A Firesign Chat


||||||||| Catherwood re-enters the Waiting Room and explains "This is the main discussion room which is logged each night."
||||||||| Catherwood announces, "The time is 4:32 AM - I now declare Thursday's chat log for October 02, 2003 officially open!"... and then, he retires back to the vestibule...
||||||||| Catherwood trudges in at 8:32 PM, dragging Norman Chubbyknuckle & the All-Animal Whistling Choir by one foot and asks "Can anyone vouch for this bozo?"
Norman Chubbyknuckle & the All-Animal Whistling Choir: too oily, i guess
||||||||| Norman Chubbyknuckle & the All-Animal Whistling Choir rushes off, saying "8:33 PM? Mark Time is almost on! Where's a radio?"
||||||||| 8:53 PM: Rush Only Wanted a Pepsi Yamamoto jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past hour!"
Rush Only Wanted a Pepsi Yamamoto: ha
||||||||| Catherwood strides in with a trumpet, plays a fanfare, and proclaims "Nine PM on Thursday, October 02, 2003 - I now declare alt.comedy.firesgn-thtre's chat officially open!"
||||||||| Catherwood leads Merlyn inside, makes a note of the time (9:01 PM), then fades off into the distance going on about the waiting room or the sitting room or something.
Merlyn: catherwood is beyond the curve of the earth
Rush Only Wanted a Pepsi Yamamoto: oi
Merlyn: hey, yam-yam-mo
Rush Only Wanted a Pepsi Yamamoto: y
Rush Only Wanted a Pepsi Yamamoto: Rush didn't by heroin swear to god
Rush Only Wanted a Pepsi Yamamoto: oy not again
Rush Only Wanted a Pepsi Yamamoto: Merle you there?
Merlyn: yeah, something wrong?
Rush Only Wanted a Pepsi Yamamoto: phew
Rush Only Wanted a Pepsi Yamamoto: Thought I was houiting into the ether
Merlyn: hoity-tiotying?
Rush Only Wanted a Pepsi Yamamoto: Shouting
Merlyn: I should put a length limit on names...
Rush Only Wanted a Pepsi Yamamoto: sorry
Rush Only Wanted a Pepsi Yamamoto: hold on
||||||||| Around 9:08 PM, Rush Only Wanted a Pepsi Yamamoto walks off into the sunset...
||||||||| Outside, the 9:08 PM downtown bus from Funfun Town pulls away, leaving Repulajunkie Yamamoto coughing in a cloud of diesel fumes.
Repulajunkie Yamamoto: Better?
Merlyn: somewhat
Repulajunkie Yamamoto: wait
Merlyn: still kind of early, no matter what catherwood says
||||||||| Catherwood says "9:10 PM, time for SOMEONE to leave!", grabs Repulajunkie Yamamoto by the collar and gives 'em the old bum's rush out the door
||||||||| Catherwood escorts Yam-a-moto in through the front door at 9:10 PM, picks up his cues (only slightly scorched), and heads for the billiard room.
Yam-a-moto: Ha!
||||||||| Catherwood steals into the room, and intones "Announcing 'llanwydd', also known as 'Nancy' -- the time is 9:10 PM" -- then he slowly retires back into the vestibule...
Yam-a-moto: Now I'm short and sweet
llanwydd: ello
Merlyn: well, short anyway
llanwydd: no I'm not Nancy
Merlyn: but you're known as nancy
llanwydd: you'd think Catherwood would know better by now
||||||||| 9:12 PM: Balzac Yämamôtø jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past hour!"
Balzac Yämamôtø: Juted the wrong furshluginner buton
Merlyn: one of the yammies is an imposter
Balzac Yämamôtø: me]
||||||||| Merlyn aka 'The Reaper' has killed off Yam-a-moto at 9:13 PM
Balzac Yämamôtø: The other will die horribly any moment now
Balzac Yämamôtø: like that
Balzac Yämamôtø: His SPLEEN eaten by Marsupials
Balzac Yämamôtø: an ugly and vicious, yet 21st century kinda death
||||||||| Gusts of wind blow in from outside and the thumpa-thumpa-thumpa of helicopter blades is heard as Happy Panditt's chopper lands on the lawn and klokwkdog-coldNose disembarks at 9:15 PM.
Balzac Yämamôtø: No Long Names
llanwydd: did you know that Balzac died of caffeine poisoning? which reminds me...
Balzac Yämamôtø: I'm having a coffe as we speak
klokwkdog-coldNose: more noble than Tycho's demise
||||||||| 9:16 PM: Frank Acne Jr. jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past hour!"
klokwkdog-coldNose: would you like to buy another vowel, sarah?
Balzac Yämamôtø: That would be a good name for a band
Balzac Yämamôtø: "Tychos Demise"
klokwkdog-coldNose: it may be taken, Yam
Frank Acne Jr.: This looks like a dangerous "smoke easy?"
llanwydd: What Acne or Jr?
Balzac Yämamôtø: Goddam liberal media dissing Bush again
llanwydd: What ARE we going to do with the liberal media?
Frank Acne Jr.: Goddam liberal media indeed, traitors all!
klokwkdog-coldNose: consider all these taken ones: The Dancing French Liberals of 1848
Balzac Yämamôtø: Goddam liberal media dissing Bush again
klokwkdog-coldNose: The Dead Sea Squirrels
Balzac Yämamôtø: cool
llanwydd: is that for real, klok?
Frank Acne Jr.: Marianas Trench?
Balzac Yämamôtø: Are they any good?
klokwkdog-coldNose: Yep. Herpes Cineplex is taken
Balzac Yämamôtø: Don't talk that way about mariana
llanwydd: The Face on Mars
klokwkdog-coldNose: Jehovah's Witness Protection Program
Balzac Yämamôtø: That addresses a real need that one
klokwkdog-coldNose: Nate Nocturnal and the Nightly Emissions
Balzac Yämamôtø: Ewww
llanwydd: The Sore Throats
Balzac Yämamôtø: soiled sheets
klokwkdog-coldNose: Phlegm Fatale
Balzac Yämamôtø: That's funny
Frank Acne Jr.: Be boping Pie and ther fuck ups? No that was my first band!
Merlyn: count spatula
klokwkdog-coldNose: Screaming Iguanas of Love
llanwydd: The Experiment That Failed
Balzac Yämamôtø: I'm listening to the FZ version of Bolero
klokwkdog-coldNose: Shirley Temple Pilots
Frank Acne Jr.: Pandora's Other Box
klokwkdog-coldNose: Willie Nelson Mandela
Balzac Yämamôtø: an interesting mental snap that
klokwkdog-coldNose: Lee Harvey Keitel
llanwydd: Pope Floyd
Merlyn: pope secola
klokwkdog-coldNose: Honest Bob and the Factory to Dealer Incentives
Frank Acne Jr.: Punk Floyd
Merlyn: tess tube and the pipettes
klokwkdog-coldNose: Cindy Brady's Lisp
Balzac Yämamôtø: That's kinky
Frank Acne Jr.: Yellow Matted Custard
klokwkdog-coldNose: Band That Shot Liberty Valence
Balzac Yämamôtø: ew
Frank Acne Jr.: Ewe
Balzac Yämamôtø: this could be a web page
llanwydd: Kate Smith's Revenge
klokwkdog-coldNose: The Boxing Ghandis
Merlyn: it will be tomorrow
Merlyn: the New Tgingriches
Merlyn: the lost goldman dutch mine
Merlyn: degrassi knoll
Balzac Yämamôtø: Yr making this up
Frank Acne Jr.: The New Testicles
Balzac Yämamôtø: And I cant even think of any good shit
llanwydd: Crosby, Stills, Proctor and Bergman
Merlyn: sure
klokwkdog-coldNose: the list was actually posted to alt.comedy.firesgn-thtre on 28 Jan 1999
Balzac Yämamôtø: You mean I have to find it?
Balzac Yämamôtø: bah
Frank Acne Jr.: This list will be a Dennis Miller routine by the week end!
Merlyn: Hamsterdam
klokwkdog-coldNose: nah, search Google Groups, narrow to alt and look for the subject: "all the good ones are taken"
Balzac Yämamôtø: Bah on Dennis Miller
Frank Acne Jr.:
klokwkdog-coldNose: hey kids, it's Dennis Miller time!
Merlyn: Ichabob Crane
Frank Acne Jr.:
llanwydd: If you've got the time...
klokwkdog-coldNose is very pleased to have snagged two rendered O'Reilly books for $6.99 in the Job Lot tonight!
Merlyn: the sappho vanzettis
klokwkdog-coldNose: good one!
||||||||| With a theatrical clearing of his throat, Catherwood pipes up: "9:29 PM and late as usual, it's Frank Acme Sr., just back from Billville."
Balzac Yämamôtø: Rendered?
llanwydd: Job Lot? Related to Trent?
Merlyn: Of Babbages and Bings
llanwydd: he's got the patience of a Job
klokwkdog-coldNose: yeah, when they get out of date or too frumpy from shelf-thumbing or just being knocked around...
Merlyn: hey acme, should I kill off Jr.?
Balzac Yämamôtø: I thought all those dam lib bookstores hid those books
klokwkdog-coldNose: ...the book vendors sell them off at a fraction of their value to wholesalers, slash the top and bottom of the pages with a magic marker and deface the bar code
llanwydd: what ARE we going to do about the lib bookstores?
Merlyn: Rachel Prejudice and Sybil Rights
Balzac Yämamôtø: Kill them
||||||||| A time machine materializes at 9:31 PM and Frank Acme Sr. Sr. steps out, carrying a grape from ancient Greece.
klokwkdog-coldNose: well, it's just a political thing to have more of them in the business -- Rush says they really aren't smart enough to play on a level field
Merlyn: ceçi n'ést-pas une pipe-bombe
Balzac Yämamôtø: This is getting generationally weird
||||||||| Merlyn aka 'The Reaper' has killed off Frank Acne Jr. at 9:32 PM
||||||||| Merlyn aka 'The Reaper' has killed off Frank Acme Sr. at 9:32 PM
llanwydd: I KNEW Acme was a Greek name
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: We we manure
Merlyn: entire generations are dying
klokwkdog-coldNose: "Third World Service...searching for the traitor...who blew the generator..."
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: I was caught in a loop in a loop in aloop ... but I'm all better now!
Balzac Yämamôtø: From the bottom up
klokwkdog-coldNose: did you see Dr. Mobius in there?]
Merlyn: Mad Cow Orker
Merlyn: Dick Shaft and the Four Skins
Balzac Yämamôtø: BTW what is a "Level Playing Field" is that like a levelled mountain?
Merlyn: We Never Clothes
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Red Greenback & the Blueboys
Merlyn: H.L. Menckenstuf
klokwkdog-coldNose: Merlyn - there is one about that bad in the list, if you look
Merlyn: (he sings cynical kids' songs)
||||||||| 9:34 PM: Dr. Headphones jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past hour!"
Merlyn: I may have added it; it's one I made up a while ago
Dr. Headphones: good evening, dear friends :)
Balzac Yämamôtø: oi ken
klokwkdog-coldNose: well, Yam, to particular incarnations of Donovan, it might in fact be so!
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Dr. H!
klokwkdog-coldNose: hey Ken
Merlyn: The Fast Fourier Freq Bros
Dr. Headphones: sr. sr.? is there an echo in here?
Merlyn: uncorporeal punishment
Dr. Headphones: ha! merlyn, i bet not one in a hundred knows what you're talking about
klokwkdog-coldNose: oh, let's stay Discrete about it...
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: There were several Doc and and a deja vu again and again
Merlyn: the soylent green hornet
klokwkdog-coldNose: Cooley-Tukey and the Harmonics...
llanwydd: John Paul and the Popetones
Balzac Yämamôtø: You've got Globner's disease Ken-Take these drugs here, you' be fine. Rush has been taking them for a week and he's a changed MAN
Merlyn: turning water into whine
Merlyn: Apropostate
Dr. Headphones: llan: have you seen il papa lately? he's not looking good at all
klokwkdog-coldNose: it's just an act to get sympathy
Dr. Headphones: yeah, yam, that sure surprised me. mr. goodie two-shoes republican--a drug addict!
llanwydd: he's looking better than I am right now
Dr. Headphones: http://www.nydailynews.com/10-02-2003/front/story/122839p-110349c.html
Balzac Yämamôtø: Coulda knocked me over w/a feather
klokwkdog-coldNose: you're not well, Ilan.?
Dr. Headphones: i hadn't seen him for years, i'm surprised at how much weight he lost. but then, take enough drugs, you lose interest in food
Merlyn: and he's smoking a blunt
llanwydd: I'm well I just don't look good
Merlyn: mad cow-lick disease
klokwkdog-coldNose: anyone heard re Lili
klokwkdog-coldNose: ?
Dr. Headphones: llan: don't lie to us. you look FABULOUS!
Dr. Headphones: klok: last i heard, recuperating well. but we are due for an update
klokwkdog-coldNose: tnx
Merlyn: Corporal Philia
llanwydd: If you think so, Doc you must have some surveillance setup
Dr. Headphones: dr. headphones: sees all, nose all, smells all
Merlyn: cockroaches in the kafkateria
Dr. Headphones: gimme two, and add mustard
Merlyn: Pierced Brosnan
llanwydd: kafkateria! Brilliant!
Balzac Yämamôtø: Say did anyone snag my snap for the eventual louge of this page?
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Having a metamorphis Merl?
Merlyn: no thanks, I just ate
Dr. Headphones: yam: yep, someone did, i saw it (9" crosscut saw)
Balzac Yämamôtø: Ok
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Here have one of mine!
Balzac Yämamôtø: Little blue ones, please
klokwkdog-coldNose: kwd is gonna grab a beer and pop over to another tab and peruse briefly "Taiwan, inc is Really Unhappy about the cost of the 6+ layer boards" for a few min.; bak shortly
Dr. Headphones: hillbillyl heroin blue ones?
Balzac Yämamôtø: Yee Haw
Dr. Headphones: lord haw haw
Balzac Yämamôtø: haw haw haw
Balzac Yämamôtø drools
Merlyn: hey phones, I listened to lord haw haw's last broadcast on the web (he was drunk)
Balzac Yämamôtø: Maybe that's why he made that comment on ESPN
Dr. Headphones: i'll talk about him since he's not here. dave (the blind one) was so amused one night we were chatting i said "yee haw" and he said it sounded so strange to hear his screen reader say that phrase
Dr. Headphones: brew ha ha?
Balzac Yämamôtø: Haw haw Haw
Balzac Yämamôtø: etc
Balzac Yämamôtø: Too many brews
Dr. Headphones: a stray speck of dust put an apostrophe on my screen in the wrong place. better than catastrophe, i guess
Balzac Yämamôtø: Yes
llanwydd: You know, I really think we should all get together for a picnic sometime and have peccary pie and groat clusters and whole beef halves and moleskin cookies and some swell pizza
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: BLUES ...
Balzac Yämamôtø: Yes
Dr. Headphones: frank: i'm going to watch the rerun at 11pm, csi on right now and i like that show
Balzac Yämamôtø: nk some sort of get-together would be a good thing
llanwydd: let's actually invent some recipes
Dr. Headphones: i'll bring the moleskin cookies. one box will feed us all
Balzac Yämamôtø: Skinned Mole Souffle?
Dr. Headphones: llan: i actually have recipe for "nasi goring" somewhere on computer. it was featured on one of the albums
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Eat'em wipe'm off Eat'em again
llanwydd: I came across nasi goring on the web as well. It's Indonesian
Dr. Headphones: i would never make it, sounded quite a bit spicier than my taste will accept gracefully
Dr. Headphones: but then, all my taste is in my mouth....
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: I'm Nasi Goring, I'm never boring, I put on the Zuit Suit I go to scoring ...
Dr. Headphones: was that from "tv or not tv"?
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: It ain't easy being a gorilla but everybody got a little gorilla inside him ...
llanwydd: I always thought it was "I go exploring"
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: yes
Dr. Headphones: frank: if you were spanish, you could be "Sr. Frank Acme Sr."
Balzac Yämamôtø: Como?
Dr. Headphones: perry como?
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: K?
llanwydd: next week I'll share my recipe for cherrystone pie
Balzac Yämamôtø: I was in a comop for a year
Balzac Yämamôtø: Deep dish?
Balzac Yämamôtø: That was supposed to be "como"
Dr. Headphones: i've known some deep dishes in my time....
llanwydd: sure
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: We had to sell our comop and go live in a lake!
Balzac Yämamôtø: Mariana?
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Over buy the trench ...
Dr. Headphones: i can't buy that trench, too expensive
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Via Duck?
Balzac Yämamôtø: watch that trench mouth of yrs, son!
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Watch out for that entrenching tool !
Merlyn: don't put that entrenching tool in your mouth son!
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Wait till your father comes home ...
Balzac Yämamôtø: Damn kids put EVERYTHING in their mouths these days
Dr. Headphones: i've become very careful about what goes in my mouth in my old age. now where's that bag of yoghurt chips?
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Don't run in the trenches!
Balzac Yämamôtø: Yoghurt Chips?
Dr. Headphones: and don't sleep in the subway
Merlyn: buy our trenches this high and our soldiers won't need any pants
Balzac Yämamôtø: Jared will eat yr sandwich
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: And don't track musd across my nice clean floor ...
Balzac Yämamôtø: ha!
Balzac Yämamôtø: Bad typing strixe again
Merlyn: typo marx
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Zeus I miss my spel checkers ...
Balzac Yämamôtø: Groucho's half-brother
Dr. Headphones: athena i miss my owl
Balzac Yämamôtø: What a face he had
Dr. Headphones: olyve owl
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Shouldn't that be father further?
Dr. Headphones: der furher
llanwydd: groucho, harpo and typo
Balzac Yämamôtø: George?
Dr. Headphones: ringo!
llanwydd: why a font?
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Don't lead him so much owls aren't fast!
Merlyn: why-a no chicken?
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Via Duck?
Balzac Yämamôtø: Our contry is really run by an owl-faced coke addict!
Dr. Headphones: contrary to popular belief, duck does NOT taste like chicken
llanwydd: whooooo
Dr. Headphones: yam: what happened to the smirking chimp?
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: How John Ashcroft got into my pajamas I'll never know?
Balzac Yämamôtø: Duck is tasty
Merlyn: duck tastes kind of like between chicken and turkey
Dr. Headphones: frank: section 141 of the USA PATRIOT act
Dr. Headphones: anyone here ever done a turducken?
Balzac Yämamôtø: The other primates are VERY insulted by the comparison
||||||||| Gusts of wind blow in from outside and the thumpa-thumpa-thumpa of helicopter blades is heard as Happy Panditt's chopper lands on the lawn and Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong disembarks at 9:58 PM.
Dr. Headphones: hey dex
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Hey y'all
llanwydd: except the greasy stuff in Chinese restaurants
Balzac Yämamôtø: oi
Merlyn: I thought yammy had an annoying name
Balzac Yämamôtø: bwhahahahaha
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: BLUES What Up?
Balzac Yämamôtø: y yr own poptart
Dr. Headphones: i popped a tart once, set me back $50
Balzac Yämamôtø: That was "Hoist by yr own potart"
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: FASS = Unca Ernie?
Balzac Yämamôtø: balzac
Dr. Headphones: my balzac has hair on it
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Certanknee
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Ken: You oughtta see my Rousseau
Dr. Headphones: REM on letterman tonight, if anyone is interested
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Shhhhh I'm in dis skys!
Dr. Headphones: dex: post a pic, i'll mis-type the url :)
Balzac Yämamôtø: Throw a towel over it
llanwydd: those guys are still around?!
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Make it do push-ups ...
||||||||| 10:00 PM: mrmuckle. Mr. Jake Muckle, M.D. (Madness Defined) jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past hour!"
Merlyn: vanna, throw a vowel over it
Merlyn: worse and worse...
Dr. Headphones: hello, muckle et al
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 10 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
Dr. Headphones: catherwood up to 1/4 hr fast now
Balzac Yämamôtø: al et
mrmuckle. Mr. Jake Muckle, M.D. (Madness Defined): hi, y'all
||||||||| Catherwood ushers Bambi into the room, accepts a grimy quarter as a gratuity, mumbles something about 10:01 PM, then departs.
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Merl: Build it and they will take liberties
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Hey Muc what the fuc?
mrmuckle. Mr. Jake Muckle, M.D. (Madness Defined): Al et what?
Dr. Headphones: hi bambi--LTNS
Bambi: hello there :)
Balzac Yämamôtø: Animale Crackers
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Hey Bambi
Balzac Yämamôtø: bam-b
Dr. Headphones: of course, no power makes it probably you weren't on line
Bambi: yeah ... 12 days without electricity is a ... well, you know LOL!
Dr. Headphones: are you at the proverbial "end of the line" or was the entire community out that long?
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Power was nobodies business
Dr. Headphones: bambi: i should have given you my spare zeppelin tube when you were here
Merlyn: what is this, Italy?
Bambi: entire community was out that long...and some of the entire state as well ... good 'ole Izzy (Hurricane Isabel)
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Around the department of spies ...
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Chiao Bambini
Bambi: yeah, that might have been very helpful Ken :)
Bambi: Chiao Dex
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: If this is Italy, take my spare zeppoli tube
mrmuckle. Mr. Jake Muckle, M.D. (Madness Defined): wait'll L.A. sinks below the ocean for a record "electricity's out" record...
Merlyn: I thought you ate zeppoli tubes
Dr. Headphones: that's canoli, merl
Balzac Yämamôtø: W/Tomato sauce
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Merl: You eat them to build up your resistance
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: I have this rare Zappa Fuse ...
Bambi: I love zeppolis
Bambi: can't get them here in VA
Dr. Headphones: i have enough resistance (100K ohms last time i measured)
Balzac Yämamôtø listens to Sharleena
Merlyn: if ahnold gets elected, Predator will be a movie with 2 governors in it
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: 100K 'Ohmes, splendid old chap
Bambi: pizza dough deep fat fried and rolled in 10x sugar ....yummmm
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: I have Charva on ...
Bambi: have made them myself at home since I can't get them here
Merlyn: that's the most since "three pests from the west"
||||||||| mrmuckle. Mr. Jake Muckle, M.D. (Madness Defined) rushes off, saying "10:06 PM? Mark Time is almost on! Where's a radio?"
Dr. Headphones: bambi: i'm drooling now, thanks for that mental picture!
Balzac Yämamôtø: I love that
||||||||| Catherwood ushers mrmuckle into the room, accepts a grimy quarter as a gratuity, mumbles something about 10:06 PM, then departs.
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Is that Hemlock Ohms?
llanwydd: evening muckle
Merlyn: ohm....ohm....range
Balzac Yämamôtø: Watt?
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: MM: I see your party left
Dr. Headphones: georg ohm, father of acoustics. member of the german resistance
mrmuckle: Ahhh. Back again so soon...
||||||||| ah,clem waltzes in at 10:06 PM carrying an obsidian door knocker.
Bambi: hi muckle
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Am I seeing double ?
Balzac Yämamôtø: ah, Clem
Dr. Headphones: clem! welcome back to the land of the nutzo
Merlyn: resistance is useless
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Ahhhh, Clem!
mrmuckle: The Case of the Oyster Fez
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Resistance is useful!
Merlyn: impedance is useless
Dr. Headphones: don't let me get near inductance though, nixon drafted my ass in 72, last induction i want
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Deputy Dan will find us, it will be Okay!
Bambi: hi ah,clem :)
ah,clem: hi all
Merlyn: I wonder if Jack van Impe ever does an Impe Dance
Balzac Yämamôtø: God, I actually Volunteered
Balzac Yämamôtø: Is he still on about Gorby?
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Balz: You from tennessee?
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: RA 16926543
Balzac Yämamôtø: No
Merlyn: I think Impe is up on the new european union
Balzac Yämamôtø: CO
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: US 51 455 568....Sir!!!!!
Balzac Yämamôtø: 3
mrmuckle: "Regular" - "one size fits all"
Balzac Yämamôtø: 80903
mrmuckle: 98513
Dr. Headphones: 90210?
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Zippy
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: I don't know but I've heard rumors ...
Balzac Yämamôtø: European Union? Yopu mean SOVIET union!
Merlyn: french onion
Balzac Yämamôtø: pesky commies!
Bambi: ah, back again ... redialed
Balzac Yämamôtø: glass onion
Dr. Headphones: mmm, with lots of melted provolone on top
Merlyn: norwegian wood
Balzac Yämamôtø: crunchy
Dr. Headphones: did anyone else besides me watch sir paul in red square last weekend on a&e?
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: With melted candle wax on top
Merlyn: french crunchy frogs
mrmuckle: yeah, Dex, but the cheese will take the edge off!
Bambi: yummmm, melted provolone on scallops with green pepper and onion in butter ..... ah, now that's a meal
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Crunchy Frog Heap Good Kemosabe!
Balzac Yämamôtø eats a frozen beef pie
Dr. Headphones: bambi: and i had a stinkin' hamburger and onion rings for dinner....
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: I'm looking for a nice edgy cheese, perhpas a Yorkshire Bleu
Balzac Yämamôtø: the cat's eaten it
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: The van broke down ...
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Speaking of the cat, he still on the road?
Dr. Headphones: speaking of van, got email from cat, he's going to school 4 thursdays in a row, sends his regards
Balzac Yämamôtø: hope he moves when cars go by
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Balz: What and be chicken?
Bambi: well, I didn't have those scallops for dinner ... just got to thinking of them when melted provolone was mentioned LOL!
Balzac Yämamôtø: The scallops are hurt
Dr. Headphones: i've got a pound of frozen shrimp in the freezer, and some prov. cheese too, maybe that will be tomorrow's dinner :)
Balzac Yämamôtø: dressed up and all
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Large Diver scallops wrapped in baked, dusted with paprika and broiled
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: wrapped in bacon
Dr. Headphones: hmmm, that's redundant: "frozen shrimp in the freezer"
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Hot groat clusters yum
Balzac Yämamôtø: In little wetsuits
Bambi: sounds good Dex
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: With teeny weeny little scuba masks
Balzac Yämamôtø invites himeself to dinner
Bambi: I have had scallops like that before ... very good
Dr. Headphones: how do you fill their tiny little tanks?
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Do you have a reservation, Sir?
Balzac Yämamôtø: W/a syringe
Dr. Headphones: ute or navajo?
Merlyn: I won't be here next week, at this time I'll be on a plane to London, but I'll come in early to just post something...
ah,clem: I had reservations, but I came anyway
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: The Stinking desert Res
Balzac Yämamôtø: Reservation? Do I look indian to you, Kimosabe?
Bambi: kinda like a hot water heater huh Ken?
Dr. Headphones: lol, bambi! i've gotten into arguments before about that term. if it's hot, you don't need to heat it
Dr. Headphones: bambi: did you see my newest cat?
Merlyn: I should make the thursday after that, though.
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Hey Joe ... who won second world war if you so smart?
ah,clem: not responsible
Dr. Headphones: http://webpages.charter.net/kendeb52/cats.html
Bambi: I think you sent me a picture of your newest cat Ken :)
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: Mr. Birdseed go to press! Peace Y'all!
Dr. Headphones: i have about 4 of her up now
Dr. Headphones: bye bye birdieseed
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.: http://issuesandalibis.org
||||||||| Around 10:18 PM, Frank Acme Sr. Sr. walks off into the sunset...
Balzac Yämamôtø: nice kitties
Dr. Headphones: she's in my lap now, and she's very warm. my personal furnace
Bambi: nice page Ken :)
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Ken: Whole lotta cat pictures =)
Dr. Headphones: i wish it was as warm outside as in right now. last night was 31, tonight already 35
Bambi: Beaner is cute :)
Dr. Headphones: dex: i love my kitties :)
Balzac Yämamôtø: y
Dr. Headphones: bambi: you don't want to be close when she outgasses though
Balzac Yämamôtø: http://mryamamoto.topcities.com/cat-porn/cat-porn.htm
Bambi: has a real problem ... not just a little problem with the outgasses then?
Dr. Headphones: i'm not sure if it's the diet. have 3 bags (25#) of food, so it won't change any time soon
Dr. Headphones: the other cats don't seem to be bothered by it
Bambi: oh, well ... cute though, none the less
Dr. Headphones: yep, and she's a real lover too. purrs all the time
ah,clem: kinka like "the fox", Ken?
Dr. Headphones: she finally figured out how to jump in bed with me
ah,clem: (gas)
Dr. Headphones: clem, i sure dont squeeze her!
ah,clem: LOL
Balzac Yämamôtø: Stevie can do that now and again
Balzac Yämamôtø: PU
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Birdcie Num-Nums
Dr. Headphones: i wish i could take a movie of her playing with toys. i make her run around in circles then laugh at her when she gets dizzy and falls over
Dr. Headphones: "she's no fun, she fell right over"
Bambi: Beanie sounds like Teddy with all the purring :)
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Sounds like you've bonded Ken =)
Dr. Headphones: oh yeah, dex, she adopted me real quickly
ah,clem: we were 12 days with no power, sure glad to be back on the grid
klokwkdog-coldNose: bondo junkie!
Bambi: were any of you up near where that hurricane hit Canada a few days ago?
Dr. Headphones: clem: i'm not sure how i'd handle that. been 2 days at the most in my life
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Hiya Klok
||||||||| Balzac Yämamôtø says "Catherwood, call me a cab." After the obvious joke, Balzac Yämamôtø exits at 10:27 PM.
klokwkdog-coldNose: lo
klokwkdog-coldNose: nite Yam
ah,clem: hi Klok
Dr. Headphones: klok: i use bondo to fix my skin problem. apply, sand, paint, good as new :)
klokwkdog-coldNose: howdy clem
Bambi: night yammi
Bambi: hi klok
ah,clem: feeling good tonight I see
klokwkdog-coldNose: hello bamBi
Bambi: llanwydd is fading and Merlyn not far behind ....
Bambi: so how has everyone been ?
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Muckles safe inside the parens though
Dr. Headphones: mr. muckle appears to be hiding in another room, eavesdropping
klokwkdog-coldNose: bruce perens?
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Don't know the reference Klok
Merlyn: I resemble that remark
Dr. Headphones: shimon perens?
klokwkdog-coldNose: linux supporter/spokesman
Bambi: is that what the ( ) means?
||||||||| It's 10:30 PM, and that means it's time to play BEAT THE REAPER! And here's how our contestants did:
||||||||| llanwydd - dead from the common cold
||||||||| Better luck next time! And now, back to our chatroom, which is already in progress...
Bambi: hi Merlyn
Dr. Headphones: yes, when you exit without really going anywhere, you get put in jail in ( )
Bambi: oh, oh....llanwydd dead from the common cold ... bummmer
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Low resistance
ah,clem: death by sneezing
Dr. Headphones: of course, we can make lewd pictures of buttocks with them too. ( . )
ah,clem: sad
Merlyn: ( ) means "I'm away"
Bambi: we are linux enthusiasts
Dr. Headphones: yeah, clem, it doesn't take much to amuse me. ascii art combined with body parts is a winning combo for me
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: <> means I've got an angle here
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Ken: ascii sheep and cheese even better
ah,clem: thought that was ( ! ) Ken
Dr. Headphones: clem: depends on the angle you observe from ;)
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: (^)
ah,clem: guess so
Bambi: ( : ) ... with dimples
Bambi: (I didn't say that LOL!)
Dr. Headphones: like the korean woman i knew once, when i asked her the obvious question relating to slanting, she told me it was all in the point of view
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Ken: TMI
Dr. Headphones: ok, i'll get out of the gutter now. how bout them mets?
Bambi: mets what?
Dr. Headphones: dunno, just my all purpose subject changing line
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Anybody watching the series on the blues on PBS?
Bambi: that'll work
Dr. Headphones: dex: haven't missed a night yet. will sign off here at 11pm and watch the rerun until 1230
Bambi: didn't know there was one on
Merlyn: I'm going to try a weird test
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Bam: Well you aint had the power
Bambi: will have to check the news sites and see if the sea launcher did ok
Dr. Headphones: pbs, every night this week, 7 parts
Merlyn: hey, it worked, sort of
ah,clem: great to see you all, but I am getting sleepy,
Merlyn: hokay, clem
Dr. Headphones: merl: we didn't notice anything unusual here
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Here Clem; take this Ben's ODream
Dr. Headphones: clem: get your beauty rest (grid knows you need it!)
Bambi: actually we have power now since 11am tuesday :)
Merlyn: I know; I was testing to see if I could take over mrmuckle's name, and I couldn't
ah,clem: night everyone
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Serie started on Sun night Bam
Dr. Headphones: bambi: hope you had lots of peanut butter and crackers in the cupboard!
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Night Clem
Bambi: night clem ... see ya soon :)
ah,clem: k
||||||||| ah,clem says "Catherwood, call me a cab." After the obvious joke, ah,clem exits at 10:37 PM.
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Yah know guys...we haven't seen any of the fab four or five guys recently
Bambi: we had canned stuff and peanut butter and jam
Dr. Headphones: dex: i was wondering about that myself. perhaps tonight the long drought will end?
Bambi: good staple items for power outages
Merlyn: last was a month ago, Sept 4
Dr. Headphones: bambi: i hope you don't have only an electric opener!
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: ...and the terrible Firesign drought continues
Bambi: and non-fat dry milk to make to order for coffee we brewed on our camping stove
Dr. Headphones: can't live without coffee....folgers is good :)
Bambi: nope ... we keep our fingers limber with a manual can opener LOL
Bambi: yep ... that's what we had folgers
Merlyn: hey, we've only gone for 4 weeks, we've gone 7 weeks with no Firesign appearance
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Merl: Lot longer when it was IRC
Bambi: no new Firesign projects in the works Dex?
Bambi: sounds like we were here for the last Firesign appearance in chat then
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Bam: I'm on hiatus and going on long cacation next fri so nothing for awhile
Bambi: cool, I am sure you will enjoy that Dex
Dr. Headphones: cacation have anything to do with caca?
Dr. Headphones: try ex-lax
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Cen: You bet =)
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: or is it Ven?
klokwkdog-coldNose: Lester Durd and the Corporolites!
Dr. Headphones: bambi: i spoke with roto/dave on phone over the weekend, he only went a couple days without, fared well
Bambi: roto/dave was without power for a few days too?
klokwkdog-coldNose: Six feet of water in the streets of Evangeline...
Dr. Headphones: yes, but not nearly as bad as you
Dr. Headphones: klok: you singin' the blues tonight?
klokwkdog-coldNose: that's not the blues
Bambi: it was weird seeing our shingles flying around the neighborhood during the hurricane :(
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: It's a situation report
Dr. Headphones: the reds? (those damned commies)
Dr. Headphones: hurricanes are awesome, but i think i liked them better as a kid than i would now if i lived in a prone area
Bambi: worse going around picking them all up again from all over the place and knowing they were gonners
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Ken: Prone is good, less resistance to the wind
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Oh. six feet of water all around the streets of Evangeline....
Bambi: not much fun ... we even heard the 'freight train' sound of a tornado here
Dr. Headphones: dex, you always get the "other" meaning--and make it apropos :)
Dr. Headphones: ok, clue me in. where's that line from?
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Klok
Dr. Headphones: that's right, pass the buck.
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Got my scuba gear on, still can't find that gal o mine
Dr. Headphones: calomine lotion
Bambi: did you get any of the hurricane remains Ken? I heard that some of MI got 40mph winds from the remnants of the storm after crossing the lake
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Hey no fiar italicizing your name too
klokwkdog-coldNose: what, are we on a Krzysztof Kieslowski kick here?
Dr. Headphones: bambi: we got some clouds from the extreme edge, but no rain or wind
Bambi: hey, somebody italicized everything
klokwkdog-coldNose: the line was from Randy Newman's "Louisiana, 1927"
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: NEIN
Bambi: glad to hear it Ken
Dr. Headphones: hmmm, i don't get the italics here, except the quoted lines
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: It's Merlyn
Bambi: ah, much better :)
Dr. Headphones: thanks, klok. i like randy but don't know all his stuff
Merlyn: what's me?
Bambi: Merlyn's having fun with fonts ... that's cool
klokwkdog-coldNose: They're tryin' to wash us away/They're tryin' to wash us away. One of my favorites
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: You've italic everybody
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Fun with the Fonts...Happy Days are here again
Bambi: hey, hate to do it but gotta get some rest ... getting very tired here
depends on your browser
Bambi: so will go rest my eyes for awhile
Dr. Headphones: go do it, bambi, and good luck on the repairs
Dr. Headphones: mozilla 1.5a here
Bambi: have a great night !
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Bam: At least you can turn your lights out now =)
Bambi: Ken
Merlyn: dex fong did it!
Bambi: thanks Ken
Bambi: yeah Dex sure can :)
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Merl: I have not the power
klokwkdog-coldNose: it's part of an arc on the album Good Old Boys with "Every Man A King" (Huey Long's campaign song) and "Kingfish"
Dr. Headphones: dex: put in new aa batteries, should work well
Bambi: see ya next time
klokwkdog-coldNose: nite Bambi
Merlyn: everybody does, if they start italics and don't end it, and the software doesn't figure it out
||||||||| At 10:52 PM, Bambi runs out the door saying "Hey, mister ice-cream man, I've got a nickel, wait for meeeee..."
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Night Bambi
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Merl: I always end my italics
Dr. Headphones: newman is one who writes better than he sings. i adore the linda ronstadt version of "feels like home to me"
klokwkdog-coldNose: ...which opens with the controversial "Rednecks"
Dr. Headphones: klok: sounds like one i should put on my wish list
Merlyn: But at the end of one line, you typed </i.</i> and that did it for NN but not IE
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Ken: Vocal quality aint everthing
klokwkdog-coldNose: WPKN this afternoon played Warren Zevon's version of Dylan's "Knocking on Heaven's Door" from Zevon's final album. It was haunting.
Dr. Headphones: dex: very much agreed on that. look at dylan....
Dr. Headphones: klok: yes, almost brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Which eye, left or right?
klokwkdog-coldNose: listening to Dylan is hard enough, thanks, Ken
klokwkdog-coldNose: also they did Seeger and Billy Bragg and others doing Seeger's "Bring the Boys Home"
Dr. Headphones: dex: the middle, i'm a cyclops
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Merl: Sorry about that, tried to be carefull
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Did any of you get a laugh out of the Segway recall?
Merlyn: I think NN should be blamed for that, you did close it
Dr. Headphones: dex: yeah, stupid people depending on machines to stand up straight deserve to fall
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Thanks Merl; whew
klokwkdog-coldNose: not really. it sounds like a situation where folks overrode the safeties and got in trouble
Merlyn: do they wheel themselves back to the plant for a recall?
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Ken: I can just see those machines as the battery dies and the gyros stop whirling around uncontrolably =)))
klokwkdog-coldNose: more amusing is that I just read that there is an open source set of code with which one can build their own, non-proprietary Segway
you did it again, sex
Merlyn: I mean dex
Dr. Headphones: i love gyros. heavy on the feta cheese, please
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Merl: sex is good
klokwkdog-coldNose: I find this Indian electric vehicle much more interesting than the $$$ Segway: http://www.revaindia.com/
Dr. Headphones: dex: i wish i could remember....
klokwkdog-coldNose: some dance to forget...
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong escews italics but adds ...some dance to remember...
Dr. Headphones: klok: i'd hate to see one of those after collision with SUV
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Klok: Is that an all-electric car? cause if it is, they aren't any good in urban areas
klokwkdog-coldNose: space frame steel tubing body and ABS plastic panels. they test in at the factory with sledge hammers
Merlyn: top speed of 40 MPH
||||||||| Catherwood enters the room, strikes a gong, and bellows "THE TIME IN NEW YORK IS 11 O'CLOCK", then silently exits.
Dr. Headphones: kid on bike could outrun you
klokwkdog-coldNose: Dex - you need to inform the folks in Bangalore of that...
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Klok: If you had one in say NYC, where would you plug it in?
klokwkdog-coldNose: the idea is that you live in suburbs, charge it up, foray into the evil city and escape (as long as the journey is <80 km)
Dr. Headphones: dex: put under your arm, carry up to your apt. and plug it in :)
klokwkdog-coldNose: I'd run an extension cord out into my driveway, Dex (it runs on 220)
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Klok: I live in a Brownstone, 3rd floor
klokwkdog-coldNose: does it have a Freight elevator?
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Klok: However, my wife's agency car is a hybrid electric...Prius
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: or is it Prias?
klokwkdog-coldNose: if it's that urban, you use a Subway, not a Segway or Reva
Dr. Headphones: dex: i viewed page from some nyc paper other day (village voice?) and was amazed at the real estate prices on the ads down the margin.
klokwkdog-coldNose: Prius is very reasonable. They don't work out in the country--there is no gain to speak of over gas car
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Ken: It's fantasy land here. if you ain't rent controled, you don't live in manhattan unless you make beaucoup bucks
Dr. Headphones: yeah. i've never made enough in a month my entire life to afford the rent there. 1br 1/2 bath $4500/month?
||||||||| 11:06 PM: Dave jumps out of the hall closet saying "I've been listening to all of you talking about me for the past hour!"
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: K: Well, that's really top o the market, not all rents like that but still....
klokwkdog-coldNose: that's mostly true of all of New England, Ash, and much of the US that isn't farmland is following. A good bit of RI now goes for $40K/acre and up.
Dave: hello all, I've been swamped so I've missed that whole blues thing
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Klok: How much for the mule?
Dr. Headphones: my home would probably rent for $550-600/month, my mortgage (inc. tax and insurance) is less than $300
klokwkdog-coldNose: you must be blue about that
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Hey Dave
klokwkdog-coldNose: regular or enhanced, Dex?
Dr. Headphones: 2 story, 4 BR, basement, yard, etc.
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: You can get an enhanced mule now? WoW
klokwkdog-coldNose: rents in suburban Providence towns are triple that; 4X to 7X as you get closer to Boston
klokwkdog-coldNose: you bet your ass, Dex
Dr. Headphones: glad i'm out in the boonies then
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Klok: LOL
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: I'm staying here in the Burrito
klokwkdog-coldNose: useful if you need fairly autonomous transport and have to move fast, since grazing takes too long or may not be available
klokwkdog-coldNose: Dex - is that like The Dakota, only cheaper?
Dave: mmm, burrito
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong sings: Don't ring my Taco bell if you doesn't want my frito lays
Dr. Headphones: mcdonalds is even getting into the tex-mex business. saw ad for "del rio" salad tonight on tv
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Del Rio = of the river...hmm, salad with Hudson River dressing ech
Dr. Headphones: sounds real appetizing when you put it that way
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Or if you prefer...Salad with Coney Island White fish
klokwkdog-coldNose: they are even sending them to the troops in Iraq: special version called Del Rio Bravo
Dr. Headphones: served with john wayne toilet paper? (i don't take no shit off nobody!)
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Hey! Anybody know any CIA agents we can out?
klokwkdog-coldNose: and the version for the Air Force: Del Rio Bravo Wilco
klokwkdog-coldNose: some journalist outed the only one I know
Merlyn: Ima Nagent?
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Roger? Roger? Can I get a four-square reading on that
mrmuckle: Ah. Alll fed up and feelin' gud about it
Dr. Headphones: well, dear friends, i'm wrapping it up here at desk, moving over to couch to watch "the blues" for 2 hrs. see ya later
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: MM is back from the paren prison
Merlyn: by phones
mrmuckle: hello. I must be going.
||||||||| At 11:14 PM, Dr. Headphones runs out the door saying "Hey, mister ice-cream man, I've got a nickel, wait for meeeee..."
klokwkdog-coldNose: nite Ken. I'm going to fade up the BBC News and gradually fade down my presents
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Night Ken; Thanks for the email etc =)
Merlyn: we already did marx bros jokes
mrmuckle: oh. I'm always a day late and a dollar short...
Dave: hey, where'd the ice cream man come in? I could go for some ice cream
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Dave: You wanna some tutsi fruitsi?
mrmuckle: make mine Rocky Rococo Road
klokwkdog-coldNose: ...and we did all the Krzysztof Kieslowski movie stuff, too
klokwkdog-coldNose: so nothing borrowed, blue, white, or red...
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Nothing left to do but another chorus of Evangeline
mrmuckle: Well, I'd like to invite everyone to the Oyster Festival this weekend in Shelton, WA
klokwkdog-coldNose: President Coolidge come down on a railroad train/With a little fat man with a notepad in his hand
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Oh yeah
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong sings back up at this point
klokwkdog-coldNose: President say little fat man, ain't it a shame/What the river have done/To this poor crackers' land?
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: A crying shame
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Long silence interlude
mrmuckle: yeah - but I can still hear the backbeat
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: uhoh
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong:

Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Stuck in italic land again
mrmuckle: "does the noise in my head bother you?"

Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: No, it's the snuffling that bothers me
Dave: I'm still here, just got a billion things going on at once
mrmuckle: that's Gollum
klokwkdog-coldNose: "failed to hand over power to the Iraqis quickly enough"?? heck, they gotta get the lines working, first... ;-)
Merlyn: An italic test
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Dave: Can you list those billion things?
mrmuckle: YEAH - and alphabetized!!!
klokwkdog-coldNose: aw, just pipe it to sort
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: and prioritized too!!!
klokwkdog-coldNose: (unless you're feeling out-of-sorts...)
Merlyn: pipelines is what this war was about
klokwkdog-coldNose: in Iraq? they don't even know how to redirect, much less pipeline
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: All those republican fuckkers should line up and thake the pipe
mrmuckle: yes - they're trying to figure out how to pipe it directly into their bank accounts
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong wonders: was I too blunt
klokwkdog-coldNose: ROFL: N. Korea says they have all sorts of nuclear weapons; we say we don't believe them
mrmuckle: Brunt? Whassa brunt?
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong wonders maybe I wasn't blunt enough
klokwkdog-coldNose: Iraq said it had no nuclear weapons, and we're going to spend a billion bucks to show that they were lying
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Klok: Even if they have WMD, do they have a delivery system?
klokwkdog-coldNose: we just had a delivery system crash into our buildings on 9/11
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Klok: Does Air NK fly into us airports?
klokwkdog-coldNose: N. Korea has a very nice medium-range missile based on the SCUD, and they've hopped it up to reach Alaska and possibley California
klokwkdog-coldNose: they are trying like hell to shrink their bomb small enough to ride on the stretched missile
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: K: I thought they were just able to barely reach Japan
klokwkdog-coldNose: that's the bottom part. they have an upper stage. payload goes down, range goes up
klokwkdog-coldNose: it's on fas.org somewhere
mrmuckle: I've heard that L.A and SanFran are still a stretch, but Seattle is available now
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: To quote Randy Newman: "Let's drop the big one now"
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Too brunt?
mrmuckle: To Quote Eric Idle: "Life's a laugh and Death is the joke"
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong nudges and winks
mrmuckle: from "Always look on the..."
klokwkdog-coldNose: n. korea makes Saddam seem positively stable
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: K: True, that NK dude is really crazy
klokwkdog-coldNose: and not helped by Bush posturing and shouting, "Go ahead, make my day"
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Bush will be at the next World Wide wrestlemania
mrmuckle: Hope he's gonna be the MAT!
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: A UN Lumberjack-stee;cage-Texas chain saw-Indian deathmatch Interview
mrmuckle: stold
klokwkdog-coldNose: OK, I'm gonna hang it up now
klokwkdog-coldNose: nite everyone
Merlyn: nite kwd
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: And KDog retires undefeated
mrmuckle: gunnite K
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Night Brian
||||||||| klokwkdog-coldNose says "Catherwood, call me a cab." After the obvious joke, klokwkdog-coldNose exits at 11:39 PM.
mrmuckle: But wait! Phil'll be along any minute now
Merlyn: mebbie
mrmuckle: I heard he's toppin' off at Pop's sodium shop, just around the corner
Dave: you know, there aren't soda fountains anymore really, just fast food
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Soembody sent me a msg but I cant seem to expand the msg space to read it
Merlyn: click the msg linj
Merlyn: link
mrmuckle: Yeah - "fast food" - AND IT'S NEITHER!!!
Merlyn: you should be able to read the first two lines at least, unless your msg area is really small
Dave: well bluse breakers and jazz junkies (myself included now,) I'm gonna hit the tar and beat the blacktop, no idea why I'm talking like that, just felt like it, so, I will see you all next week, and will hopefully actually say more shtuff, mean while, keep shvinging!
Merlyn: you sound like stan svenge
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Merl: I kinda got it , thanks
Merlyn: kinda?
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Dave: Sorry I missed your msge
Dave: later future coffin users!
Merlyn: dex, all messages sent to you should be visible if you click the "msgs" link
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Merl: I sometimes forget to click on dialog box and what i type goes astray
||||||||| 11:46 PM -- Dave left for parts unknown.   (Entry from Nick Danger's "Idiots I Have Been Paid To Follow").
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Well, have a great time in London next week Merl, I'll be away through the 27th of Oct so catch you when we all rejoin
Merlyn: ok dex
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: Night MM
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong: =) Night all
mrmuckle: Good night!!
Merlyn: nite
||||||||| Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong rushes off, saying "11:49 PM? Mark Time is almost on! Where's a radio?"
mrmuckle: Geez but I'm slow...
Merlyn: well, nobody left except us, so byeeee
||||||||| Merlyn runs out the back door as Mayor P'nisnose blasts through the front door holding a shotgun and shouting "Where's Merlyn?! It's 11:49 PM and my ballot boxes haven't been stuffed yet!"
||||||||| A time machine materializes at 11:50 PM and Merlyn steps out, carrying a grape from ancient Greece.
||||||||| Merlyn departs at 11:50 PM, singing "Toad away, toad away; toad away, toad away! Where do you go when you're toad away?"
||||||||| Outside, the 11:50 PM downtown bus from Funfun Town pulls away, leaving Merlyn coughing in a cloud of diesel fumes.
mrmuckle: byeallbuynowbuybuybuy
Merlyn: bye
||||||||| Around 11:50 PM, mrmuckle walks off into the sunset...
Merlyn: I did a back by accident and got logged back in and out..
||||||||| Merlyn says "Catherwood, call me a cab." After the obvious joke, Merlyn exits at 11:51 PM.
||||||||| Catherwood enters, and announces to all and sundry "It's 4:32 AM, time to change the log file and clean out unused rooms; please exit the chat room for a minute or two. Thank you for your patience."

The Evening's Participants:
Balzac Yämamôtø
Dexter-The Blues ain't nothing but a documentary-Fong
Dr. Headphones
Frank Acme Sr. Sr.
Frank Acne Jr.
mrmuckle. Mr. Jake Muckle, M.D. (Madness Defined)
Norman Chubbyknuckle & the All-Animal Whistling Choir
Repulajunkie Yamamoto
Rush Only Wanted a Pepsi Yamamoto
URL References:

Rogue's Gallery:

cat_pp.jpg (5168 bytes)
PP and Cat(cease)

newbunny.jpg (4426 bytes)

capeklok.jpg (5469 bytes)

capeken.jpg (7639 bytes)
kend^/Dr. Headphones

freq.jpg (4441 bytes)

brian1.jpg (2847 bytes)
Merlyn LeRoy

capedoc.jpg (6006 bytes)

newlili.jpg (6085 bytes)

roto.jpg (6046 bytes)

babs_so.jpg (5555 bytes)
LeatherG & SO

nino1.jpg (5352 bytes)

tonk1.jpg (6123 bytes)

old-man.gif (55478 bytes)
Compañero Señor Yämamoto

ashhar.jpg (9068 bytes)
Dexter Fong

newelayne.jpg (15.1 kbytes)

"The Home Team"

peggy.jpg (5240 bytes)
Peggy Blisswhips

audrey.jpg (4873 bytes)
Audrey Farber

tdt.jpg (6077 bytes)
Tiny Dr. Tim
Rest In Peace,
Dear Friend