A Firesign Chat


||||||||| Catherwood re-enters the Waiting Room and explains "This is the main discussion room which is logged each night."
||||||||| Catherwood announces, "The time is 4:33 AM - I now declare Thursday's chat log for August 15, 2013 officially open!"... and then, he retires back to the vestibule...
||||||||| Catherwood tiptoes into the room, and pipes up "Announcing 'Stata Dreams', also known as 'Nancy' -- the time is 10:40 AM" -- then he slowly retires back into the sitting room...
||||||||| 10:40 AM -- Stata Dreams left for parts unknown.   (Entry from Nick Danger's "Idiots I Have Been Paid To Follow").
||||||||| DJTween enters at 8:25 PM as Catherwood takes their hat and goat and scurries off to the Haberdashery Barn.
DJTween: Ohhh, it's paisley...
||||||||| New notice: '** There will be a Firesign Theatre/US Plus Stimulcast starting at 8pm CST this evening, with music beginning around 7:45pm CST. Listen to the stream at 128k at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or at 16k for dial-up users at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u (streaming server graciously provided by Radio Free Dishnuts - www.dishnuts.net)'
||||||||| A time machine materializes at 8:27 PM and Rufus_T_Firetween bounds out, carrying a grape from ancient Greece.
||||||||| With a theatrical clearing of his throat, Catherwood announces: "8:45 PM and late as usual, it's Drake_Richie, just back from Elmertown."
||||||||| Catherwood enters with nocaliman1 close behind, mutters something about disrupting his 8:45 PM tree-stunting plans, and rushes off to the sitting room.
||||||||| Xponent enters at 8:45 PM as Catherwood takes their hat and goat and hurries off to the Chapeau Manger.
DJTween: Hey folks, sorry about that video that was posted. We didn't do it
DJTween: Hopefully Merlyn will be here in a while and remove it
||||||||| Catherwood escorts coydog in through the front door at 8:48 PM, picks up his cues (only slightly scorched), and heads for the billiard room.
||||||||| New notice: '** currently playing - Warm Up Music - listen to the stream at 128k at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or at 16k for dial-up users at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u (streaming server graciously provided by Radio Free Dishnuts - www.dishnuts.net)'
DJTween: Hi dogman
||||||||| 8:49 PM: dudley jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past five minutes!"
DJTween: Hi dudley
||||||||| Catherwood escorts pigmama61 inside, makes a note of the time (8:51 PM), then fades off into the distance going on about the waiting room or the sitting room or something.
DJTween: Hi pigmama
pigmama61: heydiho! I mean oink :)
||||||||| With a theatrical clearing of his throat, Catherwood snorts derisively: "8:52 PM and late as usual, it's EWeston, just back from Billville."
||||||||| Gusts of wind blow in from outside and the thumpa-thumpa-thumpa of helicopter blades is heard as Happy Panditt's chopper lands on the lawn and DrWho42 falls out at 8:52 PM.
EWeston: Hi all
||||||||| Outside, the 8:53 PM uptown bus from Elmertown pulls away, leaving gabrieldrm coughing in a cloud of diesel fumes.
DrWho42: Hey everyone
gabrieldrm: Shoes for industry, brother.
DJTween: Hi EW, Dr, gabrieldrm
||||||||| "8:54 PM? 8:54 PM!!" says Catherwood, "Hurakan should be here by now...oh, THERE you are!" as Hurakan enters and sits in front of the fireplace.
gabrieldrm: Did you bring the celophane?
DJTween: Hi Kurakan
||||||||| 8:55 PM: Dexter Fong jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past five minutes!"
Hurakan: Howdy!
DJTween: Catherwood, please give everyone some cellophane
||||||||| Catherwood hands everyone some cellophane.
DJTween: Hey Dexter
gabrieldrm: Thanks. It's much warmer now.
||||||||| Principalpoop steps in at 8:56 PM carrying an obsidian door knocker.
Dexter Fong: Hi yweeny
DJTween: Hey P
EWeston: Wait! This celophan maybe doped!
Hurakan: This is the first time I've been able to join Y'all for his.... I'm a long time FST Fan
Principalpoop: oh my, hello
Dexter Fong: Hiyah EW, Poop and other Dear Firends
gabrieldrm: Put it on your tongue to find out...
EWeston: Do you skype Hurakan?
DrWho42: Stumbled across this They Live gif
Hurakan: << Hurakan: I do, but can't tonight
Principalpoop: they still make gifs?
pigmama61: Doped? Speaking of that....
||||||||| Catherwood leads squeeze_the_wheeze inside, makes a note of the time (8:59 PM), then fades off into the distance going on about the waiting room or the sitting room or something.
||||||||| pigmama61 says "Catherwood, call me a cab." After the obvious joke, pigmama61 exits at 8:59 PM.
Dexter Fong: What manner of symbolism is that Hurakan?
||||||||| Catherwood stumbles in at 8:59 PM, dragging CS by one foot and asks "Can anyone vouch for this bozo?"
DJTween: Hi squeeze
||||||||| 8:59 PM: late jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past half hour!"
EWeston: Yeaashaboom! I think I can report one postive dope test.
Dexter Fong: Hey cat
Principalpoop: no vouchers
DJTween: Late, you aren't!
CS: Hi gang
DJTween: Hey cease
squeeze_the_wheeze: Hi ya friends
||||||||| Catherwood strides in with a trumpet, plays a fanfare, and proclaims "Nine PM on Thursday, August 15, 2013 - I now declare alt.comedy.firesgn-thtre's chat officially open!"
EWeston: Tweeny is looking for folks who can. Keep it in mind,
DJTween: not tonight though
DJTween: Long album
Dexter Fong: Tweeny is looking for a skype goat
late: howdy - y, i made it this time
DJTween: Shoes is a 2 disc set, about 2 1/2 hours
CS: why dont you do it, dex?
Hurakan: those were meanto be arrows
EWeston: A horny skype goat?
Principalpoop: clean up afterwards
DJTween: Yeah, would love to get you on the show Dex :)
CS: ive been on it far too often. i easily tire of heariing my voice
||||||||| Catherwood escorts shoes for the dead into the room, accepts a grimy quarter as a gratuity, grumbles something about 9:01 PM, then departs.
||||||||| "9:01 PM? 9:01 PM!!" says Catherwood, "stuff should be here by now...oh, THERE you are!" as stuff enters and sits in the comfy chair.
late: nice tunes - what is this?
DJTween: and anyone else who wants to relate FST stories
Dexter Fong: EW: One that's at least interested in such things
CS: good music, tween
EWeston: Whatt'll I do with all this dry ice?
shoes for the dead: howdy
DJTween: This is India, from the new Joe Walsh album Analog Man
||||||||| Catherwood accompanies Beet into the room, accepts a $3 bill as a gratuity, mutters something about 9:02 PM, then departs.
DJTween: Hi Beet
Dexter Fong: Hiyah Beet
Principalpoop: late engleburt humperdink
late: sounds nice, had no idea
Beet: Howdy. Joe sounds great!
Dexter Fong: He's (gasp) dead?
shoes for the dead: Joe is a Ham
DJTween: Yeah the new album is fantastic
DJTween: yes he is
Principalpoop: yes a car accident, noo, yes
Hurakan: My complete collection went down with x-girlfriend's boat ff the Yucatan
CS: wow. i love joe's work over the years
EWeston: But lives on in Stereo hi fi
Hurakan: "off"
Dexter Fong: Hura: You had a collection of maritme girlfriends
Dexter Fong: ?
Hurakan: hhahaha... did I say that?
Principalpoop: ahh the yucatan, little brown bodies
late: may i inflate my shoes now?
Dexter Fong: and I said Yes! Yes! I said
CS: you may, or june
EWeston: And put on your leather apron
Dexter Fong: ...and drink your milk and eat your cookies
gabrieldrm: False? False? Worked for me!
Hurakan: Hane the plyers
Principalpoop: huh? I didn't drugs? now you tell me?
Principalpoop: need even
EWeston: ...And stop tracking mud accross my nice slean floor!
||||||||| With a theatrical clearing of his throat, Catherwood pipes up: "9:05 PM and late as usual, it's Bunnyboy, just back from Seattle."
Bunnyboy: Lo dere.
Dexter Fong: A slean floor is nearly like a clean floor
shoes for the dead: hey bun
CS: wow. early bunny
Principalpoop: hip hop bunny
gabrieldrm: 'ello
Dexter Fong: Hey Bunny
DrWho42: ello ello
Bunnyboy: Onna bus. Short pop-in.
CS: early firesign
EWeston: Hey bunny?
||||||||| Catherwood ushers Ma Rainey in through the front door at 9:06 PM, picks up his cues (only slightly scorched), and heads for the billiard room.
Principalpoop: just in time, look at that herd of buffalo
DJTween: Hi Ma, Bunny
||||||||| Catherwood enters with Merlyn close behind, mumbles something about disrupting his 9:06 PM tree-stunting plans, and hurries off to the sitting room.
CS: they were WAY into indians of both meanings of the word in 67
late: who'll be reading from the book of the dead tonight?
Dexter Fong: I've heard of Buffalo
CS: in new york, isnt it?
Bunnyboy: Whereza cookies?
EWeston: Happy Hamburger?
Principalpoop: near watertown
Dexter Fong: Upstate...near Niagara Falls
shoes for the dead: you are a rancher, dex?
CS: ah merl appears
Dexter Fong: Well, I am kinda jolly
||||||||| New notice: '** currently playing - “SHOES FOR INDUSTRY” - listen to the stream at 128k at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny.m3u or at 16k for dial-up users at http://listen.ehhh.us:8000/tweeny16k.m3u - this album may be purchased at >> http://laughstore.stores.yahoo.net/fithbeoffith.html'
||||||||| "9:08 PM? 9:08 PM!!" says Catherwood, "Lil should be here by now...oh, THERE you are!" as Lil enters and sits at the bar.
Bunnyboy: Catherwood! Gimme moleskin cookies!
||||||||| Catherwood ignores Bunnyboy
Dexter Fong: Hi Merlyn
gabrieldrm: 2 to go, and no anchovies.
CS: as falls niagara, so falls naiagara falls
Hurakan: I had Tex-Mex for breakast this morning, lol
EWeston: Hi Lil
Principalpoop: M, this hasn't happened to me since M
squeeze_the_wheeze: no anchovies, I spell my name Danger
Bunnyboy: Lo Lil!
DrWho42: Welcome Lil
Lil: Hi Westie, hola group
Dexter Fong: Hi Lil
Lil: Tanks you one and all
Principalpoop: slowly I turned, step by step, niagria falls
gabrieldrm: beuno
Lil: Hey Dexie
EWeston: Won't happen again tilll N
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about the “SHOES FOR INDUSTRY” 2-CD compilation album and the history of the Firesign Theaire at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=sfi-ln
Principalpoop: oh lil
Lil: Drooling yet Poop?
Rufus_T_Firetween: There's a really good FST album history at that link
EWeston: C'mon Cisco
||||||||| It's 9:10 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| dudley - dead from jaundice
||||||||| coydog - dead from intense demonic possession
||||||||| Xponent - dead from Globner's disease
||||||||| nocaliman1 - dead from jaundice
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
Principalpoop: always
Dexter Fong: First reap of the night
||||||||| With a theatrical clearing of his throat, Catherwood pipes up: "9:10 PM and late as usual, it's dude, just back from Elmertown."
Dexter Fong: 2 cases of jaundice
Lil: What link? What did I miss?
EWeston: Not Dwede?
Bunnyboy: Hi du de!
Lil: I hear ya Poop lol
Principalpoop: i had oldice, hanging from my rear view mirror
DrWho42: I listened to these early albums recently when I was pulling an all-nighter for finals week
Dexter Fong: Tweeny (Rufus)'s link
Lil: Rats
DJTween: Hi Dude
Dexter Fong: Doc Who: Are these the final weeks?
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about the “SHOES FOR INDUSTRY” 2-CD compilation album and the history of the Firesign Theaire at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=sfi-ln
Lil: Is oldice like jaundice?
EWeston: Goshens full of them
Principalpoop: pulling an all-nighter means something else when you get older hehe
shoes for the dead: more like ice9
Bunnyboy: It's inna chat log. Probl'y for years and years.
Rufus_T_Firetween: lol P
Lil: Thanks Tweeny old chap
DrWho42: Yes, best way to spend the final days. :P
Principalpoop: yes, less jaunce
Rufus_T_Firetween: :)
EWeston: More green red and electric blue
Principalpoop: peyote, dance
Lil: Aww I like ya when you're jaunty Poop
EWeston: Only during the mating season
CS: this is an offshoot of an indian symposium the lads were part of on kpfk in i think 66
Principalpoop: naujty
shoes for the dead: i heard some of that, CS
Lil: Within reason Pooper
Principalpoop: naujtical
Bunnyboy: Someone's probably got dot-matrix printouts of our olde 90s mIRC CHATS...
EWeston: Honestly, I can never get my socks off
Beet: They liked the Hopi from whet I gathered
DJTween: cool, CS
Lil: Better yet, without reason
CS: realy, shoes? when it was first broadcast or a tape?
||||||||| A time machine materializes at 9:15 PM and Worker waltzes out, carrying a grape from ancient Greece.
Principalpoop: i thought I was going in sane
Dexter Fong: Lil: Easier to spell Hopi that Araparaphoe
CS: i hope all of that old stuff comes on line
EWeston: Musta took the wrong fork
Bunnyboy: Hopping off da bus. May BBL. Cheers!
shoes for the dead: tape on the puter somewhere
Lil: LOL Dex
Dexter Fong: Later Bunny
CS: by buin
||||||||| Bunnyboy dashes out the back door as Mayor P'nisnose blasts through the front door holding a shotgun and shouting "Where's Bunnyboy?! It's 9:16 PM and my ballot boxes haven't been stuffed yet!"
Lil: C ya Bunny
Worker: Where am I?... Wait, I think I'm in NYC. Does anyone know if there are any plans for a FST appearance out here on the other coast?
Rufus_T_Firetween: Hello. Worker.
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about the “SHOES FOR INDUSTRY” 2-CD compilation album and the history of the Firesign Theaire at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=sfi-ln
CS: merl would know, worker
Principalpoop: nino confirms you are in new york
shoes for the dead: other than what, worker?
Beet: How does he do that?
Dexter Fong: Work: At this time no one knows what FST -1 has plans for
||||||||| Catherwood strides up and intones "Presenting 'Stlouielou', just granted probation at 9:18 PM", then leaves hurriedly.
EWeston: Open for maintience alingment, smiles seductively
gabrieldrm: Hey! I have a careful prosthesus too!
DrWho42: I'm on the west coast.
Dexter Fong Doc: of what
Principalpoop: bawk
Worker: New York it is, then. i dunno how I do it...
Stlouielou: Ola~
CS: of what country?
shoes for the dead: coasting is easy
Worker: The United Snakes of Armenia, of course...
Dexter Fong: It's the uphill that's hard
Rufus_T_Firetween: Hi Louie
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about the “SHOES FOR INDUSTRY” 2-CD compilation album and the history of the Firesign Theaire at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=sfi-ln
EWeston: Braking can be...tricky
Principalpoop: he said uphill thats hard hehe
CS: i'm on the west coast of canada.
Worker: Ah, Canadia. Gods bless your polite hearts.
Dexter Fong: Poop: ......
shoes for the dead: i like this bit
Stlouielou: a little late but here
||||||||| A time machine materializes at 9:20 PM and Lennonmarx bounds out, carrying a grape from ancient Greece.
CS: lol
DrWho42: Calisota. Here in Duckburg.
EWeston: People look at me strange when I dress up like a big egg
Principalpoop: bill and dill
Worker: All power to the ovoid!
Rufus_T_Firetween: all Hail LM
CS: our serilal killers rely on it
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about the “SHOES FOR INDUSTRY” 2-CD compilation album and the history of the Firesign Theaire at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=sfi-ln
Principalpoop: my brother thought he was a chicken, we needed the eggs, short version
gabrieldrm: Little miss****
||||||||| 9:21 PM -- Lennonmarx left for parts unknown.   (Entry from Nick Danger's "Idiots I Have Been Paid To Follow").
||||||||| With a theatrical clearing of his throat, Catherwood snorts derisively: "9:21 PM and late as usual, it's Lennonmarx, just back from Elmertown."
CS: are you playing this because of when it was released, tween?
Lennonmarx: Back from the shadows again
Dexter Fong: Bye LM: WB LM
EWeston: Never let him near Bill ORilly
Worker: Make up your mind!
CS: i used the live version of this from weirdly cool in my new show but this is much better
EWeston: But what to make it uo as?
Dexter Fong: Work: I'm wearing the latest Medulla Mascara form Mindfuck of Paris
Lennonmarx: I haven't been in this chat since the IRC days
Worker: And you're a picture!
Stlouielou: Am/Fm
Dexter Fong: LM: What nick were you using in those far off times
Lennonmarx: Same one
EWeston: No Magic Venus envey puncture pencil?
Principalpoop: love one and leave the other behind, Polygamy is new homsexuality hehe
shoes for the dead: the magic bowl movement
||||||||| 9:24 PM: buzzquip jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past half hour!"
||||||||| It's 9:25 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| stuff - dead from measles
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
CS: did you have a different name then, lennon? i used to be cease
CS: short for c. simril
Dexter Fong: I entered IRC chat in ...I think.......1997? Cat might know better than I
Worker: Steve reeves?
Principalpoop: what happened to your nose?
Lennonmarx: Same name-long time, but "cease" rings a bell
CS: chat started in 85
shoes for the dead: Agnes Morehead
CS: 95
EWeston: No that's Agnus Morehead
Dexter Fong: Same thing that happens to evgery Hollywood star
CS: but outgrowth of elaynes mag of the 80s, falafal
CS: thats how i met her, the boys, many more
Principalpoop: Get me a young trevor howard...
||||||||| 9:26 PM: pissfest jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past hour!"
Principalpoop: wrong chat pf
Dexter Fong: Poop: How about 2 Ron Howards?>
CS: lennon, i was here on rthe very first chat. and most since then.
pissfest: get a harelip!
Beet: Hey, Piss
||||||||| Outside, the 9:27 PM downtown bus from Tennessee pulls away, leaving Zero Ohms coughing in a cloud of diesel fumes.
Worker: What a groove!
pissfest: ho, Lonesome
Dexter Fong: Zero: Watt!!??
Principalpoop: wow
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about the “SHOES FOR INDUSTRY” 2-CD compilation album and the history of the Firesign Theaire at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=sfi-ln
Zero Ohms: Don't take off your shoes!
EWeston: If you lived here you'd be home by now.
Lennonmarx: I just found the FB page that led me here
Worker: All paths lead here.
||||||||| 9:28 PM: floralacres jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past five minutes!"
gabrieldrm: It's raining in my head!
Principalpoop: and here we are
gabrieldrm: where?]
Worker: G7
Dexter Fong: Smithtown, USA
Principalpoop: from anytown usa
Stlouielou: out of the fod and into the smog
Zero Ohms: I can be in two places at once!
Worker: ANytown...
gabrieldrm: That's Juan Schmidt...
EWeston: In some cases beside ourselves
||||||||| mark sashays in at 9:29 PM carrying an obsidian door knocker.
Stlouielou: a bouncy G7
floralacres: keep your thumb next to your place in the script
Principalpoop: I can tell by the pie on your tie
DrWho42: Hey Mark
DJTween: Hello. Mark.
gabrieldrm: I was born an american
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about the “SHOES FOR INDUSTRY” 2-CD compilation album and the history of the Firesign Theaire at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=sfi-ln
Principalpoop: I was raised an American
gabrieldrm: Now I'm an armienian.
||||||||| Catherwood enters with mm1 close behind, mumbles something about disrupting his 9:30 PM tree-stunting plans, and dashes off to the Aviary.
EWeston: In Armenia!
Worker: Gime that guitar!...
Principalpoop: the nation of armani?
Dexter Fong: Gabe: Got any rugs?
shoes for the dead: yes, but are you clean, gab?
EWeston: Smelly beasts!
Principalpoop: for me and Elmer Fudd
CS: music was as integral to their work as it was to the marx brothers.
gabrieldrm: Mausers
Lennonmarx: Regnad kcin
CS: coincidence?
Worker: Boom boom...
EWeston: Or enemy action
Principalpoop: feet
Dexter Fong: LM: You signaled in reverse?
EWeston: Enemy feet in action
Worker: The little guy...
Principalpoop: the total degradation
Beet: Has anyone thought of collecting the videos from the XM broadcasts?
gabrieldrm: Rockefeller
Worker: What have you done for me lately?
CS: merl has actually done that. he recorded them. much of it is on the firesign site
Principalpoop: they have peanut butter poptarts now. what took them so long to figure out that one?
gabrieldrm: Who pee?
Dexter Fong: Rockie's into FST? Oh! Jay (jay) Rockefeller
Lennonmarx: I've frozen up. Damned technology
shoes for the dead: are there more than on FST site, Beet?
Worker: Candy apples...
Rufus_T_Firetween: Beet >>> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/xmradio/
DrWho42: Cryogenic
Rufus_T_Firetween: complete archives
CS: thanks tween
gabrieldrm: Bing!
Principalpoop: honkies who never left the farm
Worker: Who am us anyway>?
shoes for the dead: thanks tween
Dexter Fong: Good job, Tweeny
Beet: I seem to remember entire shows when they were doing them.
Principalpoop: maybe
gabrieldrm: Only heard the records.
Worker: Dukee of Madness?
gabrieldrm: Those circular vinyl things.
Dexter Fong: Or Duckeess
Beet: maybe XM saved them?
shoes for the dead: groovy,Gabe
CS: yes worker, every firefan needs a copy o f domm
||||||||| Dexter Fong leaves at 9:36 PM, singing "Oh, I'm just a little fishy, floating in the sea, and there ain't no hook that's smart enough to catch the likes of me..."
||||||||| Gusts of wind blow in from outside and the thumpa-thumpa-thumpa of helicopter blades is heard as Happy Panditt's chopper lands on the lawn and Dexter Fong gets out at 9:36 PM.
Dexter Fong: Duh
Principalpoop: we lost fong, and found him again
EWeston: We're open to strangers and wives, and discounting everthing that happens here.
||||||||| At 9:36 PM, the lights go out! Rocky Rococo's voice pierces the inky darkness: "I've got you now, Dexter Fong!" Shattering glass is heard, and then the lights come back on...
CS: are you changing universes again, dex?
||||||||| Catherwood ushers Dexter Fong into the room, accepts three dimes as a gratuity, mutters something about 9:36 PM, then departs.
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** DUKE OF MADNESS MOTORS - Every Firesign Theatre radio broadcast from the "Dear Friends" era (1970-1972) >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=domm-ln
Beet: I like discounts
floralacres: I am not smart enough to navigate your chat room yet..but..my servants are in those barrels
Principalpoop: close a few of your pron windows fong
DJTween: lol
Principalpoop: overloading your pc
Worker: CHristlike, it rises...
pissfest: Bware this universe dex - the president is named Schickelgruber
CS: i thought those were hobbits in those barrels
Dexter Fong: Cat: No..meant to msg you but hit exit..then when I logged on again, I had to leave so i could reset my chat preferences
gabrieldrm: Yea, vinyl!
EWeston: Hath courage run aground?
Principalpoop: hah, take some more glauoma medicine for your eyes fong hehe
Principalpoop: coma, glau coma
Worker: Comi, coma...
Principalpoop: to my house, my house
EWeston: Coma coma bo foma banafama focoma
Rufus_T_Firetween: >>Dexter Fong: Cat: No..meant to msg you but hit exit..then when I logged on again, I had to leave so i could reset my chat preferences << Configure in the pop-up menu will do that
Dexter Fong: Poop: There are none so blind etc...........
floralacres: I am just glad that this site is available...I will come back....and inside....its delicious
Zero Ohms: Another chant, bartender!
Lennonmarx: Mixed blessing. I have glaucoma. I live in Boston. Medicine soon available...
Dexter Fong: Thanks Tween =0
Principalpoop: a kiss is still a kiss
Rufus_T_Firetween: yw :)
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about the “SHOES FOR INDUSTRY” 2-CD compilation album and the history of the Firesign Theaire at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=sfi-ln
EWeston: THC is a wonderful option for the G
Lennonmarx: Goats, or ghosts, or ghosts of goats, or both!
Principalpoop: rats, have to walk carefully with the glaucoma, prostate jokes now
gabrieldrm: Nick Danger
CS: a word is still a word, until it isn't.
EWeston: Hand me my sword flask Varlet!
Principalpoop: lets get down to business
gabrieldrm: I love those stems'
Beet: I Love the accents the organ does in this show
Principalpoop: pyramid parchurlli
shoes for the dead: sn' aint a word
gabrieldrm: Ohh yes!
EWeston: I was staring down the barrels of three 45's, and that one in the middle looked hungry
Worker: Patchouli...
Zero Ohms: my pickle!
Principalpoop: feel my organ sting...
Principalpoop: pat and ronnie chouli
Stlouielou: craerback jox
Worker: Everytone knew her as Nancy...
gabrieldrm: Nancy
Beet: There are ointments for that
Principalpoop: Bettyjo
EWeston: Scorpean gentics! I'm jealous.
Worker: Really neat...
Zero Ohms: Sign here!
Lennonmarx: I use that 'hot kiss...' Line all the time, to blank stares
Worker: Sign here.
gabrieldrm: How does he do that?
pissfest: Sign here. (Out there)
Dexter Fong: Sound effects
Principalpoop: I understand, Sign here.
Zero Ohms: Me, too, LM, to the same responses!
CS: the firesign audience is tiny now
Dexter Fong: Where?
EWeston: Most firesign quotes can get you that. It when they slowly back away
gabrieldrm: We are the few, the under appreciated.
Worker: A tiny audience, but of immense girth.
Stlouielou: I envey us
CS: in the gneral pupulace, dex
CS: yes, or the cops called to haul you away
Principalpoop: it ain't the meat, it's the motion
Beet: A certain unusual brand of luck that we possess
Lennonmarx: It's the most "pulpy" "noir-esque" line in the piece
CS: good line, beet
Stlouielou: long in the leaf and short in the can
||||||||| Bette Jo waltzes in at 9:46 PM carrying an obsidian door knocker.
Worker: A certain alignment of the luck plane.
EWeston: Check him for sharp objects ;)
shoes for the dead: every so often the Anselmo pederasty case comes up on a cop drama on tv
Principalpoop: I think it is bad luck to be superstitous
CS: bette jo, hello
Bette Jo: Why am I in Yuma?
Rufus_T_Firetween: Hi Bette
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about the “SHOES FOR INDUSTRY” 2-CD compilation album and the history of the Firesign Theaire at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=sfi-ln
Dexter Fong: Shoes: I thought they solved that, but the Punk got away?
Principalpoop: you belong in Yuma
gabrieldrm: Hi Nancy.
EWeston: Substitious gets you what?
Bette Jo: This is my first time you guys..be gentle
Beet: lol Poop
Worker: Come, dry your mukluks by the fire...
Lennonmarx: Ha ha
Stlouielou: broo ha ha
Principalpoop: ok, bend over and roll up your arm, do you want regular or premium?
Worker: COld obsidian
EWeston: Don't be intimidated...or else!
gabrieldrm: Use your celophane now.
Dexter Fong: Betty: No worries...we're good humored
Bette Jo: Every one know m as nancy
DJTween: lol EW
pissfest: Me 2, BJ except for a Beach boys chat about 20 yrs ago
shoes for the dead: i only got bobble wrap
Lennonmarx: When did this in college for a radio broadcast class... I was Nancy. Quite an honor.
Stlouielou: hat & goat
CS: maybe more humoured than good
Bette Jo: BJ?I resemble that remark!
gabrieldrm: Different act, shoes...
Principalpoop: the highlight of your dramatic career
Dexter Fong: I knew this was gonna happed
Bette Jo: probably more hammered than humored
Principalpoop: then stop slappling me
Zero Ohms: 20 yrs. later & FST still knocks me out!
Principalpoop: slapping even
gabrieldrm: Use the birdseye thing WAY too much.
||||||||| Catherwood ushers stingray into the room, accepts a wooden nickel as a gratuity, grumbles something about 9:49 PM, then departs.
Worker: Get yoru hands off me!
CS: new people, when did you first hear firesign, and find it important enought to come here?
Principalpoop: what?
EWeston: Finely hammerred, finely humored, choce one fast!
Rufus_T_Firetween: Hi Ray
Bette Jo: oh I must click on the stream..I are slow with pu'ters
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about the “SHOES FOR INDUSTRY” 2-CD compilation album and the history of the Firesign Theaire at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=sfi-ln
gabrieldrm: 1971/2013
Stlouielou: KSHE radio back in the 70's
pissfest: TV or not TV in bargain bin
Dexter Fong: I've been hampered by this Armoire
Principalpoop: bring drinks for everyone catherwood
||||||||| Catherwood gets drinks for everyone.
Worker: My older brother turned me on to FST about 1978, as a kid.
EWeston: Call a carpender
Bette Jo: I will wait here in the sitting room
CS: for me it was grade 11, 1967. at their beginning
Lennonmarx: My first FT album was Not Insane. Not really a great introduction.
DrWho42: I found out about it a few years ago thanks to the Hour of Slack.
gabrieldrm: Wow, CS!
Worker: Were you out west, CS?
Dexter Fong: LM: Indeed =))
pissfest: My caseworker told me about em when I mentioned Cheech & Chong - he pitied me
EWeston: What other works do you now Bette?
Principalpoop: So that was your secret...
shoes for the dead: i are a carpenter, EW
CS: i lived in la
Bette Jo: I had the albums n the 70's (was born in 58) so was younger than most fans
Zero Ohms: It was about 1971 a friend turned me on, to the FS T, too.
Worker: Lucky you.
Stlouielou: 2 places dwarf bozos here
EWeston: For a fee I can be a lady.
CS: my dad was a car dealer in van nuys, a competitor to the ralph spoilsport character in firesigfn lore
Beet: A friend at the summer resort where we were working had WFTE in '70
shoes for the dead: i was in Jakarta in 71 when i first heard them
pissfest: Didn't have access to albums until college (used records) once had all up to Just Folks
gabrieldrm: Neat!
Bette Jo: if u lived her youd be home by now
Bette Jo: here
Principalpoop: Why she's no fun. She fell right over.
Dexter Fong: EW: I don't give a fie about your whereabouts or where you're fom
CS: did it work in jakarta for you?
gabrieldrm: Already been there, Bette Jo!
stingray: who has a job? they work me like a chinese factory slave
EWeston: Its to late to apologise
CS: i was in japan then when i got bozos in the mail from a friend. it was so serenely synchronistic with my new odd surroundings
stingray: more splenda!
Principalpoop: Audrey
Principalpoop: What about Cynthia?
pissfest: thanks Rocky
shoes for the dead: yuppers, CS, more than the Cand chong
Lennonmarx: I must be off, but I'm in for Thursday nights again...
Beet: I always like Ossman's old guy voice
||||||||| "9:54 PM? I'm late!" exclaims Lennonmarx, who then dashes out through the french doors and down through the brambles.
||||||||| Catherwood ushers MarkTime in through the front door at 9:54 PM, picks up his cues (only slightly scorched), and heads for the billiard room.
Dexter Fong: Night LM
Principalpoop: hail and something , ok
DJTween: ** Next week, we'll be hearing "Pink Hotel Burns Down"
gabrieldrm: I'm Dan...
DJTween: Hello MarkTime
||||||||| It's 9:55 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| mm1 - dead from the common cold
||||||||| mark - dead from dengue fever
||||||||| floralacres - dead from dengue fever
||||||||| squeeze_the_wheeze - dead from the fiddlers
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
EWeston: My intro was is Asia too Not Insane, Listened too in an aircrew baracks in the Fillipeans
CS: good idea, tween
Principalpoop: No, put down that pickle, halfakey largo?
MarkTime: damn, late... forgot
Bette Jo: Are we just supposed to sit here in the waiting room or wait here in the sitting room?
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about the “SHOES FOR INDUSTRY” 2-CD compilation album and the history of the Firesign Theaire at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=sfi-ln
Beet: Hello Mark
Worker: My introduction was Regnad Kcin, no less. I was lucky.
Principalpoop: Get me out of these ropes and into a good belt of scotch
stingray: heck ua,rufus!
shoes for the dead: just sit down on your own stool, Bete
CS: on more than one podcast, bergman says he's proudest of hearing from vietnam vets who said they survived it by listening to electricin
Dexter Fong: And that caper was inside the olive
pissfest: Oh my intro was really Loosener's, part of a WNCI show promo
Bette Jo: Dang that cap lock
MarkTime: mmmm
Principalpoop: the boost you get from looseners
shoes for the dead: helps in the wind, tho, Bette
gabrieldrm: Hammond B3 with a Leslie 212
Principalpoop: oh nick, you're such a tool
Zero Ohms: such a tool
MarkTime: spinning at hi speed
gabrieldrm: Rup
Bette Jo: at my cervex
MarkTime: (the leslie, not the pickle)
gabrieldrm: If you say so...
pissfest: Leutenant
MarkTime: so!
gabrieldrm: MarkTime I think I love you...
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 10 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
Principalpoop: my face in the paper, with charles linburg and charles something kain
Bette Jo: 7 in yuma
Worker: Any other NYC family?
DrWho42: 7 in CA.
Stlouielou: 9 in the Lou
Dexter Fong: 10 in NYC
DJTween: "My story had more holes in it than Albert Hall" - yet another Beatles reference
Principalpoop: is that pronounced juma?
EWeston: Foster I tink PP
gabrieldrm: 9 in the midwest
Bette Jo: currently 109 degrees waddy de doo dah
Principalpoop: thanks, hard to hear under there
gabrieldrm: 62 here
Dexter Fong: Catherwood, give everyone some wine dark sea
||||||||| Catherwood gets everyone some wine dark sea.
DrWho42: I know NYC will have a Welcome to Night Vale live show this October.
Principalpoop: in the 50s tonight, crazy stupid weather
MarkTime: hee hee, "i'm going to greece" "and swim the english channel" might obscure ref
||||||||| Catherwood escorts Elayne in through the front door at 10:01 PM, picks up his cues (only slightly scorched), and heads for the billiard room.
Principalpoop: hi E
Elayne: Evenin' all! Can't stay long, exhausted.
MarkTime: mighty
DrWho42: Hey Elayne!
EWeston: You can't listen over there?
Dexter Fong: Hi Elyane
shoes for the dead: hi El
Principalpoop: tag, you are released E hehe
Beet: Hi E
MarkTime: look at this grape
Stlouielou: try a choclate malted falcon
shoes for the dead: what/
DJTween: Big T-storm here in Austin. Hope the power doesn't fail
Dexter Fong: Me two tweeny
pissfest: All right everybody into the time machine!
Hurakan: I feel like I'm having a flash-back
DJTween: The laptop would still work, but I'd have to play from disc if my music box was knocked out
||||||||| Catherwood stumbles in at 10:03 PM, dragging MrBreeze by the hair and asks "Can anyone vouch for this Firehead?"
shoes for the dead: you don't know how radio works!!!
Principalpoop: cue the organist
EWeston: Then tip him
Rufus_T_Firetween: Hi Breeze
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about the “SHOES FOR INDUSTRY” 2-CD compilation album and the history of the Firesign Theaire at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=sfi-ln
Bette Jo: I can talk to ME anyway I want to!
Principalpoop: out cast woman
||||||||| Catherwood enters with Elayne2 close behind, grumbles something about disrupting his 10:05 PM tree-stunting plans, and rushes off to the Aviary.
DrWho42: Great movie, M.
MarkTime: since "M"
Principalpoop: dog wants out, brb
gabrieldrm: M?"
Dexter Fong: Out "caste" woman
EWeston: There ain't room enough in this dress for both of us!
DJTween: Hey E
Elayne2: Whoops. I don't know how I got kicked out. My iTunes suddenly started playing "And Your Bird Can Sing" and when I closrd it I was out of chat too! Strange.
Worker: It"s "Half-Caste Woman". A Noel Coward song. Interesting Lyrics.
pissfest: Oooh Shhhh
DrWho42: M (1931), directed by Fritz Lang, starring Peter Lorre.
CS: does listening to this alter your brain, or is alreasy altered?
shoes for the dead: mobius loop, El
Elayne2: And Merlyn's not here to kill my doppelwhoozis.
Beet: I like the I Ching quote in the end
gabrieldrm: Cool, DrWho43 thanks.
pissfest: Moment! Did FT watch Dark shadows? They only used I Ching to travel to other times & hell dimensions. Count Petofi used a
DrWho42: A bit of alternate history for the counterfactual historians.
EWeston: Some say we've been ... altered
Zero Ohms: too many changes
Elayne2: Every Republican historian is counterfactual nowadays.
CS: did i send you the show via send this file, el?
pissfest: line like FT's I don't remember which. They had more bloopers than radio who had a script & no eyes.
Bette Jo: NI ! Catterwood will you get me a shubbery while in the avery? NI !
shoes for the dead: mine is off the rack, CS
Bette Jo: Whoops wrong comedy
MarkTime: hey fief?, hey want want want
CS: i did so with merl but he didnht get it, today
DrWho42: They used the I, Ching in Philip K. Dick's novel The Man in the High Castle.
DrWho42: Lol, true Elayne2
pissfest: Can't wait to hear The Arab
EWeston: Yup Elayne
Elayne2: Not yet, Cat. I'm still waiting.
CS: you like pkd, dr who?
CS: my fave author
DJTween: kewl
MarkTime: got a massive collection
CS: a lot of cross over with firesign
DrWho42: Yeah, he's a great writer.
Stlouielou: Porgy
EWeston: Try some Terry Prachett sometime
CS: the unreliability of reality
Worker: That woman is trying to kill me!
Elayne2: So before I go, anyone have a Silly Site suggestion for me today? So far this week I've pointed to Tumblrs featuring bass players and dogs, and Tina Fey and cats. What's next, I wonder.
pissfest: Ah! Favwe used to be Everything U Know but this is a masterpiece of English drama!
DrWho42: I've been meaning to get into Discworld
CS: that can be anyone
DrWho42: Mmm, silly sites...
||||||||| It's 10:10 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Drake_Richie - dead from Globner's disease
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
pissfest: More coffins Warden?
MarkTime: ersatz bros?
stingray: @elanyne2 try lostamerica.com you'll like it!
EWeston: He's moved on to more serious like work these days
stingray: does anyone here actually have a job? i do not like my job
pissfest: What if this song were part of the US citizensghip Test?
DrWho42: Look up Michael Kupperman. Great comic writers, surreal humor.
CS: a few days ago, i was on a couple of ferrys, going to and from vancouver island
Rufus_T_Firetween: heheh
Worker: Stop singing and finish your homework.
gabrieldrm: Like ME?
Rufus_T_Firetween: I think it should be, PF
gabrieldrm: I must be in another time warp.
MarkTime: mmmm, clamcakes
CS: 90 minute trips. i was looking at the waves and noticed the patterns of light on them.
stingray: @ worker hahahahahahahahah
Worker: THey're getting damp!
DrWho42: I've got one. Good Show, Sir! Only the worst sci-fi/fantasy book covers: http://www.goodshowsir.co.uk/
CS: it was like watching my brain at work.
Zero Ohms: He's so good w/ the help
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about the “SHOES FOR INDUSTRY” 2-CD compilation album and the history of the Firesign Theaire at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=sfi-ln
Elayne2: Thanks Stingray, it's pretty but it's not particularly silly, is it?
Bette Jo: Coming mother
CS: no intoxicants were involved.
EWeston: The Bonzo Dog Band is a fun group, there is some utube stuff from them accessible
pissfest: Ooooh, I'll have fun at that site, Dr.
Dexter Fong: No druge dealers were harmed in the making of this massacre
Elayne2: Thanks, DrWho42, that'll do nicely. I just hope I haven't already blogged that one, it looks familiar. Oh, what the heck.
stingray: silly is as silly does, Elayne
Beet: He's not your son. Stop torturing me.
Worker: Stop torturing me, Ethel.
pissfest: God yes, EW did you do the J Arthur Rank ref last week?
Worker: Want a snort?
stingray: stop workin , worker1
DrWho42: I've submitted some of my books to that site.
shoes for the dead: weren't they friends of the beatles, EW?
EWeston: Guilty Pissfest They are great fun
stingray: muhead or mudshark, you decide
Dexter Fong notices worker1 is still working
CS: i have to go check some salmon
Worker: What is reality?
Elayne2: No pissf, could you email it to me? elayneriggs AT yahoo DOT come
EWeston: They have many links with the Beattles
pissfest: What is reality?
Elayne2: Laying my poor herniated neck disc down for the night. Next week, all.
||||||||| 10:16 PM -- Elayne2 left for parts unknown.   (Entry from Nick Danger's "Idiots I Have Been Paid To Follow").
EWeston: McCartney produced a song or two for them
Bette Jo: EAT IT!
Worker: Feel better!
Beet: F U 2
Stlouielou: Peace
MarkTime: raw raw raw
gabrieldrm: TTFN
pissfest: ? Email Bonzo bit? I'll seek it on Youtube
MarkTime: fu2
EWeston: That's the spirirts we have here
MarkTime: ah yeah beet
stingray: beet you r right - learn to play the flute
MarkTime: i need more speed
pissfest: They were in Magical MT. Death Cab for cutie. Where have I heard that?
MarkTime: you wouldn't believe how slow he makes my protocols
Hurakan: Where can I find a complete ist of all the FST lyrics?
Hurakan: I just found the chat
Dexter Fong: He be fucking with my proconsuls also
EWeston: A band, out of Seattle uses that as their name,
pissfest: I put on my shoes 2 hrs ago to mow the lawn
Hurakan: I was litening to them back in the te 60's
Principalpoop: back, and it is puddy puddy little chat
pissfest: Atsa whata I meant, EW
shoes for the dead: Take Offyour shoes!!
CS: welcome, harakan
Zero Ohms: I'm turning in my shoes, Bye y'all! Catch you next Thurs!
pissfest: Oooh Shhhh it's Don G
EWeston: There are printed lyrics availible HK
Principalpoop: Ohm!
EWeston: Ohm watt amp>
Dexter Fong: Night ZO
pissfest: They're gonna drop whistles!
Principalpoop: Bidets fountain
pissfest: Bidet's "The Fountain" LOL
Dexter Fong: and they're gonna fry bacon
Bette Jo: <~just boiled away my water for mac7cheese..no wonder I'm single
EWeston: Oh look out!
Dexter Fong: lol BJ
Bette Jo: mac&cheese
stingray: the hawaiian entertainment song - pipeline surf masters!!!!
pissfest: Who did the animatiopn for the real PSAs
MarkTime: got form?
Dexter Fong: Mac"7"Cheese SS 444
EWeston: Hawian Halucination song
pissfest: Aliens PSAs? Not Chuck Jones?
shoes for the dead: Free mexican Air Force
Bette Jo: my mama had a SS454!
pissfest: Licking stamps!
Principalpoop: Steve Jobs had a brand of macaroni too?
Hurakan: I understand BJ... I forgot about dinner, now having to get something delivered
Dexter Fong: I *know* she did darlin'
MarkTime: loved gals with big blocks
stingray: take my sdvice dear friends - quit your job, cash out your bank accnt, climb a tree, cut off the soles of yer shoes and learn to play the fulte!!
||||||||| Around 10:22 PM, gabrieldrm walks off into the sunset...
shoes for the dead: Hot that rod
Worker: Groat clusters.
Principalpoop: the straight people...
Bette Jo: it was the 70's
||||||||| Catherwood escorts flatly inside, makes a note of the time (10:23 PM), then fades off into the distance going on about the waiting room or the sitting room or something.
stingray: you straight people suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dexter Fong seranades the assembled on his new digital fulte
Bette Jo: i think fags suck too, right?
Stlouielou: I still have my bellbottoms
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** DUKE OF MADNESS MOTORS - Every Firesign Theatre radio broadcast from the "Dear Friends" era (1970-1972) >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=domm-ln
Principalpoop: you say that as if sucking was a bad thing...
MarkTime: got it, nice
Bette Jo: I love Firesign!
Dexter Fong: Another forum perhaps for some folks??
pissfest: Good idea. At least Nick is full length.
stingray: heck ya Rufus! thanks!
shoes for the dead: Pass the Lord!
||||||||| It's 10:25 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| buzzquip - dead from the yaws
||||||||| Elayne - dead from the fiddlers
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
pissfest: So who doesn't suck? Fundies? That doesn't sound right
Dexter Fong: pass the Lord in your new 2013 Chevy Camaro
stingray: whers my bong
Stlouielou: < has it
Principalpoop: broken vacuums?
Beet: They were playing the tune to "Marching To Shibboleth"
pissfest: Disney sfx
stingray: dracula sux
MarkTime: still have my u.s. bong
Dexter Fong: Poop: take the oxygen mask (if ti comes down) and give it to someone else
Beet: fang you very much
Principalpoop: major arcana, on the wheel again
pissfest: Rough As A Cob March? Never noticed
Bette Jo: <~97 Lincoln, was recently my address..1st world problems..anyonw want to save me?
shoes for the dead: a usb ong?
stingray: yes dexter, share the fumes
Worker: It's back to the Shadows again...
Bette Jo: came here to laugh
pissfest: Help! It's the police!!!
MarkTime: second-hand dope
EWeston: Ank You Dex ;)
Beet: Again Shibboleth tune
Principalpoop: laugh? ha, haha, hahaha cough
Dexter Fong: 'our weome EW
stingray: I wish this had been around when I was alive back in 76
Bette Jo: wheeze
Stlouielou: gotta roll...until next time....
Principalpoop: roll us one, thanks
Beet: See ya' Louie
Dexter Fong: See you in st. Louie louie
Bette Jo: havent heard this in years..use to have it memorized
stingray: Beet - what do you know about Shiboleth? That is supposed to be a secret!!!!!
EWeston: G'bye Lou
||||||||| At 10:28 PM, Worker scurries out the door saying "Hey, mister ice-cream man, I've got a nickel, wait for meeeee..."
pissfest: Next week I'll be Dr. Dog, a Real Square Little Fellow.
Bette Jo: whaaaat?!
Dexter Fong: We can only hope, Piss
shoes for the dead: is it a hit?
shoes for the dead: or a miss?
shoes for the dead: What?
Beet: Some Jewish secret knowledge. Also the name of the tune on Crush That Dwarf
Principalpoop: salute to reality
EWeston: Its a Miss!
Dexter Fong: Ruff! Ruff!!
pissfest: When will the Whispering Yeast sing some MudheaDSKI???
EWeston: Down Lassie
Beet: There it is again. A pattern
Dexter Fong: Beet: It's origens are biblical...something to do with when Saul and david were kicking ass and meant something to the effect of a secret password
pissfest: whoops i can shout don't hear you
MarkTime: and you can stream right to your pc
Beet: Cool, thanks
Principalpoop: i think adams first wife is mentioned there also
Hurakan: Yea Haw!
Dexter Fong: Lymen Beet
EWeston: Ok we'll count the elevator bay
Beet: Who have I got to lose
Dexter Fong: *Oymen
Hurakan: Bear-Wiz Beer
Dexter Fong: Poop: You mean mean......Anita?
Hurakan: It's in the water
MarkTime: anita hit
Principalpoop: Lillith
EWeston: Mescalito
pissfest: Where can I get a job? That is the question.
Dexter Fong: Anita was an prehistoric Pole dancer...that's when the climate was different
shoes for the dead: Panama Red
Principalpoop: teach english in china hehe
Dexter Fong: Red wqs aAnitas manager
EWeston: So were Poles
pissfest: thats OK the bees are dying
Beet: President's answers much the same but tailord to each questioner. One of the coolest devices I ever heard
MarkTime: jiving me agin
Dexter Fong: Piss: But the wasps are winning
shoes for the dead: my sis did that, Poop
Principalpoop: wrong chat shoes
Bette Jo: OMG! I just got foodstamps,and I'm just a clone
Dexter Fong: I taught Engrish in China town
pissfest: He could have been president for decades!
Principalpoop: exit right to funway
MarkTime: ...close b clothes mode...
Dexter Fong: LUBE ME Dr. Memory
DJTween: ** Remember folks. the chat starts officially at 9pm EST, with warm-up music on the streams starting around 8:45om EST
EWeston: He broke the President!
pissfest: Phooey! These food stamps taste just like paper!
DJTween: ** For those of you not familiar, there's a log of the entire chat you can view to catch up. Click on the LOG link at the bottom of the page to view tonight's log.
Dexter Fong: So get here early or get shut out
EWeston: There gluten free!
DJTween: *8:45pm, that is. I do not chant
DJTween: ** Don’t forget to check out the Firesign Theatre Funway for a cool page full of Flash goodies. Just move your cursor over various areas of the page - https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/funway.html
Bette Jo: oh crap..that macaroni...not betty crocker here
Dexter Fong: ...and flagrant frier miles available to fragrant fliers
Beet: Dr. Uh
DJTween: lol Bette
Dexter Fong: Hi! I'm here to make some mac&cheese
Dexter Fong: I'm Betty Lou Costello
pissfest: No not Clem!!!@!
MarkTime: mmm imac&cheese
Principalpoop: making me hungry, bagel with cream cheese and grape jelly, no cooking hehe
Beet: You have to melt the butter first
Dexter Fong: Deputy Damn
MarkTime: yeah, my hunger mode has been opened as well
pissfest: Another for the USA Citizenship test: Don't chase the balls when they make the street.
Beet: Deputy Dan has no friends
MarkTime: think i'll get some honey grams/milk
EWeston: Brined poulty is good
Dexter Fong: But he does have paid informants
pissfest: ok follow
||||||||| It's 10:40 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Stlouielou - dead from The Plague
||||||||| Zero Ohms - dead from jaundice
||||||||| stingray - dead from pneumonia
||||||||| flatly - dead from The Plague
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
pissfest: he can even read our emails
Dexter Fong: Ohil P Is insane =))))
Beet: he only reads the addresses. yeah, right
||||||||| aclem steps in at 10:41 PM carrying an obsidian door knocker.
pissfest: I do wish I hadn't gotten rid of this LP... I'll listen to anyuthong FT these days
shoes for the dead: La Bomba Chelter!!
Dexter Fong: Piss: You are lucky enough to be around when there is sooo much FST maerial
EWeston: One too many sleepy Joes
pissfest: Got the code? Any Thibng. You. Type. Honest.
Dexter Fong: PF: Huh?
shoes for the dead: no, kinda dishonest
pissfest: I'm starting to realize, DF. Just discoved the radio archive
CS: sorry, i forgot chart and had meal
||||||||| aclem says "Catherwood, call me a cab." After the obvious joke, aclem exits at 10:44 PM.
Hurakan: Hey Y'all this was great... dinner just arrived and I think I have the munchies... Take care! Adios!
shoes for the dead: groats?
CS: come again, hara
Beet: bye hura
Dexter Fong: Night Hura
EWeston: See yah HK
Bette Jo: bye hurkie my mac and cheese ire etable too enjoy
pissfest: I don't know why I forgot this part & remembersd stupid GBS gag. I wasn't so smart
Rufus_T_Firetween: Hi clem
Bette Jo: cant type and eat
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about the “SHOES FOR INDUSTRY” 2-CD compilation album and the history of the Firesign Theaire at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=sfi-ln
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** If you're on Facebook, you can Like the Firesign Fan Page here >> https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Firesign-Theatre/282668140208
Principalpoop: boy I wolfed that down
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** FIRESIGN THEATRE and OZ PODCASTS are available for the price of your firstborn chinchilla from the iTunes Store, and FST podcasts at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/podcasting/indexx.html - and RADIO FREE OZ podcasts at >> http://www.radiofreeoz.com/
Bette Jo: Dexter they'te speaking your language!
CS: anyone have any ideas for a theme for a firesign hour show?
Dexter Fong: BJ: If you puree everything and use a straw
MarkTime: ditto, cant dip and type
EWeston: My cat takes over the eating when I type
pissfest: Fly away, PP
Bette Jo: Ithanks dex
Bette Jo: mac and cheese soup
Bette Jo: lol weston
Dexter Fong: MeWELCOMME
shoes for the dead: a Mark Time show?
EWeston: Medical firesign CS?
Principalpoop: blackbird singing in the dead of night
Dexter Fong: Can not tell his left rom his right
Principalpoop: lol
EWeston: He has trouble with bar cords
Beet: bad puns
Dexter Fong: No shirt no service?
MarkTime: dead cat in every bar cord?
pissfest: all problems he create!
Principalpoop: bun pads
Dexter Fong: No shoes.......
Beet: Probrems
Dexter Fong: Big aprobrem
pissfest: no Buddisty writers!
EWeston: Your not pining this monster rap on me!
Dexter Fong: and no Canadianisties
Bette Jo: I dont remember this one,,so it'hddit writers!o me (andno new
Beet: Love Toed Away
pissfest: Dear Freidnds, BJ
Dexter Fong: Not if it really happened Beet
Bette Jo: dang it why does my mouse jump?
Principalpoop: always
shoes for the dead: (shift)
Dexter Fong: scared of the cat
Bette Jo: my hand hits shift?
pissfest: A Mutant Blue would have no fear
CS: good idea, ew. dont think there is enough sheer medical, but it could be welded into other scientific stuff they riff on
Bette Jo: I'd hit the at if I had one
Dexter Fong: 'course not, they can't feel pain
Bette Jo: cat dang it
EWeston: Niether does my cat
EWeston: He's pre danged
pissfest: I don't fear pain -- juist discontinuity
Principalpoop: hold it, noo, try holding it over there, ahh perfect
CS: i'm notg anybody's cat
Bette Jo: I'm pre danged too
pissfest: don't fear me either
Dexter Fong: He's pre-danged-deranged
pissfest: just discontinuioty
EWeston: That's a given
Bette Jo: home on de range
Beet: Hemlock!
shoes for the dead: deranged?
EWeston: He's home and deranged
pissfest: R. Gomez: Can I buy a subscription of Grit from you?
Principalpoop: the discontiouse boirds on foirst street
Dexter Fong: ..and in a most tasteful way
CS: the work of the firesign lives in a gray zone, an interzone between genius and madness
Principalpoop: sniff that fine line, I mean walking
MarkTime: grit? whoa that acitvated some long-dormant brain glomats
EWeston: And selling candles
Dexter Fong: like with the serial killers and cops
||||||||| It's 10:55 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Hurakan - dead from jaundice
||||||||| DrWho42 - dead from dengue fever
||||||||| MrBreeze - dead from Globner's disease
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
Bette Jo: Do we have to be Jewish to be here?
Beet: teeth grow into their brains
Principalpoop: no no, but circumsized, men only
EWeston: No but don't go over there
Rufus_T_Firetween says in his best Rod Serling voice, "This is no ordinary comedy troupe..."
CS: no bette.
shoes for the dead: only if you wish
Bette Jo: no circumsized women?
Dexter Fong: Catherwood, give Bette Jo a Ruben sandwich
||||||||| Catherwood brings bette jo a ruben sandwich.
Bette Jo: dang it
Beet: To write you must be Jewish however
Bette Jo: thank you
pissfest: You know, if you had this chat on Saturdays we wouldn't be guilty to drink whiskey on Chat Night. O. That's it, is it, is it? Achoo.
Principalpoop: i don't believe in ufos
MarkTime: be more circumspect when addressing that circumstance
CS: bergman was the only jew in the group and he died last year. the other lads have their own religions
EWeston: They believe in you PP
pissfest: Why do I think teeth grew into my brain??
shoes for the dead: circumly
Principalpoop: ahh, the bigger circle than the circle I drew scam, ok ok
Dexter Fong: PF: Just set your watcj ahead 2 days. step into this grandfather clock and hit yourself with this magnum
EWeston: Sumaratran blood?
Beet: You didn't chew
Bette Jo: Is that sauerkraut on that rueben kosher?
pissfest: Mr. CS, that may ruin my theory of humour
MarkTime: heehee
EWeston: gesuntite!
CS: actually he seems to have spent his later decades as a buddhist
MarkTime: is nict correctay (canadian)
Principalpoop: and what is the russian dressing wearing?
CS: lol
Beet: A Buddhist Writer?
pissfest: Corrictie! My elemernt!!!
Bette Jo: heehee
EWeston: Something from Mr. Ed's For Threads
CS: i think it wss henry adams who said he was a buddhist before he went to japan. pretty much the same for me
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 11 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
Dexter Fong: Wear our manes on Main street
Bette Jo: 8 in yuma
Bette Jo: time travel is was is going to be confusing
Dexter Fong: 2 in oprah
pissfest: Not flat!!!!@ No plot noflaxen sshow it massage me gesuntheit
Principalpoop: 55 degrees in roanoke in the middle of august, weirdly cool
Beet: more puns per second than any other
Bette Jo: it's 103 and the sun ids down
CS: bette, if time travel could happen, why hasn't it?
Principalpoop: now that is august
Bette Jo: normal for here not as bad as it sounds
Dexter Fong: Beet: Except for "By the light...." on the "Pink Hotel Burns Down" releasd
MarkTime: it did, but didn't do well in it's demograhic so it was cancelled
CS: cold enough for me to wear a sweater here in north van
EWeston: We keep going down the wrong trouser leg of time
Dexter Fong: and which Tweeny will ber playing next wek
Principalpoop: canada is always cold, next to the pole you know
Beet: I'll go listen tonight Dex
pissfest: I work for a hospita!! Fear for brain -- I'm sending to my employer - I0- I'llnever regerret = Wannasw Drink Whix
CS: lol poop
Bette Jo: all the Canadians come here in the winter.roke..hurry we r b
||||||||| Catherwood ushers bozoette in through the front door at 11:03 PM, picks up his cues (only slightly scorched), and heads for the billiard room.
Bette Jo: my shifty shift key did it again
Principalpoop: lots of snow birds in south floreeda too
MarkTime: i truely love the video version of everything you know...
Rufus_T_Firetween: Hi Bozoette
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** Read about the “SHOES FOR INDUSTRY” 2-CD compilation album and the history of the Firesign Theaire at >> https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/media/media.php?item=sfi-ln
Bette Jo: honk honk
Dexter Fong: BJ: I gotta admit, at last i DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING YOU SAY
CS: i always enjoy visiting the states. enjoy returning to canada even more
bozoette: hey rufus, thanks for the welcome
||||||||| Outside, the 11:04 PM crosstown bus from Hellmouth pulls away, leaving Hurakan coughing in a cloud of diesel fumes.
Bette Jo: I get that alot
CS: yeah its very faithful to the album
Dexter Fong: Oops sorry
Rufus_T_Firetween: wb Hurakan
Dexter Fong: Hey HK
Beet: allow me to also welcome bozoette
Principalpoop: i don;t get that all, I need to get out more
CS: wb h
pissfest: I need to prepAre THE cURIOS & THE kOOKY - HELP US
Bette Jo: my curor jumps and i send without looking for that annoying conundrum
CS: welcome, bozoette
Beet: Funny Namers
EWeston: Back to the cypt for me now. So long till next time, again.
Bette Jo: Gualala caca funny
Beet: Bye E
CS: by ew
MarkTime: ok, fly by night and sleep all day
Dexter Fong: Night EW
Principalpoop: ciao E
pissfest: Bob, please help us
||||||||| EWeston dashes out the back door as Mayor P'nisnose blasts through the front door holding a shotgun and shouting "Where's EWeston?! It's 11:06 PM and my ballot boxes haven't been stuffed yet!"
Bette Jo: Anybody here near the Left Coast with me?
shoes for the dead: see ya next time, bye!
Principalpoop: you too shoes? cya bud
Beet: bye shoes
DJTween: ** Remember folks. the chat starts officially at 9pm EST, with warm-up music on the streams starting around 8:45pm EST
CS: i'm in north vancouver. how left can you get?
Dexter Fong: BJ: Click on the Nino icon to the left at the bottom
pissfest: Bob, yo'll save us from the alienation???
DJTween: Have you check out Nino, Bette Jo?
Principalpoop: your other left
Bette Jo: La Jolla
DJTween: Click the Nino link at the bottom of the page to see where everyone is
Bette Jo: no what is nino?
DJTween: Click the link
Principalpoop: just click it
pissfest: Oh Crisst pleae help hel p help!!!
Bette Jo: oooooooh I'm blonde,,
Principalpoop: now, click click click
Dexter Fong: PF: Just try to remembe,"Bob's youre Uncle"
DJTween: Click Click, Player
Principalpoop: see how easy that was?
pissfest: PLEASE SAVE US??? PLEAASRE HELP???? oh sgit
Bette Jo: very cool, I'm a trekker and may be a redneck,,but I'm in Yuma Arizona
Principalpoop: now give us your bank account number and pin code and we show another trick
Bette Jo: not enterprise alabama
DJTween: lol
DJTween: shhhhh, P
Bette Jo: how about my foodstamp pin
CS: i had never consulted nino before. and i've been here since day 1
Beet: Don't we all have to be aliens to SOMEONE?
MarkTime: no, never been to the pissfest, sigh
DJTween: I knew Alabama got hot, but that sounded more like a southwest temp
Principalpoop: noo, you are confused, nino is never wrong, you are in alabama
Bette Jo: elebennteen gabillion
Dexter Fong: BJ: A very good nearby dweller recently won a large amount of money
DJTween: Well, unfortunately Nino has to rely on what the ISPs tell him :/
Bette Jo: wow
pissfest: OSit my GF is tryint to convince me I'm an egg...
Dexter Fong: ..adn the isp's don't always share with us
MarkTime: in everyones eggs...
Principalpoop: coocoo cahchew
CS: a bit late for that, pisss
Merlyn: hey all, this is just a test to prevent video embedding:
Merlyn: <object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value="//www.youtube.com/v/oqNmYwxK2Z4?hl=en_US&version=3&rel=0"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"><embed src="//www.youtube.com/v/oqNmYwxK2Z4?hl=en_US&version=3&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true">
Merlyn: works
Principalpoop: wow
DJTween: Thanks Merlyn :)
Bette Jo: ISP is the devil...this is new firesign for me,,funny I grew up at Cape Kennedy in the 60's
Beet: Hey, Hura, I grew up in Big H
CS: ok so what should we do, merl?
pissfest: This is why I expect comtadeship. Now -- my girlfrienmd is starting to wonde
Merlyn: nothing cat
DJTween: You've never heard "Everything You Know Is Wrong"?
Principalpoop: is that near hyannis port?
Merlyn: just warning people of the HTML
CS: my favourite activity, merl
DJTween: My favorite FST album
Bette Jo: Maybe I was stoned at the time..wait I was stoned all the time
Rufus_T_Firetween: lol
Principalpoop: cape code renamed cape kennedy
Principalpoop: cod even
Dexter Fong hands Poop a Cod piece
Bette Jo: canaveral
Principalpoop: brrrr, you keep it in the freezer fong? brrrrr
CS: you say that as if it's a bad thing, bette.
Bette Jo: what a cold cod piece?
Dexter Fong: Poop: Ssanitary recautions
Principalpoop: florida in the 60s, the life of flipper
Bette Jo: no I said it like bragging
Principalpoop: we lived there a few years in the 60s, ahh beach life
Bette Jo: See the Apollo 11 lift of?
Bette Jo: f
Beet: I was stationed at Coco Beach in the navy for about three months
CS: there may have been a firesign theare without thc, but it would have been a different firesign
Principalpoop: still doing mercurys when we were there, didn't see them
Rufus_T_Firetween: "ah, the beach life", until there's a hurricane, right Hurakan?
Bette Jo: okay I remember this line
Principalpoop: i moved north after Andrew, blank that stuff
MarkTime: ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhnoooooooooooo
Bette Jo: I was in the reserves during the 80's biggest threat to the US was A Flock of Seagulls from Canada
pissfest: I'll help with the 60s if my gf doesn't object
Beet: I think Hurakan is away
MarkTime: flock of seagulls, had their first album
CS: yeah we're so agressive, bette
MarkTime: not from canada, brits
Principalpoop: jonathan livingstone, he did it his way
Bette Jo: that is a big hair band joke
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** If you want to mark yourself away, just select "I'm Away" from the popup menu. Your name will appear in brackets
Dexter Fong: BJ: You're lucky ...could have been loons
Bette Jo: oooh I thought they were Canadians
CS: us canucks invaded your excuse for a country with SCTV about this time
MarkTime: heehee
Bette Jo: I been telling that joke 4 years..no wonder nobody laughed
Bette Jo: we do get loon in our lakes (ponds to y'all)
Principalpoop: even cowgirls get the blues, the same guy that did another roadside attraction
Merlyn: nite all
||||||||| "11:22 PM? I'm late!" exclaims Merlyn, who then hurries out through the french doors and down through the brambles.
MarkTime: love "made in canada" wish i could get seasons 2...
Dexter Fong: Night Merlyn and thanks
Principalpoop: night m
pissfest: Oh shit I think I found mt=yself inide a stoey. She dowsn'twant me to be a brave....
Beet: bye merl
Principalpoop: pissfest the brave enters and brandishes his sword
CS: thisa is close to my least favourite firesing album
Dexter Fong: Kinda agree Cat
pissfest: WHO CARES????
||||||||| It's 11:25 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Hurakan - dead from intense demonic possession
||||||||| bozoette - dead from jaundice
||||||||| shoes for the dead - dead from jaundice
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
Principalpoop: they outdo the mindless noise of regular tv
DJTween: The crowd has thinned
MarkTime: liposuction
CS: indeed
DJTween: This really is a great compilation album though
Beet: hardcore remains
Principalpoop: worn out
CS: i come and go have to consult the log
DJTween: They made another Best Of earlier, but I couldn't find a copy anywhere
CS: you're right, tween
CS: ok piss, we have different tastes.
CS: that expands their audience and thatr's a good thing
Dexter Fong: Cat: I think you have to hand over theMXedSpellINgs award to Piss
pissfest: Those are good cars
Principalpoop: piss and cs have different tastes
CS: loh, edex
MarkTime: piss is in our chat, that's why it's yellow
Dexter Fong: lol Mark
CS: recently on faceboook, proc talked about the girl in the song
||||||||| "11:29 PM? 11:29 PM!!" says Catherwood, "Hurakan should be here by now...oh, THERE you are!" as Hurakan enters and sits on the divan.
CS: poop,we all have diferent tastes. that makes the expansion of tastes possible
CS: that's a good thing.
DJTween: Proc's really good about keeping up with Facebook
Principalpoop: sure, poop has a different taste than piss
Dexter Fong: That's not what you told me, Poopie
CS: gross, poop
Beet: no first hand experience
DJTween: They've always embraced new technology, and Proc has certainly taken to using social media
Principalpoop: don't go santorum on me fong
Bette Jo: yes I found you on facebook
Dexter Fong: Bear Grills did it crossing North african
Dexter Fong: He's still alive
Rufus_T_Firetween: ** If you're on Facebook, you can Like the Firesign Fan Page here >> https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Firesign-Theatre/282668140208
||||||||| New notice: 'Thanks to Radio Free Dishnuts, that’s www.dishnuts.net, for providing the streaming server for the simulcast. Be sure to join me (Kurt in Austin) for my Radio Free Roadkill Show from 6-8pm EST every Sunday at www.dishnuts.net, and visit my show archives at www.kurtericson.com/txroadkill/roadkillshow'
Principalpoop: come on jesus
Bette Jo: I did alredy..how I found this chat
Bette Jo: I dunno why I cant find a job..
CS: when i first went online in late 93, i found a firesign group. everything since then has been a great gift
||||||||| With a theatrical clearing of his throat, Catherwood snorts derisively: "11:33 PM and late as usual, it's BarometerBob, just back from Elmertown."
Dexter Fong: BJ: Are you under the impression you're having a private chat with someone?
pissfest: you found me i lost me computer has lodst ud somrthing wrong wiyh chat
DJTween: If anyone wants to Friend me on FB, I'm Kurt Ericson from Austin
DJTween: ** Remember folks. the chat starts officially at 9pm EST, with warm-up music on the streams starting around 8:45pm EST
Dexter Fong: I'll friend you Tweeny, long as it ain't recorded
Bette Jo: and I'm bette Weimar from AZ
MarkTime: do you know phil from austin?
Dexter Fong: Mark Yes
pissfest: Oh, BJ it'sletting me knopw what luddiote am -b i good speralk...
DJTween: Wish Phil would stop in more often (he has on occasion)
Bette Jo: home of Stevie Rae
Bette Jo: ;ldjaodiggjGKTOF
DJTween: yes indeed
DJTween: SRV
CS: i hope phil austin shows up here again with news of the radio project
DJTween: yeah
pissfest: Bette =- I'm justlile you
pissfest: O shit5 gorilla love nw nopw??????
MarkTime: oh yeag
Bette Jo: CURSE THAT CURSOR and cap lock
MarkTime: yeah
Dexter Fong: Welcome to tourette's City
pissfest: thanks love anybod
Bette Jo: Alpha Delta Ninja Mango
Principalpoop: dog is funny, i will take him out and see if that helps, brb
Dexter Fong: Later Poop
||||||||| New notice: 'Lily Bergman College Fund - -Remember to help Peter Bergman’s daughter with her college experience by donating to the Lily Bergman College fund - https://firesigntheatrelegacy.com/lilyfund/'
CS: by poop
Beet: seeya poop
MarkTime: poop is just a regular guy
Dexter Fong: tween: This is the longest f8ck8ng albumn(s) in the world
Bette Jo: I'd love to donate,,had to chose between water bill or phone bill
MarkTime: almost all?
CS: is there another kind, mark?
Dexter Fong: Play anaothe trick Tweeny
Bette Jo: thta easy for you to say
CS: we sure do enjoy it, tween
pissfest: Lily help my gtrandaughter's & everyone
Beet: Thanks Tween you done it again. Bye all
Dexter Fong: Thanks Tweeny and keep 'em skyping
MarkTime: yes, it's good and good for you
||||||||| It's 11:40 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Lil - dead from jaundice
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
DJTween: Yeah, we'll ask people to Skype next week for sure
pissfest: I snuck the studio version of this onto an HTG Xtian station
DJTween: This compilation was quite long
DJTween: 'comprehensive', shall we say?
Dexter Fong: Oiss: Did you send it to Apha Centurian ^?
CS: good work, piss
pissfest: Fear, like pain, is just God's way of hurting us...
DJTween: Until last time, again...
||||||||| DJTween leaves at 11:41 PM, singing "Oh, I'm just a little fishy, floating in the sea, and there ain't no hook that's smart enough to catch the likes of me..."
MarkTime: god's -> his
CS: thanks again, tween'
Dexter Fong: Night tweeny
MarkTime: more global pc-correct
||||||||| At 11:42 PM, Rufus_T_Firetween runs out the door saying "Hey, mister ice-cream man, I've got a nickel, wait for meeeee..."
Dexter Fong: pc-correct = hard wired to NSA
CS: hows retirement going for you, dex?
MarkTime: they come, they go, so difficult to know how late it is when you're in a small room staring at a monitor
Dexter Fong: Cat: Sigh.....
Principalpoop: good dog, back, he did need to pee and was telling me
CS: the guys seem actively in search of paid work
Dexter Fong: Mark: You cannot stare down a lizard......they have an inner eyelid
Dexter Fong: Cat: 0000when was it other?
Dexter Fong: *)))
Principalpoop: sigh fong? i don't want to hear that, hang out at the super museums and art galleries or something
Principalpoop: and have a nice lunch, come on now
pissfest: that'd the rarity??? how about that Beatle rarety Day In the Life??? Show ur courage
Bette Jo: He's no fun he fell right over
Dexter Fong: Cat: sigh = wonderful
Principalpoop: phooey
pissfest: I'm pissing....... BOB
Dexter Fong: Sorry, we're out of phooey
Principalpoop: phooey = right
CS: on one of his chat sessions, you can look it up austin said the grou would only appear together is finances requierd that. not a suggestion of any kind of chemistry still commercially possible
Bette Jo: DF I was reading the log..I thought I was having a private chat? Always with the voices in my head
CS: if
CS: if finnces required and hopedfully that wont' happen i get from austin
pissfest: i'm ready for the corpse movies - well, that's us any day now, yeah?
Principalpoop: you can sit and stare at a painting or statue for hours now fong and not be creepy lol
Bette Jo: Okay..off to watch Quick Draw on Hulu..(hilarious) Alpha Mike Foxtrot (Adios Moefoes)
Principalpoop: sit at the met and watch people
Dexter Fong: Thanks Poop, I knew you'd have it down
Principalpoop: ciao betty jo, keep applying for jobs, you will luck out
CS: thakns for stopping by, bette jo
Dexter Fong: Bye Bye bama Girl
Bette Jo: I do aviation art if anybody needs any art..find me on fb
pissfest: i'll watch QDF with u ion mind, bj
CS: we are on your side
Principalpoop: that the cheap retirement, travel if you can
Bette Jo: funny! Not in Bama in AZ the NSA got my ISP wrong
pissfest: bababababa...
Dexter Fong: BJ: I didn't know you had a lISP
Bette Jo: Dexter Fong, ur name makes me think of a Chinese serial killer but a good killer!
pissfest: bring back trhwe 78 rpm I mean iot
Principalpoop: be grateful, like somebody telling somebody the post office was handling registering for the draft...
Dexter Fong: Oh yes! I kill quick!! Very tidy and considerate
Bette Jo: Thanks I was hoping for a quick death1
Dexter Fong: BUT FIRST>>>>>>>Goo Goo
CS: the crying of lot 49, one of the most firesonian books i've ever read
Bette Jo: lol
Principalpoop: about 50 years late for a quick one, oh you mean fast, ok
Dexter Fong: Gotto amscray endfrei
Principalpoop: that is the bus, good luck and see you soon all
Dexter Fong: See y'all next week
Bette Jo: I'm confuuuuused
Principalpoop: ciaooo
||||||||| "11:54 PM? I'm late!" exclaims Principalpoop, who then runs out through the french doors and down through the garden.
CS: by dex
Bette Jo: we ARE all bozos on this bus
CS: you're supposed to be, bette
Bette Jo: oh yea, I'm blonde huh?
CS: confused.
||||||||| It's 11:55 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Beet - dead from pneumonia
||||||||| Hurakan - dead from pneumonia
||||||||| BarometerBob - dead from dengue fever
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
CS: from chaos comes enlightenment, perhaps
Bette Jo: getting th white out for the screen
Bette Jo: ignorance is bliss
CS: from firesign play A Shadow Moves,the line, "white as terror" comes to mind
CS: are we all gone?
||||||||| Catherwood walks in wearing his pyjamas, yawns, and mumbles "It's midnight here in New York city"...then he falls over and starts snoring loudly..
pissfest: hi did i miss anything??
||||||||| It's 12:10 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| MarkTime - dead from the fiddlers
||||||||| Bette Jo - dead from Globner's disease
||||||||| Dexter Fong - dead from The Plague
||||||||| CS - dead from the yaws
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
pissfest: bj, i'm ahuge fs fan just inactive since JUST fLKS,...btw i'm older,... 53...
||||||||| It's 12:40 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| pissfest - dead from The Plague
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 1 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| It's 1:25 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| dude - dead from Globner's disease
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| It's 1:55 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| late - dead from The Plague
||||||||| Ma Rainey - dead from pneumonia
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood enters, and announces to all and sundry "It's 4:32 AM, time to change the log file and clean out unused rooms; please exit the chat room for a minute or two. Thank you for your patience."

The Evening's Participants:
Bette Jo
Dexter Fong
shoes for the dead
Zero Ohms
URL References:

Rogue's Gallery:

cat_pp.jpg (5168 bytes)
PP and Cat(cease)

newbunny.jpg (4426 bytes)

capeken.jpg (7639 bytes)
kend^/Dr. Headphones

ossman+me.gif (6000 bytes)
Merlyn and Tirebiter

capedoc.jpg (6006 bytes)

newlili.jpg (6085 bytes)

freq.jpg (4441 bytes)

roto.jpg (6046 bytes)

babs_so.jpg (5555 bytes)
LeatherG & SO

nino1.jpg (5352 bytes)

tonk1.jpg (6123 bytes)

ahclem+Bambi.jpg (9500 bytes)
Ah, Clem and Bambi

old-man.gif (55478 bytes)
Compañero Señor Yämamoto

ashhar.jpg (9068 bytes)
Dexter Fong

newelayne.jpg (15.1 kbytes)

Bubba's Brain.jpg (6600 bytes)
Bubba's Brain

Bightrethighrehighre.jpg (6600 bytes)

boney.jpg (20600 bytes)

tweeny.jpg (12588 bytes)

3rdmate.jpg (23157 bytes)


peggy.jpg (5240 bytes)
Peggy Blisswhips

audrey.jpg (4873 bytes)
Audrey Farber

tdt.jpg (6077 bytes)
Tiny Dr. Tim
Rest In Peace, Dear Friend

capeklok.jpg (5469 bytes)
404 - Not Found, Not Forgotten

And, "The Home Team"