A Firesign Chat


||||||||| Catherwood re-enters the Waiting Room and explains "This is the main discussion room which is logged each night."
||||||||| Catherwood announces, "The time is 4:33 AM - I now declare Thursday's chat log for May 04, 2006 officially open!"... and then, he retires back to the vestibule...
||||||||| Catherwood enters with Firebroiled close behind, mutters something about disrupting his 7:47 AM tree-stunting plans, and dashes off to the sitting room.
Firebroiled: I’m down! Thank you, Dear Friends, I’m down, I’m grounded, safe and sound, trailing clouds of glory, I’m down. And I’m marching! Yes, Dear Friends, I’m marching to dinner! ‘Cause Godamighty, I’m hungray! Yes! I’m hungray! Safe and sound and hungray!
Firebroiled: Say that three times fast......
||||||||| Firebroiled leaves to catch the 7:47 AM train to Billville.
||||||||| A time machine materializes at 8:55 PM and ah,clem steps out, carrying a grape from ancient Greece.
||||||||| Gusts of wind blow in from outside and the thumpa-thumpa-thumpa of helicopter blades is heard as Happy Panditt's chopper lands on the lawn and llanwydd disembarks at 8:56 PM.
llanwydd: we're early
||||||||| New CNI streaming notice: '"a few minutes with FireSign Theatre" at about 9 eastern, what,boom,bride'
ah,clem: hi ll
llanwydd: hi clem
ah,clem: just posting topic
ah,clem: on in about 6 min
llanwydd: what's on cni tonight?
ah,clem: what this country needs, boom . bust, bride of firesign
llanwydd: how can I be in...
llanwydd: when I'm not...
ah,clem: by request
ah,clem: ok, off to get stream set up, BBL
||||||||| Catherwood strides in with a trumpet, plays a fanfare, and proclaims "Nine PM on Thursday, May 04, 2006 - I now declare alt.comedy.firesgn-thtre's chat officially open!"
llanwydd: ok
llanwydd: u iz afk
llanwydd: dat's "away from de kosmos"
||||||||| Merlyn steps in at 9:02 PM carrying an obsidian door knocker.
llanwydd: catherwood, bring me a toasted brazil nut.
||||||||| Catherwood gives llanwydd a toasted brazil nut.
llanwydd: hey, merl!
Merlyn: hello dere
llanwydd: what's up for cni?
llanwydd: the germans don't know anything about cni
Merlyn: what if José Jiménéz sang the national anthem?
llanwydd: neither do we
llanwydd: my name jose jimenez
llanwydd: Jose can you see?
||||||||| "9:06 PM? 9:06 PM!!" says Catherwood, "Bambi should be here by now...oh, THERE you are!" as Bambi enters and sits on the divan.
llanwydd: hey bambi!
llanwydd: how are ye
Bambi: hey llanwydd :-)
Bambi: hi Merlyn and of course Clem!
llanwydd: I wish I got cni but I can't get it
llanwydd: don't know why not
llanwydd: let's take bets on who doesn't show up tonight
llanwydd: I'm joking of course
Merlyn: hi there, AFK for a bit
||||||||| cease tiptoes in around 9:09 PM, trying to avoid Catherwood because of last year's "unpleasant incident."
llanwydd: but if anybody is hit or miss it is kend
cease: of course as soon as i return, austin vanishes
llanwydd: hey, cat!
cease: llll
cease: is few inutes on?
Bambi: hey Cat
llanwydd: we're betting on who doesn't show up tonight
cease: hey merl
cease: did anyone but me post about proctor on marc maron last thurs?
llanwydd: I never thought to nominate you
||||||||| "9:10 PM? 9:10 PM!!" says Catherwood, "Dexter Fong should be here by now...oh, THERE you are!" as Dexter Fong enters and sits at the bar.
cease: im listenign to majoriyt report now. proc or better yet bergman should be on this show as guest
llanwydd: what's this about proctor, cat?
cease: dont you think, dex?
llanwydd: YO, DEX!
Dexter Fong: Heydy
cease: did proc break thru the air america barfier?
cease: proc was on marc maron lawst thrus night
cease: its in the archigves
cease: spelling will be a porbl3m
llanwydd: anybody besides me tape movies of TCM?
Dexter Fong wonders if Cat is typing using chop sticks
||||||||| Gusts of wind blow in from outside and the thumpa-thumpa-thumpa of helicopter blades is heard as Happy Panditt's chopper lands on the lawn and Mudhead disembarks at 9:12 PM.
cease: not chpeed. still sprouting
llanwydd: of... i mean off
Dexter Fong: Hey Mud
llanwydd: yo, muddy
Mudhead: hiya all
Merlyn: cat, you have a link to the archive with proc? I'll send out an email on him
llanwydd: any FST being released soon on VHS or DVD?
||||||||| Catherwood tiptoes into the room, and pipes up "Announcing 'Purity-Of-Tween', also known as 'Nancy' -- the time is 9:13 PM" -- then he slowly retires back into the vestibule...
Purity-Of-Tween: Have you ever seen a commie drink solid coffee, Mandrake?
cease: ok but it might be cuz i. air america premium
llanwydd: yo, tween!
Dexter Fong: Hi Nanc...er Tweeny
Purity-Of-Tween: Evenin' all...
cease: i think they make archives inaccesible
cease: thatw qwhere they get their money
cease: worth it to me
llanwydd: well no I don't suppose I have, gen. ripper
Merlyn: I think some stuff fairly soon, llan, not sure on details, bubba's brain would know
Purity-Of-Tween: Nanc was my HS sweetheart. There she was, spread eagle on the floor...
cease: i can tape show and send as mp3 to someone
cease: but realy, proc should have it from the show itself
llanwydd: thanks merl
Purity-Of-Tween: Please include me, Cat.
cease: is this the album that edgar bulington was toalkng about?
llanwydd: you've been watching tcm, purity
cease: at was a great piece by him just posted.
cease: burton cuminngs a fan.
llanwydd: toalking about? interesting
Mudhead: tokin about
Purity-Of-Tween: Actually, got it from the library. Are they really going to do a remake of Strangelove?
Merlyn: toadying about
Purity-Of-Tween: A perfectly NORML thing to say, LL...
llanwydd: I wrote a musical piece once called "Toquinana Roach"
llanwydd: for guitar
Dexter Fong: ...and Bong-a-roon
Bambi: hey Dex, Mudhead, Tweeny :-)
Purity-Of-Tween: That could be a MX brand, if they go through with decriminalization LL.
Dexter Fong: Hi Bambi
Bambi: was searching for an email from years ago LOL
Purity-Of-Tween: 'Lo deer...
Bambi: how are you all tonight?
||||||||| 9:19 PM: principalpoop jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past five minutes!"
llanwydd: we're all fine, how are we?
llanwydd: yo, pp!
principalpoop: evening
Purity-Of-Tween: Purely Peaceful, Bambi
Dexter Fong: El Poop!
Purity-Of-Tween: Hey P...
principalpoop: my ears were burning, oops, I put my cigarette in a wrong hole again
Purity-Of-Tween: Who IS we?
principalpoop: we are us, I think, maybe
cease: we is twee?
llanwydd: have you had your rain water and grain alcohol, tween?
Purity-Of-Tween: Possibly...
Mudhead: lol
cease: poop
Purity-Of-Tween: Lone Star, with the finest TX Colorado mud.
principalpoop: watch out for the hallabulutions
Bambi: glad to hear it Tweeny
Mudhead: yes?
llanwydd: what you guys and gals gonna have for suppa tonite?
principalpoop: wb cat how was la la land?
Mudhead: thats my cousin
Mudhead: Tex Colorado Mudhead
Purity-Of-Tween: What's cheese for the mouse is a snack for the rat.
principalpoop: going to havana
principalpoop: do the huh?
Merlyn: cat, was proctor's appearance on marc maron a surprise to you? I never heard about it ahead of time...
llanwydd: you gotta be kiddin
llanwydd: I've never even heard of marc maron
Mudhead: Is my ear wax coming from the candle Im burning at both ends?
principalpoop: didn't whats his name take whoists to havana in guys and dolls?
llanwydd: is he an entertainer, stand-up comic? radio personality?
Purity-Of-Tween: Procman really gets around. Much more than the others, apparently. All the theater he's doing makes me wish I lived in Cal.
Purity-Of-Tween: Maron's background is stand-up, but he's great on the radio as well.
principalpoop: sky masterson
Dexter Fong: Luke Sky Masterson
llanwydd: sky masterson? not familiar
principalpoop: feel the east side force
Dexter Fong: llan: Guys and Dolls
llanwydd: I've heard of Bat Masterson
Dexter Fong: Played by Marlon Brando in the movie version
llanwydd: That's interesting! Guys and Dolls was on Jeopardy tonight
||||||||| Gusts of wind blow in from outside and the thumpa-thumpa-thumpa of helicopter blades is heard as Happy Panditt's chopper lands on the lawn and Johnny Piano disembarks at 9:26 PM.
principalpoop: hey JP
Johnny Piano: Thanks, Happy!
Purity-Of-Tween: Sky Masterson is when he takes to the air in search of insects.
cease: hey, piano, man
llanwydd: a question/answer about the author. and I don't even remember the author's name
Dexter Fong: Johnny Pianisimo
Purity-Of-Tween: Lo dere, JP...
Johnny Piano: Whaz real?
llanwydd: howdy, mr. piano!
principalpoop: no no, that is burt lancaster, or elza
Merlyn: talk forte, piano
Dexter Fong: llan: Author was Ring Lardner...based upon a number of short sotries of his
Mudhead: ow come Im always after Merlyn?
Johnny Piano: Goin' deaf, Merlyn?
cease: mewrl, didnt proc tell you about the marno show?
principalpoop: you have my permissimo
llanwydd: what did lancaster play, pp?
cease: i owuld have liked to phave seen that posted somethwerhe
Purity-Of-Tween: forte, fifty, however far the amp can crank
cease: found out a week later and i wasa in la then
Johnny Piano: Careful, Mud - Merl could have you arrested
llanwydd: not very familiar with Lardner
Merlyn: I thought the max was 11, tween
principalpoop: he was from the circus, an acro bat
cease: i could have invaded the show, stole maron's drugs
llanwydd: I only know he was blacklisted
Dexter Fong: Wow! Just talking about drugs cleans up Cat's typing
principalpoop: I did not know that
ah,clem: he he
Johnny Piano: Typing in the dark?
Purity-Of-Tween: Saw Allen's movie about the blacklist called "The Front" recently. Good movie.
cease: it's a xmeiracle!
principalpoop: the rain maker was a fun movie, not the same as the sal bellow novel
Mudhead: Headlines from the year 2029! Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, Mexifornia, formally known as California
cease: did yall see goodn ight and good luck?
Purity-Of-Tween: He can sweat!
principalpoop: he he ahhh, clem hehe
Johnny Piano: It's a Golda Meiracle!
Purity-Of-Tween: Lol, Mud...
llanwydd: LOL, jp!
Johnny Piano: Oy vey, llan
cease: their's golda in there golan hills
llanwydd: Gold in my ear
Purity-Of-Tween: Ironic Times had a great headline about MX having to put up fence to keep out Americans after decriminalization.
Mudhead: Headlines from the year 2029! White minorities still trying to have English recognized as Mexifornia's third language.
Johnny Piano: Golan- Globus?
cease: i should read ironic times more offten\
Johnny Piano: Spanglish
Mudhead: Headlines from the year 2029! Iran still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least 10 more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels.
llanwydd: let's all speak esperanto
Johnny Piano: Jose, can you see?
cease: heairng an alubm of firesing live is not so good
llanwydd: actually that's only a written language
Purity-Of-Tween: Krasssner really does come up with some good stuff, Cat.
||||||||| Outside, the 9:32 PM crosstown bus from Rhode Island pulls away, leaving klokwkdog coughing in a cloud of diesel fumes.
cease: thier stage show works visuallyk not as their made for ear work
llanwydd: how do you figure, cat?
cease: ive been knowinbg that for a long time, tweeny
principalpoop: clik klok
Dexter Fong: Cat: It's *not* really FST, it's Sprockman and Bungler
Purity-Of-Tween: I speak double-esperanto w/almond.
llanwydd: I love the album "Lawyer's Hospital".
Purity-Of-Tween: Ruff...
cease: last week ausint toalked aobut this neick danger box set?
Mudhead: Headlines from the year 2029! Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking.
cease: i hate it, but thats jsut me
principalpoop: the original sprockman or the replacement?
Dexter Fong: Hey Klok
klokwkdog: first off, Ken DeBusk (Dr. Headphones) is hell-bent for Cincinnati truck stop and says hi
Johnny Piano: Yeah, the Danger box - read the chat...any details?
principalpoop: yes he did
Bambi: hi Klok
klokwkdog: hey, folks, poop, dex, cat
Bambi: princep
cease: gotta keep cincinatis's reidezvous with destinhy
llanwydd: didn't care for "Fighting Clowns"
Bambi: hey Johnny
Mudhead: hiya klok
klokwkdog: hi bambi
principalpoop: put the metal to your pedal good buddy and 10-5
cease: klocko ramama
Purity-Of-Tween: Wish PK would do the Realist again, even if it was only quarterly.
klokwkdog: hey mud
Johnny Piano: Hey Klok, tell Ken the Piano has been drinking
Johnny Piano: Yo Bambi
principalpoop: howdy bambi
cease: not me
Bambi: that was actually supposed to be "hi princep :-)
Purity-Of-Tween: Fight Clowns is weak compared to other stuff.
principalpoop: no I am not, got anything for me?
Purity-Of-Tween: Oh, Afghanistan sure does ring true these days, though.
klokwkdog: Johnny -- i was on the fone earlier with him on the road, had to rush out and get din-din, so it was some time ago. He said an hour to truckstop, but doubt he has laptop with him
llanwydd: still smoking your grandparents, these days?
cease: i can thikn of half a dozen alubms i wished they never made, even though all of them had fine moments
llanwydd: etcetera etcetera
Johnny Piano: Klok: no worries, thought you were still logged with him
cease: i thinik when i was away for a wek, grandparents morphed into sometihng more pleasent
klokwkdog: johnny -- nice Waits riff, tho'
llanwydd: something like that
cease: now i have the company of my actual parents to provide olofactory pungentry
Dexter Fong though he has his favorites is grateful for any and all FST
Purity-Of-Tween: LOL, Cat...
llanwydd: LOL
Johnny Piano blushes
principalpoop: pagentry?
Purity-Of-Tween: Hope it's working out reasonably well with the folks, Cat.
Johnny Piano: Catherwood, please bring me a glass of red wine
||||||||| Catherwood brings Johnny Piano a glass of red wine.
Purity-Of-Tween: Parents on Parade?
llanwydd: have another toke of grandpa
Johnny Piano: Thanks, Catherwood - here's a fin to go with your scales
||||||||| Catherwood pretends not to hear Johnny Piano
cease: im fkling up on sangria as susual
Mudhead: oh no, a station broke
principalpoop: bonjour
||||||||| Catherwood sneaks into the room, and pipes up "Announcing 'TOR', also known as 'Nancy' -- the time is 9:37 PM" -- then he slowly retires back into the sitting room...
Purity-Of-Tween: What, no gria Cat?
TOR: Howdy do, All.
Purity-Of-Tween: Hi TOR...
principalpoop: hi tor
Dexter Fong: High TOR
llanwydd: good to see you again, tor
cease: my fingers don t sem to rech the designasted letters too often
Johnny Piano: Aren't you missing a consonant, TOR?
cease: tor
cease: tort
cease: torte
Dexter Fong: torn
principalpoop: or a vowel
TOR: Well, Dex, moi had a cup of kava a while ago.
Dexter Fong: tora
Johnny Piano: Or perhaps I'm thinking of a vowel movement...
TOR: Constantly, Johnny
cease: oh you tee hee
Purity-Of-Tween: Yeah, but he's a reformed tort.
Dexter Fong: JP: YOu must mean a dipthong
cease: tora tora, buring bright
principalpoop: thee gret vowil sheft
Johnny Piano: Dex, I'm commando.
TOR: No, a reformed tart *blush*
principalpoop: reconstituted
Dexter Fong: JP: I'm ranger
llanwydd: was ist commando?
TOR: Lone?
Johnny Piano: MIghty Morphin'?
principalpoop: can I be something to? can I? can I?
Dexter Fong: Sure, how much
Purity-Of-Tween: He tells everyone what to do.
TOR: Cool
cease: sounds like a nelwy leglaized mexican drug
cease: the firesign could do a commercail for it
Johnny Piano: What would you like to be, Poop?
cease: Mighty Morphiine
cease: Power, Ranger?
Mudhead: Not legalized! DeCriminalized
Purity-Of-Tween: Unfortunately, Fox bowed to US pressure from what I heard.
principalpoop: I don't know, this is all so exciting and new to me
Johnny Piano: LOL, Cat
Dexter Fong: Poop, you can be all you want to be in the New Mexican Airforce
principalpoop: I am a little shy, maybe a private?
Mudhead: Imagine, a whole country high on rye
Johnny Piano: Wile E. Coyote
Purity-Of-Tween: It'd be pretty funny. A flood of illegal US immigrants coming over the border.
cease: mex will probly do what van did. lower the level of persecution of usery
principalpoop: pumpernickle
cease: i thkn london did that too, in one part
cease: its still illegal in lhollasnd, jsjt not enforced
Mudhead: gesundheit
Johnny Piano: Baked on bread
principalpoop: he wrote white fang too
TOR: Stole a chicken, too.
TOR: Cool
Purity-Of-Tween: The Scarlet Pumpernickle?
cease: jack london? ive read a numbre of his books. very ecelctoc
Purity-Of-Tween: Better than mink, Dex?
TOR: Fur sure ?
llanwydd: I'm interested to know. Does anybody know if FST is popular in non-english-speaking areas?
principalpoop: hehe scar let him pump her nickle hehe
Johnny Piano: Steal chicken stool pigeon
Dexter Fong: Tween: Not really but much cheaper
Dexter Fong: start raven
principalpoop: which side of a chicken has the most the feathers? the outside
Purity-Of-Tween: Cat said they had a fan base in Japan, but I haven't heard of other countries.
klokwkdog: london's stuff when he was just drinking was pretty good; his stuff when he was /really/ drinking was awful
Dexter Fong: llan: Jah, Oui, Si, and Chu betcha
principalpoop: Greece and Turkey
Mudhead: Ders a small following in Iceland
llanwydd: ? dex
Johnny Piano: You gotta greece the turkey
principalpoop: yah the danes like monty python and FST too
Purity-Of-Tween: That's because the can use the FS to warm themselves, har, har, har...
Dexter Fong: How many turkeys have swum the english chanel
cease: i played firesing on japanese radio in 74-75, and they were on us military station quite a bit
TOR: Hey, that ain't feces. Look who's #2 one the All Genres Chart at this German site http://www.soundlift.com
cease: in the 70s and i heard eat or be eaten on fen in the 80s
llanwydd: denmark? that's incredible!
Purity-Of-Tween: Was that Okinawa, Cat?
principalpoop: they all can understand english
Mudhead: If curiosity kills cats, why hasn't evolution come up with less curious cats?
principalpoop: I think only 3 million in the country
cease: no fen is everywhere. the us miliatry statino . plays good music, now i hear it plays limbaugh but thnakufly not my my era
cease: lots of old time radio shows and psorts
Dexter Fong: Nice going TOR
Johnny Piano: C'mere Joe, me love you long time
TOR: Less things to be curious about.
llanwydd: what did you guys have for supper tonight?
cease: ive never been to okinawa
llanwydd: I'm trying to decide what to have
Johnny Piano: I've never been to me
llanwydd: had curry last night
TOR: Thanks, Dex. Moi was #1 for a little over 2 weeks awhile ago.
Johnny Piano: Hot honey garlic wings, llan
TOR: Yes, I do have it on the calender
cease: i ttried a new brand of frozen lasagan
Purity-Of-Tween: Looks like they're moving some troops out after all these years because of the really nasty incidents that have been occuring.
cease: both fumiyo and i enjoyed it
llanwydd: sounds delicious, jp
cease: indeed tween
cease: the gis are not welcome there
TOR: Troops? From Where?
Johnny Piano: They were quite tasty, llan
llanwydd: I'm probably going to try a new rice concoction
Purity-Of-Tween: More or less a colonial possession since WWII.
Dexter Fong: Rizo con De Liza
TOR: Ah Ha
Dexter Fong: or Rice Minelli
cease: be sure and cook her lnog enough, dex
principalpoop: about time for something made with thyme llan
Purity-Of-Tween: From Okinawa. Big bone of contention with the Japanese.
Johnny Piano: Sounds like it could be tough meat, Dex
Dexter Fong: Take a cup of rice, add a handful of downers and a half quart of vodka
TOR: Rice? Mill any?
Purity-Of-Tween: Going to relocate some of them to Guam.
Johnny Piano: Contented bones in Japan?
Dexter Fong: Tween: Japanese always envious of US big bone
Purity-Of-Tween: Red beans, and you have tonight's special at Mernoches Bomba Shelter.
llanwydd: LOL dex!
Johnny Piano: Gimme a Sleepy Joe
Purity-Of-Tween: _That's_ why Cheney visits so often...
principalpoop: I don't think that is poriticarry collect.
Johnny Piano: Maybe Cheney's goin' huntin'
Dexter Fong: JP: Try a Ghetto Blaster, amphetamine and asphalt
Johnny Piano: New or old asphalt, Dex?
Dexter Fong: What this listener needs is a refill
principalpoop: ahhh, the voice of ahhh, clem
klokwkdog: Yeah, right. "You troops are being relocated to 'Guam' ". Sure. "Guam", Iraq, probably...
TOR: Ass Fault.....San Ann Donkey
klokwkdog: Play Canadian Sunset!
Purity-Of-Tween: Clem - the DJ that cares...
Mudhead: I'd like some violins
Johnny Piano: sax and violins?
Purity-Of-Tween: You mean Iran, don't you Klok?
ah,clem )
llanwydd: anybody seen the video "Weirdly Cool"? How is it?
principalpoop: let it be sung by waylon jennings
TOR: Well, the televison was.
Purity-Of-Tween: Caught a bit of it when it first aired.
TOR: I haven't viewed the video.
cease: this album does have its moments
Johnny Piano: Two sides of coin, llan - to have FST on vid at all is worth admission...but not as good as could have been
Purity-Of-Tween: Tween like WJ.
Mudhead: yes, that was one
cease: and i like its oz/noir qualities
klokwkdog: Tweeny -- no, they're saving Iran for October, just B4 the election
cease: weidrdly cool is thier one shot at tv fame.
cease: they gave it their best
klokwkdog: Oh goodie! B.B
TOR: I thought, havin' listened to the LP soooooooo often, that I'd be disappointed BUT it was a GREAT SHOW
cease: hough there are no production values, per se
Mudhead: mayor Pizziznose!
Purity-Of-Tween: Is there a video of the London gig? I'd really like to see it.
cease: its filmed stage acting
Johnny Piano: There's that consonantal problem..."N" or "Q"?
klokwkdog: Ilan -- it's a very good redo of the basic riffs from earlier albums, in character, with costumes and very well done
principalpoop: pieta consontas pieta consontas, lalalalalala
Purity-Of-Tween: Not much of set. Cool to see them do the characters, though.
Johnny Piano: I wish "Weirdly Cool" could have been perhaps more like EYKIW
cease: i disagfree johnny
Purity-Of-Tween: Still gotta get a copy of the EYKIW video.
cease: eky is from an era when you didnt expect muich from home movies
klokwkdog: Ilan -- Doc Technical has a video of the WLIW presentation (PBS) /with/ the pledge breaks, complete with an announcer who's reduced to a Deer-in-the-Headlights mode by Proctor and Bergman with her
cease: now anyone can do a pro job for cheap
Johnny Piano: Elaborate, Cat
cease: you owuld not expect such amatuerusim from firesign
klokwkdog: not to mention their ROFL comments on the (I think literally) Catholic High School girls answering the phones
cease: their message has always been so avante garde, they could hardly look like hicks
cease: elemlentary school kids could make better loking flicks than eyk
Johnny Piano: But I feel that by filming the show in front of a studio audience, they kinda slowed down the usual chemistry
Purity-Of-Tween: No DVD, no ESP!
TOR: Bill Hicks?
cease: werildy cool could not compete tech wise
cease: for whatever reason
klokwkdog: cat -- I thought so until I saw South Park
Johnny Piano: I certainly don't mean to compare the technical quality, but rather the setting
klokwkdog: i suppose SP is "art" and they work hard to make it look clunky
TOR: Respect my authoritaaaay
cease: it was like most comedy shows. close ups of actors saying funny things
Purity-Of-Tween: Hicks was great. He's sorely missed.
cease: not the visual grandchild of ernie kovacs it might have been
cease: im sure the lads woult protet budge liemittinos
TOR: Ernie Kovacs *bows*
Dexter Fong FST has always done a certain amount of staging of their shows..while the emphasis is certainly on the audio aspect, they do give a nod to the visual aspects....bare boned though it may be
cease: yes south park is as good as the firesign in its own domain
cease: even if ausitn doewsnt like it
Johnny Piano: Parker & Stone are damn clever guys
TOR: Dough Mane, a sticky lion
Bambi: well found the email from years ago that I needed :-)
cease: i do havce to access the adult swim stuff someday
Bambi: hi TOR
Johnny Piano: Petomaine
cease: hi bambi
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 10 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
cease: hows it bambing?
TOR: Cool for you, Bambi
Bambi: yeah, it was from 2001
Purity-Of-Tween: Somebody wind up Catherwood. He's starting to lose time again.
||||||||| Catherwood says "It's 10:01 PM"
Bambi: doing well Cat and you?
cease: bada?
TOR: & Hi
Mudhead: Where did he lose it?
Johnny Piano: Bing
||||||||| Catherwood accompanies Rotonoto inside, makes a note of the time (10:02 PM), then fades off into the distance going on about the waiting room or the sitting room or something.
principalpoop: hi rotonoto
klokwkdog: HI ROTO!
Johnny Piano: Roto!
llanwydd: catherwood, mix me a toasted h bomb
||||||||| Catherwood mixes llanwydd a toasted h bomb.
Bambi waves hi back to TOR
Purity-Of-Tween: And time to play - eat the reeeapper....
cease: rototrotoro
principalpoop: I was lost listening to the mayor
Rotonoto: Tap tap tap- Is this thing on? Thank you, Senator...
Bambi: hey Roto!
Dexter Fong: Oh Roto, like premium fool, my high test feeling as you roar into station
Mudhead: ahh, rotonoto
Purity-Of-Tween: ah, Roto... so good to be seeing you again...
Bambi: Catherwood please pour me a double toasted almond
||||||||| Catherwood gets Bambi a double toasted almond.
TOR: Moi no know, Roto, But Hi
Rotonoto: like little corn flower tortilla, my ethanol-flavored intense feeling for it...
Bambi says one for me and one for my allergies lol
principalpoop: started drinking already bambi? tsk-tsk cough cough
Rotonoto: (Hi, all- howza?)
klokwkdog: roto ancient participant from before the beginning. DALnet daze!
Purity-Of-Tween: Speaking of premium, Willie's Biodiesel is a penny cheaper than regular here. Anybody have biodiesel available in their area?
Rotonoto: Bambi- you don't want to count the elevator boy?!?
principalpoop: bowza thanks, and youse?
Johnny Piano: It is after 10pm in Bambiland...I think she's allowed
Bambi: yeah, I can afford it these virtual drinks aren't very strong ;-)
Mudhead: yes, only on alternate Tuesdays
Rotonoto: well, I'm still not insane...
klokwkdog: can't use biodiesel, and since they've adulterated the grease with hydrocarbons, I can't even eat it
Rotonoto: (or at least I have three friends who have been paid to say so)
Dexter Fong: Don't blame me, I'm not responsible
TOR: No public office for you, Roto
Mudhead: but those hydrocarbons add flavor
Johnny Piano: Park and lock it
principalpoop: oh that is right, you owe me money crazy guy
Bambi: wow, haven't been to or even thought of DALnet in a long time ..
Johnny Piano: How 'bout that Rep. Kennedy?
Rotonoto: yeah, man, park it and lock it- and remember the alamo or whatever
klokwkdog: Mud -- they cause cancer and US invasions
Purity-Of-Tween: On the contrary, TOR. He has to hear voices telling to invade foriegn countries.
Bambi: shame we didn't find FST chat back then
Purity-Of-Tween: What about him, JP?
Rotonoto: yes, before the beginning...
TOR: Drivin' them wild, but not dead, like his uncle
Johnny Piano: Had a little car accident late this morning in DC...
TOR: Uncle?
Johnny Piano: Dad, more like
Mudhead: Who does the music for FST?
TOR: For sure, Purity
Rotonoto: DC- ugh!
Purity-Of-Tween: Ran over and intern in his office?
Dexter Fong: Mud: A variety of people have dome music for them
Johnny Piano: That's a question for Phil, Mud
Dexter Fong: done
principalpoop: the big willy
TOR: Wrong turn intern
Purity-Of-Tween: Yeah, Mud. God question. Often wondered that myself,
Mudhead: where is Phil?
Purity-Of-Tween: God questions FST music.
klokwkdog: hey, Tweeny -- San Antonio got ink in /Salon/ this week as shining example of happy illegals and ordinary laborers working harmoniously side by side in 110º heat for virtually nothing to build a mall.
Dexter Fong: Gentlemen, check your album notes
Purity-Of-Tween: AS soon as most of us leave, he'll show up ;)
Mudhead: true
Mudhead: it was nice to finally have one of the boys here
Johnny Piano: Set yer clock for Pacific
Dexter Fong: If we all leave now and come back in ..say 5 minutes, maybe he'll be here...the true white brother
klokwkdog: love this commercial
Purity-Of-Tween: It'd be pretty hard to do construction in TX without Mexicans.
cease: this album
principalpoop: we have mexicans building roads in virginia too
cease: blends the worstr of pb albums with the bewst of their albums
Rotonoto: hey Bambi- what is the correct syntax for the CNI radio address to put into WMP?
Johnny Piano: Beaners...they'll kick you in the face
Purity-Of-Tween: As Paul Rodriguez says, "If you don't like Mexicans in your country, pick up a leaf blower". :)
TOR: An erection in Texas....Willie Nelson sang that, didn't he?
cease: they stumble into vaudivllean bergamn and proc yale days too mcuh
cease: but there are great ideas and lines throughout
klokwkdog: Roto -- IP is at cniradio.com
Purity-Of-Tween: Hi, I'm Huge Howdy.
Bambi: CNI Radio :-)
Bambi: lol
cease: this is austin's nascar affection tlakin
TOR: Speakin' of IP
TOR: You think that's a problem....have you seen Ms. Petterson's (Elvira) new tv gig?
klokwkdog: oops
Dexter Fong: Hey Tweeny, how's Kinky's campaign doing
TOR: http://www.horror-movies.ca/horror_5719.html
principalpoop: no more toasted almonds for bambi, ahh she relented
Bambi: or you can use: http://www.cniradio.com/cniradio.m3u
Purity-Of-Tween: He made the signature quota, so he's going for it. Should be great fun. TX politics is a contact sport.
Johnny Piano: I'll bite, TOR - what's up with Cassandra?
principalpoop: or you can call me bill
Rotonoto: Nope, I'm at home and this machine doesn't like this address WMP sez 'no can do'
Dexter Fong: or you can bill me at home
klokwkdog: lemme try, roto
TOR: Great idàr for a tv show. I thought so when I had on August 15,
Bambi: or the listen.pls that Clem put at the top of the page on the topic here
Rotonoto: it barfed on that address, too
principalpoop: put the lipstick on my bill clerk
TOR: http://torhershman.blogspot.com/ check the August 15 date
cease: hows it going in dc, roto?
cease: merl you here?
TOR: Same ole, Same ole, for moi.
cease: maybre ill ask elayne
Rotonoto: cat-, I'm gonna find out next week- two different social events in DC with friends...
klokwkdog: roto -- go to blank area on WMP, right-click, use File->Open URL and away you go
cease: vacation,m johnny?
cease: did you go to library of congress event?
cease: you could have seen the lads live few weeks ago
Rotonoto: klok- that's what I'm trying to feed the urls to, it sez no way jose
klokwkdog: Cat -- only 3 of them were there
cease: as it were, kloik
Purity-Of-Tween: You ever been to the Childe Harold at Connecticut & P, Roto? Mixed there back in the mid 70's.
klokwkdog: roto -- I've been doing this since WMP 9 (at 10 now) and it works fine for me
klokwkdog: besides, it's a lot more easy to use WINAMP
principalpoop: the kangaroo is loose? omg
TOR: Tie it down
Dexter Fong: Tie me Congaroo down
Purity-Of-Tween: Sew those terminator seeds....
TOR: Sport
Rotonoto: all I have on this box is wmp6
Dexter Fong Gives TOR a subtle but enthusiastic high five
klokwkdog: roto -- cat refers to FST inducted into historic recordings list at LOC this year (2006). Ceremony recently. For Dwarfs
principalpoop: they have bars in DC?
Purity-Of-Tween: Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred...
Rotonoto: ahhh, yes- heard about that- bravo for the lads!
klokwkdog: roto -- you can't use the .pls; you have to use the numeric URL above
TOR: I bet you give all the TORs one of them there high fives
Purity-Of-Tween: And padded cells to go with them, P.
Dexter Fong: Congress tosses Dwarf...Library is quiet
principalpoop: padded something,
Rotonoto: I tried with ans without the end slash, no go
ah,clem: and that's it hangin' on the shed
Dexter Fong: TOR: There is *only* one TOR...and you're it (no touchbacks)
||||||||| Catherwood strides up and intones "Presenting 'Hemlock Stones', just granted probation at 10:16 PM", then leaves hurriedly.
TOR: Moi bes it
Hemlock Stones: Greetings mes amis
Mudhead: welcome stones
Dexter Fong: Hemlock..welcome
principalpoop: cheerio old chap
Hemlock Stones: i trust i find you all well ?
TOR: Howdy do
Johnny Piano: Stones! Just a shot away
Purity-Of-Tween: I'm using in iTunes. Works fine all the time.
Dexter Fong: Hem: You're right near me according to Nino
Rotonoto: ahhh, wiit guys, it's coming back to me- a botched audio installation on this machine, got no sound on this box anyway- sheesh! crappy MD s/w
principalpoop: well, that is a deep subject stones
Purity-Of-Tween: Hail and well met, Stones...
klokwkdog: ROTO -- this works in Real Audio and my WMP: http://www.cniradio.com/cniradio.m3u
Dexter Fong: Alas Roto...SILENCE IS DEAFENING
Rotonoto: I'll go get my other net-ready box from upstairs and switch over to it- computers (8 of 'em) very unorganized here currently...
principalpoop: give him your codec klok
Hemlock Stones: Its election night here for towns all over the UK so its nice to leave it behind
Rotonoto: brb...
principalpoop: vote for me stones vote vote vote
Dexter Fong: Erections are rising all over the United Kingdom...united by a blind sense of lust and envy
klokwkdog: poop -- sorry, it's a new zealand secure mp3 decoder that i paid too much for
cease: got nat geo in email, brtits healtheir than yanks.
Hemlock Stones: lol anything or anyone would be better than the bunch of retards we have over here
cease: get fewer diseases
cease: i thougt hn no one drank more than the breits
principalpoop: what happened to old zealand?
cease: and i havent even been there, except ariport
Purity-Of-Tween: Is immigration causing as much of a fuss across the big pond as it is here?
Dexter Fong: KLok: New Zealand...the one that only communicates with sheep?
||||||||| It's 10:20 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| llanwydd - dead from measles
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
cease: it got old
cease: the prisoner tv series coming back?
cease: thatrsa a monkey's paw
klokwkdog: tweeny -- mostly the immigrants that Clarke let go ;-)
Johnny Piano: Poop, you're thinking of Lew Zealand, the Muppet
TOR: Dug that show the summer of '67
cease: klok sent me that
principalpoop: wrong stones, I will put our retards against anybodys retards, well, maybe not iraq
cease: yes greart show
cease: a pinacle of tv
TOR: Got the theme music on the CD that's playin' now.
principalpoop: which one was he, one of the old guys in the balcony?
klokwkdog: dex - nah, it's something made up for their lav iiis, but wrong voltage, so it got surplused
Dexter Fong: dem bones, dem bones....
cease: i was takiong tv produciont course at usc when that show was on and we studied eaqch episdoe intently
Hemlock Stones: i call your retards PP and raise you one Blair and a Jack Straw
TOR: All You Need Is Love
Purity-Of-Tween: That's one TV series I'd really like to have on DVD.
TOR: All Our Greed Is Mud
cease: geat days
klokwkdog: what show? Prisoner or Muppets?
cease: musicaly at least
principalpoop: you compare blair to bush? blair is articulate
Dexter Fong goes all in with the entire White House staff and all
cease: the counterculture
Purity-Of-Tween: LOL Stones...
cease: thru radio and newsapers, what else?
TOR: *Wifey brings TOR some decaf tea and homemade oatmeal white chip cookies*
Rotonoto: ..
Hemlock Stones: i think i one that hand, you deal
Purity-Of-Tween: It's a puppet regime here, Stones. We're all Prisoners.
cease: dex ytou were already an old man in the 60s, you must remember them
klokwkdog: who you callin' a dummy?
cease: george w. bush sweatr
cease: martha glueyit
Hemlock Stones: its a Muppet Regime here Tween
principalpoop: we dealt ronnie and you responded wit hmaggie
Purity-Of-Tween: Dim out the sun, Manny...
Johnny Piano: Poop, you're thinking of Lew Zealand, the Muppet
cease: i thkn ther more culturally particulayr the firesing get, the worse they weather
Purity-Of-Tween: lol stones...
Dexter Fong reaches over and swats Cat
Johnny Piano: Duck the birds
cease: no i mewan that in a good sense, dex
cease: i love being old
cease: beats shit outta being dead
TOR: Did you ever notice, there are two types of people.....those that call the Prisoner, the Prisoner, and those that call him #6.
Hemlock Stones: i have no choice in the matter cease
klokwkdog: heard good interview on some counterculture show about some reporter investigating Cheney's little operation in DC. He has a whole shadow army, duplicates of the real executive, who actually pull the levers
Purity-Of-Tween: Hopefully not quail, JP ;)
cease: tor, no.
Dexter Fong: Tweeny: Dim out the sun now has a rather ironic ring to it as we (us.everyone) *are* dimming the sun
Purity-Of-Tween: Who is #won?
||||||||| Catherwood tiptoes into the room, and pipes up "Announcing 'Dave', also known as 'Nancy' -- the time is 10:25 PM" -- then he slowly retires back into the anteroom...
Hemlock Stones: I am not a number TOR, who is number One ?
Dave: hi everybody
principalpoop: hi dave
TOR: Oh, moi has, Cease.
Purity-Of-Tween: How true Dex, how true...
klokwkdog: mcgoohan was in an early production of Welle's Moby Dick Rehearsed
cease: how old is krassner? 74?
Hemlock Stones: hi Dave
Purity-Of-Tween: I can't let you do that, Dave...
Bambi: hi Dave
cease: and spekaing of old poele, here comes Dave!
Dexter Fong: Hey Dave
TOR: You get to hang with just "The Prisoner" bunch, GOOD FOR YOU!
klokwkdog: Dave is honorary old people ;-)
Bambi: hi Stones
Johnny Piano: How's Frank, Dave?
Hemlock Stones: Hi Bambi, didnt see you till now sorry
Bambi: The Prisoner! Haven't seen that in years!
TOR: ummmmmm, Wifey cookies
principalpoop: I like the one where he almost gets away and wakes up in the village again and the bars slam shut, oops, that was every episode
Johnny Piano: What are the chances Dave knows what we're referencing?
TOR: Tea
Hemlock Stones: I watched the Prison with a kind of religous fervour
Dexter Fong: Hea
klokwkdog: Johnny -- with broadband and Wikipedia, it's not hard
Hemlock Stones: and reliased the metaphor early on
Purity-Of-Tween: For is excellent taste in old-time radio theatre and classic music, we hereby make Dave an honorary geezer.
TOR: Heck, I always wanted to run-off with a little person butler.
principalpoop: those white balls were far out
Rotonoto: my othger computer refuses to laod also, with/without trailing slash
Johnny Piano: But Dave is missing the visual component...
Purity-Of-Tween: That and The Defenders, Stones.
Dexter Fong: Here Dave...TRY THESE FALSE TEETH
klokwkdog: Roto -- TRY http://www.cniradio.com/cniradio.m3u
Bambi: was trying to multi-task here ... doesn't work as well in real life as it does in theory lol
klokwkdog: Roto -- TRY http://www.cniradio.com/cniradio.m3u
TOR: That's why I wanted to run off with the butler, :-)
cease: johnny yes, but you are missing the Dave component
Dave: thanks Tween, least I don't have to worry about gling blind eh? smile
Bambi: what audio player are you using Roto?
Johnny Piano: That is also true, Cat
Purity-Of-Tween: You hear that, Catherwood?
||||||||| Catherwood strides up to Purity-Of-Tween and mumbles "oh, fuck off Purity-Of-Tween!"
Hemlock Stones: Did anyone here have the misfortune to either see or even (heaven forbid) remember, Jason King ??
klokwkdog: Roto -- it also works in Real Player
Dexter Fong: Bambi: Roto is using latest technology 8-track
TOR: False Teeth, anyone heard moi's "All I want for Xmas is my two fronth teeth"
TOR: ?
klokwkdog: Bambi -- He's trying to use WMP, unknown vintage
cease: hows it daving?
Rotonoto: hates that one too, klok...
principalpoop: the sandbangers were bangers
Purity-Of-Tween: That's sod off, mateey...
cease: this time last week i was in la
Dave: I'm listening to Boz Scaggs Silk Degrees reord, which we used to play a lot at the sation a few years back, not all of it worked, but a lot of it
Hemlock Stones: Writer Bill Bryson said he wanted to set about him with a baseball bat from the word go
Rotonoto: vintage wmp6.0 etc.
klokwkdog: Roto -- don't you have Real Player or Winamp?
Bambi: Dex ... well that's his problem ... that's advanced technology ;-)
Dexter Fong: TOR: Thure!!
cease: brysons vboks about england is hilarious
Rotonoto: don't remember, on this machine, will check...
Johnny Piano: Lido, woah-woah-woah-oh
cease: well i gues there are lots of them
Purity-Of-Tween: Silk Degress is good. Love the Lido Shuffle.
cease: this is a japanewse sayihngk, conteverted to firefding enlgish
klokwkdog: Windows Media Player is an abomination. I can never make it do anything except show ads from Microsoft
Hemlock Stones: yes and Kerry Shale reads them well on radio too cease
Dave: hey Cat, it's daving well, can't complain, rainy day but we need the moisture here in CO
TOR: Thure? Moi no gets, Dex
Bambi: works in later WiMP not sure about that one ... If you can try Winamp, if not RealPlayer, or another mp3 player
TOR: Typo?
cease: its spring here. mhy parent sjust moved here from la
cease: from hot to cool, and they're very tempsensitive, very old
Purity-Of-Tween: Have you seen Master and Commander, Stones? Great performance by Clooney.
Hemlock Stones: over here the windows media player is called the Pants Player, Klok because its Pants
Purity-Of-Tween: The Brit navy around 1805.
cease: may is transitoinal month
Dave: fave song is "what do you want the girl to do," used to crank that one, and now have the pipes for it
Dexter Fong: Tor: You athked if I REMEMBER "All i want for chrithmus ith my two fronth tetth
cease: aft was warm enough for me to wear a short sleeve whsirt, firstr time this yeqr
Bambi: that is a great movie Tweeny
Hemlock Stones: I quite like Clooney but i didnt really rate that particular movie Tween
Purity-Of-Tween: Klok has been pantsed.
Johnny Piano: Silk Degrees...Toto before they were Toto
Bambi: and you are so right about Clooney in that
TOR: No, Dex, moi's parody version.
Hemlock Stones: i think i was frightened by Errol Flynn at an early age maybe
TOR: It goes something like thissssssssssssssssss
Purity-Of-Tween: I'm a sucker for naval movies, star trek, whatever. Must be growing up near Annapolis.
cease: babmbi, whar wewre you playing when ausitin was in chat?
Rotonoto: what you gonna dooooooooo?!?
Rotonoto: I finally got Jet Audio to open it- whew!
TOR: All I want for Xmas is my two front teeth - no I changed my mind it ain't that much grief - I'd rather have a Bill Of Rights with some teeth - not one in the fiction section
Purity-Of-Tween: Really? That's Porcaro on Lido Shuffle? I could believe it...
klokwkdog: Roto -- older (small; CNI suggests 2.9x) Winamps here: http://www.oldversion.com/program.php?n=winamp
Johnny Piano: Oh yeah, Porcaro, Paich, Dave Hungate...
Bambi: not sure Cat ... maybe Clem would remember for sure
Rotonoto: my god- he's improvising!!!
Purity-Of-Tween: Ours is certainly taking a visit to the Twilight Zone, TOR.
TOR: The soldiers who got all blown up - conquering land for gold, slaves, and oil, wells - gosh oh gee are we really free - if rights are just fairy tales
Hemlock Stones: we have a new game over here called find the grot spot, if anyone likes the idea of coming on a tour of London, maybe they should go here first. http://www.derelictlondon.com/
Purity-Of-Tween: Wow JP. Will have to revisit it :)
Dave: pitch is good
cease: hemlock, you in enlgand?
Johnny Piano: Tween, have you heard the latest Toto? Smokin'
Hemlock Stones: yes
Rotonoto: thanks, klok- i knew about ovd version, will indeed download your suggested version
TOR: what was moi's other line
TOR: Oh yeah
Hemlock Stones: only my alias is in Mount Vernon
klokwkdog: Tweeny -- Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World was based on (several) the Patrick O'Brien novels. and it starred Russell Crowe, not Clooney
Dave: I'm lost on the tech thread of the conversation here
Dexter Fong: Top of the world Moi?
Rotonoto: no prace rike home...
Purity-Of-Tween: Nope JP. What's the title?
Johnny Piano: "Falling In Between" - came out domestically a couple weeks ago
Purity-Of-Tween: I get them confusedm Klok. Wasn't sure. Clooney was Gladiator.
cease: is scanner darkly out yet?
TOR: It would be nice if it were ture - not just status quo serving epistles - a Bill Of Rights instead of deciet - backed-up with tons of missiles
Dexter Fong: Clooney was Good Night and Good Luck and Syriana
klokwkdog: Tween -- Gladiator was also Crowe
Johnny Piano: Greg Phillinganes is now in the band, Tween
Rotonoto: scanners live in vain!
klokwkdog: Clooney was also in Three Kings
Purity-Of-Tween: What the F do I know LOL!!!!!!!!!!
principalpoop: scanner was a good movie, heads blowing up, perfect for my smoking pot youth
cease: sasw mionmrtiy report on new tv
cease: amazing
Bambi: Russell Crowe! That's right! sorry ... I should have remembered that!
Rotonoto: (title of old SF short story I read ~25 years ago...)
cease: iit hasnt hop[ened in vancouver yet
Dexter Fong: Tween: That's metaphysically absurd...how can I know what you know
klokwkdog: cat -- the psychic in the mall is my fave, very phildickian
Purity-Of-Tween: Greg P. Name sounds familiar...
Johnny Piano: Hey - thread continuity - McGoohan was in Scanners
principalpoop: I read scanners live in vain
Bambi how embarrassin'
TOR: Mom Clooney sure could sing
principalpoop: he sure was
cease: thanks to the black box theory, you cant, dex
cease: oh really? woowwsow
Johnny Piano: Greg P - keyboardist, played with Stevie Wonder, Clapton, etc.
Dexter Fong: TOR: Aunt Clooney
Johnny Piano: TOR, that's Aunt Clooney
TOR: Rosemary
klokwkdog: Clooney is the nice affable good-looking guy. Crowe is the vicious hotel-clerk bashing bad boy drinker/musician
cease: this is a funny idea
Purity-Of-Tween: That's it. Clapton's Journeyman album. One of my all-time favs.
cease: part of all our eco futurue
TOR: Aunt, Sorry, moi learn now.
principalpoop: when the avengers got in the color, the world was never the same
klokwkdog: that was aunt clooney
Johnny Piano: Klok, calling Crowe a musician is quite insulting to musicians
cease: i loved god night and good luck
cease: only ohter cloney flick ive seen is 3 kings
cease: so very good
Dexter Fong: Cat: Yes, a fine movie
Purity-Of-Tween: The Avengers, not The Defenders. Boy, am I batting 1000 tonight or what , LOL.
TOR: Fighting 'round the world with Russel Crowe
Dexter Fong: Syriana also very good
cease: wil rent dex
klokwkdog: Dave -- rotonoto has been unable to hear CNIradio in Windows Media Player (it's not unusual, you can't hear anything in WMP) and we're trying to help him
cease: s new trv so good
cease: shit loks liike diamonds
Hemlock Stones: i remember seeing Honor Blackman in the flesh so to speak for the first time PP and life was not the same afterwards
Bambi says you go Johnny and the rest of the Oohs!
Dexter Fong: Cat: I'm for sale, not for rent
Bambi: Bride of Firesign actually ;-)
Dexter Fong: away for refill
TOR: At least a lease
Johnny Piano: You must be hearing something before me, Bambi...:D
principalpoop: hi-definition cat? any urges to vote republican?
||||||||| Outside, the 10:40 PM uptown bus from Funfun Town pulls away, leaving Boney coughing in a cloud of diesel fumes.
Purity-Of-Tween: You should try iTunes, Roto, although Bambi and Klok would steer you away because some of the sneaky things it does on the Windoze platform.
Bambi :D
cease: i live in canada, poop. thinakyfly so do my republican parents
Purity-Of-Tween: Ah, my Boney boy...
principalpoop: helloooo boney
Merlyn: back in a few min
principalpoop: ahh, any urges to speak french?
Merlyn: I may die in the meantime
principalpoop: get the orcs M, get them
Mudhead: im back now
Johnny Piano: Gee, I'm featured...we're playing at Wise Fools Pub!
Purity-Of-Tween: Have the folks adjusted to the Van climate, Cat?
principalpoop: wb mudhead
Rotonoto: actually it was not wmp problem, it is the computer with a bad install of the audio drivers
Boney: Merlyn was parenthetical... How? Why?
principalpoop: I did not recognize that name hemlock, maybe mother on the avengers?
TOR: Knock 'em dead, Johnny
Hemlock Stones: the first Emma Peel i think PP
Bambi: wb Mudhead
Johnny Piano: Not to sound immodest, but we always do - thanks, TOR
TOR: Too Cool.
Purity-Of-Tween: Emma Peel hosting PBS's Mystery Theatre. How time flys...
principalpoop: before dianna rigg?
Johnny Piano: Emma Peel with robots?
Purity-Of-Tween: You can connect, but can't hear anything, Roto?
Hemlock Stones: yes
Johnny Piano is kidding
Johnny Piano: Or am I?
principalpoop: wow, that is going way back
Rotonoto: no, I did get it working- changed computers and launched Jet audio
Hemlock Stones: check this please PP http://deadduck.theavengers.tv/images/honorb.jpg
cease: that was sad, tween
cease: she got so old so fast
Bambi: there ya go .. that Jet audio is cool
cease: there was no woman on tv i found more erotic thasn emma peel
principalpoop: ahhh the 60s
cease: 40 years ago
Hemlock Stones: she sure did
TOR: Feces! Just dumped the last cookie crumbs from the jar into moi's mouth AND RIGHT EYE!!!!!
Bambi: can't hear anything?
Johnny Piano: Ah, sprayed on catsuits
Dexter Fong: whaz reeeaal
ah,clem: ...
Rotonoto: only problem with it in 98SE, it steals file associations on graphics, of all things
principalpoop: her replacement was hot too
Bambi: ouch TOR
cease: r. crubms?
principalpoop: sound is fine
cease: crumbs
Rotonoto: doctor doctor- I can hear!!!
cease: crumblebumbs
Dexter Fong: TOR: Who, may I ask is this person Moi, you continually refer to
cease: my typihng relfect my parents thinking
Boney: neoclowns
Bambi: that's weird Roto lol
principalpoop: chairman moi, that guy in china
Bambi: thanks princep ... was worried there for a minute
Boney: parenthetical, cease
Bambi: hey boney
Purity-Of-Tween: Your parents need a spell-check prosthetic?
TOR: Moi is Moi....Miss Piggy influence ....it pisses (Make angry for the Brits) folks off.
cease: you havent met mh parents, boney
Boney: Am I being stalked by a neoclown?
klokwkdog: Johnny -- calling Crowe an actor is insulting to actors, too. (sorry, off on side conversation)
Boney: hey bambi
cease: hanging out wiht my parents is like parenthesis with nothing between them
TOR: TOR is moi, moi is TOR --- I'm so confuseddddsedd STELLLLLLAAAAAAAA
Bambi says hiiiiiiiyaaaaaaaa!
principalpoop: celery
Dexter Fong: Stalking the wild celery with gun and of course camera
Rotonoto: ( ) ?
||||||||| Catherwood enters with Honey Sanchez close behind, mutters something about disrupting his 10:48 PM tree-stunting plans, and dashes off to the sitting room.
Purity-Of-Tween: Sorry to differ Klok, but I thought he did well in M&C. Just a matter of taste, I guess...
Boney: everywhere I go, whoopi cushions, handshake buzzers
Bambi: hi Honey
cease: hi honey
principalpoop: cold comfort farm is a super movie
Dexter Fong: Honey! You're home?
||||||||| At 10:48 PM, Boney vanishes mysteriously -- just as Nino the Mind Boggler predicted!
Rotonoto: hey, that chorus girl is radioactive
Honey Sanchez: hello everyone hola amigos!
principalpoop: hola honey
Johnny Piano: Klok - saw that - I'm on phone...
Hemlock Stones: Hi Honey
Purity-Of-Tween: Speaking of stellllla, TOR - just order a copy of Amazon Women on the Moon. Thelllllmaaaa...
cease: home is the sailor
TOR: Howdy do
cease: i see , you are
Purity-Of-Tween: Evenin' mam..
Dexter Fong: Klok: Crowe was very good in "A Beautiful Mind"..he's a good actor but a bad human
TOR: I got Barnes And Noble Women On The Moon
Bambi: I enjoyed that movie ... not as much as Errol Flynn in Robin Hood but there it is lol
principalpoop: I've got a wart on my moon
||||||||| It's 10:50 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Merlyn - dead from The Plague
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
TOR: Bad Human....ha....good one
Dexter Fong: Bambi: YOu shameless romantic =)
Purity-Of-Tween: What'd he do, Dex? Stump for the Bush campaign?
principalpoop: the plague how about that
Bambi: only a half moon (approx) tonight ... errr, today
cease: i dindt see b. mknd but did see the pbs show almostr the smaw thing
ah,clem: sounds painful PP
Dexter Fong: Tween: No, he's just an arrogant aggresive asshole
Bambi: that's me Dex :-)
klokwkdog: Dex, Tween -- yeah, Crowe was OK in LA Confidential, too. But he's not Olivier or anything. Clooney is better, I think; Crowe is a little stiff. He always seems just a little uncomfy in any part he does
Purity-Of-Tween: Well, swash my buckle.
Dexter Fong: Call triple A
cease: who, me?
Johnny Piano: Half moon, Bambi? Sounds like vivisection
principalpoop: lucky just joking, it is a mole, or ground hog
Rotonoto: who'd he punch out last year?
cease: wil this be paert of the nick danger box set?
Purity-Of-Tween: Not a complete Moonie yet, Bambi? Give it time ;)
Bambi: lol
Dexter Fong: Cat: What's a smaw thing..obvious referents excluded
cease: i really see limited market for that, project b ut i'm wanrt ot argbue with austin
Bambi: well, it looked like a half moon in the beautiful sky today
Johnny Piano: How about a DVD of Missing Yolks in the Nick Box?
TOR: Vivian VANce in the Long Long VAN with Van Johnson &
cease: cant fuckni gtypee
TOR: Yolk Oh Ho Ho
cease: no liklek physcial debility
Dexter Fong: TOR: were you wanting to add Van Lingo Mungo?
cease: i have become my parents
cease: digits do not compute all the time
cease: i thk their madness is contagious
Johnny Piano: I expect they'll include 3 Faces of Al
TOR: I? Eye? Aye!!!!!
cease: have to tone down brain to be with them and not explode
principalpoop: ewww, like the twilight zone or outer limits cat, any funny music associated with the change?
cease: like a circuit circuss
Bambi: must be contagious Cat lol
Hemlock Stones: parents are like that cease
TOR: Can dig it, Cease
cease: you know, i actgualy like spending whole minutes with themn
klokwkdog: hey, is there a blind newsboy page at Firesigntheater.com?
TOR: I lost my parents last year
Dave: are they gonna do a danger box? or is this just speculation?
cease: they need help and for a short pieroid of time i can provid eit
cease: ther times they are off
Johnny Piano: Saw earlier today that a Credibility Gap disc is scheduled for release this summer
cease: like switch
TOR: I lost them two years ago BUT they found their way back
cease: sf flick
principalpoop: phil said yes last week dave
cease: i loved cred gap[
Johnny Piano: Dave, Phil announced the Danger box last week during chat
||||||||| Gusts of wind blow in from outside and the thumpa-thumpa-thumpa of helicopter blades is heard as Happy Panditt's chopper lands on the lawn and Bunnyboy disembarks at 10:54 PM.
Bunnyboy: Aha!
Hemlock Stones: i lost two sets of parents TOR i suppose you could say i have been careless
Dexter Fong: JP: Re-release or something new?
principalpoop: aha bunny
Bunnyboy: I sat on my pipe!
Johnny Piano: Supposed to come out via Shout! Factory
cease: heyy hddave you should listen to , hey al oif you should hear proctor
Honey Sanchez: hola bunny
TOR: Must be all the Hemlock
Purity-Of-Tween: Hey, Bun...
cease: on marc maron show last thrjs night
Johnny Piano: Re-release, Dex
Dexter Fong: Hi Bunny
Bunnyboy: Dangerous to speculate, lovely to touch...
Bambi: hi Bunny
cease: lets see if he can stream that
cease: if not, i'll record it
Bunnyboy: Don't hear, I can Shout! you.
cease: a beautuful piece\proc has a play to plug
Dexter Fong: JP: As far as I know, they only had 2 maybe 3 albums
Johnny Piano: Yo Bun!
Dave: I like shout factory, they put out the Lenny box set last year or so which I have and love, I wasn't in chat last week so missed it
cease: hi buynny
TOR: Howdy do
Johnny Piano: And one of them is dead now, I do believe, Dex
Bunnyboy: Shout! has superlative video products, including all the NBC era SCTV sets.
cease: i was in fireing's la last week but could not get on line
principalpoop: too dis are lexic you?
cease: bummer,. i missed austrin
Dexter Fong: JP: Squiggy?
cease: fuck
Johnny Piano: Shout! is doing the Cavett DVDs too, aren't they?
Honey Sanchez: me too, cease
Dexter Fong: I know he had parkinsons or Lou Gherig's disease
TOR: SCTV *bows*
Johnny Piano: No, Lander is still with us!
Dave: it's ok Cat so did I, don't remember what I was doing last thurs but wasn't here
Bunnyboy: Lander has MS.
Johnny Piano: Richard (last name eludes me) is the one
Dexter Fong: JP: Well Michael McKeon and Harry Shearer are still with us
Honey Sanchez: richard basehart?
Mudhead: hey I do also
Bunnyboy: And a lovely memoir about his career and health struggles.
Dexter Fong: JP: Richard Beebe?
Johnny Piano: Honey, are you sure your name isn't really Gypsy?
Bambi: from the Sea View?
Johnny Piano: Dex, that's it!
Honey Sanchez: richard nixon?
Mudhead: he was a dick
Dexter Fong: Gypsy Sanchez and here Dancing Goldrings
Bunnyboy: Richard Beebe is the late member of the Credibility Gap.
Dexter Fong: her
TOR: Richard Bashart should've kick that captain's ass and took that sub over, 100%
Honey Sanchez: ummm ahhhh errrrrrrr ahemmmmmmm ahhhhh not this lifetime JP
Dexter Fong: Bunny: IIRC he was only a peripheral member, yes?
Honey Sanchez: but she is a bot to look up to
Johnny Piano: Of course, I'm referring to the bot
Honey Sanchez: of couse
Bunnyboy: Anybody catch Shearer's nod to the FST in the CNN article about his CD and DVD?
Johnny Piano: YES, saw that, Bunny
Dexter Fong: Bunny: No missed it..was it good?
Hemlock Stones: brb
Honey Sanchez: kk hb stones
Purity-Of-Tween: Was Shearer on any albums other than How Time Flys?
Rotonoto: ..
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 11 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
Dexter Fong: Tween: I don't believe so
Bunnyboy: In discussing the format for DROPPING ANCHORS, his new CD, he sited Bob and Ray, Firesign Theatre and Stan Freberg as influences.
klokwkdog: .
Johnny Piano: Well, there are the two Spinal Tap albums...
Bambi: Catherwood ... time is close enough ... better than it used to be ;-)
||||||||| Catherwood says "It's 11:01 PM"
Bunnyboy: Tween: Yes, he's on all of the Simpsons albums.
Bunnyboy: And Spinal Tap, yes.
Honey Sanchez: and dont forget their big hit christmas with the devil
Johnny Piano: Or do you mean was he on any other FST albums?
TOR: If Richard Bashart had taken over the Sea View and ran a crooked floating poker game the show could've been called VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE GYP SEA
Dexter Fong: Yeh! Clear up this issue
Bunnyboy: (sings) And will our voices be heard? Or will they BREAK! LIKE! THE WIND?
Purity-Of-Tween: This is true, Bun.
Honey Sanchez groan
Purity-Of-Tween: Yeah, FST.
Dexter Fong: Tween: Don't think so
Johnny Piano: Big bottom...talk about bum cakes...
Dave: the material in large quantities of Bob and Ray is far too small, there is some site that is selling audio CDs of stuff but all the vols put together is about 700 bucks or more if I recall, and I have bought all the mp3 discs I could on ebay, which is to say 2 of them because everyone has the same stuff really in that format
Bambi: or they might have to rename it Polar Star
Honey Sanchez: brb need food now that yer talkin about bum cakes
principalpoop: the old guy on man from uncle was on the topper show
Purity-Of-Tween: The golden age of CN radio...
TOR: BiPolar Star
Rotonoto: Polar Pro?
Dexter Fong: Dave: YOu're right..somebody really needs to put B&R together in a professional way
cease: wahts a job to a dog
Johnny Piano: Polar 'roids
cease: i love that
cease: dave, you will learn thatn with yor dog
Dexter Fong: Dave: Don't mind Cat, he's experimenting with a new language
Bunnyboy: I find it impossible to keep Shearer's devastatingly-politically-incorrect (and quite funny) Credibility Gap ad spots out of my head.
cease: i was an enlgish teacher rfor 31 years
||||||||| doctec bounds in at 11:05 PM carrying an obsidian door knocker.
cease: i mgihit as wel starrt a new one
doctec: hey sorry i'm late
Dexter Fong: The Doctor enters
Johnny Piano: Yo doc
principalpoop: ahh doc, phil was looking for you
Bunnyboy: hiya doc!
TOR: Howdy do, Doc
doctec: did i miss anything?
doctec: oh dang
Dexter Fong: Doctor X counts backwards from 2
Purity-Of-Tween: There's a crediblity gap? Well, Tony Snow will clear things up...
Rotonoto: what are the parts of speech? and what box do you keep them in when you're not using them?
Bunnyboy: We're Shearering sheep.
Bambi: who better to do it Cat lol
principalpoop: that was last week
Bunnyboy: And gandering Lander.
Purity-Of-Tween: Hey Doc...
Johnny Piano: If you did, you get to clean it
Bambi: hey doc
doctec: the day went a little off kilter today schedule wise, lili and i just finished dinner a half hour ago
Dave: I know Dex, but they did so much, and it's engough off-beat that people either love it or don't get it
cease: hi doc
Dexter Fong: I;m keen on McKeon
Dave: hey doc
Johnny Piano: McKean
cease: you owe me six and and sixty six petro dollars
Bunnyboy: So's Annette.
TOR: A great #2
Bunnyboy: O'Toole, that is.
cease: the devil is in the details
TOR: Buy Sexual, like Jimmy Swaggart
Johnny Piano: That reminds me, must acquire CD reissue of Lenny & The Squigtones
||||||||| "11:07 PM? 11:07 PM!!" says Catherwood, "Merlyn should be here by now...oh, THERE you are!" as Merlyn enters and sits in the comfy chair.
doctec: saw her in 48 hours movie last night - she is missed in modern flicks
principalpoop: nobody has mentioned colbert, I will, hip hip hooray
Dexter Fong: Merlyn should be here by now
cease: doc, proc was on ai r america lastr hturs night
principalpoop: wb M
TOR: TOO COOL, that's how moi was inspired to have The TorTones
cease: i only found out this week serdengipitously
Purity-Of-Tween: And in a puff of smoke...
doctec: cat: dang, sorry i missed that
cease: hta is the kind of hitng us few fifesring fans should knw about, eh?
Purity-Of-Tween: Colbert rocks. Hope he has good bodyguards ;)
doctec: was he doing a character or was he being interviewed?
cease: its on tyhe fuckni arhcive]
cease: ut it may be pay
Bunnyboy: Michael McKean just keeps pluggin' away. He has a lovely little bit in THE PRODUCERS-THE MUSICAL MOVIE, and he was the first replacement for Harvey Fierstein in the Broadway production of HAIRSPRAY.
cease: i singed up for premium
Dexter Fong: TOR: I have news for you, the usage of "moi" doesn't just piss off Britts =)
Bunnyboy: lo Merl!
klokwkdog: annette was hot in cat people
cease: coulw d export it to you but itou coudlnbgr be on ifesnggint itf ithey own it
cease: fuck smpelkeling\
cease: i liike the word annette
TOR: How the crap could they bet rid of Lorenzo Saint Dubois.
doctec: cease needs a spielczecher
Purity-Of-Tween: There's a kitten on the keyboard :=)
Bunnyboy: (sings) Rule Brittania, your Granny takes a dram...
Mudhead: kitties!
cease: then i t owuldn be cease
cease: itwwoudlt have ceased
Bunnyboy: (sings) British Sau-ha-ha-sages and Mild Beef Ham!
Hemlock Stones: back
cease: i found a lota footage of my grandparents, from the 50s
principalpoop: a wild ride
cease: i want to make dvds of it for my parente to view again
Honey Sanchez: wb im back too
Hemlock Stones: Bunnyboy, Brittania waves the rules !
Purity-Of-Tween: WB, your excellency...
Dexter Fong: "We may be streaming but we can do BIG PRODUCTION station breaks"
klokwkdog: .
principalpoop: ahh sanchez, I have got your number
cease: just having goood harxwarae and software allws me to do tnhbings to make thier last days much more enjoyable
Bunnyboy: TOR: They set the scene about 10-15 years earlier than the original movie.
Bunnyboy: A few bohos then, no full-boat hippies.
Honey Sanchez: well give it back, poop after today i need to smoke it
Dexter Fong: Cat: I you chatting from your blackberry by any chance?
cease: bunny, how close are chincihillas to bunnys?
Purity-Of-Tween: Only marquis of Doonesbury rules here...
doctec: and are they blue?
cease: i eat thenm but dont comunicate from them
Bunnyboy: cease: It depends on how fast the bunny is.
Bunnyboy: Snork!
cease: i have little comujhincatve posbilities
principalpoop: ok, here you go, sorry about the lipstick
cease: no cell, et al
Johnny Piano: Mutants?
TOR: Ah ha, Bunny, no proto beatniks then? I have not seen the new one but have the original, a work of genius.
cease: brtoken answwering maschine
Bunnyboy: let's find out....brb
Purity-Of-Tween: You can celll meee Allll......
Rotonoto: ..
cease: tor, what?
cease: orignal of what?
TOR: The Producers
principalpoop: mute ants? how do they tell each other where the sugar is?
Dexter Fong: Poop: Pheromes
TOR: Much the same as the producers of "American Idol"
principalpoop: ahh springtime for hitler
Honey Sanchez: sign language, poop
principalpoop: un fair roams
cease: splomg time for hitler
principalpoop: with their little tiny hands?
Dexter Fong: Splomg time for everyone
doctec: did he say splunge?
TOR: Ain't it the truth
Dexter Fong: truff...truff
Johnny Piano: At least he's not a yes man
principalpoop: ahh the cowardly lion quote
Bunnyboy: TOR: Also, funny as Lorenzo is, the L.S.D. schtick is easily the most dated element of the classic flick.
Purity-Of-Tween: Talk about your classic movies, Cat.
Dexter Fong: Rick Wakefield, Yes Man
Purity-Of-Tween: More Marillion, right JP?
Johnny Piano: Tween, I hope that's not an order - we'll be trying to translate Cat-a-chism
principalpoop: Wake Rickman, or is it todd?
cease: thats not a man, thats a mudsplat
Johnny Piano: Nah, I've moved on to Spock's Beard, Tween
Dexter Fong: Todd Rinkman, Zamboni Operator
Bunnyboy: Now here's here it gets funny: There are Chinchilla breeds of rabbit, but actual Chinchillas are rodents, not rabbits (lagomorphs).
Purity-Of-Tween: LOL jp.
Bambi: silly marillion
cease: bunny i m gona make a chanichlela ;plflic in the monthn\found fotage my paretns toook of me
Dexter Fong: Bunny: Surely you lag
cease: with a bunch of chinchillas in jan 56
principalpoop: quite a zamboni you have there fong, put a towel over it
Purity-Of-Tween: Spock's clean-shaven these days, of course.
cease: i mjst cut that footage ith the mutaht boue routine
||||||||| Catherwood tiptoes into the room, and announces "Announcing 'Boney', also known as 'Nancy' -- the time is 11:17 PM" -- then he slowly retires back into the sitting room...
Bunnyboy: TOR: You can catch up with the musical movie in about 2 weeks. That's the video date.
Johnny Piano: Which reminds me - Spock's is playing the HoB in Chicago on Sunday...and I can't go!
TOR: I put moi's face in the freezer and got a chin chiller
principalpoop: wb boney
Bambi: wb boney
Bunnyboy: Dex: I'm no laggard...and don't call...aw, what's the use?
Boney: Bugs Bunny is on the WB channel
Dexter Fong morphs into an old Lag
Bunnyboy: Dex: Oh! I got it. Duh.
TOR: No can do, Bunny, but thanks.
Bunnyboy: Morph annuder brain fer me!
Boney: Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd
Purity-Of-Tween: What little of their stuff I've heard, I like JP.
Dexter Fong morphs into a refill
cease: thats not a duck, that's my ecosystem
Purity-Of-Tween: Who you callin' a laggard?
doctec: laggard or mallard?
Bunnyboy: TOR: You've folded your arms against the remake?
Johnny Piano: Tween, I highly recommend "V" and "Snow" - and also the offshoot project Transatlantic (which included Pete from Marillion)
TOR: The Dukes of (OH NO he's gonna do it) Laggard
Bunnyboy: Malingering Mallard.
principalpoop: sloths rock
Boney: why am I hallucinating Gabe Kaplan all of a sudden?
TOR: No, Bunny, got a VHS but no VD player
Purity-Of-Tween: Think a friend sent me V & Snow. Will have to check 'em out further.
klokwkdog: .
cease: bdetter not ply withr vd
principalpoop: ahh wb kotter
Johnny Piano: They have a cool Gentle Giant vibe at times, Tween
Boney: That song... welcome back welcome back welcome baack
cease: kot or kon?
Bunnyboy: Boney: Because there's a film version of WELCOME BACK, KOTTER in pre-production...with Kaplan's blessing.
principalpoop: kin kon
Purity-Of-Tween: Big T-storm coming up. Gotta close some windows.
cease: what is this song?
cease: the cuosins song?
Johnny Piano: Now I remember why I avoid movies like the plague these days...
doctec: they should make "Kotter: All In" showing the former teacher as a pro poker player
TOR: Oh where you at, Purity?
||||||||| "11:21 PM? I'm late!" exclaims doctec, who then dashes out through the french doors and down through the flowerbeds.
||||||||| Catherwood ushers doctec inside, makes a note of the time (11:21 PM), then fades off into the distance going on about the waiting room or the sitting room or something.
principalpoop: wb doc
principalpoop: maybe
Johnny Piano: Revolving door, Doc?
cease: hey doc
TOR: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TORearthweather/ moi's weather site, good links
Bambi: To doctec: that's a hard one doc ... I haven't had a situation where that has happened. how would you know ... couldn't they have bought it? I hate ratting on anyone. It would have to be a laptop with obvious social security numbers or something ... I generally give client the benefit of a doubt ... like I say I haven't had that come up.
cease: doc hows it going
Bunnyboy: TOR: Upstairs, helping Porcelain make the bed...and helping George make the movie!
Boney: we've got you on the spot cuz we need you a lot, doc
Johnny Piano: Whole lotta fadin' goin' on
Boney: so... what's up?
TOR: You too?
Purity-Of-Tween: Power going on and off. Thrank Grid for whoever invented the UPS.
doctec: sorry, i clicked "exit" when i went for the name list drop down
cease: i sem to to ahve misedd crucial infor
principalpoop: careful there tween, lightening got my modem in miami
cease: ok i need to nake letters bigger
cease: cant fuckni cufkjcin see!
Boney: they have a different way of saying what's up on the wb
Johnny Piano: Bifocals?
TOR: Whoa, Texas gettin' a bunch of stroms and TORnados.
cease: oh
principalpoop: i'm hip boney, turn me on
Purity-Of-Tween: It's a APC BackUPS. Line conditioning as well as UPS. Should be OK P. Thanks...
cease: yes we canadian can realy write
Dexter Fong: ;
Johnny Piano: Texas is getting a bunch of Thurmonds?
Boney: bite my crooked crank is not the correct answer
Bunnyboy: Write on!
principalpoop: ahh ok tween
Purity-Of-Tween: Yeah, the doppler looks purely ugly. Wouldn't be surprised if there's some tornadic activity.
Dave: I have no ups system for my computer, I really should but not sure what to get cause I know nothing about it honestly
TOR: A bunch of therimins (sp?) would make for some spooky soungs
Bunnyboy: Didja all hear that the Canadian dollar has recently been running upwards of 90 cents American?
Purity-Of-Tween: I'd say you guys can really left, Cat ;)
Johnny Piano: Theremin...
Bunnyboy: Who's laffin' now?
TOR: Thanks, Johnny
TOR: Laffy Taffy?
Dexter Fong: Clem, Stones, Honey, Merlyn, Mud, Roto....WAKE UP
Johnny Piano tips hat to TOR
Honey Sanchez: yes american money is fashionable now to wallpaper the loo with its less expensive than real wallpaper
Purity-Of-Tween: Figure out how much power your rig uses, Dave, and double it. American Power Conversion makes good ones.
Boney: Tourists will run out of gas before reaching the Canadian border anyway
Bunnyboy: I love the Graverobber's Roadshow!
Johnny Piano: Dex, it's the damn poppies
Purity-Of-Tween: Who's the looney now, eh?
Rotonoto: the embezzlement has been going on for well nigh a century...
ah,clem: ...
Rotonoto: no wonder the dollar is falling and it can't get up...
Purity-Of-Tween: Graverobber's is one of their best :)
Purity-Of-Tween: Wonderful PBS parody.
Dexter Fong: 3 outta three aint bad
Dexter Fong: three outta six less so
Boney: If you can afford to travel as far as the Bay Area, Oaksterdam is a possible tourist destination
TOR: 6 of 1 (prisoner flashback)
Boney: until the feds shut it down, that is
Purity-Of-Tween: Oaksterdam? LOL
Dexter Fong: Hamsterland?
Dexter Fong: Gerbilville?
Johnny Piano: Gerbilville?
TOR: ramsterham.va
Dexter Fong: Rodentia??
Honey Sanchez: gosh such lovely destinations
Johnny Piano: There's an echo in here
Boney: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Oaksterdam
Dexter Fong: here....here
principalpoop: is that near hellmouth?
Rotonoto: where? where?
TOR: Ah Ha!
Dexter Fong: Play Canadian Sunset, Johnny
Purity-Of-Tween: Cannibas cafés in Oakland? Had no idea...
Johnny Piano: I was trying to remember the lyrics...not having any success
Rotonoto: election thrown to supreme court for fixing...
Boney: Oaksterdam may not have Holland's tulips or Canada's Great Horned Goat and Hoary Marmot, but in Oaksterdam a dollar is still worth a dollar, dammit
Dexter Fong: JP: IIRC begins.."Once, I was alone...
TOR: Can a bass and canned coon, Granny Clampet's a cookin' dinner.
Bunnyboy: Hey, I just entered keyword Young Guy at fst.com, just like the recording said. It cycles over a few sites, including the Young Guy bit that Merlyn and I worked up.
Purity-Of-Tween: Yes indeed. Th UPS is a fine invention indeed. Singing quite a little song of alerts as the power flucuates.
Johnny Piano: Oh yeah...The Nylons used to do a nice version in concert
principalpoop: I took a ride, I did not know what I would find there?
Merlyn: yep BB, all the "key words" do that kind of thing
klokwkdog: .
Hemlock Stones: thanks again ah clem
klokwkdog: roto, did you get CNI?
Merlyn: can anyone really "get" CNI?
Boney: tulips and windmills, I meant to say
Rotonoto: yep, fired up Jet Audio on my other computer (out of 8)
principalpoop: no spam eh? dammit, there goes my commisson
Dexter Fong: Clem, thank you very much for everything
Purity-Of-Tween: Yessir, it's a rainin' armadillos & chinchillas in Austin.
Rotonoto: fun fun town- t'anks, ahclem!
klokwkdog: roto -- stop bragging; some of us are financially limited
Johnny Piano: Bravo, AhClem
Honey Sanchez gets box of implanted medicinal spam ready to send off to ah clem via UPS
Hemlock Stones: anyone who likes Mark Time might just enjoy Nebulous on BBC radio Four
Honey Sanchez: ty clem
klokwkdog: thanks Hemlock, I czech it out
Purity-Of-Tween: Thanks JL. Once again, a fine show :=)
Rotonoto: aw, they're all minimalist things glommed together by a wannabe computer geek in the dead of night
Bambi: thanks Clem!!
Boney: Hans Bricker sticking his thumb in a dike... Oh, you've heard that one.
TOR: Hooray (I have no idea "What" but what the phunk) for Clem
principalpoop: thanks ahh, clem, what about porn? can I send porn? do you like animals?
Boney: Brinker
Purity-Of-Tween: LOL PrinP...
Rotonoto: in brown shoes in a plain brown rapper, next to the statue of the square round poet...
Bunnyboy: Well there was this grizzly bear, you see...
Honey Sanchez: cane toads are attracted to disco balls
Johnny Piano: Do you like seahorses?
Boney: a joke about legal prostitution in there somewhere. Oh, pardon me
Purity-Of-Tween: LOL Bun...
principalpoop: delivered in the dead of night, only what the market will allow
principalpoop: toad away
ah,clem: thaks to all of you, have a great night!
Bunnyboy: Honey, who isn't?
Rotonoto: round about these parts the farmesr sez the porn should oughta be 'knee high by the fourth of July'...
klokwkdog: cane toads will try to have sex with mummified cane toads dead 6 months
Mudhead: gnight al
||||||||| Mudhead runs out the back door as Mayor P'nisnose blasts through the front door holding a shotgun and shouting "Where's Mudhead?! It's 11:36 PM and my ballot boxes haven't been stuffed yet!"
Boney: whatever happened to blue thumb?
||||||||| ah,clem is defenestrated just as the clock strikes 11:36 PM.
klokwkdog: nite mud
Bunnyboy: nite Muddy!
Honey Sanchez: nite mudhead
klokwkdog: nite clem, great show
Dexter Fong: Night Mud
Johnny Piano: The record label Blue Thumb?
||||||||| ah,clem steps in at 11:36 PM carrying an obsidian door knocker.
Bunnyboy: Ah, yes, Blue Thumb.
Bambi: LOL defenestrated .... now that's a new one
Johnny Piano: Bit the big one.
Rotonoto: wowza, cool audio on my computer machine...
TOR: Oh, moi was gone
Honey Sanchez: i thought that was blue tooth
TOR: Nite
Hemlock Stones: are cane toads republicans klok ?
klokwkdog flees to fallingstars pop channel...
principalpoop: does not sound good bambi, help ahh, clem
Bunnyboy: I think they were a subsidiary of ABC records, which means...they'd be Disney now!
Bunnyboy: Wow!
Dexter Fong: Night TOR and please leave your friend moi at home next time =))
TOR: Anywho, moi's Yahoo "ART" Group (adult) http://groups.yahoo.com/group/thequestfortheholeytail/
Purity-Of-Tween: Margaritaville here...
doctec: sorry i don't have much to add here tonight - & sorry i missed phil too :-( ... i have another long day ahead of me tomorrow and need to get some shuteye, y'all carry on now...
Bunnyboy: NatLamp's RADIO DINNER and LEMMINGS were both originally on Blue Thumb.
Johnny Piano: Universal actually, Bun
TOR: Yahoo Group's LARGEST collection of female nudes
Honey Sanchez: nite doc
||||||||| At 11:38 PM, ah,clem vanishes mysteriously -- just as Nino the Mind Boggler predicted!
Bambi: LOL
principalpoop: gn gl all going
Dexter Fong: Night Doc..Please try to get a life soon =))
doctec: nytol (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..................
klokwkdog: nite doc
Bunnyboy: nite doc!
TOR: Nite
Johnny Piano: Last stuff I remember on Blue Thumb label was Richard Page (ex-Mr. Mister) solo, and Candy Butchers
Johnny Piano: Bye Doc
Johnny Piano: Bye Poop
klokwkdog: bambi, tell clem great show
Hemlock Stones: and from me too plase Bambi
klokwkdog: ouch, time to fade into the non-canadian sunset here myself
Purity-Of-Tween: Mr. Mister was a good band. Their Sat Nite performance was great.
klokwkdog: good-nite everyone
||||||||| doctec departs at 11:39 PM, singing "Toad away, toad away; toad away, toad away! Where do you go when you're toad away?"
klokwkdog: no car park dex? whoopee!
Bunnyboy: Blue Thumb lives! Check it out:
Bunnyboy: http://www.vervemusicgroup.com/label.aspx?lid=4
Dexter Fong: Bambi: I already told him but I'll also tell you, thanks for the audio
Bunnyboy: They're a subsidiary of Verve.
Johnny Piano: Watched Mr. Mister from '85 Spring Break concert on video the other day
Bambi: have a great night everyone! if you get a chance to stop by saturday evening for our show 7-10 PM ET (6:30PM for some pre show Independent music) we'd love to see you there. http://www.cniradio.com
Dexter Fong: Klok: Leaving now for the parking exercise
Johnny Piano: Verve is part of Universal, isn't it?
klokwkdog: good luck dex
Bambi: thanks Dex! our pleasure!
Johnny Piano: Bambi, I'll be in Chicago, but I'll be thinking of you!
klokwkdog: Bambi -- don't forget to remind them that MORE Firesign 10PM "until" on Sat!
Johnny Piano: LAter Dex
klokwkdog: bye everyone
||||||||| "11:40 PM? I'm late!" exclaims klokwkdog, who then dashes out through the french doors and down through the flowerbeds.
Purity-Of-Tween: Thanks Bambi...
Dexter Fong: Night all to those who leave..see yah later to those who are still here when I return...prolly only be Phil A =\
Bambi: yes, and more FST at 10 PM after our show on Saturday! :-)
Johnny Piano: Universal has a cool reissue division called Hip-O Select.
TOR: Nite Dex
Bambi says nytol!
Bunnyboy: Love the Wikipedia: Here 'tis:
Bunnyboy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Thumb_Records
Merlyn: cya dex
||||||||| Bambi rushes off, saying "11:42 PM? Mark Time is almost on! Where's a radio?"
TOR: Nite Bambi
Hemlock Stones: gnight Bambi
Bunnyboy: Blue Thumb passed through many hands (get it?) including ABC and MCA.
Bunnyboy: nite Bambi!
Johnny Piano: So I'm right - part of Universal...
Merlyn: all thumbs
Johnny Piano: Groan...I mean, GRIN.
Honey Sanchez: nite bambi
TOR: As the great Tor Johnson once said "Time for go to sleep." t t f n
Bunnyboy: Oh, poo. Blue Thumb was deactivated in 2005. Superceded by Verve Forecast.
Merlyn: "don't worry about Lobo, he's as harmless as a kitchen"
Honey Sanchez: lol tor i thought of that earlier night
Johnny Piano: Actually, I think that was Crow or Servo saying that for TOR...
Hemlock Stones: ok its so late here its early so i better say bye for now folks, have a good week
Bunnyboy: JP: And (puffs up chest) I was right, as well. So nyah!
Honey Sanchez: nite stones
Bunnyboy: "Home....I have no home..."
Johnny Piano: Cheerio, Stones
Merlyn: Lugosi says that about Tor's character in some Ed Wood movie
Johnny Piano: Never said you were wrong, Bun
Bunnyboy: "The JUNGLE is my home!"
Honey Sanchez: i should go too i need to catch up on my beauty sleep it eludes me adios
Johnny Piano: Bride Of The Monster, Merl...they did that one on MST3K
Bunnyboy: nite TOR!
Merlyn: nite those leaving
Bunnyboy: nite Hemmie!
Johnny Piano: Oh geez, American Psycho is on Sci-Fi channel...
Bunnyboy: JP: There ain't nothin' right about all the crap I keep in my head. ; )
Merlyn: rite piano
Bunnyboy: nite Honey!
Johnny Piano: I know the feelin', Bun
Johnny Piano: Nite, Honey/Gypsy
Dave: I'm fading I'm sure, too bad there's no way to make this thing tell me I'm grey no
Johnny Piano: Dave, did you get all the poop from me on the Squigtones album?
Bunnyboy: The ladies who adapted AMERICAN PSYCHO to film are also the director and writers of THE NOTORIOUS BETTIE PAGE, which was fun.
Bunnyboy: nite Dave!
||||||||| It's 11:50 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| TOR - dead from intense demonic possession
||||||||| principalpoop - dead from The Plague
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
Bunnyboy: nite pp!
Merlyn: I could put something in, dave, to show the grayness, if you like
Johnny Piano: It appears the party's poopin' out. And perhaps I shall too...
Johnny Piano: Nite, all...
||||||||| 11:51 PM -- Johnny Piano left for parts unknown.   (Entry from Nick Danger's "Idiots I Have Been Paid To Follow").
Bunnyboy: Merlyn: Yeah, you could call it JUST FOR GEEKS. Puts the gray IN.
Bunnyboy: nite JP!
||||||||| Catherwood tiptoes into the room, and intones "Announcing 'Johnny Piano', also known as 'Nancy' -- the time is 11:51 PM" -- then he slowly retires back into the sitting room...
Merlyn: yep, I think some people will be reaped - as they sowed, I guess
Johnny Piano: Who are you callin' an idiot, Danger?
||||||||| "Hey Johnny Piano!" ... Johnny Piano turns, and sees Bradshaw approching with the handcuffs, and is dragged away, screaming "it's only 11:52 PM, I don't have to go yet!"...
Merlyn: although you can usually tell who's going gray, dave, since the non-gray names are listed alphabetically, then the gray ones
Bunnyboy: Man, I'm tired, too. G'nite, all you fuzzy logicians.
Boney: gray alienation
Rotonoto: Gray? Grecian Formula
Boney: Nite
||||||||| At 11:55 PM, Bunnyboy dashes out the door saying "Hey, mister ice-cream man, I've got a nickel, wait for meeeee..."
Dave: but that's in the drop-down box, I meant on the text frames area
Boney: is this the chatroom for ancient geeks?
Merlyn: oh right, it doesn't display them for manual refresh...
Rotonoto: check your grape at the door...
Merlyn: Dave, how about a notation by the name on the drop-down menu? That would probably help everyone
||||||||| It's 12:00 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Honey Sanchez - dead from jaundice
||||||||| Hemlock Stones - dead from intense demonic possession
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood walks in wearing his pyjamas, yawns, and mumbles "It's midnight here in New York city"...then he falls over and starts snoring loudly..
Merlyn: they're flopping like lies
Merlyn: wait, that's Rumsfeld
Rotonoto )
Boney: taking about neoclowns, Merlyn?
Merlyn: you poked your eyes out, roto, you need a space if you want to start with a :
Merlyn: :) like this
Merlyn points out that a colon is the cheap "emote" effect
Rotonoto: didn't print what I typed :)
Boney wonders what Merlyn is on about
Rotonoto: ahhh, the dreadel leading space
Rotonoto: dreaded
Merlyn: if it starts with a :, it removes it and doesn't boldface your name
Rotonoto ..
Rotonoto: ahhh, yes...
Boney: brb
Merlyn dances
Rotonoto: I use Grecian Formula, no more grey
Merlyn falls over
Rotonoto: he's no fun...
Merlyn inflates his shoes and his ego
||||||||| Catherwood leads shoes for the dead in through the front door at 12:08 AM, picks up his cues (only slightly scorched), and heads for the billiard room.
Merlyn: hey shoes, just walk in
shoes for the dead: hola, compadres
Merlyn: put your feet up
Merlyn: that's metaphysically absurd
Rotonoto: shoes for industry, compadre...
||||||||| It's 12:10 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Dave - dead from intense demonic possession
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
shoes for the dead: oops, the celofane is scorching, brb
Boney: viva zapata
Boney: viva zapata
Boney: it's pluralistic when you say it twice
||||||||| 12:14 AM -- Boney left for parts unknown.   (Entry from Nick Danger's "Idiots I Have Been Paid To Follow").
||||||||| It's 12:20 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| shoes for the dead - dead from dengue fever
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
Rotonoto: ..
Rotonoto: come back, doctor dex- we want to talk to you...
Merlyn: shoes for the dead is DEAD
Rotonoto: hey merl- did y9ou get an idea to get dave squared away with his gray fadingness?
||||||||| Charles Throat enters at 12:22 AM as Catherwood takes their hat and goat and rushes off to the Hat Pack Annex.
Rotonoto: ahhh, the aluminum bat man
Merlyn: not sure - the manual refresh doesn't show the names across the top, so I suggested adding something in the pulldown menu
Charles Throat: hi fellow spuds
Rotonoto: power to tha peoples, compadre...
Merlyn: hi spudnik
Purity-Of-Tween: Hey CT...
Charles Throat: Hi Tween
Charles Throat: brb
Purity-Of-Tween: El Paso, eh CT? Ever get up Austin way?
Purity-Of-Tween: It's only 9:20 on the Left Coast, so I guess there's still a chance PA or one of the boyz might show?
Purity-Of-Tween: Not that you guys aren't good company :)
Purity-Of-Tween: Cat is fading fast.
Purity-Of-Tween: Having a rough time of it, I suspect.
Dexter Fong: Parked and locked and still not insane
Merlyn: we're all fading
Dexter Fong: Hey CT
Rotonoto: ..
Dexter Fong: Roto: I'm back, what did you want to tell me
Purity-Of-Tween: NYC must be a really fun place to park. Remembering some Seinfeld episodes...
Rotonoto: nothin' particular, just rapt wonderment about the entire parking darma, I guess (I'm not a city boy)
||||||||| It's 12:30 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Charles Throat - dead from dengue fever
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
Dexter Fong: Tween: YOu gotta know what you're doing, it's not for amateurs
Purity-Of-Tween: CT, we hardly knew ye...
Rotonoto: drama
Purity-Of-Tween: I'll bet, Dex. Rather a sport is it? lol
Dexter Fong: Darma drama, a Bhuddist serial
Rotonoto: musical chairs? go for better. come up empty handed?
Purity-Of-Tween: Bet it makes you wish you had a Mini or an Insight or something.
Purity-Of-Tween: Drama for One
Dexter Fong: It's all about the day of the week, the weather, and what bars/restaurants are hot
Rotonoto: I'll take Darma for eight hundred, Bob...
Rotonoto: Pat
Purity-Of-Tween: They should have parking forecasts you can pull up on your mobile.
Dexter Fong: Vanna
Purity-Of-Tween: I believe Greg will have something to day about that.
Dexter Fong: I'll Tivo it and watch it tomorrow
Merlyn: well, cya next wick
Merlyn: for those of you burning the candle at both ends
Dexter Fong: Night Merlyn and thanks for the hosting
Purity-Of-Tween: Have fun and stay well, Merlyn...
||||||||| Merlyn departs at 12:34 AM, singing "Toad away, toad away; toad away, toad away! Where do you go when you're toad away?"
Rotonoto: nite...
Purity-Of-Tween: Speaking of the Honda Insight, it's 75mpg is starting to look pretty good, even if it's only a 2-seater.
Rotonoto: 75? yikes!
Purity-Of-Tween: Yep.
Dexter Fong: Well, I don't believe Phil A is gonna show up...call me a cynic...call me a pessimist...call me on my cell...call me in my cell...I don't care
Rotonoto: my main wheels, work vehicle, gets spectacular 9mpg
Purity-Of-Tween: Ohhh myyy gotttt
Rotonoto: take one night's sleep and call me in the morning...
Rotonoto: well, I don't have any commute- heh
Dexter Fong: We gotta a Toyota Priapus...gets 40 girls to the galleon
Rotonoto: I get by...
Purity-Of-Tween: Just don't call me Shirley.
Dexter Fong: Tschirley
Rotonoto: woo hoo- you go, guy
Rotonoto: das nice mileage
Purity-Of-Tween: Austin City uses Priuses (prii/) in their fleet. Insight also.
Rotonoto: prii- heh
Dexter Fong: Gotta get outta here..good to see you Roto, and Tween...always a pleasure
Purity-Of-Tween: I'd love a Prius. Supposedly comfortable and safe for long trips.
Rotonoto: nite dex
Purity-Of-Tween: Au resovoir, Dex. Be good.
Rotonoto: well, I like my odds in big, manly van in a major crash...
Rotonoto: lol!
Dexter Fong: Prius is might good and practical car..lotta room in back seat, incredibly small turning radius, can park on a dame with a nickel change
Purity-Of-Tween: A gaggle of Prii?
Rotonoto: they sound nice
Purity-Of-Tween: I can park on a dame as well ;)
Dexter Fong: Night guys
Rotonoto: yeah. man
Purity-Of-Tween: But she never refunds :(
Rotonoto: nite...
Rotonoto: won't even validate your parking?
Purity-Of-Tween: Not even when I show her my radius.
Rotonoto: ah well, I guess I'm off, too...
||||||||| Catherwood escorts Bightrethighrehighre into the room, accepts a $3 bill as a gratuity, mutters something about 12:41 AM, then departs.
Bightrethighrehighre: I'm late....!!!!
Purity-Of-Tween: Hey Big. Welcome to the insanitarium.
Rotonoto: true...
Bightrethighrehighre: yeah, Tweeen....the rubber room....!!!!
Rotonoto: they have a whole room full of them?
Purity-Of-Tween: So what's new in the land of imported palm trees?
Bightrethighrehighre: same 'ol stinkin' desert....
Purity-Of-Tween: And desert gold courses.
Purity-Of-Tween: Golf
Bightrethighrehighre: gentelmen only, ladies fer-biddin....
Purity-Of-Tween: Lived in Scottsdale briefly. Man, you talk about HOT.
Rotonoto: ..
Bightrethighrehighre: coyote ran off with my ball o the 5th hole, back nine, thought he was cute....
Bightrethighrehighre: HOT....LADIES....
Rotonoto: he thought he caught a mouse?
Purity-Of-Tween: LOL Big
Bightrethighrehighre: just kiddin....I don't golf....
Purity-Of-Tween: Do you Jetta?
Rotonoto: you be wide trackin'?
Bightrethighrehighre: the bass fishing is too good out here in Arizona, for any rational human being to waste his time with....golf..............
Purity-Of-Tween: On the Verde River?
Purity-Of-Tween: Remember people having tubing parties where they'd tie a bunch of inner tubes together with a cooler in the center and float the Verde.
Bightrethighrehighre: except the golf ponds have GREAT largemouth bass, consistently
Purity-Of-Tween: Not exactly native habitat LOL
Bightrethighrehighre: Purity-Of-Tween: did you tube the salt/verde....?
Purity-Of-Tween: Nope, only watched.
||||||||| It's 12:50 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| Dexter Fong - dead from dengue fever
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
Purity-Of-Tween: THis was the mid-70's. A friend I was staying with had a Dad who was responsible for the London Bridge at Havasu.
Bightrethighrehighre: Tween: yeah Bob Dylan used to tube the S/V in the 70's when he lived in Paradise Valley....
Purity-Of-Tween: Indeed. Is Paradise Valley still a pretty good place? near Camelback, right?
Purity-Of-Tween: Remember it being kinda ritzy.
Bightrethighrehighre: yeah, north of Camelback mtn... if you wanna see a picture of that area back in 1948, I have it....
Purity-Of-Tween: I'll bet is was stinkin' desert.
Bightrethighrehighre: my Dad took as a passenger in a little piper cub....
Rotonoto: nite...
Purity-Of-Tween: Water's going to be a real problem, isn't it?
||||||||| Rotonoto is thrown out the window just as the clock strikes 12:54 AM.
Purity-Of-Tween: Nite, Roto.
Purity-Of-Tween: All the golf courses and swimming pools have made a real difference.
Bightrethighrehighre: Nite, Rotonoto....
Purity-Of-Tween: Phoenix used to be a place to go if you suffered from allergies. No more, from what I've heard.
Bightrethighrehighre: I don't see any way around a water crisis.... the growth is unREAL and this drought won't go away....
Bightrethighrehighre: Tween:where do you live now....??
Purity-Of-Tween: Rain never was Phoenix's stong suit. I recall drivers in the area becoming completely discombobulated during a rainstorm.
Purity-Of-Tween: Austin, TX. Also dry, but luckily we're next to the TX Colorado.
Purity-Of-Tween: Tonight being an exception. Really strong thunderstroms. Really glad I have a UPS on my computer.
Purity-Of-Tween: If you don't have one, get one. They're lifesavers.
Bightrethighrehighre: we've had our times of extreme deluge.... mostly dry, dusty, and I love to say it, GAWD BLESS the FST- STINKIN' DESERT....!!!!
Bightrethighrehighre: clue me in on ups....?
Purity-Of-Tween: Uninterruptable Power Supply. Basically a battery with line conditioning circuitry.
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 1 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
Purity-Of-Tween: Mine's American Power Conversion. Recommended.
Bightrethighrehighre: Tween: I lived in Lubbock when I was a kid....
Purity-Of-Tween: The power flucuated and went out several times. Didn't miss a beat all evening.
Purity-Of-Tween: Not familiar with Lubbock, except there's apparently some pretty good music out of there, like members of the Flatlanders.
Purity-Of-Tween: Grew up around the D.C. area. Lived in Indiana (near Bloomington) for quite a while.
Bightrethighrehighre: Yeah- the music scene was hot in the early-mid seventies....L
Bightrethighrehighre: oops....
Purity-Of-Tween: Austin's got a great music scene, not that I've had much to do with it.
Bightrethighrehighre: "Lubbock city Limits" ring a bell....?? good music was all up and down downtown Lubbock....
Purity-Of-Tween: Some excellent venues. Saw The Strawbs and Gentle Giant in Phoenix at Celeberty Theater. Still there?
Purity-Of-Tween: Might have to take a trip up there some time just for the heck of it.
Bightrethighrehighre: Celebrity is still there, kickin!!!
Bightrethighrehighre: I saw Joe Satriani there last year....
Purity-Of-Tween: Wow. Still a rotating stage?
Bightrethighrehighre: come on down, let me know we'll hook....
Bightrethighrehighre: Yeah, same stage, nothing has changed....
Bightrethighrehighre: saw FST ther in 1973....EXCELLENT....!!
Purity-Of-Tween: I've thought about a route 10 excursion. Haven't done it in a while. Was at Arcosanti in 1974, which I how I came to know the area. Oak Creek Canyon is wicked nice.
Purity-Of-Tween: Is there a recording?
Bightrethighrehighre: Yeah...you come to Arizona, you gotta see the big canyon and Sedona....
Purity-Of-Tween: Seen both. Beautiful country, Northern AZ. When I moved from Indiana, my first choice was Austin, the second was Flagstaff.
Bightrethighrehighre: No....recording....that I know of....
Purity-Of-Tween: Well, both of Mickey's hands are pointing to bedtime, so hopefully we'll see ya next week (or Sat for the J&B show).
Purity-Of-Tween: And don't forget to support Seeing Eye Radio - Weee'll meet againnn, don't know wherrre, don't know whennnn...
||||||||| Catherwood says "1:12 AM, time for SOMEONE to leave!", grabs Purity-Of-Tween by the collar and gives 'em the old bum's rush out the door
||||||||| It's 1:30 AM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| cease - dead from jaundice
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 2 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
||||||||| "Hey Bightrethighrehighre!" ... Bightrethighrehighre turns, and sees Bradshaw approching with the handcuffs, and is dragged away, screaming "it's only 2:55 AM, I don't have to go yet!"...
||||||||| Catherwood enters, and announces to all and sundry "It's 4:32 AM, time to change the log file and clean out unused rooms; please exit the chat room for a minute or two. Thank you for your patience."

The Evening's Participants:
Charles Throat
Dexter Fong
Hemlock Stones
Honey Sanchez
Johnny Piano
shoes for the dead
URL References:

Rogue's Gallery:

cat_pp.jpg (5168 bytes)
PP and Cat(cease)

newbunny.jpg (4426 bytes)

capeklok.jpg (5469 bytes)

capeken.jpg (7639 bytes)
kend^/Dr. Headphones

freq.jpg (4441 bytes)

ossman+me.gif (6000 bytes)
Merlyn and Tirebiter

capedoc.jpg (6006 bytes)

newlili.jpg (6085 bytes)

roto.jpg (6046 bytes)

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LeatherG & SO

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ahclem+Bambi.jpg (9500 bytes)
Ah, Clem and Bambi

old-man.gif (55478 bytes)
Compañero Señor Yämamoto

ashhar.jpg (9068 bytes)
Dexter Fong

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Bubba's Brain

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Peggy Blisswhips

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Audrey Farber

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Tiny Dr. Tim
Rest In Peace, Dear Friend

And, "The Home Team"