookyFogg: Most of those I've considered contemporay Mentors happen to be about 10 years older.
||||||||| Mayor P'nisnose strides up to the podium and speaks: "My fellow Armenians, if you have questions about exorcism, buy the new book "EXORCISM IN YOUR DAILY LIFE", now on sale. Incidentally, so is my vote."
Nabby: mahamataha hi
DJTweeny: ** Remember folks. the chat/show starts officially every Thursday at 9pm Eastern, with warm-up music on the streams starting around 8:45pm Eastern
Cat: i would assume so, tween.
mahatma57: Sry got a night class on Thursdays now..
Nabby: hala
NancyKat: tweeny-yeah, was high as a kite afterwards and my mom left me standing on the sidewalk so she could go get the car....
Nabby: hola
DJTweeny: ah, well then you're excused mahatma ;)
NancyKat: namaste, Mahatma.
Cat: that sounds a lot like a story austin's neighbour, zappa's daughter tells
DJTweeny: Good thing you didn't have to drive, Nancy
ZookyFogg: Thanks everyone for the satchels.
pinholeF200: Scariest part of my wisdom tooth surgery was riding with my brother....
Cat: from satchell to paige!
NancyKat: Tweeny-Lol...yeah....very good, 'cause i didn't even have a permit...
Mr. Bark Bark: Satchels and Paige.
EWeston: I had a truss in mine
Mr. Bark Bark: D'oh, Cat!
NancyKat: Cat-really?
Nabby: You can't do that on the radio
||||||||| The TV flickers on, and Ralph Spoilsport appears: "How can you drive in two places at once when you don't have a genuine Ralph Spoilsport license plate frame? Get one for your car and one for the plate in your head!"
ZookyFogg: You can talk again. Can you do a Milborne Stone impression?
Cat: it's on marc maron's WTF podcast with his then girlfriend, miss zappa
Nabby: Say thank you
Cat: Moon Zappa, that's her name.
NancyKat: I almost peed just then....
Nabby: Moon
DJTweeny: Moon Unit Zappa
shoes for the dead: Moon Unit
EWeston: Moon Unit
Cat: i remember her as Moon Unit
shoes for the dead: echo
NancyKat: Moon Unit, I believe...
Cat: now it's just Moon.
ZookyFogg: Invention is my intention.
Nabby: Oh m'god!
EWeston: We can has a concensus
NancyKat: echo...jinx....ruth bader ginsburg!
DJTweeny: Thanks for requesting this shoes, a really good one :)
||||||||| New notice: 'Thanks to Radio Free Dishnuts, that’s www.dishnuts.net, for providing the streaming server for the simulcast. Be sure to join me (Kurt in Austin) for my live RADIO FREE ROADKILL show from 6-8pm EST every Sunday at www.dishnuts.net, and listen to my show archives at www.kurtericson.com/txroadkill/roadkillshow'
Cat: aren't they all, tween?
NancyKat: Con those censusees...
||||||||| Nick Danger sneaks in and whispers "Get the scuttlebutt on Box of Danger here, whatever that means..."
EWeston: Retreat!
Mr. Bark Bark: And remember, if your calendar says "5775," it's time to buy a new calendar.
ZookyFogg: My dog friends are a bunch of boners.
DJTweeny: that could be a problem, yes
Cat: if my calendar talks to me, i've taken the wrong drugs, bark
pinholeF200: still the 38th of Cunegonde here
Mr. Bark Bark: And just in time.
NancyKat: Temporarily marmost county....
pinholeF200: Trust the French to invent a Metric calendar
EWeston: Latitude or longitude>
Nabby: The Wrong Drugs
||||||||| The TV flickers on, and Ralph Spoilsport appears: "How can you drive in two places at once when you don't have a genuine Ralph Spoilsport license plate frame? Get one for your car and one for the plate in your head!"
NancyKat: marmoset
shoes for the dead: Okinawa disease
Nabby: mamasaid
EWeston: The teeth , man
Cat: marmomatch
Mr. Bark Bark: Guests of the Waiting Room stay at the fabulous Chateau Marmoset.
ZookyFogg: I play my harps when their here and they scatter.
Cat: if they dont chew, they grow through your nose
shoes for the dead: marmogame
Nabby: And it is fabulous
EWeston: See the famous marmoset fountain in the lobby
Cat: marmo en plano
pinholeF200: Can see his oui oui
ZookyFogg: I promise only to grow and fluctuate.
Nabby: marmoset squeezins at the bar
EWeston: Marmoset towels in the bath
shoes for the dead: fluffed marmosets on your bed
Nabby: Where's the oui oui room
ZookyFogg: Magic question. So who is God?
EWeston: They took it
||||||||| It's 10:55 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Glen - dead from the fiddlers
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
Mr. Bark Bark: You mean the doo-dah room.
Cat: next to the non non room
shoes for the dead: Yes?
mahatma57: "Marmy..Marmy...howIluvya, howIloveya..
pinholeF200: no, the electric oui oui room
Nabby: I did you're right BB
Lil: loved it Tweeny
Nabby: shoes excellent choice
shoes for the dead: Thanks Tween!!!!
L_Kelraith: oui oui
Nabby: electric oui oui??!!
Nick Dang: Thank you for hosting!
Lil: yes Shoes
NancyKat: omg i almost died laughing there...it hurt...lolz...
ZookyFogg: Ad Astra, Firesign and Friends.
Nabby: Thanks Tween & Merlyn!
Cat: eclectic
Mr. Bark Bark: Thanks Curt! And thanks Kurt!
pinholeF200: thanks Tween
shoes for the dead: Park it and Lock it!
Cat: your uusal great show, tween
NancyKat: merci beaucoup, DJTWEENY!
Lil: Take care all enjoy life
Nabby: lol
EWeston: G'nite, sleep tight, exercise yer gerbiles
DJTweeny: Bark is being curt with me
DJTweeny: Thanks for listening everybody, and have a great week. See you next time, same FireTime, same FireStation...
Cat: thanks to firesign, life is vastly enjoyable,
mahatma57: Tanks for the mammaries..
NancyKat: Kurt...lolbb!
Mr. Bark Bark: Yeay!
Lil: bye bye sweetie
Lil: night all
Nabby: Not insane! I'm off! Night night all!
ZookyFogg: Gotta go smoke my prescription.
Cat: it is indeed, lil
Lil: it's been unreal
Mr. Bark Bark: Which real?
Nabby: (It has been unreal, I agree)
Lil: the last reel
DJTweeny: Until last time, again...
Nabby: Whoops!
mahatma57: Eat the document
Cat: it's all real. until it isn't
||||||||| DJTweeny rushes off, saying "10:58 PM? Mark Time is almost on! Where's a radio?"
||||||||| "10:58 PM? I'm late!" exclaims pinholeF200, who then runs out through the french doors and down through the brambles.
||||||||| At 10:58 PM, Cat scurries out the door saying "Hey, mister ice-cream man, I've got a nickel, wait for meeeee..."
Lil: of this vintage radio show
||||||||| Nick Dang hurries out the back door as Mayor P'nisnose blasts through the front door holding a shotgun and shouting "Where's Nick Dang?! It's 10:59 PM and my ballot boxes haven't been stuffed yet!"
Lil: and out
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 11 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| It's 11:10 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Lil - dead from The Plague
||||||||| L_Kelraith - dead from intense demonic possession
||||||||| Nabby - dead from jaundice
||||||||| ZookyFogg - dead from the fiddlers
||||||||| Mr. Bark Bark - dead from the common cold
||||||||| shoes for the dead - dead from the common cold
||||||||| macCat - dead from intense demonic possession
||||||||| NancyKat - dead from Globner's disease
||||||||| EWeston - dead from the fiddlers
||||||||| mahatma57 - dead from The Plague
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood walks in wearing his pyjamas, yawns, and mumbles "It's midnight here in New York city"...then he falls over and starts snoring loudly..
||||||||| It's 12:10 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Rufus_T_Firetween - dead from intense demonic possession
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood enters, and announces to all and sundry "It's 4:32 AM, time to change the log file and clean out unused rooms; please exit the chat room for a minute or two. Thank you for your patience."

The Evening's Participants:
Betty Jo Bialowski
Mr. Bark Bark
Nick Dang
Pyramid Pachouli
shoes for the dead
URL References:

Rogue's Gallery:

cat_pp.jpg (5168 bytes)
PP and Cat(cease)

newbunny.jpg (4426 bytes)

capeken.jpg (7639 bytes)
kend^/Dr. Headphones

ossman+me.gif (6000 bytes)
Merlyn and Tirebiter

capedoc.jpg (6006 bytes)

newlili.jpg (6085 bytes)

freq.jpg (4441 bytes)

roto.jpg (6046 bytes)

babs_so.jpg (5555 bytes)
LeatherG & SO

nino1.jpg (5352 bytes)

tonk1.jpg (6123 bytes)

ahclem+Bambi.jpg (9500 bytes)
Ah, Clem and Bambi

old-man.gif (55478 bytes)
Compañero Señor Yämamoto

ashhar.jpg (9068 bytes)
Dexter Fong

newelayne.jpg (15.1 kbytes)

Bubba's Brain.jpg (6600 bytes)
Bubba's Brain

Bightrethighrehighre.jpg (6600 bytes)

boney.jpg (20600 bytes)

tweeny.jpg (12588 bytes)

3rdmate.jpg (23157 bytes)


peggy.jpg (5240 bytes)
Peggy Blisswhips

audrey.jpg (4873 bytes)
Audrey Farber

tdt.jpg (6077 bytes)
Tiny Dr. Tim
Rest In Peace, Dear Friend

capeklok.jpg (5469 bytes)
404 - Not Found, Not Forgotten

And, "The Home Team"