Kane! A Weekly Roundup of popular movies.

Noble newspaper publisher fights Mad Duck Disease. Lots of kicking. Stars Charlie Fatt and several actors who look just like him. (R: violence, language, dismemberment)
Billville 6          1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 10
(Dolby 70mm)      12:45, 3:45, 6:00, 9:15

Fast-moving story of Ice-Age adventurers. Stars Sean Proctor, Melinda Workout. (PG: violence, woolly mastodons)
Billville 6          1:45, 4:15, 7:00, 10:25

God's Clowns
Short history of humor in uniform. David Ossman's noted performance as Brother Blooto is noted. (PG: blasphemy, transubstantiation, heresy)
Billville 6          noon, midnight

Babes in Khaki
George Leroy Tirebiter tries to seduce Lilly Lamont before World War Two spoils everything in this newly-restored 1940s classic. (G: Black & white, extreme patriotism)
Billville 6          7:00, 8:30, 10:00

The Good, The Fatt, and the Ugly
A special 10th anniversary restoration of the Charlie Fatt "chow mein western". (PG: violence)
Billville 6          7:00, 8:30, 10:00

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